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Gilgen R. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 |
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dialog boxes, Print 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
dialog boxes, Publish as Web Page 2nd 3rd
dialog boxes, Recolor Picture
dialog boxes, Record Narration
dialog boxes, Save As
dialog boxes, Save as Picture
dialog boxes, Send to Microsoft Word 2nd
dialog boxes, Set Page Title
dialog boxes, Set Up Show 2nd 3rd
dialog boxes, Slide Finder
dialog boxes, Slide Show Help
dialog boxes, Sound Selection
dialog boxes, Spelling
dialog boxes, Style Options
dialog boxes, Web Options 2nd
Digital cameras
digital cameras, bitmap images 2nd
digital formats 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
discussions, Web
Display Properties dialog box
distorting, clip art
Download Now button
download-assistance programs
download-assistance programs, installing
downloading, design templates 2nd 3rd
Draft mode
draft mode, printing
Draw menu commands
Draw menu commands, Change AutoShape
Draw Table tool
drawing objects 2nd
drawing objects, 3-D special effect
drawing objects, AutoShapes 2nd 3rd 4th
drawing objects, AutoShapes, action buttons, adding
drawing objects, AutoShapes, text, adding 2nd
drawing objects, closed shapes
drawing objects, closed shapes, ovals 2nd 3rd
drawing objects, closed shapes, rectangles 2nd 3rd
drawing objects, fill
drawing objects, fill, changing 2nd
drawing objects, formatting 2nd 3rd 4th
drawing objects, gradient shading 2nd 3rd 4th
drawing objects, gradient shading, rotating
drawing objects, grouping 2nd 3rd
drawing objects, lines
drawing objects, lines, arrows 2nd
drawing objects, lines, creating 2nd
drawing objects, lines, rotating
drawing objects, saving
drawing objects, shadows
drawing objects, special effects
drawing objects, WordArt 2nd 3rd
drawing on slides 2nd
Drawing Toolbar 2nd
Drawing toolbar, buttons 2nd
drawings, erasing
E-mail Address option
Edit menu commands
Edit menu commands, Copy
Edit menu commands, Paste
Edit menu commands, Select All
Edit menu commands, Undo
edit options
edit points
edit points, AutoShapes
Edit tab
Edit WordArt Text dialog box
editors, Equation Editor
Effect tab
effective presentations
effective presentations, creating 2nd 3rd
effects, sound
effects, sound, custom animations 2nd
Equation Editor
equations, inserting
equipment preparations
equipment preparations, computers 2nd
equipment preparations, computers, screen savers 2nd
equipment preparations, computers, screen/projector resolution 2nd
equipment preparations, laser pointers 2nd
equipment preparations, projectors 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
equipment preparations, remote-controlled mouse 2nd
Eraser button
erasing drawings
Excel, tables
Excel, tables, importing 2nd 3rd
Exciting (animation scheme)
Existing File or Web Page option
Expand Results button
exploding pie charts
features 2nd
features, communication 2nd
features, organization
features, organization, linear
file formats
file formats, Web-based presentations
file formats, Web-based presentations, saving 2nd
File menu commands
File menu commands, Open 2nd 3rd
File menu commands, Package for CD
File menu commands, Print 2nd 3rd 4th
File menu commands, Print Preview
File menu commands, Save 2nd
File menu commands, Save As 2nd
File menu commands, Save as Web Page
File menu commands, Send To, Microsoft Word 2nd
File Name box
File Search dialog box
Fill Color button
Fill Colors button
Fill Effects dialog box 2nd 3rd 4th
Fill tab
fills (diagrams)
fills (diagrams), changing 2nd
fills, changing (drawing objects) 2nd
fills, table cells 2nd
film slides
film slides, creating 2nd 3rd 4th
Fit Text button
flipping, clip art
folders, saving presentations to
fonts, audience interest 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
foreign language characters
Format AutoShape dialog box 2nd
Format button
Format Data Series dialog box 2nd
Format menu commands
Format menu commands, Background
Format menu commands, Bullets and Numbering
Format menu commands, Picture
Format menu commands, Slide Design 2nd
Format menu commands, Slide Layout 2nd 3rd
Format menu commands, Table
Format Picture dialog box
Format Table dialog box 2nd
Formats [See See file formats]
formats, digital 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
