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Laudati P. — Application Interoperability: Microsoft .NET and J2EE |
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.msi, other installation strategies 20
.msi, XBikes on .NET 317
.msi, XBikes on J2EE 277
.NET see also Business tier .NET .NET Presentation
.NET Framework and ADO.NET 33
.NET Framework and EJB 31
.NET Framework and J2EE Application Architecture 159—175
.NET Framework Business tier and J2EE Web tier with Ja.NET adapters 297—298
.NET Framework Business tier, adding to Data tier interoperability 196—197
.NET Framework Business tier, services interfaces of 194
.NET Framework Data tier and J2EE Business tier with Ja.NET adapters 298—299
.NET Framework Data tier, service interfaces 198
.NET Framework Presentation tier and Business tier with interoperability elements added 193
.NET Framework Presentation tier, adding interoperability to Business tier 192—196
.NET Framework Presentation tier, adding interoperability to Data tier 196—200
.NET Framework Presentation tier, adding to Business tier interoperability 192—193
.NET Framework Web service, .NET Framework Business tier 186
.NET Framework Web service, between the Business and Data tiers 328—329
.NET Framework Web service, Data Access Logic resource WS service interface in the .NET Framework Data tier 191
.NET Framework Web service, encapsulating the .NET Framework business service facade 241—242
.NET Framework, accessing EJB from 77
.NET Framework, accessing JMS Messages from clients 148
.NET Framework, accessing servers from Java 75
.NET Framework, architecture 159—161
.NET Framework, architecture and XBikes implementations 175
.NET Framework, asynchronous interoperability adapter 268
.NET Framework, asynchronous interoperability with Java applications 129
.NET Framework, availability 20
.NET Framework, best practice design of application architecture 160—161
.NET Framework, Business and Data tiers with interoperability elements added 197
.NET Framework, business service facade in the Business tier 243
.NET Framework, CLR 20
.NET Framework, connecting to WebSphere MQ from 146—147
.NET Framework, creating asynchronous interoperability adapters 268—269
.NET Framework, creating Web services in 95—96
.NET Framework, cross language integration 22
.NET Framework, custom service interfaces for the business service facade 252
.NET Framework, data types definition based on an XML Schema 238—241
.NET Framework, distributed and multi-tiered architecture 159
.NET Framework, installation choices 20
.NET Framework, investigating 19—27
.NET Framework, Java-side component with 86
.NET Framework, key features of 19
.NET Framework, linking types with Java 78—79
.NET Framework, mapping data types to Java data types 78—79
.NET Framework, message consumers 266—267
.NET Framework, resource interoperability adapters 198—199
.NET Framework, resource interoperability factories 200
.NET Framework, sending messages from Java Applications 152
.NET Framework, sending messages to Java Applications 151—152
.NET Framework, service interfaces 194
.NET Framework, service interfaces for the .NET Framework business service facade 242
.NET Framework, use case interoperability adapter factory 195
.NET Framework, use case interoperability adapters 194—195
.NET Framework, Web service client in 98—99
.NET Framework, XML configuration file 196 200
.NET Framework, XMLSerializer in typed DataSets 239
.NET Remoting adapter, Data Access Logic resource in the .NET Framework Data tier 199
.NET Remoting adapter,.NET WS service interface 195
.NET Remoting, .NET Framework Business tier 194
.NET Remoting, .NET Framework Data Access Logic resource 198
.NET Remoting, advantages of 67
.NET Remoting, channels 68—69 72
.NET Remoting, comparing to Web services 108—110
.NET Remoting, configuration files 72—73
.NET Remoting, configuring on Business tier 323—324
.NET Remoting, described 26—27
.NET Remoting, diagram of typical implementation 70
.NET Remoting, hosting objects as ASP.NET components on IIS 71
.NET Remoting, implementing 69—73
.NET Remoting, on the Presentation tier 321—322
.NET Remoting, Remoting calls and DataSet object 194
.NET Remoting, understanding 68—69
.NET Remoting, using for connectivity 67—72
.NET Remoting, vs. SOAP 81
.NET, building applications based on 27—29
.NET, components 5 18
.NET, components in the Business Tier 12
.NET, components in the Presentation tier 11
.NET, configuring the COM+ application on .NET platform 318—319
.NET, Data tier resources for XBikes 196
.NET, defining 5
.NET, diagram of comparison to J2EE 10
.NET, directory services 34
.NET, features compared with J2EE 45—46
.NET, fundamentals for J2EE developers 18—35
