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Laudati P. — Application Interoperability: Microsoft .NET and J2EE
Laudati P. — Application Interoperability: Microsoft .NET and J2EE

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Íàçâàíèå: Application Interoperability: Microsoft .NET and J2EE

Àâòîð: Laudati P.


Get the best information available for enabling application interoperability between the Microsoft .NET and Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) development platforms. This book offers practical and prescriptive guidance for developers responsible for creating enterprise-level business solutions where platform interoperability is a requirement and a reality. If you're experienced with one set of enterprise technologies but new to the other, you can ramp up quickly with focused introductions written from either the .NET or Java developer perspective. The book delivers expert technical information and recommendations for using Web services, runtime bridges, and asynchronous techniques; interoperability methods for point-to-point and resource tiers; and designing application architecture for interoperability. The companion CD-ROM includes a functional sample application, trial software, and a complete eBook. Patterns & Practices guides are reviewed and approved by Microsoft engineering teams, consultants, partners, and customers - delivering accurate, real-world information that's been technically validated and tested.

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IDE, other vendor products      40
IDE, Web Matrix      31
IDL      30
IIS for hosting .NET Remoting objects      71
IIS for hosting presentation and business tier components      32
IIS, accessing components from Java      76
IIS, ASP.NET applications      31
IIS, security features of      110
ildasm.exe      28
ILs      105
Initialise method, creating J2EE interoperability adapters      250
Initialise method,.NET interoperability adapters      215—216
Initialise(), Ja.NET      229
Initialise(), JNBridgePro      223
InProc, J2EE Business tier business service facade      186
InProc, J2EE Data Access Logic service facade      191
InProc,.NET business facade      195
InProc,.NET Framework Data Access Logic service facade      199
Integrated design environment      see IDE
Integrated Development Environment      see IDE
Integration brokers      see brokers
Interface definition language      see IDL
Interfaces      see JNDI Service Web
Internet Information Services      see IIS
InterNET Locator Services      see ILS
Interoperability      see also Asynchronous interoperability Business Data Point Use
Interoperability adapter factories      181—182 195 see
Interoperability Adapter/Service Interface patterns      108
Interoperability adapters      see also Interoperability adapter factories Resource
Interoperability adapters in asynchronous communications      263
Interoperability adapters, .NET      213—217
Interoperability adapters, .NET Framework      268—269
Interoperability adapters, .NET Framework asynchronous interoperability adapter      268
Interoperability adapters, .NET Framework use case interoperability adapters      194—195
Interoperability adapters, .NET in the Business tier      237
Interoperability adapters, .NET in the Presentation tier      205
Interoperability adapters, asynchronous interoperability adapter      268—269
Interoperability adapters, building with Ja.NET      227—232
Interoperability adapters, building with JNBridgePro      221—225
Interoperability adapters, described      180—182
Interoperability adapters, implementing with JNBridgePro      223—225
Interoperability adapters, J2EE asynchronous interoperability adapter      268—269
Interoperability adapters, J2EE interoperability adapter factories      191—192
Interoperability adapters, J2EE overview      245—251
Interoperability adapters, J2EE procedure      249—251
Interoperability adapters, J2EE Resource interoperability adapters      190—191
Interoperability adapters, J2EE use case interoperability adapters      187—188
Interoperability adapters, J2EE XML configuration file      192
Interoperability adapters, Ja.NET      227—232 258—260
Interoperability factories      200
Interoperability, achieving lower project costs      8—9
Interoperability, adding components to multi-tiered applications      182—183
Interoperability, asynchronous interoperability implemention      13
Interoperability, benefits of UDDI      106
Interoperability, Business scenario linking      15
Interoperability, changing methods      294—299 326—334
Interoperability, components on .NET Framework Business and Data tiers      196—197
Interoperability, connection points described      177—178
Interoperability, defining      9—10
Interoperability, design elements implementation      4 157—201
Interoperability, diagram of points in multi-tiered applications      177
Interoperability, facing challenges of      49—51
Interoperability, fundamentals      4 49—65
Interoperability, identifying business need for      6—8
Interoperability, implementing      176—183
Interoperability, JNBridgePro for      83 218—225
Interoperability, layers and components      178—183
Interoperability, listing technologies      15
