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Bauer M.D. — Linux Server Security
Bauer M.D. — Linux Server Security

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Название: Linux Server Security

Автор: Bauer M.D.


Linux consistently appears high up in the list of popular Internet servers, whether it's for the Web, anonymous FTP, or general services such as DNS and delivering mail. But security is the foremost concern of anyone providing such a service. Any server experiences casual probe attempts dozens of time a day, and serious break-in attempts with some frequency as well. This highly regarded book, originally titled Building Secure Servers with Linux, combines practical advice with a firm knowledge of the technical tools needed to ensure security. The book focuses on the most common use of Linux — as a hub offering services to an organization or the Internet — and shows readers how to harden their hosts against attacks. An all-inclusive resource for Linux users who wish to harden their systems, Linux Server Security covers general security such as intrusion detection and firewalling a hub, as well as key services such as DNS, the Apache Web server, mail, and secure shell. Author Michael D. Bauer, a security consultant, network architect, and lead author of the popular Paranoid Penguin column in the Linux Journal, carefully outlines the security risks, defines precautions that can minimize those risks, and offers recipes for robust security. He is joined on several chapters by administrator and developer Bill Lubanovic. A number of new security topics have been added for this edition, including:

* Database security, with a focus on MySQL
* Using OpenLDAP for authentication
* An introduction to email encryption
* The Cyrus IMAP service, a popular mail delivery agent
* The vsftpd FTP server

