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Gilgen R. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003
Gilgen R. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

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Название: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

Автор: Gilgen R.


The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 teaches the reader everything they need to know to create exciting personal and business presentations. Readers learn about new features such as Smart Tags and Packages, and how to create a presentation from scratch or using the design wizard. This book will make novices confident in their use of design templates, animations schemes and much more!

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 384

Добавлена в каталог: 27.06.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Insert Picture dialog box      2nd
Insert Picture from Scanner or Camera dialog box      
Insert Shape button      
Insert Sound dialog box      
Insert Table button      
Insert Table dialog box      2nd
insertion points      
installation, hardware      
installation, hardware, considerations      2nd
installation, software      
installation, software, considerations      2nd
installations, download-assistance programs      
Internet, bitmap images      2nd
Internet, links      2nd
invisible hyperlinks      
invisible hyperlinks, creating      2nd 3rd
IRM (Information Rights Management)      
Keep the Annotations command (pointer options menu)      
keyboard shortcuts      2nd
keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl+M      
keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl+P      2nd
keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl+S      
keyboard shortcuts, F5      
keystoning, projectors      
labels, charts      
labels, charts, angles      
labels, data labels      
labels, data labels, charts      
Landscape button      
laptops, projector preparations      2nd
laser pointers      
laser pointers, equipment preparations      2nd
laser printers      
laser printers, overhead transparencies      
laser printers, overhead transparencies, printing      
layers, design      2nd
layers, slides      2nd
Layout layer      
layout organization      
layout organization, slides      2nd
layout, Text      
layout, Text and Content      
layout, Title Slide      
layouts, organization charts      2nd
layouts, Title and Text      
left hanging layout (organization charts)      
Legend tab      
legends, charts      
levels, outlines      2nd
light bulb icon      
lighting, room preparations      2nd
Line button      
Line Color button      2nd
Line Style button      
linear organization      
lines (diagrams)      
lines (diagrams), changing      2nd
Lines command (AutoShapes menu)      
lines, arrowheads      
lines, arrowheads, adding      
lines, arrows      
lines, arrows, creating      2nd
lines, connector      
lines, connector, creating      
lines, creating      2nd
lines, formatting      2nd
lines, multisegment      
lines, multisegment, creating      2nd
lines, organization charts      
lines, organization charts, changing      2nd
lines, rotating      
lines, tables      2nd 3rd 4th
linking, presentations      
links      [See also hyperlinks]
links, Internet      2nd
Lock Aspect Ratio check box      
Loop Until Stopped option (Insert CD Audio dialog box)      
Macro, Microsoft Script Editor command (Tools menu)      
mart tags      
Master, Slide Master command (View menu)      
masters      [See also slide masters]
masters, title      
masters, title, modifying/viewing      
meetings, online      2nd
menu bars      
menu bars, task panes      
Menus      2nd
menus, context      2nd
menus, context, placeholders      
menus, customizing      2nd
menus, expanding      
Merge Cells button      
merging, cells      
merging, cells, tables      2nd
MHTML (Mime-encapsulated HTML)      
MHTML, Web-based presentations      
MHTML, Web-based presentations, saving      
Microphone Check dialog box      
microphones, room preparations      
Microsoft Excel      [See See Excel]
Microsoft Graph      2nd 3rd
Microsoft PowerPoint Help command (Help menu)      
Microsoft Word      [See See Word]
Mime-encapsulated HTML (MHTML)      
Mime-encapsulated HTML (MHTML), Web-based presentations      
Mime-encapsulated HTML (MHTML), Web-based presentations, saving      
mode, draft      
mode, draft, printing      
Moderate (animation scheme)      
modular slide shows      
Mouse Click tab      2nd 3rd
Mouse Over tab      
mouse pointers      
mouse, remote-controlled      
mouse, remote-controlled, equipment preparations      2nd
Move Shape Backward button      
Move Shape Forward button      
Movie Options dialog box      
movies      [See See video]
Movies and Sounds, Movie from File command (Insert menu)      
Movies and Sounds, Play CD Audio Track command (Insert menu)      
Movies and Sounds, Record Sound command (Insert menu)      
Movies and Sounds, Sound from File command (Insert menu)      
moving, multiple slides      2nd
moving, slides      2nd
moving, title boxes      2nd 3rd
moving, toolbars      
MP3 format (sound file)      
Multimedia      2nd
multimedia manager      
multimedia manager, equipment      2nd 3rd
multimedia manager, hardware      
