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Bauer M.D. — Linux Server Security
Bauer M.D. — Linux Server Security

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Название: Linux Server Security

Автор: Bauer M.D.


Linux consistently appears high up in the list of popular Internet servers, whether it's for the Web, anonymous FTP, or general services such as DNS and delivering mail. But security is the foremost concern of anyone providing such a service. Any server experiences casual probe attempts dozens of time a day, and serious break-in attempts with some frequency as well. This highly regarded book, originally titled Building Secure Servers with Linux, combines practical advice with a firm knowledge of the technical tools needed to ensure security. The book focuses on the most common use of Linux — as a hub offering services to an organization or the Internet — and shows readers how to harden their hosts against attacks. An all-inclusive resource for Linux users who wish to harden their systems, Linux Server Security covers general security such as intrusion detection and firewalling a hub, as well as key services such as DNS, the Apache Web server, mail, and secure shell. Author Michael D. Bauer, a security consultant, network architect, and lead author of the popular Paranoid Penguin column in the Linux Journal, carefully outlines the security risks, defines precautions that can minimize those risks, and offers recipes for robust security. He is joined on several chapters by administrator and developer Bill Lubanovic. A number of new security topics have been added for this edition, including:

* Database security, with a focus on MySQL
* Using OpenLDAP for authentication
* An introduction to email encryption
* The Cyrus IMAP service, a popular mail delivery agent
* The vsftpd FTP server

