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Carter G. — LDAP System Administration
Carter G. — LDAP System Administration

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Название: LDAP System Administration

Автор: Carter G.


Explains how to centralize configuration information using LDAP, covering topics including access control, distributed directories, managing printers, interoperability, and scripting.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 294

Добавлена в каталог: 05.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
PAM, module types, account      
PAM, module types, auth      
PAM, module types, password      
PAM, module types, session      
PAM, module-path component      
PAM, modules, standard arguments      
PAM, overview      
PAM, PADL Software module      
PAM/NSS, acting as a proxy server between Unix services and Active Directory      
pam_check_host_attr option (ldap.conf file)      
pam_filter option (ldap.conf file)      
pam_groupdn option (ldap.conf file)      
pam_ldap modules      2nd
pam_ldap modules, changing passwords      
pam_ldap modules, ldap.conf parameters      
pam_ldap modules, locating the directory server      
pam_ldap source code download      
pam_login_attribute option (ldap.conf file)      2nd
pam_lookup_policy option (ldap.conf file)      
pam_max_uid option (ldap.conf file)      
pam_member_attribute option (ldap.conf file)      
pam_min_uid option (ldap.conf file)      
pam_password option (ldap.conf file)      2nd
pam_pwdb.so module      
pam_unix.so library      
parameters common to all email clients      
partitions, connecting using a referral and a reference      
pass query parameter (Exim)      
passwd backend directive (slapd.conf file)      
passwd database      
passwd file entry      
passwd file entry, posixAccount object class, relationship between      
passwd.byname map      
Password Database library      
password parameter (rlm_ldap module)      
password-hash option (slapd.conf file)      2nd
passwords, changing in Active Directory      
passwords, preventing users from viewing      
passwords, protecting      
password_attribute parameter (rlm_ldap module)      
password_header parameter (rlm_ldap module)      
PC-Pine      [See Pine 4]
performance, as reason for distributed directories      
performance, problems and misconfigured indexes      
perl-ldap module      [See Net::LDAP]
PerLDAP module      
person object class      2nd 3rd 4th
pidfile parameter (slapd.conf file)      
Pine 4      
Pine 4, contructing searches      
Pine 4, LDAPS      
Pine 4, setup menu      
Pluggable Authentication Modules      [See PAM]
plus character (+)      
plus character (+), in RDNs      
port option (ldap.conf file)      
port parameter (rlm_ldap module)      
Portable Operating System Interface      [See POSIX]
POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface)      
POSIX, thread libraries      
POSIX, thread libraries, list of known      
POSIX, thread libraries, support and OpenLDAP      
posixAccount object class      2nd
posixAccount object class, Active Directory and      
posixAccount object class, email and      
posixAccount object class, passwd file entry, relationship between      
posixGroup object class      
postconf utility      
Postfix, as a replacement for Sendmail      
Postfix, LDAP parameters      
Postfix, server, configuring to retrieve local aliases via LDAP queries      
Postfix, tables and associated core programs      
Postfix, testing the alias table lookup      
Postfix, user account that has an email alias      
Postfix, Version 1.1.2 and OpenLDAP 2.1 client librairies      
Postfix, web site      
postmap utility      
pound character (#)      
pound character (#), in LDIF file      
pound character (#), in slapd.conf file      
Powell, Patrick      
pres (presence) index      
preventing users from viewing passwords belonging to accounts other than their own      
printcap file      
printcap file, entries      
printcap file, example      
printcap file, generating      
printer-uri attribute      
printer.schema file      
printer.schema file, where to find      
printerAbstract object class      2nd
printerIPP object class      
printerLPR object class      2nd
printers, networking      
printers, nonnetworked      
printers, removing an entry from the config organizational unit      
printerService object class      2nd 3rd
printerServiceAuxClass object class      
printHostPrinter object class      
private enterprise number      
private enterprise number, OID number space      
private enterprise number, requesting      
ProcessReferral( ) function (Net::LDAP)      
ProcessSearch( ) function (Net::LDAP)      
profile_attribute parameter (rlm_ldap module)      
proftp.conf file      
proftpd daemon      
proftpd daemon, resolving UIDs and GIDs      
ProFTPD, anonymous binds      
ProFTPD, Apache and      
ProFTPD, authentication, preferred and default method      
ProFTPD, LDAP authentication module      [See mod_ldap module]
ProFTPD, LDAP features      
ProFTPD, modules supported by      
ProFTPD, mod_ldap module parameters      
ProFTPD, verifying that mod_ldap and proftpd are working      
proftpd.conf file      
protecting user passwords      
protocols database      
Proxy servers      
proxy servers, Active Directory and      
proxy servers, mapping attributes      
