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Carter G. — LDAP System Administration |
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LDAPv3, advantages over previous versions
LDAPv3, attribute syntax definitions, proposed standard [See RFC 2252]
LDAPv3, Extensions for Dynamic Directory Services [See RFC 2589]
LDAPv3, internationalization support
LDAPv3, overview
LDAPv3, proposed standard [See RFC 2251]
LDAPv3, protecting passwords
LDAPv3, X.500(96) user schema, proposed standard [See RFC 2256]
LDAPzone web site
ldap_aliases entry (Exim)
ldap_cache_size parameter (rlm_ldap module)
ldap_cache_timeout parameter (rlm_ldap module)
ldap_connections_number parameter (rlm_ldap module)
ldap_debug parameter (rlm_ldap module)
ldap_default_servers parameter (Exim)
LDAP_LIB_TYPE variable (Exim)
ldap_version option (ldap.conf file)
ldbm backend directive (slapd.conf file)
ldbm database type
ldd tool 2nd
LDIF (LDAP Interchange Format)
LDIF Technical Specification [See RFC 2849]
LDIF, dumping the contents of an entire directory
LDIF, files
LDIF, files, changetype keyword in
LDIF, files, colon (:)
LDIF, files, pound character (#)
LDIF, files, whitespace at end of line
LDIF, line continuation
LDIF, listing examples (Sendmail)
LDIF, schema violations and
LDIF, syntax
LDIF, zero-length attribute value
LDUP Working Group
liblber* library
libldap* library
libnss_ldap.so module
libraries, informing configure script which ones are installed
libsasl.so module
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [See LDAP]
lightweight, why LDAP is considered
limiting searches and ldapsearch command
line continuation in LDIF
logging levels 2nd
loglevel parameter (slapd.conf file)
LOOKUP_INCLUDE variable (Exim)
LOOKUP_LDAP variable (Exim)
LOOKUP_LIBS variable (Exim)
MacOS 10.2, OpenLDAP on
mail attribute
mail attribute, slurpd.replog file
mail clients [See email clients]
mail servers [See MTAs]
Mail Transfer Agents [See MTAs]
mailertable feature (Sendmail)
mailHost attribute (inetLocalMailRecipient class)
mailing lists
mailLocalAddress attribute (inetLocalMailRecipient class)
mailRoutingAddress attribute (inetLocalMailRecipient class)
main.cf (Postfix)
Manage DSA IT control
ManagerDSAIT LDAP control
mapping an organization's domain name to an LDAP DN
master server, configuring
MaXware MetaCenter
MAY keyword (objectClass object)
md5_base64( ) method (Net::LDAP)
metadirectories, defined
methods, add( ) 2nd
methods, attributes( )
methods, code( )
methods, delete( ) 2nd
methods, dn( )
methods, dump( ) 2nd
methods, eof( )
methods, error( )
methods, get_next_gid( )
methods, get_next_uid( )
methods, get_value( )
methods, md5_base64( )
methods, modify( ) 2nd
methods, new( )
methods, read_entry( ) 2nd
methods, references( )
methods, replace( )
methods, search( ) 2nd
methods, unbind( )
methods, Update( ) 2nd
Microsoft Metadirectory Services
Microsoft's Active Directory
migrate_automount.pl script
migrate_common.ph script
migrate_netgroup.pl tool
migrating all user accounts and groups into OpenLDAP server
migrating information
migration scripts, support translating
misc.schema file
misc.schema file, where to find
misconfigured indexes
MIT Kerberos Project
MIT Kerberos Project, distribution
MKSADExtPlugin extension
mode parameter (slapd.conf file)
modifiersName attribute (slurpd.replog file)
modify changetype
modify( ) method (Net::LDAP)
modify( ) method (Net::LDAP), making multiple changes of different types
modifyTimestamp attribute (slurpd.replog file)
module-path component (PAM)
mod_ldap module
mod_ldap module, authentication
mod_ldap module, building
mod_ldap module, parameters
mod_ldap_userdir module
mod_ldap_userdir module, directives
Morrissey, John
mount point lookups using LDAP queries
Mozilla Mail
Mozilla Mail, adding a new directory server profile
Mozilla Mail, configuring address book
Mozilla Mail, LDAPS
Mozilla Mail, querying the directory
Mozilla Mail, user selects the "Use secure connection (SSL)" checkbox
MTAs (Mail Transfer Agents)
MTAs (Mail Transfer Agents), Exim [See Exim]
MTAs (Mail Transfer Agents), LDAP versions used by various mail servers
MTAs (Mail Transfer Agents), Postfix [See Postfix]
MTAs (Mail Transfer Agents), Sendmail [See Sendmail]
multimaster replication protocol
multivalued attributes
