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Bauer M.D. — Linux Server Security
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Название: Linux Server Security
Автор: Bauer M.D.
Аннотация: Linux consistently appears high up in the list of popular Internet servers, whether it's for the Web, anonymous FTP, or general services such as DNS and delivering mail. But security is the foremost concern of anyone providing such a service. Any server experiences casual probe attempts dozens of time a day, and serious break-in attempts with some frequency as well. This highly regarded book, originally titled Building Secure Servers with Linux, combines practical advice with a firm knowledge of the technical tools needed to ensure security. The book focuses on the most common use of Linux — as a hub offering services to an organization or the Internet — and shows readers how to harden their hosts against attacks. An all-inclusive resource for Linux users who wish to harden their systems, Linux Server Security covers general security such as intrusion detection and firewalling a hub, as well as key services such as DNS, the Apache Web server, mail, and secure shell. Author Michael D. Bauer, a security consultant, network architect, and lead author of the popular Paranoid Penguin column in the Linux Journal, carefully outlines the security risks, defines precautions that can minimize those risks, and offers recipes for robust security. He is joined on several chapters by administrator and developer Bill Lubanovic. A number of new security topics have been added for this edition, including:
* Database security, with a focus on MySQL
* Using OpenLDAP for authentication
* An introduction to email encryption
* The Cyrus IMAP service, a popular mail delivery agent
* The vsftpd FTP server
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: 2-nd
Год издания: 2005
Количество страниц: 542
Добавлена в каталог: 14.06.2007
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
create_dirs, syslog-ng global option
creating passwords
cron jobs and authentication
cryptographic, hashes
cryptographic, termonology
CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey web site
Cyradm ACL permission codes
cyradm, creating mailboxes with
cyradm, invoking
Cyrus IMAP
Cyrus IMAP, ACLs
Cyrus IMAP, administering with cyradm
Cyrus IMAP, configuring
Cyrus IMAP, deleting mailboxes
Cyrus IMAP, documentation
Cyrus IMAP, getting and installing
Cyrus IMAP, home page
Cyrus IMAP, using with LDAP
Cyrus SASL, obtaining
Cyrus-IMAPD, LDAP for
cyrus-sasl package
cyrus-sasl-md5 package
Daemon 2nd
daemon facility, syslog 2nd
daemon, command-line flag support
daemon, daemon mode
daemon, logging and controlling access
daemon, persistent
daemon, running in
daemontools 2nd 3rd
Danen, Vincent
DATA command (SMTP)
data confidentiality
data confidentiality, overview
data corruption or loss
Data integrity
data integrity, overview
data theft
database (Snort postprocessor plug-in)
database access, security guidelines
database formats in Sendmail, determining which formats are supported
Database security
database security, public database servers
database security, secure remote administration 2nd [See also Stunnel]
database security, secure remote administration, ssh to database server
database security, secure remote administration, tunnelling local port to server
database security, secure remote administration, VPN
database security, secure remote administration, web-based MySQL administrative interfaces
database security, server installation [See MySQL]
database security, server location
database security, types of problems
database threads
database threads, killing
database threads, viewing
database traffic, viewing
DBFILE, Tripwire setting
dbm database format
DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)
Debian 2nd
Debian, disabling services in
Debian, download sites
Debian, OpenSSH and
Debian, updating
Defense in depth 2nd
defenses against attacks
defenses against attacks, asset devaluation
defenses against attacks, mitigation of
Deferred queue (Postfix)
Denial of Service (DoS)
denial of service (DoS) attacks 2nd 3rd 4th
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, spoofed packets
DenyAll, ProFTPD setting
Deraison, Renaud 2nd
destination ports
dig command
Digest authentication 2nd
directory services protocols
dir_group, syslog-ng global option
dir_owner, syslog-ng global option
dir_perm, syslog-ng global option
DisableUserTools.pm, InteractiveBastille module
Distributed Authoring and Versioning [See WebDAV]
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
djbdns 2nd
djbdns FAQ
djbdns, axfr-get
djbdns, axfrdns
djbdns, client programs
djbdns, coexisting with
djbdns, component and associated packages
djbdns, components and associated packages
djbdns, djbdns
djbdns, dnscache
djbdns, dnscachex
djbdns, home page
djbdns, how it works
djbdns, important features
djbdns, installing