Public key cryptography      
public_html subdirectory      
Push/Pull agents for directory synchronization      
Qualcomm's Eudora      
Qualcomm's Qpopper server      
queries, mount point lookups using LDAP      
query script      
query_filter option (Postfix)      
RADIUS protocol      
RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema file      
RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema file, where to find      
radiusd daemon      
radiusd.conf file      
radiusd.conf file, authorize and authenticate components      
radiusprofile entries, where to store      
radiusprofile object class      2nd
radtest tool      
rc.local script      
RDN (relative distinguished name)      
RDN, modifying      
RDN, multivalued      
RDN, plus character (+)      
RDN, using cn attribute as      
readonly option (slapd.conf file)      
read_entry( ) method (Net::LDAP)      2nd
RedHat's automount patches      
redirecting a client      
references( ) method (Net::LDAP)      
references, connecting two partitions with      
references, directory tree      
references, referrals and      
references, returned from a search operation      
referral (directory tree)      
referral link (directory tree)      
referral object class      2nd 3rd
referral objects      
referral objects, deleting      
referral objects, ldapsearch command and      
referrals( ) routine (Net::LDAP)      
referrals, connecting two partitions with      
referrals, references and      
referrals, returned from a search operation      
regex syntax item (slapd.conf file)      
relative distinguished name      [See RDN]
relax access control lists in Active Directory      
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) protocol      
replace( ) method (Net::LDAP)      
replica parameter (slapd.conf file)      
replica server, configuring      
replica, using for backup      
replication helper daemon      [See slurpd daemon]
replication, quick list      
replication, symptoms identifying need for      
replogfile      [See slurpd.replog file]
replogfile parameter (slapd.conf file)      
replogfile parameter, multiple databases      
Request for comments      [See RFC documents]
require option (slapd.conf file)      
require option (slapd.conf file), values for      
resolution, DNS      
resolution, of machine names to network addresses      [See resolving hosts]
resolving hosts      
result_attribute option (Postfix)      
RFC 1274      2nd
RFC 2079      
RFC 2222      2nd
RFC 2246      
RFC 2247      2nd
RFC 2251      2nd 3rd
RFC 2251, references and referrals      
RFC 22512256      
RFC 2252      
RFC 2253      2nd
RFC 2253, DNs and      
RFC 2254      
RFC 2255      
RFC 2256      2nd
RFC 2293      
RFC 2294      
RFC 2307      2nd
RFC 2307, recently updated      
RFC 2307, structural nisNetgroup object class and      
RFC 2377      
RFC 2589      
RFC 2596      2nd
RFC 2649      
RFC 2696      
RFC 2713      
RFC 2714      2nd
RFC 2782      
RFC 2798      2nd
RFC 2820      
RFC 2829      2nd
RFC 2830      2nd 3rd
RFC 2831      
RFC 2849      
RFC 2891      
RFC 3045      
RFC 3062      
RFC 3088      
RFC 3112      
RFC 3296      
RFC 3377      2nd 3rd
RFC 3383      2nd
RFC documents      
RLM interface      
rlm_ldap module      
rlm_ldap module, parameters      
rmtree.pl script      
root DN (rootdn) account      
root password (rootpw)      
rootbinddn option (ldap.conf file)      
rootDSE object class      
rpc database      
RSA private key      
S/Key mechanism (SKEY)      
sAMAccountName attribute      
Samba, authenticating a user using encrypted passwords      
Samba, configuring      
Samba, configuring OpenLDAP      
Samba, LDAPsam smb.conf parameters      
Samba, supporting challenge/response authentication methods used by Microsoft clients      
samba.schema file      
samba.schema file, where to find      
sambaAccount object class      2nd 3rd
sambaAccount object class, adding and using      
sambaAccount object class, entries      
sambaAccount object class, requirement Samba places on      
SASL System Administrator's HOWTO      
SASL, authentication      
SASL, authentication, Exim and      
SASL, authentication, mechanism security properties      
SASL, authentication, schemas for      
SASL, authentication, scripting      
SASL, distribution (Cyrus)      
SASL, ID      
SASL, libraries      
SASL, libraries, download site      
SASL, libraries, OpenLDAP and      
SASL, mechanisms, replacing simple authentication with      
SASL, options (slapd.conf file)      
SASL, protecting passwords      
SASL, user IDs and ACLs      
sasl-host option (slapd.conf file)      
sasl-realm option (slapd.conf file)      
sasl-secprops option (slapd.conf file)      
SASL/DIGEST-MD5 mechanism      
saslsearch.pl script      2nd
schema files      
schema files, corba      
schema files, core      
schema files, cosine      
schema files, custom      [See custom schema files]
schema files, dependencies between      
schema files, inetorgperson      
schema files, java      
schema files, making custom      
schema files, misc      
schema files, nis      
schema files, openldap      
schema files, where to find      
schema references      
schema syntaxes (alternate) and matching rules      
schema violations      
schemas, defining      
schemas, for account object class      
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