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 542

Добавлена в каталог: 14.06.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Snort, up-to-date details on      
Snort, updating automatically      
Snort, web site      
snort.conf file      
SOCKS protocol      
software, applying manual updates      
software, keeping up-to-date      
software-development environments      
Spafford, Gene      2nd
Spitzner, Lance      
split DNS      2nd
split horizon DNS service      
Spoofing      2nd 3rd
spoofing, anti-IP-spoofing rules      
spoofing, anti-spoofing rules      
spoofing, spoofing      
SQL injection      
SQL LOAD DATA command      
SQL LOAD DATA LOCAL command      
SQL SELECT statement      
SSH (Secure Shell)      2nd
SSH, commands, SSH and      
SSH, file sharing and      
SSH, history of      
SSH, how it works      
SSH, quick start instructions      
SSH, RSA/DSA keys and      
SSH, scp      
SSH, sftp      
SSH, ssh      2nd
SSH, ssh, compared to Telnet      
SSH, ssh, encrypting zone transfers with      
SSH, ssh, using to forward a POP3 email session      
SSH, ssh-add      2nd 3rd 4th
SSH, ssh-agent      2nd 3rd 4th
SSH, ssh-askpass      2nd
SSH, ssh-keygen      2nd 3rd
SSH, sshd      2nd
SSH, sshd, configuring and running      
sshd_config file      2nd 3rd 4th
sshd_config file, AllowTcpForwarding      
sshd_config file, PermitEmptyPasswords      
sshd_config file, PermitRootLogin      
sshd_config file, Port      
sshd_config file, X11Forwarding      
ssh_config file      2nd 3rd
SSI (Server-Side Includes)      
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)      [See also OpenSSL]
SSL, Apache and      
SSL, client authentication      
SSL, history of      
SSL, session      
SSL, SSH and      
SSL-wrapper utility      
sslog_fifo_size, syslog-ng global option      
Start-of-Authority (SOA) record      
STARTTLS, email relay access and      
startup services, managing      
state-based systems      
stateful inspection      
stateful packet filtering      2nd
static content and Apache      
statically linked versions of Apache      
stealth logging      
stealth scanning      2nd
Stenner, Michael      
Stephenson, Neal      
Stoll, Cliff      
stop points      
Stream ciphers      
stream ciphers, defined      
stream4 (Snort preprocessor plug-in)      
Stunnel, accept parameter      
Stunnel, CAs      [See CAs]
Stunnel, client-based authentication      
Stunnel, compile-time options      
Stunnel, connect parameter      
Stunnel, differences between running in client and server mode      
Stunnel, example      
Stunnel, Inetd mode      
Stunnel, listening ports      
Stunnel, OpenSSL and      [See OpenSSL]
Stunnel, options      
Stunnel, running in daemon mode      
Stunnel, security enhancing global settings      
Stunnel, using on server with other SSL applications on clients      
su, using      
subnets, strong screened-subnet      
subnets, weak screened-subnet      
sudo, using      
SUID (set-user ID)      
SUID, root files      
SUSE Linux      
SUSE Linux, chrooting BIND in      
SUSE Linux, creating iptables policies      
SUSE Linux, disabling services in      
SUSE Linux, online-update feature      
SUSE Linux, OpenSSH and      
SUSE Linux, Proxy Suite      
SUSE Linux, security updates      
SUSE Linux, yast2      
SWATCH      2nd
Swatch, actions      
Swatch, alternatives to      
Swatch, automated      
Swatch, file synchronization and      
Swatch, fine-tuning      
Swatch, home page      
Swatch, installing      
Swatch, running      
Swatch, throttle parameter      
Symantec Enterprise Firewall      
symmetric algorithm, defined      
sync, syslog-ng global option      
synchronization of logfiles      
syslog, actions      
syslog, auth      
syslog, auth-priv, syslog      
syslog, daemon      
syslog, kern      
syslog, local4      
syslog, local6,      
syslog, local7      
syslog, logging email and uucp messages      
syslog, mapping of actions to facilities and priorities      
syslog, mark      
syslog, none      
syslog, priorities      
syslog, stealth      
syslog, user      
syslog-ng      2nd
Syslog-ng, advanced configuring      
Syslog-ng, as its own log watcher, example      
Syslog-ng, compiling and installing from source code      
Syslog-ng, configuring      
Syslog-ng, creating new directories for its logfiles      
Syslog-ng, destination drivers      2nd
Syslog-ng, field expansion      
Syslog-ng, installing from binary packages      
Syslog-ng, libol (support library)      
Syslog-ng, list of supported filename/template macros      
Syslog-ng, log{} statements      
Syslog-ng, mailing list web site      
Syslog-ng, message filters      
Syslog-ng, message sources      
Syslog-ng, official (maintained) documentation      
Syslog-ng, replacing syslogd on Fedora      
Syslog-ng, replacing syslogd on SUSE      
Syslog-ng, setting startup parameters      
Syslog-ng, setting startup parameters, building chroot jail      
Syslog-ng, setting startup parameters, startup flags      
Syslog-ng, setting startup parameters, where to specifiy      
Syslog-ng, startup flags      
Syslog-ng, supported source drivers      
Syslog-ng.conf file      
Syslog-ng.conf file, example      
Syslog-ng.conf file, options{} section      
syslog.conf file      
syslog.conf file, default      
syslog.conf file, multiple selectors      
syslog.conf file, priorities      
syslog.conf file, types of actions      
syslog.conf file, use of O!O and O=O as prefixes with priorities      
syslogd      2nd 3rd
syslogd, flags      
syslogd, replacing with Syslog-ng on Fedora      
syslogd, replacing with Syslog-ng on SUSE      
syslogd, unpredictable behavior      
SyslogFacility, ProFTPD setting      
syslog_enable (vsftpd.conf)      
system availability      2nd
system integrity      
system integrity, overview      
system monitoring tools      [See Swatch]
system-integrity checker, Tripwire      
taint mode, Perl running in      
TCP Connect scan      
TCP FIN scan      
TCP handshake      
TCP NULL scan      
TCP port forwarding      2nd
TCP SYN scan      
TCP Xmas Tree scan      
TCP/IP Stack Attack      
TCP/IP, applications      
TCP/IP, listening sockets, displaying      
TCP/IP, protocols      
TCPwrappers      2nd
Telnet      2nd
Telnet, data confidentiality and      
Telnet, using to test SMTP servers      
Telnet, vulnerability of      
telnet_decode (Snort preprocessor plug-in)      
testing SMTP servers      
threat modeling      
threat models, related to logging      
threats      [See also attacks]
three-homed host      2nd [See also multihomed host]
Three-way handshake      
Time To Live interval (TTL)      
timeout, rsync option      
TimeoutIdle, ProFTPD setting      
TimeOutNoTransfer, ProFTPD setting      
TimeOutStalled, ProFTPD setting      
time_reap, syslog-ng global option      
time_reopen, syslog-ng global option      
tinydns, djbdns service      2nd
tinydns, djbdns service, data format      
tinydns, djbdns service, helper applications      
tinydns, djbdns service, helper-application syntax versus tinydns-data format      
tinydns, djbdns service, installing      
tinydns, djbdns service, less-common record types      
tinydns, djbdns service, running      
tinydns, djbdns service, tinydns-data fields      
Tipton, Harold      
TLS (Transport Layer Security)      2nd 3rd
TLS, basic server-side      
TLS, configuring Sendmail to use      
TLS, slapd startup options for      
TLS, testing TLS-enabled LDAP server      
TMPDIR.pm, InteractiveBastille module      
topologies, network      
TRACE method, HTTP      
traffic analysis      [See IDS NIDS]
Transaction Signatures      [See TSIGs]
transfer logging, rsync option      
Transparent proxy      
Transport Layer Security      [See TLS]
trap-snmp (Snort postprocessor plug-in)      
Tridgell, Andrew      
Triple-DES (3DES)      
Tripwire      2nd
Tripwire Academic Source Release      
Tripwire Open Source      
Tripwire Open Source home page      
Tripwire, automated checks, script for      
Tripwire, changing      
Tripwire, choosing strong passphrases      
Tripwire, commands, long-form versus short form      
Tripwire, configuration versus policy      
Tripwire, editing or creating a policy      
Tripwire, file management      
Tripwire, installing      
Tripwire, obtaining, compiling, and installing      
Tripwire, predefined (hardcoded) variables      
Tripwire, property masks      
Tripwire, re-encrypting      
Tripwire, running checks and updates      
Tripwire, sample policy file      
Tripwire, severity levels and      
Tripwire, structure and syntax      
Tripwire, tarball download      
Tripwire, updating Tripwire's database after violation or system changes      
Ts'o, Theodore      
TSIGs (Transaction Signatures)      2nd
TSIGs (Transaction Signatures), additional uses for      
Tunneling      2nd 3rd
tunneling, defined      
tw.cfg file      
Tweedie, Stephen      
TXT records      
UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email)      
UCE, discussion on      
UCE, SMTP AUTH and      
ucspi-tcp (djbdns associated package)      2nd
UDP scanning      2nd
uid, rsync option      
umask, ProFTPD setting      
Universal description, discovery, and integration (UDDI)      
Unsolicited Commercial Email      [See UCE]
up2date      2nd 3rd
up2date, alternatives      [See YUM]
updating software      
updating software, applying manual updates      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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