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Miller M. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Computer Basics |
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ISPs, national ISPs
italic text (Word)
iTunes Music Store 2nd
iTunes software (Apple) 2nd 3rd
iTunes software (Apple), Library
iTunes, downloading songs from Music Store 2nd
iTunes, playlists, creating 2nd
iTunes, transferring songs
john, add MS Office xrefs
john, add xref to Internet, downloading files
john, db sb dialog box
john, search for WMM
john, verify graphics and pictures
john, Works and Works Suite not same
JPB images
JPB images, adding to Word documents 2nd
js, Web sites sb websites
js, website is correct
Jumbo Web site
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal
KB (kilobytes)
keyboards 2nd 3rd
keyboards, connecting
keyboards, maintenance 2nd
keyboards, wireless
keywords, Web searches 2nd
Kid Pix Deluxe
kid-safe Internet use 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
kilobytes (KB)
Kodak EasyShare Gallery
laptops 2nd
laptops, pointing devices
laptops, sharpening LCD displays with ClearType 2nd
laser printers
LAUNCH Web site
launching, Internet Explorer (IE)
launching, Notepad 2nd
launching, programs
launching, programs, Microsoft Works programs
launching, Windows Messenger
launching, Works Database
launching, Works Suite
launching, Works Suite, Task Launcher
LCD displays
LCD displays, sharpening with ClearType 2nd
LimeWire Web site
limited user accounts 2nd
links, graphic links 2nd
links, hypertext links 2nd
List view (databases) 2nd
Live365 Web site
LookSmart Web site
Lycos Gamesville Web site
Lycos Web site
Mail button (Internet Explorer)
MailWasher web site
maintenance, hard drives
maintenance, hard drives, checking for errors 2nd
maintenance, hard drives, defragmenting 2nd
maintenance, hard drives, deleting unnecessary files 2nd
maintenance, keyboards 2nd
maintenance, monitors 2nd
maintenance, mouse 2nd
maintenance, My Computer utility 2nd
maintenance, printers 2nd
maintenance, Scheduled Tasks utility
maintenance, system units 2nd
Mamma Web site
manual software installations 2nd
Maximizing windows
MB (megabytes)
McAfee AntiSpyware
McAfee Personal Firewall
McAfee SpamKiller
McAfee VirusScan Web site
Media Center (Windows XP)
media player programs 2nd [See also Windows Media Player]
medical information searches (Web) 2nd
MedicineNet Web site
megabytes (MB)
Memory 2nd
memory card readers
memory card readers, transferring pictures from 2nd
memory, adding
memory, insufficient
Menu bar
menu bar (Windows)
menu bar, Microsoft Word
menus, DVD menus, displaying
menus, grayed items
menus, pop-up menus
menus, pop-up menus, right-clicking and
menus, special effects, adding 2nd
menus, Windows 2nd
message boards
message boards, finding 2nd
message boards, group communities
message boards, posting messages
message boards, reading messages
messages, email
messages, email, creating 2nd
messages, email, reading 2nd
messages, email, replying to 2nd
messages, instant messaging 2nd 3rd
messages, instant messaging, adding contacts 2nd
messages, instant messaging, receiving
messages, instant messaging, sending 2nd
MetaCrawler Web site
metaseaches (Web)
Mice 2nd 3rd
microprocessors 2nd 3rd
microprocessors, speeds 2nd
Microsoft Excel [See Excel]
Microsoft FrontPage 2nd
Microsoft Office 2nd
Microsoft Office, Professional Edition
Microsoft Office, Small Business Edition
Microsoft Office, Student and Teacher Edition
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook Express [See Outlook Express]
Microsoft Picture It! Web site
Microsoft PowerPoint [See PowerPoint]
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Windows [See Windows]
Microsoft Word [See Word (Microsoft)]
Microsoft Works 2nd 3rd [See also Microsoft Works Suite]
Microsoft Works Suite
Microsoft Works Suite, creating new documents 2nd 3rd
Microsoft Works Suite, launching programs
Microsoft Works Suite, opening documents 2nd
Microsoft Works, components 2nd
mini-tower PCs
Minimizing windows
modems 2nd 3rd 4th
modems, cable modems
modems, dial-up Internet connections
modems, DSL modems 2nd
modems, DSL modems, built-in firewalls.routers
Money (Microsoft)
| Money (Microsoft), balancing checkbook 2nd