Interoperability, major scenarios described in this book      10—13
Interoperability, Microsoft .NET Components in the Business Tier      12
Interoperability, Microsoft .NET Components in the Presentation Tier      11
Interoperability, migrating to Microsoft .NET      8
Interoperability, overview      9—15
Interoperability, points in multi-tiered applications      177
Interoperability, proof of concept studies      7—8
Interoperability, reuse of existing systems      7
Interoperability, scenarios      10—13 164—165
Interoperability, technologies listed      14
Interoperability, XBikes implemention      184—200
Intrinsyc      68 73 134 203
Introduction      1—16
IUseCaseCommand interface      163 250
IUseCaseCommand interface, Ja.NET      229
J2EE      see also J2EE applications .NET
J2EE applications with Web service proxy operation      245—246
J2EE applications, connecting to WebSphere from      141—142
J2EE applications, issues of adding ASP.NET Presentation tier to      203
J2EE applications, reconfiguring for Ja.NET      329—331
J2EE Business tier and .NET Framework Data tier with Ja.NET adapters      298—299
J2EE Business tier and Data tiers with interoperability elements added      189
J2EE Business tier linked to ASP.NET Presentation tier      50—51
J2EE Business tier linking to the .NET Presentation tier      205
J2EE Business tier to Data tier interoperability      188—189
J2EE Data tier      190—191 199
J2EE Presentation tier, Business tier interoperability      184—188
J2EE Presentation tier, Business tier with interoperability elements added      185
J2EE Presentation tier, Data tier interoperability      188—192
J2EE Web services, adapter      195
J2EE Web services, between the Business and Data tiers      296
J2EE Web services, between Web and Business tier      294—295 327
J2EE Web services, J2EE Access Logic resource WS service interface      191
J2EE Web services, J2EE Business tier WS service interface      186
J2EE, adding to Business tier interoperability      184—188
J2EE, architecture      159—161
J2EE, architecture and .NET Framework      159—175
J2EE, asynchronous interoperability adapter      268—269
J2EE, building service interface in      206—213
J2EE, connecting to MSMQ      133—135
J2EE, data types for      207—208
J2EE, defining      5—6
J2EE, diagram of comparison to Microsoft .NET      10
J2EE, elements of      6
J2EE, features compared with .NET      45—46
J2EE, fundamentals for .NET developers      35—44
J2EE, fundamentals of Microsoft .NET for J2EE developers      18—35
J2EE, goal of      18
J2EE, installing XBikes on      277—316
J2EE, interoperability method changing      294—299
J2EE, J2EE interoperability adapters overview      245—251
J2EE, J2EE interoperability adapters procedure      249—251
J2EE, Ja.NET adapter      199
J2EE, Ja.NET service interface      195
J2EE, Java-side component in application server      85
J2EE, JNBridge adapter      199
J2EE, JNBridge service interface      195
J2EE, message consumer      267
J2EE, resource interoperability adapters      190—191
J2EE, resource interoperability factories      191—192
J2EE, service interfaces      186 190
J2EE, shared databases      113—114
J2EE, use case interoperability adapter factory      187
J2EE, use case interoperability adapters      186
J2EE, vs. Microsoft .NET      17
J2EE, Web services in      101—103
J2EE, Web tier      297—298
J2EE, XML configuration file      188 192
J2EE, XML mapping for      207—208
J2SE      28 35 56 115
Ja.NET adapters and .NET Framework Business tier using J2EE Web tier      297—298
Ja.NET adapters, between the Business and Data tiers      332—333
Ja.NET adapters, between the J2EE Business tier and the .NET Framework Data tier      298—299
Ja.NET adapters, XBikes on .NET      329—333
Ja.NET and DataSets      226
Ja.NET, asynchronous interoperability adapter for      274—275
Ja.NET, between Web and Business tier      331
Ja.NET, building interoperability adapters using      227—232
Ja.NET, building service interfaces in the Business tier      252—258
Ja.NET, building service interfaces in the Presentation tier      226—227
Ja.NET, configuring message queues      273
Ja.NET, configuring resource interoperability adapters      332
Ja.NET, considerations when choosing      203
Ja.NET, Data Access Logic resource in the .NET Data tier      191
Ja.NET, data format for      273
Ja.NET, deciding on data formats      226
Ja.NET, evaluating      74—81
Ja.NET, events and exceptions      79—80
Ja.NET, Execute()      229
Ja.NET, global assembly cache      79
Ja.NET, implementing best practices      81—82
Ja.NET, Initialise()      229
Ja.NET, interoperability adapters      228—231
Ja.NET, IUseCaseCommand interface      229
Ja.NET, J2EE Data Access Logic tier      190
Ja.NET, Java proxy classes      228
Ja.NET, message consumer for      274
Ja.NET, message queues      273
Ja.NET, proxy generation tool      221
Ja.NET, role in asynchronous communications      273
Ja.NET, runtime      78
Ja.NET, TCP server      78
Ja.NET, toolset      77—78
Ja.NET, using      272—275
Ja.NET, vs. JNBridgePro      73
Ja.NET,.NET Framework Business tier by way of Ja.NET      194
Ja.NET,.NET Framework Business tier Ja.NET service interface      186
