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Gilgen R. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 |
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pages, Web, transferring to Web servers 2nd
palettes, AutoShapes
Panes [See See task panes]
passwords, setting
Paste command (Edit menu)
Pattern option (Fill Effects dialog box)
pens 2nd
Performance option (Set up Show dialog box)
Picture command (Format menu)
Picture option (Fill Effects dialog box)
Picture tab
Picture toolbar 2nd
Picture, Clip Art command (Insert menu)
Picture, From File command (Insert menu) 2nd
Picture, From Scanner or Camera command (Insert menu) 2nd
Pictures, AutoShapes command (Insert menu)
Pie charts
pie charts, exploding
Place in This Document option
placeholders, activating (slide masters) 2nd
placeholders, adding
placeholders, bullet boxes
placeholders, context menus
placeholders, rotating
placeholders, tables
placeholders, title boxes
Play Sound check box
Play Sound option
player controls 2nd
pointer options 2nd 3rd
pointer options, eraser
pointer options, mouse pointer
pointer options, pens 2nd
Position tab
Power Options Properties dialog box
power-saving options
power-saving options, equipment preparations 2nd
PowerPoint icon
PowerPoint Viewer 2nd 3rd
preparing equipment
preparing equipment, computers 2nd
preparing equipment, computers, screen savers 2nd
preparing equipment, computers, screen/projector resolution 2nd
preparing equipment, laser pointers 2nd
preparing equipment, projectors 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
preparing equipment, remote-controlled mouse 2nd
preparing rooms
preparing rooms, lighting 2nd
preparing rooms, microphones
preparing rooms, seating
preparing rooms, speaker location 2nd
Presentations [italics] magazine
presentations, business
presentations, business, improving 2nd
presentations, creating with AutoContent Wizard 2nd 3rd
presentations, creating with design templates 2nd
presentations, effective
presentations, effective, creating 2nd 3rd
presentations, effectiveness
presentations, effectiveness, assessing 2nd 3rd
presentations, finding 2nd 3rd
presentations, linking
presentations, nonlinear
presentations, nonlinear, creating
Presentations, opening 2nd 3rd
presentations, rehearsing 2nd 3rd
Presentations, saving 2nd
presentations, saving to CDs 2nd 3rd
presentations, saving to folders
Presentations, slides
Presentations, slides, printing 2nd 3rd
presentations, slides, printing, print methods 2nd
presentations, teaching
presentations, teaching, improving 2nd
Presentations, troubleshooting 2nd
presentations, unique uses 2nd
presentations, Web-based 2nd 3rd
presentations, Web-based, adding narrative 2nd
presentations, Web-based, hyperlinks 2nd
presentations, Web-based, images/sound
presentations, Web-based, modifications 2nd
presentations, Web-based, navigation 2nd
presentations, Web-based, saving 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
presentations, Web-based, saving, file formats 2nd
presentations, Web-based, saving, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) 2nd 3rd
presentations, Web-based, saving, MHTML (Mime-encapsulated HTML)
presentations, Web-based, speaker notes
presentations, Web-based, Web browsers 2nd 3rd 4th
Presented by a Speaker option (Set up Show dialog box)
preset animations
preset animations, bullet boxes 2nd 3rd
Preset option (Fill Effects dialog box)
Press and Hold to View Sample button
Preview button
Print command (File menu) 2nd 3rd 4th
Print dialog box 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
print options
Print Preview 2nd 3rd
Print Preview command (File menu)
Print tab
printers, inkjet
printers, inkjet, overhead transparencies, printing
printers, laser
printers, laser, overhead transparencies, printing
printing, draft mode
printing, overhead transparencies
printing, slide annotations 2nd
printing, slides 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
printing, slides, grayscale
printing, slides, print methods 2nd
printing, speaker notes 2nd 3rd
programming, macros
programming, script editing
programming, Visual Basic 2nd
Programs [See See software]
programs, commercial 2nd
programs, download-assistance
programs, download-assistance, installing
projector resolution
projector resolution, equipment preparations 2nd
projectors, equipment preparations 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Publish as Web Page dialog box 2nd 3rd
Publish button
pyramid diagrams
radial diagrams
Recently Used (animation scheme)
Recolor Picture dialog box
Record Narration command (Slide Show menu)
