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Laudati P. — Application Interoperability: Microsoft .NET and J2EE |
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JNDI, acronym defined 2
JNDI, Business tier lookups 293
JNDI, Ja.NET 227
JNDI, JNBridgePro 220
JNDI, namespace 143
JNDI, Web tier lookups 293
JRE 37
JSP, JSP-based applications 41
JSP, vs. ASp 31
JSP/Struts as part of XBikes 172 184
JSP/Struts, business service facade 168
JSR 101—102
JTCP vs. HTTp 85
Just-in-time see JIT
JVM 20 21
JVM, role of 37
Languages see Cross language integration
Layers and components 176 178—183
Layers and components, abstraction layers 177
LDAP, accessing directory services 34
Lifecycle practices current titles 345
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol see LDAP
local clients 43—44
Local queues 139 265 see
Managed code operation 23
Managed code, accessing Web services from 99 100
Managed code, ADO.NET 118
Managed code, operation 23 25
Managed code, PInvoke 146
Managed providers 118—119 121
Mappings, compared to XSLT 56
Mappings, directly mapped collections 88
Mappings, Electric XML 62
Mappings, mapping classes in Java 61
Mappings, mapping XSDs and classes in .NET 60
Mappings, primitive data types 49—50
Mappings, XML mapping for J2EE 207—208
Mappings, XSD mapping types 62
Mappings, XSDs and classes in .NET 60
Mappings,.NET data types 62
Mappings,.NET Framework data types to Java 78—79
MarshalByRefObject class 71 80
MDB 43—44
Memory Management 22—23
Message class 130
Message consumers for Ja.NET 274
Message consumers for JNBridge 271
Message consumers, asynchronous communications 266—267
Message consumers, creating for .NET Framework 266—267
Message consumers, creating for J2EE 267
Message orientated middleware 14
Message Q 126—127
Message Queue Interface see MQI
Message Queuing see also Messages Queues
Message queuing, adapters in XBikes 299
Message queuing, configuring 265—266
Message queuing, diagram of an application 126
Message queuing, IBM WebSphere MQ 5.3 289
Message queuing, implementing services 171—172
Message queuing, Ja.NET 273
Message queuing, Place Order functionality 299
Message queuing, through a Java-to-COM bridge 134
Message queuing, using for asynchronous interoperability 125—149
Message queuing, WebSphere Application Developer Studio 5.0 280
message-driven beans see MDB
MessageConsumer object 143—144
MessageEnumerator class 130—131
MessageProducer object 143—144
MessageQueue class 130 132 133 137
MessageQueue.Formatter 133
Messages formatting in HIS 2000 151
Messages from .NET Framework to Java client 151
Messages from Java client to .NET Framework 152
Messages, table in interoperability scenarios 15
Messages, transport 127
Messaging_trial_for_nt.zip 285
Microsoft .NET see .NET
Microsoft .NET Framework see .NET Framework
Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000 see HIS 2000
Microsoft Intermediate Language see MSIL
Microsoft JDBC driver path configuration 313
Microsoft Management Console see MMC
Microsoft Message Queuing see MSMQ
Microsoft rivalry with Sun 17
Microsoft SQL Server 2000, connecting with ADO.NET 119
Microsoft SQL Server 2000, connecting with JDBc 116
Microsoft SQL Server 2000, login, configuring Data tier computers 313
Microsoft SQL Server 2000, login, WebSphere Application Server 301
Microsoft Windows Installer see .msi
MMC 139
Model queue 139
MQCHLLIB environment variable 266
MQCHLTAB environment variable 266
MQI 138 141 266—267
MQQueueManager class 149
MQSeries see MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge WebSphere
MSCORSVR described 25—26
MSCORWKS described 25—26
MSIL and CLr 22
MSIL, acronym defined 18
MSIL, necessity of 21
MSMQ 126—137
MSMQ and HIS 2000 150—151
MSMQ and HTTP 127
MSMQ, accessing by using a Web service interface 134—135
MSMQ, application requirements fulfilled by 127—128
MSMQ, basics of understanding 126—129
MSMQ, bridging with HIS 2000 to WebSphere MQ 150—152
MSMQ, choosing between public and private 129
MSMQ, connecting from .NET Framework applications 129—131
MSMQ, connecting from J2EE 133—135
MSMQ, connecting MQ Series 265
MSMQ, features and releases of 127—128
MSMQ, JMS provider for 134
MSMQ, retrieving queue messages 132—133
MSMQ, sending queue messages to 132
MSMQ, transactional support 127—128 135
MSMQ, vs. JMS 45
MSMQ, working with queues 131
MSMQ,.NET Framework Business tier 198
MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge 150
MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge, configuration requirements 264
MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge, formatting messages 151—152
MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge, implementing 152—153
MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge, manager 150
MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge, using 264—269
MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge, using in HIS 2000to enable asynchronous interoperability 150—153
Multi-tiered applications, adding interoperability components to 182—183
Multi-tiered applications, architectural best practices for .NET and Java 159
Multi-tiered applications, interoperability points in 177
Multi-tiered applications, J2EE specification model 5
Multi-tiered applications, layers recommended for best practice 160—161
Multi-tiered applications,.NET and Java 157
Multi-tiered deployment 305—306
Multiple levels of support in Web services 90
MyPrivateQueue 140
Namespaces 59
Naming proxy classes 221
ndata namespace 223
Non-blocking asynchronous calls 123—125
Non-existent data types 49—50
Object type 33—34
ObjectMessage type 264