Money (Microsoft), entering transactions 2nd
Money (Microsoft), financial centers
Money (Microsoft), My Money Home page 2nd
Money (Microsoft), online banking
Money (Microsoft), online banking, paying bills 2nd 3rd
Money (Microsoft), online banking, setting up 2nd
Money (Microsoft), paying recurring bills 2nd
Money (Microsoft), printing checks 2nd
Money (Microsoft), setting up accounts
Monitors 2nd 3rd 4th
monitors, connecting
monitors, flat-screen monitors
monitors, maintenance 2nd
monitors, measuring size of 2nd
monitors, tube-type monitors
Morpheus Web site
motherboards, CPUs 2nd
Motley Fool Web site
Motorola microprocessors
mouse devices
mouse devices, changing click mode 2nd 3rd
mouse devices, connecting
mouse devices, double-clicking
mouse devices, dragging and dropping
mouse devices, hovering
mouse devices, Microsoft Word operations
mouse devices, Microsoft Word operations, moving insertion point
mouse devices, Microsoft Word operations, selecting text
mouse devices, pointing and clicking
mouse devices, right-clicking
mouse devices, scroll wheels
mouse devices, single-click mode
mouse, maintenance 2nd
Move Items dialog box
movies [See video]
moving, files/folders (Windows XP) 2nd
moving, windows 2nd
MP3 audio file format 2nd
MP3 players
MP3 players, Apple iPod 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
MP3 players, transferring songs to 2nd
MSN 2nd
MSN Bill Pay 2nd 3rd
MSN Chat Web site
MSN Games Web site
MSN Groups
MSN Messenger 2nd 3rd 4th [See also Windows Messenger]
MSN MoneyCentral Web site
MSN Music 2nd
MSN Search Web site
MSNBC web site
multimedia, Windows XP Media Center
multiplayer games 2nd
multiplication (*) operator, Excel
Music Store (iTunes) 2nd
music, js add ref to audio and CDs
MusicMatch Jukebox Web site
My Computer
My Computer utility 2nd
My Computer, navigating folders 2nd
My Computer, sorting files/folders 2nd
My Computer, viewing hard disk information 2nd
My Documents
My Documents folder 2nd
My Documents, changing file display 2nd
My Documents, copying files 2nd 3rd
My Documents, deleting files
My Documents, grouping files/folders 2nd
My Documents, moving files
My Documents, navigating folders 2nd 3rd
My Documents, renaming files/folders 2nd
My Documents, saving folder view settings 2nd
My Documents, sorting files/folders 2nd
My Documents, viewing documents 2nd
My Money Home page (Money) 2nd
My Music (Windows XP Media Center)
My Pictures (Windows XP Media Center)
My Pictures folder
My Pictures folder, ordering photos online 2nd
My Pictures folder, Photo Printing Wizard, launching
My Pictures folder, storing picture files 2nd
My Scrapbook
My TV (Windows XP Media Center)
My Video (Windows XP Media Center)
MyDVD [See Sonic MyDVD]
mySimon Web site
naming, desktop shortcut icons 2nd
naming, files
National Library of Medicine
National Library of Medicine, Web site
NCS Sports Web site
Net Nanny
network interface cards (NICs)
Network Setup Wizard 2nd 3rd 4th
networks 2nd
networks, Network Setup Wizard 2nd 3rd 4th
networks, preassembled networking kits
networks, sharing files/folders 2nd
networks, sharing Internet connections 2nd
networks, wired 2nd 3rd 4th
networks, wired, 10Base-T
networks, wired, establishing connections
networks, wired, Fast Internet
networks, wired, hardware requirements
networks, wired, hubs
networks, wired, NICs (network interface cards)
Networks, wireless 2nd 3rd
networks, wireless, establishing connections 2nd
networks, wireless, routers
networks, wireless, security 2nd
networks, wireless, Wi-Fi standard
New Connection Wizard 2nd
New York Times Web site
news searches (Web) 2nd
newsgroups, creating new articles
newsgroups, netiquette
newsgroups, reading articles 2nd
newsgroups, replying to articles
newsgroups, versus message boards 2nd
newsgroups, viewing archives
newsreader programs
NexTag Web site
NICs (network interface cards)
Normal view (PowerPoint) 2nd
Normal view (Word)
Norton AntiSpam web site
Norton AntiVirus Web site
Norton Personal Firewall
notebooks [See laptops]
Notepad, closing
Notepad, launching 2nd
Notepad, printing notes 2nd
Notepad, saving notes
Notepad, writing notes
On/off button
online communities
online shopping
online shopping, checkout process 2nd
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