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Carter G. — LDAP System Administration |
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" (double quote) 2nd
# [See pound character]
$DEFAULT_BASE variable (migrate_common.ph script)
+ (plus character)
, (comma) 2nd
--base option (generate_printcap.pl)
--debug option (generate_printcap.pl)
--help option (generate_printcap.pl)
--host option (generate_printcap.pl)
--printcap option (generate_printcap.pl)
--server option (generate_printcap.pl)
/etc/init.d/ scripts
/etc/passwd entry after translation
/etc/rc.d/rc?.d/ scripts
: (colon), in LDIF files
; (semicolon) 2nd
< or > (angle brackets)
abstract object classes
Access Control Entries (ACEs)
Access Control lists [See ACLs]
access_attr parameter (rlm_ldap module)
access_attr_used_for_allow parameter (rlm_ldap module)
access_db feature (Sendmail)
account object class
account object class, schema for
ACEs (Access Control Entries)
ACLs (access control lists)
ACLs, SASL user IDs and
ACLs, slapd.conf [See slapd.conf file ACLs]
ACLs, summary of access levels
Active Directory
Active Directory Schema MMC snap-in
Active Directory, anonymous searches and
Active Directory, authenticating Unix requests
Active Directory, changing the user's password
Active Directory, gateways and
Active Directory, Kerberos and
Active Directory, OpenLDAP server scenario
Active Directory, posixAccount object class and
Active Directory, proxy servers and
Active Directory, relaxing access control lists
Active Directory, schema, extending
Active Directory, StartTLS and
Active Directory, uid attribute and
Active Directory, user accounts
AD4Unix configuration application
AD4Unix plugin
Adamson, Mark
add keyword
add( ) method (Net::LDAP) 2nd
administrative boundaries as reason for distributed directories
ADSI Edit MMC (Microsoft Management Console) snap-in
alias (symbolic link)
Aliases [See Sendmail aliases]
aliases database
AliasFile option (sendmail.cf file)
ALIAS_FILE definition (Sendmail)
allow option (slapd.conf file) 2nd
all_sysadmin netgroup
alternate schema syntaxes and matching rules
angle brackets (< or >)
anonymous authentication
ANONYMOUS mechanism
anonymous searches and Active Directory
Apache eXtenSion tool
Apache, configuring
Apache, ProFTPD and
approx (approximate) index
argsfile parameter (slapd.conf file)
attribute syntax
attribute type definitions
attributes( ) method (Net::LDAP)
attributes, common
attributes, common, cn [See cn attribute]
attributes, common, dc [See dc attribute]
attributes, common, displayName
attributes, common, gidNumber
attributes, common, givenName
attributes, common, mail [See mail attribute]
attributes, common, ou [See ou attribute]
attributes, common, sn [See sn attribute]
attributes, common, telephoneNumber [See telephoneNumber attribute]
attributes, common, uid [See uid attribute]
attributes, common, uidNumber
attributes, common, userPassword
attributes, creating new
attributes, defined
attributes, multivalued
Authen::SASL package
Authen::SASL::Cyrus module
authenticate section (radisd.conf file)
Authentication [See also authorization]
Authentication Methods for LDAP [See RFC 2829]
authentication, anonymous
authentication, cross-platform [See cross-platform authentication]
authentication, defined
authentication, LDAP Authentication Password Schema [See RFC 3112]
authentication, replacing with SASL mechanisms
authentication, SASL security properties
authentication, schemas for SASL
authentication, services
authentication, simple
authentication, simple, and SASL
authentication, simple, over SSL/TLS
authentication, specific to LDAP
authinfo feature (Sendmail)
Authorization [See also authentication]
authorization, defined
authorization, methods
authorization, methods, one host and group of users
authorization, methods, one user and group of hosts
authorization, through PAM
authorize section (radisd.conf file)
auto.opt map
autofs daemon
automount object class
automount, database
automount, information
automount, map to LDIF, converting
automountMap object class
auxiliary object classes
backslash (\)
backslash (\), using to escape special characters
backup plans
Barr, Graham
base option (ldap.conf file)
basedn parameter (rlm_ldap module)
bdb backend directive (slapd.conf file)
BDB backend parameters (slapd.conf file)
bdb database type
Berkeley DB 4 libraries
Berkeley DB 4 libraries, obtaining and installing
Berkeley DBM (Sendmail map)
Berkeley print spooler (LPD)
Bind 9, LDAP-sdb support in
bind option (Postfix)
binddn option (ldap.conf file) 2nd
binddn option (ldap.conf file), used in the replica directive
binding, PAM module binding to the directory
binding, to directory anonymously
binding, to server, directive instructing PADL LDAP modules to issue a StartTLS command prior to
bindpw option (ldap.conf file) 2nd
bind_dn option (Postfix)
bind_pw option (Postfix)
bitdomain feature (Sendmail)
| browsers for LDAP
CA.pl Perl script
cache option (Postfix)
cachesize parameter (slapd.conf file)
cache_expiry option (Postfix)
cache_size option (Postfix)
calls, start_tls( )
Carnegie Mellon University