.NET, fundamentals of J2EE for .NET developers 35—44
.NET, goal of 18
.NET, installing XBikes on 317—335
.NET, installing XBikes on platform 318
.NET, integrating in the Business tier 235—260
.NET, integrating in the Presentation tier 203—233
.NET, interoperability adapters and initialise method 215—216
.NET, linking Presentation tier to the J2EE Business tier 205
.NET, mapping data types 62
.NET, mapping XSDs and classes in 60
.NET, migrating to 8
.NET, Presentation tier linked to J2EE Business tier 11
.NET, shared databases 113—114
.NET, unifying vision 18
.NET, using WebSphere MQ Classes for 146—147
.NET, vs. J2EE 17 18
.NET, vs. Java 36
.NET, Web services adapter to address Data Access Logic resource in the .NET Framework Data tier 199
.NET, Web services between the Web and Business tier 295
/class switch 238 239
/dataset switch 214 238
/namespace switch 238
<appSettings> 101
Abstraction layers and connection points 177
Abstraction layers and Data Access Logic Components 170
Abstraction layers and JMs 134
Abstraction layers and Web services interoperability best practices 108
Abstraction layers, interoperability layers in a multi-tiered application 182
account 87
Acronyms of Java terms 37
Active Directory Group Policy 20
Active Directory Service Interface see ADSI
Active Directory, accessing directory services 34
Active Directory, administering MSMQ 128
Active Directory, choosing between private and public queues 129
Active Directory, MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge 152—153 264
Active Server Pages see ASP
ActiveX Data Objects see ADO.NET
Adapter classes, creating J2EE interoperability adapters 250
Add Web Reference dialog box 99
additional resources 340—345
ADO.NET and .NET Framework 33
ADO.NET, connecting databases with 116—119
ADO.NET, connecting to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with 119
ADO.NET, database drivers 118
ADO.NET, DataSet class 116—117
ADO.NET, design goals of 33 116—117
ADO.NET, sharing data with JDBc 119—122
AmqmdNET.dll 146—147
And other Java Web services stacks 102 103
Ant 38—39
Apache Cocoon 56
Apache Jakarta project 38—39
Application architecture for .NET Framework and J2EE 172—174
Application architecture for .NET Framework version of XBikes 173
Application architecture for J2EE version of XBikes 174
Application architecture, design in .NET Framework 160—161
applications see also XBikes
Applications on Ja.NET 226
applications, building 27—29
Applications, data passing options 68—69
Applications, deploying for J2EE 44
Applications, interoperability points in multi-tiered 177
| Applications, shared databases 113—114
Applications, using callbacks in 125
Application_OnStart event 232
Application_Start method 73
Architecture for J2EE version of XBikes 174
architecture, J2EE 159—161
Architecture, J2EE Business and Data tiers 189
Architecture, J2EE Presentation and Business tier 185
Architecture, Web services 93
Architecture,.NET Framework 159—161
Architecture,.NET Framework best practice design 160—161
Architecture,.NET Framework Presentation and Business tier 193
Architecture,.NET Framework version of XBikes 173
ASP vs. JSp 31
ASP.NET, data types 204
ASP.NET, linking application to the service interface 205
ASP.NET, Presentation tier, J2EE application 203
ASP.NET, Presentation tier, linking to J2EE business tier 50—51
ASP.NET, web applications 31
AsyncCallback 137
Asynchronous communications, data formats 266
Asynchronous communications, interoperability adapters 263
Asynchronous communications, message consumer 266—267
Asynchronous communications, role of Ja.NET in 273
Asynchronous communications, role of JNBridge in 270
Asynchronous communications, service interfaces 263
Asynchronous interoperability see also Asynchronous interoperability adapters Interoperability
Asynchronous interoperability adapters for asynchronous interoperability 263—264
Asynchronous interoperability adapters for Ja.NET 274—275
Asynchronous interoperability adapters for JNBridge 271—272
Asynchronous interoperability adapters, J2EE 268—269
Asynchronous interoperability, asynchronous interoperability implementation 261—275
Asynchronous interoperability, between .NET Framework and Java applications 129
Asynchronous interoperability, calls between .NET and Java applications 123—125
Asynchronous interoperability, choosing data formats 262
Asynchronous interoperability, Data tier implementation 122—150
Asynchronous interoperability, HIS 149—153
Asynchronous interoperability, implementation overview 5
Asynchronous interoperability, main types of 123
Asynchronous interoperability, message queues for 125—149
Asynchronous interoperability, scenario 13