| formats, sound
Formatting toolbar
formatting, charts 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
formatting, charts, data series, modifying 2nd
formatting, charts, three dimensions 2nd
formatting, clip art 2nd 3rd
formatting, diagrams 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
formatting, diagrams, styles, applying
formatting, drawing objects 2nd 3rd 4th
formatting, lines 2nd
formatting, organization charts 2nd 3rd
formatting, tables
formatting, tables, backgrounds 2nd 3rd 4th
formatting, tables, borders 2nd 3rd 4th
formatting, tables, cells, splitting/merging 2nd
formatting, tables, columns 2nd 3rd
formatting, tables, lines 2nd 3rd 4th
formatting, tables, rows 2nd 3rd
formatting, tables, Tables and Borders toolbar 2nd
frames, slides
frames, slides, adding
galleries, Diagram Gallery
galleries, Diagram Style
galleries, Organization Chart Style Gallery
general options
General tab
Getting Started task pane
Go Back button
gradient shading 2nd 3rd 4th
gradient shading, rotating
Graphics [See See images]
grayscale, printing slides
Grid and Guides command (View menu)
Gridlines tab
gridlines, charts
Group command (Grouping menu)
Grouping menu commands
Grouping menu commands, Group
grouping, clip art 2nd 3rd 4th
grouping, objects 2nd 3rd
gyro-controlled mouse
gyro-controlled mouse, equipment preparations
handouts (slides)
handouts (slides), creating 2nd 3rd
hardware, installation considerations 2nd
hash marks (///)
Header and Footer command (View menu)
Header and Footer dialog box 2nd
Help menu commands
Help menu commands, Microsoft PowerPoint Help
help, Office Assistant
Help, Slide Show Help dialog box
Help, Table of Contents
hidden slides 2nd 3rd
Hide Slide command (Slide Show menu)
Hide Sound Icon During Slideshow option (Insert CD Audio dialog box)
Highlight Click option
Home task pane
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
HTML, Web-based presentations
HTML, Web-based presentations, saving 2nd 3rd
Hyperlink command (Insert menu) 2nd
Hyperlink To button
Hyperlink to Other File dialog box
Hyperlink to Slide dialog box
Hyperlink to URL dialog box
hyperlinks, invisible
hyperlinks, invisible, creating 2nd 3rd
hyperlinks, sound 2nd 3rd
hyperlinks, text-based
hyperlinks, text-based, creating 2nd 3rd
hyperlinks, text-based, deleting
hyperlinks, Web-based presentations 2nd
HyperText Markup Language [See See HTML]
icons, AutoFit Options
icons, Insert Chart
icons, light bulb
icons, Normal View
icons, Organization Chart
icons, PowerPoint
icons, Save
icons, sound 2nd
Images 2nd [See also clip art]
images, adding to tables 2nd
images, bitmap 2nd
images, bitmap, digital cameras 2nd
images, bitmap, inserting
images, bitmap, Internet 2nd
images, bitmap, scanners 2nd 3rd
images, custom animations 2nd
images, overhead transparencies
images, saving 2nd
images, screen shots
images, screen shots, capturing 2nd
images, Web-based presentations
IME (Input Method Editor)
importing, slide shows
importing, slide shows, Word 2nd
importing, slides 2nd
importing, tables 2nd 3rd
importing, Word text to outlines
Increase Indent button
Information Rights Management (IRM)
Ink color command (pointer options menu)
inkjet printers
inkjet printers, overhead transparencies
inkjet printers, overhead transparencies, printing
Input Method Editor (IME)
Insert CD Audio dialog box 2nd
Insert Chart icon
Insert Clip Art button
Insert Diagram button
Insert Hyperlink button 2nd
Insert Hyperlink dialog box 2nd 3rd
Insert menu command
Insert menu command, Movies and Sounds, Movie from File
Insert menu commands
Insert menu commands, Diagram 2nd
Insert menu commands, Hyperlink 2nd
Insert menu commands, Movies and Sounds, Play CD Audio Track
Insert menu commands, Movies and Sounds, Record Sound
Insert menu commands, Movies and Sounds, Sound from File
Insert menu commands, New Slide
Insert menu commands, Object 2nd
Insert menu commands, Object, Create New
insert menu commands, Picture, Clip Art
Insert menu commands, Picture, From File 2nd
Insert menu commands, Picture, From Scanner or Camera 2nd
Insert menu commands, Pictures, AutoShapes
Insert menu commands, Slides from Files
Insert menu commands, Table
Insert menu commands, Text Box
Insert Movie dialog box
Insert New Title Master button
Insert Object dialog box 2nd
Insert Organization Chart button
Insert Picture button
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