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Bauer M.D. — Linux Server Security
Bauer M.D. — Linux Server Security

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Название: Linux Server Security

Автор: Bauer M.D.


Linux consistently appears high up in the list of popular Internet servers, whether it's for the Web, anonymous FTP, or general services such as DNS and delivering mail. But security is the foremost concern of anyone providing such a service. Any server experiences casual probe attempts dozens of time a day, and serious break-in attempts with some frequency as well. This highly regarded book, originally titled Building Secure Servers with Linux, combines practical advice with a firm knowledge of the technical tools needed to ensure security. The book focuses on the most common use of Linux — as a hub offering services to an organization or the Internet — and shows readers how to harden their hosts against attacks. An all-inclusive resource for Linux users who wish to harden their systems, Linux Server Security covers general security such as intrusion detection and firewalling a hub, as well as key services such as DNS, the Apache Web server, mail, and secure shell. Author Michael D. Bauer, a security consultant, network architect, and lead author of the popular Paranoid Penguin column in the Linux Journal, carefully outlines the security risks, defines precautions that can minimize those risks, and offers recipes for robust security. He is joined on several chapters by administrator and developer Bill Lubanovic. A number of new security topics have been added for this edition, including:

* Database security, with a focus on MySQL
* Using OpenLDAP for authentication
* An introduction to email encryption
* The Cyrus IMAP service, a popular mail delivery agent
* The vsftpd FTP server