Record Narration dialog box
Record Narration feature 2nd
recording, voice 2nd 3rd
Rectangle button
rectangles, creating 2nd 3rd
Rehearsal toolbar 2nd
Rehearse Timings command (Slide Show menu)
rehearsing presentations 2nd 3rd
relationships, organization charts 2nd 3rd 4th
remote-controlled mouse
remote-controlled mouse, equipment preparations 2nd
| Research command (Tools menu)
Research Services 2nd
Research task pane
Reset Menu and Toolbar Usage Data button
resolution, native
resolution, native, projectors
resolution, screens/projectors
resolution, screens/projectors, equipment preparations 2nd
resources, newsgroups 2nd 3rd 4th
resources, Presentations [italics] magazine
resources, Special Edition[colon] Using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 [italics]
resources, Special Edition[colon] Using Visual Basic [italics]
Reverse Diagram button
right hanging layout (organization charts)
right-clicking context menus 2nd
ripping, CDs
room preparations
room preparations, lighting 2nd
room preparations, microphones
room preparations, seating
room preparations, speaker location 2nd
rotating, clip art
rotating, gradient shading
rotating, lines
rotating, placeholders
rotating, text boxes 2nd
rows, tables 2nd 3rd
Save As command (File menu) 2nd
Save As dialog box 2nd 3rd
Save as Picture dialog box
Save As Web Page command (File menu)
Save command (File menu) 2nd
Save icon
Save In box
save options
Save tab
saving, design templates 2nd
saving, drawing objects
saving, images 2nd
saving, presentations 2nd
saving, presentations to CDs 2nd 3rd
saving, presentations to folders
saving, slide shows to Word
saving, slides
saving, Web-based presentations 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
saving, Web-based presentations, file formats 2nd
saving, Web-based presentations, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) 2nd 3rd
saving, Web-based presentations, MHTML (Mime-encapsulated HTML)
scanners, bitmap images 2nd 3rd
scanners, software 2nd
screen resolution
screen resolution, equipment preparations 2nd
screen savers
screen savers, equipment preparations 2nd
screen shots
screen shots, capturing 2nd
script editing
scroll boxes
Search Text box
searches, sound clips
seating, room preparations
security options
Security tab
Select All command (Edit menu)
Send to Microsoft Word dialog box 2nd
Send To, Microsoft Word command (File menu) 2nd
series, data series
series, data series, modifying (charts) 2nd
servers (Web)
servers (Web), Web pages
servers (Web), Web pages, transferring 2nd
services, commercial 2nd
services, research 2nd
Set Page Title dialog box
Set Up Show command (Slide Show menu) 2nd
Set Up Show dialog box 2nd 3rd
Set Up Show feature 2nd 3rd
shading, gradient 2nd 3rd 4th
shading, gradient, rotating
Shadow Style button
shadows, drawing objects
Shapes [See See objects]
shapes, closed
shapes, closed, ovals 2nd 3rd
shapes, closed, rectangles 2nd 3rd
shared workspace
shortcuts [See See keyboard shortcuts]2nd [See See keyboard shortcuts]3rd [See See keyboard shortcuts]
Show Full Menus After a Short Delay check box
Show Options (Set up Show dialog box)
Show Slides option (Set up Show dialog box)
Size tab
sizing handles
sizing handles, title boxes
sizing, title boxes 2nd 3rd
Slide Design button
Slide Design command (Format menu) 2nd
Slide Design task pane 2nd 3rd
Slide Design task panes
Slide Design – Animation Schemes task pane 2nd
Slide Finder dialog box
Slide Layout command (Format menu) 2nd 3rd
Slide Layout task pane 2nd
slide masters
slide masters, design templates
slide masters, design templates, creating 2nd
slide masters, placeholders
slide masters, placeholders, activating 2nd
slide navigation tools
slide navigation tools, creating
Slide Number check box
Slide Show button 2nd
Slide Show command (View menu)
Slide Show Help dialog box
Slide Show menu commands
Slide Show menu commands, Action Buttons
Slide Show menu commands, Action Settings 2nd 3rd
Slide Show menu commands, Animation Schemes 2nd
Slide Show menu commands, Custom Animation 2nd 3rd
Slide Show menu commands, Custom Shows
Slide Show menu commands, Hide Slide
Slide Show menu commands, Record Narration
Slide Show menu commands, Rehearse Timings
Slide Show menu commands, Set Up Show 2nd
Slide Show menu commands, Slide Transition 2nd
Slide Show menu commands, View Show 2nd
Slide Show view
Slide Show View button
slide shows
slide shows, annotations
slide shows, blank
slide shows, CDs
slide shows, custom
slide shows, custom, creating
slide shows, importing to Word 2nd
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