OLE DB 119
OleDbDataReader class 117
One-way operations 123
| Open standards 18 176 204
Open XML Framework see OXF
OracleDataReader class 117
Order object 246
OrderConverter class 267
OrderData business entity 164
OrderData class 268 269
OrderData custom data type 267
OrderData Data Access Logic component 171
OrderData data type 51
OrderData data type class 57
OrderData message object 172
OrderData messages 198
OrderData object 121
OrderData object, Data Access Logic Components 120—121
OrderData object, serialization 57
OrderData type, on different platforms 58
OrderDataAdapterBean 170
OrderDetailsDataAdapterBean 170
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards see OASIS
Outgoing queues 128
OXF 56
parsers 53—54
Pass By Reference see PBR
Pass By Value see PBV
Patient disconnection 128
Patterns and practices 340—341
Patterns and practices, current titles 342—345
Patterns, Command design pattern 162—163
Patterns, Command pattern 215 250
Patterns, current titles 342
Patterns, DAO pattern 120 169
Patterns, facade design pattern 167 179
Patterns, Factory design pattern 181
Patterns, Interoperability Adapter/Service Interface patterns 108
Patterns, service agent pattern 181
Patterns, service gateway pattern 181
Patterns, Service Interface pattern 96 97
Patterns, Value Object pattern 164—165
PBR 69
PBR and PBV 81
PBR and value objects 87
PBV 69
Pe 21
PeekCompleted event 133
Pilot studies 7—8
PInvoke calls 146
Place Order functionality, configuring to use message queues 299
Place Order functionality, to use Web services 297
PlaceOrder use case 172 191 199
PlaceOrder use case in XBikes 159
PlaceOrderCommand 162
Platforms, Microsoft vs. Sun 17
Platforms, OrderData type on different 58
Point-to-point interoperability 4 67—111 see Queue-based
Point-to-point interoperability, JNBridgePro for 84
Point-to-point interoperability, main categories 67
Point-to-point interoperability, scenario 179
Point-to-point interoperability, using WebSphere MQ Classes for messaging 143—144
Portable executable see PE
Prerequisites 2
Presentation tier, configuring XBikes on multiple computers 321—322
Presentation tier, elements of 161
Presentation tier, integrating .NET in 4 11 203—233
Presentation tier, multiple computer setup 321—322
Presentation tier, WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on multiple computers 292—294
Presentation tier, XBikes component 308
Presentation tier, XBikes deployment 307
Primitive data types, mappings 49—50
Primitive data types, Web services 206—207 237
Primitive data types, WebSphere MQ classes 142
Private method 35 96
private queues 128 see
ProductsData 164
ProductsDataAdapterBean 170
Programmatic elements for point to point interoperability 179
Proof of concept studies 7—8
Protocol standards 89
Proxy classes see also Java proxy classes
Proxy classes and SOAP 100
Proxy classes, communicating with a Web service 98
Proxy classes, generating 99—100
Proxy classes, naming 221
Proxy classes, using 100
Proxy generation tool of Ja.NET 221
Proxy generation tool of JNBridgePro 221 271—272
Public declaration 96
Public key token 29
Public Queues 128 see
Publish/Subscribe messaging issues 148—149
Publish/Subscribe messaging support 140—141
Publish/Subscribe messaging using WebSphere MQ Classes for 144—145
Queue-based messaging support 140—141
Queues see also Message queuing
Queues configuring names 333
Queues creating for XBikes 289
Queues, alias queues 139
Queues, choosing between public and private 129
Queues, local queues 139 265
Queues, message queueing through a Java-to-COM bridge 134
Queues, outgoing queues 128
Queues, resilient queues 127
Queues, system queues 128
QueueSender 144
QueueSession 144
ReadXml method 166
ReceiveCompleted event 133
Reference architecture titles 342—343
Reference building blocks and IT Services titles 343—345
Reference design 174—175
Reflection 35—36
Reliable Messaging 135
remote clients 43—44
remote method invocation see RMI
Remote Method Invocation over InterNET Inter-ORB Protocol see RMI—IIOP
Remote queue definition 139
Remoting configuration files 73
Remoting server components 70—71
Remoting.config file 73 232
RemotingConfiguration.Configure 73
Resource interoperability adapters see also Interoperability adapters
Resource interoperability adapters to communicate with the Data Access Logic resource 199
Resource interoperability adapters, .NET Framework 198—199
Resource interoperability adapters, .NET Framework resource interoperability factories 200
Resource interoperability adapters, J2EE resource interoperability adapters 190—191
Resource interoperability adapters, Ja.NET 332
Resource interoperability adapters, JNBridgePro 334
Resource interoperability factories, .NET Framework resource interoperability factories 200
Resource interoperability factories, J2EE 191—192
ResultSet JDBC class 87 115
ResultSet JDBC object 117
ResultSets vs. DataSets 115
Return arrays 86—87
Reuse of existing systems 7
RMI 26
RMI-IIOP, J2EE Business tier RMI-IIOP service interface 186
RMI-IIOP, J2EE Data Access Logic resource by way of RMI IIOP 190
RMI-IIOP, J2EE Data Access Logic resource RMI-IIOP service interface 191
Rotor 36
Round trips 84 86 87 88
Runtime bridges see also Ja.NET JNBridgePro
Runtime bridges activating ServicedComponents 97
Runtime bridges classes 14 15
Runtime bridges described 14
Runtime bridges for asynchronous interoperability 269
Runtime bridges implementing 73—89
Runtime bridges interoperability adapters 181
Runtime bridges overview 14
Runtime bridges to access WebSphere MQ 148
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