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 542

Добавлена в каталог: 14.06.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
hardening a system, rootkits      
hardening a system, Sendmail      
hardening a system, services      
hardening a system, software-development environments      
hardening a system, Tripwire and      
hardening a system, unnecessary packages      
hardening a system, unnecessary packages, FTP      
hardening a system, unnecessary packages, POP      
hardening a system, unnecessary packages, scanning tools      
hardening a system, utilities, Bastille Linux      
hardening a system, X Window System      
hash, database format      
hashes, CRC-32, caution against      
Hazel, Philip      
HEAD method, HTTP      
HELO command (SMTP)      
Herman, Paul      
heterogeneous firewall environments      
hide_ids (vsftpd.conf)      
hijacked daemon      
HINFO records      
honey (decoy) nets      
Honeynet Project, information on attackers      
host command      
host keys      2nd
host keys, defined      
host-based access control      
host-based IDSes      
hosts access authentication      
hosts allow, rsync option      
hosts deny, rsync option      
Hrycaj, Jordan      
HTML active content tags      
htmlentities, PHP function      
htmlspecialcharacters, PHP function      
HTTP, GET method      
HTTP, HEAD method      
HTTP, OPTIONS method      
HTTP, POST method      
HTTP, PUT method      
HTTP, TRACE method      
httpd.conf file      
http_decode (Snort preprocessor plug-in)      
Hunt, Craig      
Hybris worm      
IDEA      2nd
Identity management      
idle_session_timeout (vsftpd.conf)      
IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems)      2nd 3rd 4th
IDS, Audit Based      
ignore nonreadable, rsync option      
IMAP, clients as email readers      
IMAP, Courier IMAP home page      
IMAP, Cyrus IMAP home page      
IMAP, resources      
IMAP, server administration      
IMAP, UW IMAP homepage      
IMAP, which server to use      
in.talkd, Inetd-style daemon      
in.telnetd, Inetd-style daemon      
Incoming queue (Postfix)      
inetd      2nd
inetorgperson.schema (LDAP)      
information security threats      
InnoDB (MySQL table type)      
integrity checkers      2nd
integrity checkers, configuring      
integrity checkers, Fcheck      
integrity checkers, Linux Intrusion Detection System (LIDS)      
integrity checking, defined      
integrity of      
integrity of, data, overview      
integrity of, system, overview      
internal DNS      
internal network, defined      
Internet Daemon      
Internet Scanner      
Internet Software Consortium      
Internet Software Consortium, BIND      
intrusion detection systems      [See IDS]
intrusion detection techniques      
IP aliases, creating      
ipchains      2nd
iptables command      
iptables/netfilter      2nd
iptables/netfilter, --delete-chain      
iptables/netfilter, --flush      
iptables/netfilter, common options used in      
iptables/netfilter, complete documentation      
iptables/netfilter, how it works      
iptables/netfilter, INPUT chain      
iptables/netfilter, insmod      
iptables/netfilter, ip_conntrack_ftp module      
iptables/netfilter, logging default DROPs      
iptables/netfilter, modprobe      
iptables/netfilter, OUTPUT chain      
iptables/netfilter, script for running FTP and HTTP services      
ip_conntrack_ftp, iptables kernel module      
IS security resources      
ISS RealSecure      
Jaenicke, Lutz      
Kaseguma, Rick      2nd
keep_hostnames, syslog-ng global option      
KerberosIV      2nd
kerberos_v4, SASL method      
kern facility, syslog      
kernel log daemon      
keys, defined      
keys, host      2nd
keys, key length      
keys, pairs      [See also user keys host keys] [See also user keys host keys]
keys, passphrase-less      
keys, private      2nd
keys, public      2nd
keys, session      2nd
keys, unencrypted server certificates      
keys, user      
Kilger, Max      
Kim, Gene      
Klaus, Christopher      
klogd (Linux's kernel log daemon)      2nd
Koetter, Patrick Ben      
Krause, Micki      
LAMP platform      
Lasser, Jon      
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)      2nd [See also OpenLDAP]
LDAP object classes      
LDAP, as alternative to MySQL      
LDAP, attributes      
LDAP, building and adding records      
LDAP, combining structures      
LDAP, Common Name (cn) attribute      
LDAP, core.schema file      
LDAP, cosine.schema      
LDAP, creating records      
LDAP, database administration settings in slapd.conf file      
LDAP, database management      
LDAP, database structure      2nd
LDAP, Distinguished Names (DNs)      
LDAP, encryption      [See TLS]
LDAP, entity names in      
LDAP, error messages      
LDAP, example structures      
LDAP, for Cyrus-IMAPD      
LDAP, for DNS      
LDAP, gq schema browser      
LDAP, hierarchies and naming conventions      
LDAP, inetorgperson.schema      
LDAP, ldapbrowser schema browser      
LDAP, LDIF files      
LDAP, LDIF files, containing multiple records      
LDAP, LDIF files, example      
LDAP, LDIF files, user passwords      
LDAP, MUST and MAY restrictions in schema      
LDAP, nis.schema      
LDAP, Oorg-chart-mirroringO structure      
LDAP, openldap.schema      
LDAP, overview      
LDAP, password management      
LDAP, Postfix and      
LDAP, resources      
LDAP, schema and user records      
LDAP, schema browsing with gq      
LDAP, schemas      
LDAP, server using CA certificates      
LDAP, server using self-signed certificate key      
LDAP, setting up server      
LDAP, testing TLS-enabled LDAP server      
LDAP, uid attribute      
LDAP, UserID (uid)      
LDAP, userPassword attribute      
LDAP, using for authentication      
LDAP, using server as real CA      
LDAP, using server to authenticate protocols such as POP or IMAP      
LDAP, using with Cyrus IMAP      
ldap-utils package      
ldapadd command      2nd
ldapbrowser tool      
ldapbrowser tool, ldapbrowser schema browser      
ldappasswd command      
LDIF files      
LDIF files, containing multiple records      
LDIF files, example      
LDIF files, user passwords      
Lechnyr, David      
libldap2 package      
libol, syslog-ng support library      
libpcap, network packet capture tool      
libsasl7 package      
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol      [See LDAP]
Linux Intrusion Detection System (LIDS)      
Linux Intrusion Detection System (LIDS), web site      
Linux Journal      
LinuxEXT2 filesystem      
listen (vsftpd.conf)      
Listen, Apache option      
listen-on, BIND global option      
listening ports      
listen_address (vsftpd.conf)      
Liu, Cricket      
load balancers      
local-host-names file      
local4 facility, syslog      
local6 facility, syslog      
local7 facility, syslog      
local_root (vsftpd.conf)      
log, daemon, kernel      
log, Debian file management      2nd
log, logfiles      
log, message relayed from one host to two others, example      
log, server, central      
log-rotation scheme      
LogFormat, ProFTPD setting      
logger, command-line application      2nd
logging, categories related to security      
logging, database      
logging, remote      
logging, simple log-reporting tools      
logging, testing system logging      
logging, uucp messages      
Logging.pm, InteractiveBastille module      
logging{} section in named.conf file      
logrotate      2nd
logrotate package      
logrotate, directives      
logrotate, running      
logrotate.conf file      
Logsurfer home page      
log_ftp_protocol (vsftpd.conf)      
Lotus Notes      
m4 variable definitions, Sendmail      
Mackerras, Paul      
MAIL command (SMTP)      
Mail Delivery Agents      [See MDAs]
Mail User Agents (MUAs)      
mail, logging messages      
mail-transfer protocols      
Maildrop queue (Postfix)      
MAILER( ) directive      
mailertable file      
mailing lists      2nd
MAILNOVIOLATIONS, Tripwire setting      
main.cf, protection against UCE      
makemap command      
mapping email addresses      [See aliases]
mark facility, syslog      
mark facility, syslog, mark, turning on      
MasqueradeAddress, ProFTPD setting      
MASQUERADE_AS macro      
Masquerading      2nd
master-to-slave updates      
match-clients in view{} statements      
max connections, rsync option      
Max Vision      
MaxClients, ProFTPD setting      
MaxClientsPerHost, ProFTPD setting      
MaxInstances, ProFTPD setting      
max_connections server variable (MySQL)      
max_connect_errors server variable (MySQL)      
max_per_ip (vsftpd.conf)      
max_user_connections server variable (MySQL)      
MDAs (Mail Delivery Agents)      2nd
MDAs, IMAP-based systems      
MDAs, security      
message-forgery attacks      
Microsoft, Exchange      
Microsoft, serious security problems in FrontPage      
MiscellaneousDaemons.pm, InteractiveBastille module      
mod_backhand module      
mod_bandwidth module      
mod_choke module      
mod_dav module      
mod_digest module      
mod_perl module      
mod_php module      
mod_pubcookie module      
mod_security module      
monitoring files and directories      
motives for attacks      
MTAs (Mail Transfer Agents)      2nd
MUAs (Mail User Agents)      
multihomed firewall      2nd 3rd [See also three-homed host]
multihomed host      
MX records      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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