djbdns, resources
djbdns, tinydns
djbdns, versus BIND
DMZ (demilitarized zone) 2nd
DMZ, deciding what should reside on
DMZ, iptables script for running FTP and HTTP services
DMZ, resource allocation
DMZ, scanners
DMZ, stealth logging and
DMZ, traffic
dns (djbdns component)
DNS (Domain Name Service) 2nd 3rd
DNS, basics
DNS, configuring [See named.conf file]
DNS, internal
DNS, look-ups
DNS, naming conventions
DNS, queries
DNS, registration
DNS, sample zone file
DNS, security advisories
DNS, security principles
DNS, security resources
DNS, selecting software package
DNS, split horizon service
DNS, split services 2nd
DNS, zone transfers
DNS-related RFCs
dnscache, djbdns service 2nd
dnscache, djbdns service, architecture and dataflow
dnscachex, djbdns service
dnsfilter, djbdns component 2nd
dnsip, djbdns component 2nd
dnsipq, djbdns component
dnskeygen command
dnsmx, djbdns component 2nd
dnsname, djbdns component 2nd
dnsq, djbdns component 2nd
dnsqr, djbdns component 2nd
DNSsec 2nd
dnstrace, djbdns component 2nd
dnstxt, djbdns component
DocumentRoot, Apache option
Domain Name Service [See DNS]
dont compress, rsync option
download sites
download sites, curl
download sites, Postfix
download sites, ProFTPD
download sites, Sendmail
download sites, syslog-ng
download sites, ucspi-tcp
dropping packets
DSA, authentication
Durham, Mark 2nd
dynamic content and Apache
dynamically linked versions of Apache
EAO (Expected Annual Occurence)
electronic crimes
email encryption
email encryption, GnuPGP
email encryption, PGP
email encryption, S/MIME
email encryption, X.509 digital certificates and
email, securing Internet 2nd [See also IMAP; Postfix; Sendmail; SASL]
email, securing Internet, abuse
email, securing Internet, client-server email relays
email, securing Internet, DMZ networks and
email, securing Internet, readers
email, securing Internet, relay access and SMTP AUTH
email, securing Internet, relays
email, securing Internet, relays, client-server
email, securing Internet, relays, server-server
email, securing Internet, services on firewall
encrypted, (unencrypted) keys and server certificates
encrypted, email
encrypted, file transfers [See sftp]
encrypted, good methods for
encrypted, packets
encrypted, sessions
encrypted, SSL tunnels
encrypted, zone transfers
encryption, email
encryption, email, GnuPGP
encryption, email, PGP
encryption, email, S/MIME
encryption, FTP
entropy, defined
environment variable access control
Evans, Chris
Exchange Replacement HOWTO
Exim 2nd
Expected Annual Occurrence (EAO)
EXPN, SMTP command
external DNS
facilities, syslog
facilities, syslog, chart summary
False negatives 2nd
False positives
false positives, in signature-based systems
Fcheck 2nd
Fedora, chrooting BIND in
Fedora, Core 2
Fedora, FAQ (unofficial)
Fedora, HOWTO
Fennelly, Carole
fetch-glue, BIND global option
file services
file services, NFS
file services, Samba
file services, scp 2nd
file synchronization
File Transfer Protocol [See FTP]
file transfers [See file services FTP]
FilePermissions.pm, InteractiveBastille module
filter{ } statement (Syslog-ng)
Firebird, database
Firebox, database
Firewall.pm, InteractiveBastille module
Firewalls 2nd 3rd 4th
firewalls, anti-spoofing features, configure
firewalls, architecture
firewalls, commercial and free proxy
firewalls, configuration guidelines
firewalls, configuring to drop or reject packets
firewalls, defined
firewalls, hardening the OS
firewalls, heterogeneous environments
firewalls, multihomed
firewalls, multihomed firewall system script example
firewalls, public services
firewalls, running services on 2nd
firewalls, selecting which type
firewalls, simple
firewalls, three-homed firewall
Ford-Hutchinson, Paul
form checking with JavaScript
form-based file uploads
forms processing, security
Forrester, Ron 2nd 3rd
frag2 (Snort preprocessor plug-in)
FreeS/WAN 2nd
Friedl, Jeffrey E. F.
ftp (file transfer protocol) 2nd
FTP, active mode
FTP, active mode versus passive mode
FTP, anonymous [See anonymous FTP]
FTP, chroot jail 2nd
FTP, drop-off directory
FTP, encryption
FTP, FTP Bounce
FTP, module
FTP, nonanonymous
FTP, passive mode
FTP, PORT command
FTP, principles of
FTP, proxy
FTP, scanning
FTP, server packages
FTP, site management
FTP, Stunnel and
FTP, virtual FTP servers
ftpd_banner (vsftpd.conf)
ftp_username (vsftpd.conf)
Garfinkel, Simson
Generic Service Proxy [See GSP]
GET method, HTTP
gid, rsync option
GIMP, gtk, GIMP Tool Kit
global versus per-package updates
GnuPG (Gnu Privacy Guard)
gnupg package
gpg signature
gq schema browser 2nd
Group, Apache option
group, syslog-ng global option
GSP (Generic Service Proxy) 2nd
gtk, GIMP Tool Kit
Guide to Building Secure Web Applications
hardened system, defined
hardening a system
hardening a system, global versus per-package updates
hardening a system, inetd
hardening a system, keeping software up-to-date
hardening a system, Principle of Least Privilege
hardening a system, r-services