Asynchronous interoperability, transactional support 171
Asynchronous interoperability, using message queues for 125—127 172
Attributes described 30
Auditing 128
AuthenticateCustomer business method 44
AuthenticateCustomer use case in XBikes 158
AuthenticateCustomer use case, business facade in XBikes 168
AuthenticateCustomer use case, creating .NET interoperability adapters 215—216
AuthenticateCustomer use case, creating Java class from 207—208
AuthenticateCustomer use case, GLUE 207—208
AuthenticateCustomer use case, interoperability adapters 237
AuthenticateCustomer use case, J2EE interoperability adapters 186—188
AuthenticateCustomer use case, Ja.NET 226—227
AuthenticateCustomer use case, service interface for JNBridgePro 218—220 222
AuthenticateCustomerCommand use case command 162
AuthenticateCustomerCommandAdapter adapter class 250 260
AuthenticateCustomerInteropAdapter class 223
AuthenticateCustomerInteropAdapter class, authentication 104—105
Basic Profile 1.0, overview 94 107
Basic Profile 1.0, protocol support 97
Basic Profile 1.0, transactional support 136
Basic Profile 1.0, XBikes compliance with 244
Bean Managed Persistence beans see BMP
Begin method 124
BeginGetProductsByCategory method 124
BeginReceive method 137
Best practices, ADO.NET and JDBc 120
Best practices, architecture design in .NET Framework 160—161
Best practices, data exchange recommendations 63—65
Best practices, ideals and reality 159
Best practices, Ja.NET 81—82
Best practices, JNBridgePro 84—89
Best practices, multi-tiered applications 160—161
Best practices, Web services 107—108
Best practices,.NET Framework 160—161
Binary communications protocol 85
Binary protocol for .NET Remoting 81
Binary serialization 52
Binary/TCP communication 85
Bit collections 34
Bllconfig.xml 192
BLLServiceInterface object 223
BLLServiceInterface object, BusinessServiceFacade 220
BMP vs. CMP 170
BMP, described 42—43
BodyStream property 130
bridges see Ja.NET JNBridge MSMQ-MQSeries Runtime
Bridging products and JMS 147—149
Brokers, integration brokers described 14—15
Brokers, table in interoperability scenarios 15
Brokers, WebSphere MQ 144—145
Build errors in WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.1 283—285
Business components 162—163
Business entities in XBikes 164—166
Business entities, comparison table 175
Business entities, in the XBikes application 170
Business entities, introduction 163—164
Business facades 168 see
Business logic and reflection 35—36
Business logic and session beans 42
Business logic, abstracting database code from 120
Business logic, service interfaces 167 179
Business tier and .NET Framework Presentation 193
Business tier and Data Access Logic tier 122
Business tier, .NET Framework Web service interface to expose in 243
Business tier, abstracting Data Access Logic Components from 120
Business tier, adding .NET Framework Presentation to 192—193
Business tier, adding J2EE to 184—188
Business tier, components in XBikes 309
Business tier, configuring .NET remoting on 323—324
Business tier, configuring COM+ application on 323
Business tier, Data tier interoperability 13
Business tier, deleting items from computer 337—338
Business tier, element implementation 162—168
Business tier, integrating .NET components in 12
Business tier, integrating .NET in 4 235—260
Business tier, JNDI lookups 293
Business tier, mulitple computer setup 322—324
Business tier, Web tiers with Web service adapters 326—327
Business tier, WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on multiple computers 291—292
Business tier, XBikes on 322—323
Business workflows 163
BusinessServiceFacade EJB, generating proxies 220
BusinessServiceFacade method integrating .NET in the business tier 242
BusinessServiceFacade session bean and service interfaces 204—205
BusinessServiceFacade session bean Java class as Web service 210 213
BusinessServiceFacade session bean service interface for Ja.NET 226—227
BusinessServiceFacade session bean service interface for JNBridgePro 218—220
BusinessServiceFacade session bean Web services implemention 210—213
Callbacks and .NET Remoting 109
Callbacks and Web services 90
Callbacks calling End methods 124
Callbacks in client applications 125
catch clause 23
CategoriesData 164
CategoriesDataAdapterBean 170
CD 159
Channels in .NET Remoting 68—69 72
Classes binary serialization 52
Classes building a Java application 38—39
Classes collections classes 34
Classes data helper classes 211
Classes evaluating Ja.NET 74
Classes exposing an existing class as a Web service 96—97
Classes garbage collection 22
Classes Java wrapper classes 87
Classes libraries in .NET 19
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