Ja.NET,.NET Framework Data Access Logic resource though a runtime bridge      198
Ja.NET,.NET integration in Business tier      251—260
Ja.NET,.NET integration in Presentation tier      226—232
Ja.NET-JMS, WebSphere MQ message queuing resource      190
JaNETor      78
JAR      29 38
Java      see also Runtime bridges
Java 2 Enterprise Edition      see J2EE
Java 2 Platform Standard Edition      see J2SE
Java applications, asynchronous interoperability with .NET Framework      129
Java applications, sending messages from .NET Framework      151—152
Java applications, sending messages to .NET Framework      152
Java Architecture for XML Binding      see JAXB
Java Archive      see JAR
Java Community Process      101—102
Java helper class      206—208 see
Java helper class, creating      208
Java helper class, serialization code in      246—249
Java Messaging Service      see JMS
Java Naming and Directory Interface      see JNDI
Java platforms, editions of      35—36
Java platforms, global assembly cache      39
Java platforms, understanding      37
Java proxy classes, creating      221—222
Java proxy classes, creating Java Web service proxies      249
Java proxy classes, Ja.NET      228
Java runtime environment      see JRE
Java Specification Requests      see JSR
Java Virtual Machine      see JVM
Java Web service, creating and building      206—213
Java Web service, creation      102
Java Web service, proxies      249
Java wrapper class      87
Java, accessing .NET Framework servers from      75
Java, accessing IIS Components from      76
Java, building applications      38—39
Java, consuming Web service in      103
Java, creating Web service in      102—103
Java, data type mapping to .NET Framework data types      78—79
Java, data types from the XML Schema      246—249
Java, goal of      18
Java, IDEs      40
Java, Java-side component in J2EE application server      85
Java, Java-side components with .NET Framework      86
Java, Java-to-COM bridge      134
Java, language and syntax      37
Java, making Java classes serializable      56
Java, mapping XSDs and classes in      60
Java, SDK      38
Java, using WebSphere MQ classes for      141—142
Java, vs. Microsoft .NET      36
Java, Web services stacks      102 103
Java.exe      38 39 221
java.lang.String, vs. System.String      50
java.util.collections      33
java.util.EventListener      79
java.webservices package      101
Java2schema tool      61
Javac.exe      38 39 40
JavaServer Faces      9 31
javax.jms.BytesMessage type      141
javax.jms.MapMessage type      141
javax.jms.Message interface      141
javax.jms.ObjectMessage type      141
javax.jms.Queue type      140
javax.jms.StreamMessage type      141
javax.jms.TextMessage type      141
javax.jms.Topic class      140
JAXB      56 61
JBoss      37
Jdata namespace      223
JDBC, configuring the XBikes JDBC data source      314
JDBC, connecting to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with      116
JDBC, connecting with      114—116
JDBC, database drivers      115
JDBC, sharing data with ADO.NET      119—122
JIT, compilation to native code      21
JIT, debugging      23
JMS and third-party bridging products      147—149
JMS and XBikes      172
JMS for Publish/Subscribe Messaging      144—145
JMS, accessing messages from .NET Framework clients      148
JMS, acronym defined      2
JMS, configuring queues      281—282
JMS, messages to a WebSphere MQ queue using JMs      152
JMS, MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge      264
JMS, role of      139—140
JMS, using provider for MSMQ      134
JMS, vs. MSMQ      45
JMS, WAR package deployment      81
jnbcore.jar      85
JNBProxy tool      221
Jnbproxy_tcp.config      222
JNBridge Inc.      14 68 73 203
JNBridge, Asynchronous Interoperability Adapter for      271—272
JNBridge, data format for      270
JNBridge, message consumer for      271
JNBridge, role in asynchronous communications      270
JNBridge-JMS      190
JNBridgePro adapters, using between the Business and Data tiers      334
JNBridgePro adapters, using between the Web and Business tier      333—334
JNBridgePro adapters, XBikes on .NET      333—334
JNBridgePro and CustomerData      221
JNBridgePro and DataSets      218
JNBridgePro, architecture of      82
JNBridgePro, Binary Communications Protocol      85
JNBridgePro, building interoperability adapters with      221—225
JNBridgePro, building service interface for      218
JNBridgePro, considerations when choosing      203
JNBridgePro, evaluating      81—89
JNBridgePro, Execute()      223
JNBridgePro, implementing best practices      84—89
JNBridgePro, Initialise()      223
JNBridgePro, integrating with .NET Remoting      82—83
JNBridgePro, J2EE Business tier      186
JNBridgePro, J2EE Data Access Logic tier      190
JNBridgePro, proxies      82—83
JNBridgePro, proxy generation tool      221
JNBridgePro, resource interoperability adapters      334
JNBridgePro, selecting      84
JNBridgePro, transactional support      83
JNBridgePro, understanding features of      83
JNBridgePro, using      269—272
JNBridgePro, using for interoperability      218—225
JNBridgePro, vs. Ja.NET      73
1 2 3 4 5 6
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