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Laudati P. — Application Interoperability: Microsoft .NET and J2EE |
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Runtime bridges, most popular 67 68
Runtime bridges, table in interoperability scenarios 15
Runtime type safety checks 24—25
sample application see XBikes
Sample code, IBM WebSphere MQ 5.3 289—290
Sample code, WebSphere Application Developer Studio 5.0 280—281
Sample code, WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on a Single Computer 289—290
Scenarios, asynchronous connectivity 171—172
Scenarios, Business tier and Data Access Logic tier 122
Scenarios, exchanging data between .NET and J2EE 63
Scenarios, interoperability 164—165
Scenarios, interoperability table 15
Scenarios, linking a new application to an existing application 63—64
Scenarios, linking business scenarios to Interoperability Technologies 15
Scenarios, linking existing applications 64—65
Scenarios, linking new applications 63
Scenarios, major scenarios described in this book 10—13 176
Scenarios, point-to-point interoperability 179
Scenarios, server component as remotable object 68
Scenarios, WebSphere MQ messages using JMS 264
Scenarios, XBikes application 158
schema2java tool overview 61
schema2java tool, example of use 208 246—247
Security 24 104—105
Serialization see also XML serialization
Serialization code in Java helper class 246—249
Serialization code into a helper class method 208
Serialization of Java objects into XML 57
Serialization, binary serialization 52
Serialization, deserializing from XML to .NET 55—56
Serialization, deserializing objects into XML 57
Serialization, serializing .NET objects into XML 55
Serialization, using 52—57
Server component and java.util.EventListener 79
Server component and one-way asynchronous operations 123
Server component as remotable object 68
Server component configuring 72—73
Server component creating 71
Server component, classes 71
Service agent pattern 181
Service gateway pattern 181
Service Interface pattern 96 97
Service interfaces and Web services 90
Service interfaces business logic 167
Service interfaces for asynchronous interoperability 262—263
Service interfaces for Ja.NET in the Business tier 252—258
Service interfaces for Ja.NET in the Presentation tier 226—227
Service interfaces for JNBridgePro 218—220
Service interfaces linking to the ASP.NET application 205
Service interfaces overview 179
Service interfaces, .NET Framework 238—244
Service interfaces, DALMSMQServiceInterface 198
Service interfaces, described 166—167
Service interfaces, J2EE 186 190 206—213
Service interfaces,.NET Framework Business tier 194
Service interfaces,.NET Framework Data tier 198
Service interfaces,.NET in the Business service facade 236
Service interfaces,.NET in the Presentation tier 204—205
ServicedComponent exposing existing class as Web service 97
ServicedComponent, business components 162
Servlets 41
Session beans and business logic 42
Session beans business component 162
Session beans described 42 44
Shared databases linking through 113—122
Shared databases, described 14
Shared databases, table in interoperability scenarios 15
SingleTierApp enterprise archive file 303—304
SingleTierXBikes 211
SN.exe 26
SOAP and proxy classes 100
SOAP and Web services 89 90 91—92
SOAP for standard structure 92
SOAP Reliable Messaging Protocol see SRMP
SOAP ServicedComponent 97
SOAP vs. .NET Remoting 81
SOAP vs. Binary/TCP communication 85
SOAP WS-ReliableMessaging 135
Specialized collections 34
SQL Server 2000 see Microsoft SQL Server 2000
SQL Server managed provider classes 119
SqlCommand class 119
SqlConnection class 119
SqlDataReader class 117
SqlDataReader object 119
SRMP 127
StringCollection type 34
Strong Name Tool see SN.exe
Strong names in Ja.NET 79
Strong names overview 26
Struts, described 161 see
Sub-classed dataset 214
Sun see J2EE
Sun ONE Application Server 37
Sun rivalry with Microsoft 17
Supporting proxies 88—89
Synchronous communications see Asynchronous communications
System.Data namespace 117
System.Data.DataSet class 239
System.Data.dll 117
System.Data.SqlClient namespace 119
System.InvalidOperationException 56
System.Messaging namespace 129—130 131 137
System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException function 79
System.String, vs. java.lang.String 50
