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Gilgen R. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003
Gilgen R. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

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Название: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

Автор: Gilgen R.


The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 teaches the reader everything they need to know to create exciting personal and business presentations. Readers learn about new features such as Smart Tags and Packages, and how to create a presentation from scratch or using the design wizard. This book will make novices confident in their use of design templates, animations schemes and much more!

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 384

Добавлена в каталог: 27.06.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
/// (hash marks)      
3-D special effects      
3-D special effects, drawing objects      
3-D Style button      
3-D View command (Chart menu)      
3-D View dialog box      
action buttons      
Action Buttons command (AutoShape menu)      
Action Buttons command (AutoShapes menu)      
Action Buttons command (Slide Show menu)      
action buttons, adding to AutoShapes      
action buttons, creating      2nd
action buttons, Sound or Movie      
action settings      
Action Settings command (Slide Show menu)      2nd 3rd
Action Settings dialog box      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
action settings, creating      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
action settings, hyperlinks      
action settings, hyperlinks, invisible, creating      2nd 3rd
action settings, hyperlinks, text-based, creating      2nd 3rd
action settings, hyperlinks, text-based, deleting      
action settings, Internet links      2nd
action settings, nonlinear presentations      
action settings, nonlinear presentations, creating      
action settings, slide navigation tools      
action settings, slide navigation tools, creating      
action settings, software      
action settings, software, launching      
Add Effect button      2nd
Add Sound dialog box      2nd
add-ins      2nd
Add-Ins, Add New command (Tools menu)      
Advance Slides option (Set up Show dialog box)      
advancing slides      2nd
Alignment tab      
All menu commands      
All menu commands, Current Slide      
Angle buttons
angles, chart labels      
Animate Grid and Legend check box      
animating, bullet boxes      2nd 3rd
animation schemes      2nd
Animation Schemes command (Slide Show menu)      
Animation Schemes command (Slide Show)
animation schemes, applying      2nd
animation, overview      2nd
animations, custom      
animations, custom, animated bullets      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
animations, custom, charts      2nd 3rd
animations, custom, diagrams      2nd 3rd
animations, custom, images      2nd
animations, custom, order      2nd 3rd
animations, custom, previewing      
animations, custom, sound effects      2nd
animations, custom, text objects      2nd
animations, custom, timing      2nd 3rd
animations, slide transitions      
animations, slide transitions, choosing      2nd 3rd
animations, Wipe      2nd
annotations, slide shows      
annotations, slides      
annotations, slides, printing      2nd
Apply to All Slides button      2nd
Arrow button      
Arrow Options command (pointer options menu)
Arrow Style button
arrowheads, adding to lines
arrows, creating      2nd
assistant relationship (organization charts)
audience, considerations      2nd 3rd 4th
audience, interest      
audience, interest, colors      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
audience, interest, fonts      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
audience, interest, maintaining      2nd
audience/speaker interaction      
audience/speaker interaction, speaker mobility      2nd
audience/speaker interaction, speaker notes      
audio      [See See sound]
AutoContent Wizard      2nd 3rd
AutoCorrect      2nd
AutoCorrect dialog box      
AutoCorrect Options command (Tools menu)
AutoFit feature      2nd 3rd
AutoFit Options icon      
AutoFormat As You Type tab
AutoFormat, organzation charts      2nd
AutoFormat, turning off      2nd
AutoLayout, turning off      2nd
Automatically After check box      2nd
AutoShapes      2nd 3rd 4th
AutoShapes button      
AutoShapes menu commands      
AutoShapes menu commands, Action Buttons      2nd
AutoShapes menu commands, Basic Shapes      
AutoShapes menu commands, Callouts      
AutoShapes menu commands, Lines
AutoShapes palette      
AutoShapes, action buttons      2nd
AutoShapes, action buttons, adding      
AutoShapes, connector lines      
AutoShapes, connector lines, creating      
AutoShapes, edit points      
AutoShapes, glyphs      
AutoShapes, multisegment lines      
AutoShapes, multisegment lines, creating      2nd
AutoShapes, text      
AutoShapes, text, adding      2nd
Axes tab      
axes, charts      
Background command (Format menu)      
Background dialog box      
backgrounds, design layers      2nd
backgrounds, slides      2nd