multimedia manager, hardware, installation considerations      2nd
multimedia manager, software      
multimedia manager, software, installation considerations      2nd
multimedia, considerations      
multimedia, digital formats      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
multimedia, player controls      2nd
multimedia, sound      
multimedia, sound, adding      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
multimedia, sound, CDs, playing      2nd
multimedia, sound, formats      
multimedia, sound, hyperlinks      2nd 3rd
multimedia, sound, icons      2nd
multimedia, sound, voice recordings      2nd 3rd
multimedia, video      
multimedia, video, adding      2nd 3rd 4th
multimedia, video, sizing clips      
Multiple Monitors option (Set up Show dialog box)      
multiple slides      
multiple slides, moving      2nd
multisegment lines      
multisegment lines, creating      2nd
music, setting transition slides to      
My Collections (clip art)      
narrative, adding (Web-based presentations)      2nd
native resolution      
native resolution, projectors      
navigation bars      
navigation bars, task panes      
Navigation Options button      2nd
navigation tools      
navigation, Web-based presentations      2nd
New Presentation task pane      
New Slide command (Insert menu)      
Newsgroups      2nd 3rd 4th
No Animation (animation scheme)      
nonlinear presentations      
nonlinear presentations, creating      
Normal command (View menu)      
Normal view      2nd 3rd
Normal View icon      
Normal view, speaker notes      
notes      [See see speaker notes]
Notes Page command (View menu)      
notes, speaker      
notes, speaker, creating      
Object command (Insert menu)      2nd
Object, Create New command (Insert menu)      
objectives, establishing      2nd
Objects      [See also drawing objects]2nd [See also charts]
objects, adding (slides)      2nd
objects, adding to diagrams      
objects, content      
objects, grouping      2nd 3rd
objects, images      
objects, order      2nd
objects, organization charts      
objects, organization charts, connecting      
objects, removing from diagrams      
objects, selecting      
objects, slides      2nd 3rd 4th
objects, snap to grid      
objects, text      
objects, text, custom animations      2nd
Office Assistant      
Office Assistant, Style Checker      
Office Collections (clip art)      
Omit Background Graphics from Master check box      
On Mouse Click check box      
One Color option (Fill Effects dialog box)      
online meetings      2nd
Open command (File menu)      2nd 3rd
Open dialog box      2nd
Options command (Tools menu)      
Options dialog box      
Options dialog box, edit options      
Options dialog box, general options      
Options dialog box, print options      
Options dialog box, save options      
Options dialog box, security options      
Options dialog box, spell checker      2nd 3rd
Options dialog box, style options      2nd 3rd
Options dialog box, view options      
order, custom animations      2nd 3rd
org charts      [See See organization charts]
organization chart      
organization chart box      
Organization Chart icon      
Organization Chart Style Gallery      
Organization Chart toolbar      
organization charts      
organization charts, data entry      2nd
organization charts, formatting      2nd 3rd
organization charts, inserting      2nd
organization charts, layouts      2nd
organization charts, lines      
organization charts, lines, changing      2nd
organization charts, modifying      2nd 3rd
organization charts, relationships      2nd 3rd 4th
organization, audience focus      2nd
organization, audience focus, attention      
organization, audience focus, purpose      
organization, audience focus, textual content      2nd
organization, audience focus, visual material      
organization, layout (slides)      2nd
organization, linear      
organization, outlines      
organization, outlines, editing      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
organization, outlines, importing Word text      
organization, outlines, levels, changing      2nd
organization, outlines, readable text      2nd 3rd
organization, outlines, sequencing      2nd
organization, outlines, slide shows      2nd
organization, outlines, slide shows, adding bullets      2nd
organization, outlines, slide shows, adding slides      
organization, slides      
organization, slides, importing      2nd
organzation charts      
organzation charts, objects      
organzation charts, objects, connecting      
Outline tab      
outlines, editing      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
outlines, levels      
outlines, levels, changing      2nd
outlines, readable text      2nd 3rd
outlines, sequencing      2nd
outlines, slide shows      2nd
outlines, slide shows, bullets, adding      2nd
outlines, slide shows, slides, adding      
outlines, Word text      
outlines, Word text, importing      
ovals, creating      2nd 3rd
overhead transparencies      2nd
overhead transparencies, creating      2nd 3rd 4th
Package for CD command (File menu)      
Package for CD dialog box      
Pages      [See See Web pages]
pages, Web      
pages, Web, customizing      
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