System.Web.Service.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol class 100
System.Web.Services.WebService 241—242
System.Xml.dll 117
System.Xml.Serialization namespace 240
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer class 54—55
tables, data types 62
Tables, interoperability scenarios 15
Tables,.NET and J2EE 46
Tables,.NET Remoting and Web services 108—109
Tabular Data Stream interface see TDS
targetClient 264—265
TDS 119
The Mind Electric 102 206
The Mind Electric, Web services implemention 210—213
Thread management 25
ThreadPool class 25
Tiers see Business tier Data Multi-tiered Presentation
Topic management 141
Topic object 145
TopicConnection object 145
TopicConnectionFactory object 145
TopicPublisher object 145
TopicSession object 145
TopicSubscriber object 145
Transactional messages 128
Transactional support, asynchronous connectivity 171
Transactional support, Basic Profile 1.0 136
Transactional support, COM+ 32
Transactional support, Data Access Logic Components 121
Transactional support, EJBS 42
Transactional support, JNBridgePro 83
Transactional support, MSMQ 127—128 135
Transactional support, table 46
Transactional support,.NET Remoting 109
Transactions, business workflows 163
Transactions, handling using a Web service 136—137
True callback 135 137
Try clauses 23
Type compatibility using XML Schemas to ensure 58—62
Type compatibility, challenges of 49—51
Type definitions 89
type safety 24—25
typed datasets see also DataSets
Typed DataSets in .NET Framework using XMLSerializer 239
Typed DataSets to use ASP.NET 204
| Typed DataSets using to define business entities 164—166
Typed DataSets, CustomerData 180 217
Typed DataSets, XML Schemas 238—239
UBR 105—106
UDDI Business Registry see UBR
UDDI for discovery 92
UDDI for Web services 105—108
UDDI, interoperability benefits of 106
UDDI, registries 106—107
UI 161
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration see UDDI
Unmanaged code 23—24
URL Behavior property 101
URLs 100—101 105
Use case commands 162
Use case interoperability adapter factories 187
Use case interoperability adapters 186—187 195 see
Use case interoperability adapters, .NET Framework 194—195
Use case interoperability adapters, configuring Ja.NET 331—332
User interface see UI
userAcct account object 87
using 297—299
Value Object pattern 164—165
value objects 87—88
VB.NET Server component 75
vbc.exe 28
Visual Studio .NET 2003 28
Visual Studio .NET, accessing a Web service in 99
Visual Studio .NET, designing a Web service in .NET Framework 95—96
Visual Studio .NET, XML Designer tool 59
W3C 59 93
WaitHandle method 124
WAR, acronym defined 41
WAR, deploying applications 44
WAR, package deployment 81
Web Application Archive see WAR
Web applications creating for ASP.NET 31
Web applications creating for Java 41
Web applications running XBikes on single tier 320
Web Matrix 31
Web Reference URL property 100—101
Web references with URLs 100—101
Web service interfaces interoperability 206—217
Web service interfaces reusing existing equipment 7
Web service interfaces, MSMQ 134—135
Web service service interfaces 167
Web service service interfaces and J2EE 190
Web service service interfaces, .NET Web Service Proxies 215
Web service service interfaces, GetCategories method in 244
Web service stacks 102 103 206
Web services accessing in Visual Studio .NET 99
Web services adapters 294—295
Web services adapters between Business and Data tiers 328—329
Web services adapters between the Business and Data tiers 296
Web services adapters using 294—297
Web services adapters, WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on multiple computers 294—297
Web services adapters, XBikes on .NET 326—329
Web services and Callbacks 90
Web services and service interfaces 90
Web services and SOAP 89 90 91—92
Web services asynchronous calls 123—125
Web services calling methods 101
Web services client creation 97—98
Web services client in .NET Framework 98—99
Web services considerations when choosing 203
Web services consuming in Java 103
Web Services Description Language see WSDL
Web services diagram of elements 93
Web services diagram of layers 91
Web Services Enhancements see WSE
Web services exposing an existing class 96—97
Web services implementing 95—101
Web services in .NET Framework using Visual Studio .NET 95—96
Web services in a .NET Framework 95—96