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 542

Добавлена в каталог: 14.06.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
MyISAM (MySQL table types)      
MyISAM table tb      
MySQL      2nd
mysql package      
MySQL, alternatives to      
MySQL, backups      
MySQL, common file locations      
MySQL, configuration file      
MySQL, creating user accounts and privileges      
MySQL, database security      [See database security]
MySQL, datafile for MyISAM table tb      
MySQL, definition file for table tb      
MySQL, deleting users and test databases      
MySQL, directory for database db      
MySQL, error logfile      
MySQL, general security issues      
MySQL, global configuration file      
MySQL, home page      
MySQL, index file for MyISAM table tb      
MySQL, installing and configuring server and clients      
MySQL, killing database threads      
MySQL, listening ports      
MySQL, loading datafiles      
MySQL, logging      
MySQL, privilege types      
MySQL, queries      
MySQL, replication      
MySQL, resources      
MySQL, running as root      
MySQL, scope examples      
MySQL, server binary      
MySQL, server installation      
MySQL, server installation, choosing version      
MySQL, server variables      2nd
MySQL, server variables, max_connections      
MySQL, server variables, max_connect_errors      
MySQL, server variables, max_user_connections      
MySQL, server, checking      
MySQL, server-specific configuration file      
MySQL, setting root user password      
MySQL, stopping server      
MySQL, table types      
MySQL, user examples      
MySQL, user-specific configuration file      
MySQL, user-specific history      
MySQL, users with FILE privileges      
MySQL, users with PROCESS privilege      
MySQL, users with SHUTDOWN privilege      
MySQL, users with SUPER privilege      
MySQL, viewing database threads      
MySQL, viewing database traffic      
MySQL, web-based administrative interfaces      
MySQL, writing data to files      
mysql-log-rotate script      
mysql-server package      
mysqldump client      
mysqld_safe script      
named, invoking      
named.conf file      
named.conf file, acl{} sections      
named.conf file, channellist      
named.conf file, example      
named.conf file, key{} statement      
named.conf file, logging{} section      
named.conf file, options{} section      
named.conf file, rules      
named.conf file, using      
named.conf file, view{} statements in      
named.conf file, zone-by-zone security      
named.conf file, zone-by-zone security, allow-query parameter      
named.conf file, zone-by-zone security, allow-transfer parameter      
named.conf file, zone-by-zone security, allow-update parameter      
named.conf file, zone{} section      
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)      
ndc, BIND v8's Name Daemon Control interface      
Nelson, Russell      
Nessus, architecture      
Nessus, client component      
Nessus, getting and installing      
Nessus, performing security scans with      
Nessus, updating scan scripts      
nessusd, Nessus daemon      
netfilter (see iptables/netfilter      
netstat, using to display TCP/IP listening socke)ts      
Network Flight Recorder      
network IDS      [See NIDS]
Network Solutions      
network, availability      
network, monitoring      
network, redundant      
network, tools      
network, topologies      
network-access control devices      
Network-Address-Translated (NAT-ed) server      
NFS      2nd 3rd
NIDS (network IDS)      2nd 3rd
NIDS (network IDS), signatures, for      
nis.schema (LDAP)      
nmap, getting and installing      
nmap, running      
nmap, TCP Connect scan      
nmap, TCP FIN scan      
nmap, TCP NULL scan      
nmap, TCP SYN scan      
nmap, TCP Xmas Tree scan      
nmap, UDP scan      
nmapfe, nmap GUI      
nonanonymous FTP      
none facility, syslog      
nopriv_user (vsftpd.conf)      
normal network state      
Northcutt, Stephen      2nd
Novak, Judy      
NS records      
null-passphrase keys      
oinkmaster      2nd
Oinkmaster auto-Snort rules update script      
OParanoid PenguinO Linux Journal security column      
Open Source PKI Book      
Open Web Application Secuity Project (OWASP)      
OpenAanval web site      
OpenCA project home page      
OpenLDAP      2nd [See also LDAP]
openldap package      
OpenLDAP, 2.0 Administrator's Guide      
OpenLDAP, access-control lists (ACLs)      
OpenLDAP, encryption      [See TLS]
OpenLDAP, getting and installing      
OpenLDAP, running server on Linux system      
OpenLDAP, slapd      [See slapd]
OpenLDAP, software and documentation      
OpenLDAP, specific packages comprising      
OpenLDAP, transactions over networks      
OpenLDAP, using for authentication      2nd
OpenLDAP, web site      
openldap-clients package      
openldap-devel package      
openldap-servers package      
openldap.schema (LDAP)      
openldap2 RPM      
openldap2-client RPM      
openldap2-devel RPM      
OpenSSH      2nd
OpenSSH, configuring      
OpenSSH, DSA keys and      
OpenSSH, getting and installing      
OpenSSH, how secure connections are built      
OpenSSL      2nd [See also SSL]
OpenSSL, ciphers      
OpenSSL, home directory      
OpenSSL, project home page      
OpenSSL, resources      
openssl.cnf file      
OPTIONS method, HTTP      
options{} section in named.conf file      
OS fingerprinting      
Ostling, Andreas      
owner, syslog-ng global option      
Ozier, Will      
package version checking with RPM      
packet filtering      2nd
packet filtering, defined      
packet filtering, stateful      
packet filtering, Stateful Inspection      
packet sniffers      2nd
PAM (pluggable authentication modules)      2nd
pam, SASL method      
pass method      
passive mode FTP      
passphrase, CA key      
passphrase, defined      
passphrase, private-key      
passphrase, protected      
passphrase-free certificates      
passphrase-free certificates, danger of      
passphrase-less key      
passphrase-less key, pair      
passwords, POP3      
PASV Security and PORT Security      
peer-to-peer model for authentication      
perimeter networks      
perimeter networks, defined      
perimeter networks, design      
perimeter networks, well designed      
Perl      2nd
Perl, accessing databases      
Perl, executing programs      
Perl, overview      
Perl, processing      
Perl, secure installation      
Perl, sessions      
Perl, taint mode, running in      
Perl, uploading files from forms      
perm, syslog-ng global option      
PermitEmptyPasswords, sshd_config parameter      
PermitRootLogin, sshd_config parameter      
persistent daemon      
persistent daemon, ProFTPD run as a      
PGP      2nd
PHP, accessing databases      
PHP, application that analyzes IDS data in real time      
PHP, executing programs      
PHP, global data security issue      
PHP, old and new global arrays      
PHP, overview      
PHP, processing      
PHP, safer settings      
PHP, sessions and cookies      
PHP, uploading files from forms      
php.ini file      
ping, sweeps      
PK crypto      [See public-key cryptography]
PKI      2nd 3rd
Pluggable Authentication Modules      [See PAM]
Poor, Mike      
POP3, clients as email readers      
POP3, passwords      
POP3, using ssh to forward an email session      
port assignments, new      
port forwarding      
port forwarding, defined      
port forwarding, TCP      2nd
port scans      [See also Nessus; nmap; Snort]
port scans, simple      
PORT Theft attacks      
Port, ProFTPD setting      
Port, sshd_config parameter      
portmapper service      2nd
portscan (Snort preprocessor plug-in)      
port_enable (vsftpd.conf)      
POST method, HTTP      
Postfix      2nd
postfix command      
Postfix, architecture      
Postfix, chroot jail, running in      
Postfix, configuring      
Postfix, getting and installing      
Postfix, LDAP and      
Postfix, mailing list      
Postfix, queues      
Postfix, quick start procedure      
Postfix, resources      
Postfix, SMTP AUTH (and TLS) HOWTO      
Postfix, using      
Principle of Least Privilege      
Printing.pm, InteractiveBastille module      
priorities, syslog      
priorities, syslog, chart summary      
Private keys      2nd 3rd
private-key passphrase      
processes, on compromised system      
ProFTPD      2nd 3rd
ProFTPD, assigning IP aliases      
ProFTPD, base-server-but-actually-global settings      
ProFTPD, chroot jail example      
ProFTPD, compiling      
ProFTPD, configuration      
ProFTPD, disadvantages of starting from inetd      
ProFTPD, FTP commands that can be limited      
ProFTPD, getting      
ProFTPD, global settings      2nd
ProFTPD, home page      
ProFTPD, modules      
ProFTPD, which commands can limit      
proftpd.conf file      2nd 3rd 4th
proftpd.conf file, anonymous FTP and      
proftpd.conf file, virtual server setup and      
property masks      
property masks, allowed properties      
proxies, application-layer      [See application gateways]
proxies, circuit relay      
proxying, defined      
proxying, firewalls      
ps auxw, on compromised system      
public certificates      
public database servers      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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