case-sensitivity and DNs
certificates, generating
challenge/response authentication methods
change log, dependencies between slapd daemon, slurpd replication helper, and
changetype keyword
changetype keyword, in LDIF file
CIFS (Common Internet File System)
classes, account [See account object class]
classes, creating new 2nd
classes, dcObject [See dcObject object class]
classes, dNSZone
classes, gidPool
classes, inetLocalMailReciptient
classes, inetOrgPerson [See inetOrgPerson object class]
classes, nisMap [See nisMap object class]
classes, nisNetgroup [See nisNetgroup object class]
classes, nisObject [See nisObject object class]
classes, nprintHostPrinter
classes, nprintNetworkPrinterInfo
classes, nprintPortPrinterInfo
classes, organizationalPerson [See organizationalPerson object class]
classes, organizationalUnit [See organizationalUnit object class]
classes, person [See person object class]
classes, posixAccount [See posixAccount object class]
classes, posixGroup
classes, printerAbstract
classes, printerIPP
classes, printerLPR
classes, printerService
classes, printerServiceAuxClass
classes, radiusprofile
classes, referral [See referral object class]
classes, sambaAccount
classes, sendmailMTA
classes, sendmailMTAAlias
classes, sendmailMTAAliasObject
classes, sendmailMTAClass
classes, sendmailMTAMap
classes, sendmailMTAMapObject
classes, shadowAccount
classes, uidPool
cn attribute 2nd
cn attribute, using as the RDN for each entry
cn attribute, using organizational unit to avoid collisions
code( ) method (Net::LDAP)
collisions of common names (cn), avoiding
colon (:) in LDIF files
comma (,)
command-line tools (OpenLDAP)
Common Internet File System (CIFS)
common name atttribute [See cn attribute]
compare_check_items parameter (rlm_ldap module)
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)
config organizational unit, removing a printer entry from
configure file (Exim)
configure script
configure script, informing which libraries are installed
configure script, locating LDAP libraries
configure script, OpenLDAP
confLDAP_DEFAULT_SPEC variable (Sendmail) 2nd
connectors and drivers for synchronization
contact information [See also data adding building
contact information, identifying the data that should be placed in an employee's entry
Controls [See also Net::LDAP::Control]
controls, defined
Corba objects, storing in LDAP directory
CORBA Schema for Representing CORBA Object References in an LDAP Directory [See RFC 2714]
corba.schema file
corba.schema file, where to find
core.schema file
core.schema file, inetOrgPerson object class and
core.schema file, where to find
COSINE and Internet X.500 Schema [See RFC 1274]
cosine.schema file 2nd
cosine.schema file, inetOrgPerson object class and
cosine.schema file, where to find
CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)
CRAM-MD5 mechanism
credentials parameter (slapd.conf file)
cross-platform authentication
cryptography, public key
cryptography, resources
CSS Solutions
custom schema files
custom schema files, creating for slapd
custom schema files, making
Cyrus SASL distribution
Cyrus SASL library
cyrus-sasl libraries v2.1
data keyword (Exim)
data, adding initial directory entries
data, corruption
data, employee [See contact information]
database backend modules and OpenLDAP
database section (slapd.conf file)
database section (slapd.conf file), example
databases supported by PADL's NSS module
dc attribute 2nd
dcObject object class 2nd
debugging options
DefaultRoot option (proftp.conf file)
default_profile parameter (rlm_ldap module)
Definition of an X.500 Attribute Type and an Object Class to Hold Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs [See RFC 2079]
delete keyword
delete( ) method (Net::LDAP) 2nd
DeleteLdapTree( ) subroutine (rmtree.pl script)
dereference option (Postfix)
description attribute
dictionary_mapping parameter (rlm_ldap module)
dig utility
DIGEST-MD5, protecting passwords
Digest::MD5 module 2nd
digital certificates, resources
directories, adding entries while running
directories, adding initial entries
directories, building a company directory for storing employee contact information [See also contact information]2nd
directories, building a company directory for storing employee contact information, defining the schema
directories, distributing
directories, modifying contents
directories, multivendor
directories, orphaned nodes
directories, pushing updated entries back to server
directories, synchronization, push/pull agents for
directories, tools for offline manipulation of directory information
directories, updating
directories, updating, adding new entries
directories, updating, deleting entries
directories, updating, modifying entries
directories, verifying contents
directories, why the initial design should not be rushed
directory gateways [See gateways]
directory parameter (slapd.conf file)
directory replication [See replication]
Directory Services Markup Language (DSML)
Directory Services, overview
Directory System Agent (DSA)
directory trees
directory trees, best structure for
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