Web services interface creation 134—135
Web services interoperability best practices 107—108
Web services interoperability in Business tier 237—251
Web services interoperability in Presentation tier 206—217
Web Services Interoperability Organization see WS—I
Web services J2EE 101—103
Web services proxy classes to communicate with 98
Web services proxy operations with .NET Framework applications 213—214
Web services proxy operations with J2EE applications 245—246
Web services securing 104—105
Web services supporting 32—33
Web Services Transaction see WS-Transaction
Web services understanding 90—92
Web services, .NET Framework Business tier by way of a Web services 194
Web services, .NET Framework Data Access Logic resource through a Web services 198
Web services, .NET remoting comparison 108—110
Web services, architecture of 93
Web services, connecting with 89—110
Web services, described 89—90
Web services, handling transactions with 136—137
Web services, J2EE Business tier 186
Web services, J2EE Data Access Logic tier 190
Web Services, Java 102—103
Web services, Place Order functionality 297
Web services, Place Order functionality to use message queues 299
Web services, UDDI for 105—107
Web tiers connecting to Business tier with Web services adapters 326—327
Web tiers deleting items from computers 336—337
Web tiers JNDI lookups 293
web.config 196 244 258
WebConfig.xml 188
WebLogic 37
WebLogic Workshop 105
WebMethod attribute 30
WebSphere Application Developer Studio 5.0 installing sample code 280—281
WebSphere Application Developer Studio 5.0 running XBikes 282
WebSphere Application Developer Studio 5.0, XBikes on 278—285
WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on a single computer, deploying 285
WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on a single computer, installing 285—287
WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on a single computer, installing sample code 289—290
WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on multiple computers running XBikes application 294
WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on multiple computers, Business tier 291—292
WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on multiple computers, changing interoperability methods 294—299
WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on multiple computers, data tier computer setup 290
WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on multiple computers, installing 290—294
WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on multiple computers, Presentation tier computer setup 292—294
WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on multiple computers, Web services adapters 294—297
WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on multiple computers, XBikes application 293—294
WebSphere Application Server, Business tier on XBikes on J2EE 309—310
WebSphere Application Server, changing configuration 330
WebSphere Application Server, Data tier server 312
WebSphere Application Server, manually configuring XBikes on 300
WebSphere Application Server, manually configuring XBikes on IBM Application Server 301
WebSphere Application Server, Presentation tier on XBikes on J2EE 307—308
WebSphere Application Server, restarting for XBikes on J2EE 305
WebSphere Application Server, XBikes on J2EE 301 307—308
WebSphere MQ accessing from remote computer 139
WebSphere MQ and client component 139
WebSphere MQ bridging with HIS 2000 150—152
WebSphere MQ brokers 145
WebSphere MQ Classes for .NET 146—147
WebSphere MQ Classes for Java 141—142
WebSphere MQ Classes for JMS for Publish/Subscribe Messaging 144—145
WebSphere MQ Classes for point-to-point Messaging 143—144
WebSphere MQ connecting from J2EE Applications 141—142
WebSphere MQ connecting MSMQ 265
WebSphere MQ HIS 2000 150—151
WebSphere MQ interfaces for message queuing 190
WebSphere MQ using 138—139
WebSphere MQ, .NET Framework applications 146—147
WebSphere MQ, Data tier computers support 315
WebSphere MQ, runtime bridges to access JMS functionality 148
WebSphere MQ, XBikes Business tier components support 310—311
WebSphere MQ, XBikes on J2EE support 304—305
WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.0 329—330
WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.1 283—285
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