backgrounds, tables      2nd 3rd 4th
Bar charts      
bar charts, creating
Basic Shapes command (AutoShapes menu)      
bitmap images      2nd
bitmap images, digital cameras      2nd
bitmap images, inserting      
bitmap images, Internet      2nd
bitmap images, modifying with Picture toolbar      2nd
bitmap images, scanners      2nd 3rd
blank slide shows      
borders, tables      2nd 3rd 4th
both hanging layout (organization charts)      
boxes, bullet      2nd
boxes, bullet, animating      2nd 3rd
boxes, bullet, customizing      2nd 3rd 4th
boxes, bullet, turning off      
boxes, diagram      2nd
boxes, File Name      
boxes, organization chart
boxes, Save In
boxes, scroll
boxes, Search Text
boxes, text
boxes, text, attributes, changing
boxes, text, copying      2nd
boxes, text, creating      2nd
boxes, text, positioning      2nd
boxes, text, rotating      2nd
boxes, title
boxes, title, hash marks (///)
boxes, title, moving      2nd 3rd
boxes, title, placeholders      
boxes, title, sizing      2nd 3rd
boxes, title, sizing handles      
boxes, title, text      2nd
Browsed at a Kiosk option (Set up Show dialog box)
Browsed by an Individual option (Set up Show dialog box)
Browsers      [See See Web browsers]
bullet boxes      2nd
bullet boxes, animating      2nd 3rd
bullet boxes, customizing      2nd 3rd 4th
bullet boxes, turning off      
bullets      2nd
Bullets and Numbering command (Format menu)      
Bullets and Numbering dialog box      
Bullets button
bullets, adding (outlined slide shows)      2nd
bullets, animating      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
business presentations
business presentations, improving      2nd
buttons (toolbars)
buttons (toolbars), customizing      2nd
buttons, 3-D Style
buttons, action      
buttons, action, adding to AutoShapes
buttons, action, creating      2nd
buttons, action, Sound or Movie
buttons, Add Effect      2nd
buttons, Angle      
buttons, Apply to All Slides      2nd
buttons, Arrow
buttons, Arrow Style      
buttons, AutoShapes
buttons, Bullets      
buttons, Create New      2nd
buttons, Dash Style      
buttons, Data Table
buttons, Design      2nd
buttons, Download Now      
buttons, Drawing toolbar      2nd
buttons, Eraser      
buttons, Expand Results
buttons, Fill Color      
buttons, Fill Colors      
buttons, Fit Text
buttons, Format
buttons, Go Back
buttons, Hyperlink To
buttons, Increase Indent
buttons, Insert Clip Art
buttons, Insert Diagram
buttons, Insert Hyperlink      2nd
buttons, Insert New Title Master      
buttons, Insert Organization Chart
buttons, Insert Picture
buttons, Insert Shape      
buttons, Insert Table      
buttons, Landscape      
buttons, Line      
buttons, Line Color      2nd
buttons, Line Style
buttons, Merge Cells
buttons, Move Shape Backward
buttons, Move Shape Forward      
buttons, Navigation Options      2nd
buttons, Press and Hold to View Sample      
buttons, Preview      
buttons, Publish      
buttons, Rectangle
buttons, Reset Menu and Toolbar Usage Data
buttons, Reverse Diagram
buttons, ScreenTips
buttons, Shadow Style      
buttons, Slide Design      
buttons, Slide Show      2nd
buttons, Slide Show View
buttons, Split Cell
buttons, Start Searching
buttons, Text box
buttons, toolbars
buttons, view
buttons, WordArt
buttons, WordArt Shape
Callouts command (AutoShapes menu)      
cameras, digital
cameras, digital, bitmap images      2nd
CDs, packaging slide shows      
CDs, playing      2nd
CDs, ripping
CDs, saving presentations to      2nd 3rd
cells (tables)
cells (tables), splitting/merging      2nd
cells, tables      2nd
cells, tables, fills      2nd
Change AutoShape command (Draw menu)
characters, special      2nd 3rd
Chart Animation tab      
chart editor      [See See Microsoft Graph]
Chart menu commands
Chart menu commands, 3-D View
Chart menu commands, Chart Options
Chart menu commands, Chart Type      2nd 3rd
Chart Options command (Chart menu)      
Chart Options dialog box
chart program      [See See Microsoft Graph]
Chart Type command (Chart menu)      2nd 3rd
Chart Type dialog box      2nd 3rd
charts, axes
charts, bar
charts, bar, creating
charts, combination
charts, custom animations      2nd 3rd
charts, data
charts, data labels
charts, data tables
charts, data, entering      2nd 3rd
charts, datasheets
charts, datasheets, creating      2nd
charts, datasheets, modifying      2nd
charts, formatting      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
charts, formatting, data series, modifying      2nd
charts, formatting, three dimensions      2nd
charts, gridlines
charts, inserting      2nd
charts, integrating      2nd
charts, labels      
charts, labels, angles      
charts, legends      
charts, Microsoft Graph      2nd
charts, organization      
charts, organization, data entry      2nd
charts, organization, formatting      2nd 3rd
charts, organization, inserting      2nd
charts, organization, layouts      2nd
charts, organization, lines, changing      2nd
charts, organization, modifying      2nd 3rd
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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