multivalued RDN
multivendor directories
MUST keyword (objectClass object)
Name Service Switch [See NSS]
named binary
Named Subordinate References in LDAP Directories [See RFC 3296]
namespaces, comparing in NIS and LDAP
namespaces, designing LDAP
namespaces, directory-based storage of printer configuration data
namespaces, flat
namespaces, hierarchical
naming model
Net::LDAP [See also directories updating]2nd
Net::LDAP, connecting, binding, and searching
| Net::LDAP, creating a new instance
Net::LDAP, methods
Net::LDAP, simple bind
Net::LDAP::Constant 2nd
Net::LDAP::Control objects
Net::LDAP::Control objects, constructor for a generic
Net::LDAP::Control objects, representing ManageDSAIT
Net::LDAP::Entry object 2nd 3rd
Net::LDAP::LDIF module
Net::LDAP::Message object
Net::LDAP::Search results
Net::LDAP::Util module
netgroup database
netgroups, all_sysadmin
netgroups, sysadmin
Netscape LDAP SDK
Network Information Service [See NIS]
networks database
net_timeout parameter (rlm_ldap module)
new( ) method (Net::LDAP)
newreq.pem file
NIS (Network Information Service)
NIS, Approach for Using LDAP as [See RFC 2307]
NIS, comparing namespaces
NIS, master acting as a DSA
NIS, overview
NIS, using LDAP as replacement for
NIS, using LDAP as replacement for, fundamental strategies
nis.schema file 2nd
nis.schema file, where to find
NIS/LDAP Gateway 2nd 3rd
nisMap object class 2nd
nisNetgroup object class
nisNetgroup object class, RFC 2307 and
nisObject object class 2nd
nmbd daemon
nonnetworked printers
Novell's DirXML
Novell's eDirectory
Novell's eDirectory and DirXML combination
nprintHostPrinter object class 2nd
nprintNetworkPrinterInfo object class 2nd
nprintPortPrinterInfo object class 2nd
NSS (Name Service Switch)
NSS, compared to PAM
NSS, configuration file example
NSS, PADL Software module
NSS/PAM, acting as a proxy server between Unix services and Active Directory
nsswitch.conf file
nss_base_aliases option (ldap.conf file)
nss_base_ethers option (ldap.conf file)
nss_base_group option (ldap.conf file)
nss_base_hosts option (ldap.conf file)
nss_base_netgroup option (ldap.conf file) 2nd
nss_base_netmasks option (ldap.conf file)
nss_base_networks option (ldap.conf file)
nss_base_passwd option (ldap.conf file)
nss_base_protocols option (ldap.conf file)
nss_base_rpc option (ldap.conf file)
nss_base_services option (ldap.conf file)
nss_base_shadow option (ldap.conf file)
nss_ldap library
nss_ldap module 2nd
nss_ldap module, compiling
nss_ldap module, ldap.conf parameters 2nd
nss_ldap.so module
nss_map_attribute option (ldap.conf file)
nss_map_objectclass option (ldap.conf file)
object class attribute values
object class definition
object class definition, types
object classes [See classes]
object identifiers [See OIDs]
Object Identifiers Registry
offline manipulation of directory information
OIDs (object identifiers) 2nd
OIDs, defined
Open Systems Interface (OSI) protocol stack
OpenLDAP 2.1
OpenLDAP 2.1, client libraries and Postfix 1.1.2
OpenLDAP 2.1, server certificates and
OpenLDAP Root Service: An experimental LDAP referral service [See RFC 3088]
OpenLDAP, client SDK
OpenLDAP, clients, servers, and development libraries
OpenLDAP, command-line tools
OpenLDAP, compiling
OpenLDAP, configuration file [See slapd.conf file]
OpenLDAP, configuring to use with Samba
OpenLDAP, download site
OpenLDAP, LDAP client tools
OpenLDAP, logging levels
OpenLDAP, mailing lists
OpenLDAP, obtaining
OpenLDAP, on MacOS 10.2
OpenLDAP, overview
OpenLDAP, proxy code
OpenLDAP, server
OpenLDAP, server, connected to an Active Directory installation scenario
OpenLDAP, server, migrating user accounts and groups into
OpenLDAP, software requirements
OpenLDAP, software requirements, database backend modules
OpenLDAP, software requirements, POSIX thread support
OpenLDAP, software requirements, SASL libraries
OpenLDAP, software requirements, SSL/TLS libraries
OpenLDAP, troubleshooting configuration problems
openldap.schema file
openldap.schema file, where to find
OpenSSH, configuring on Linux system
openssl manpage
OpenSSL package download site
organizational unit attribute [See ou attribute]
organizational unit, using to avoid collisions of common names (cn)
organizationalPerson object class 2nd
organizationalUnit object class 2nd
orphaned nodes in the directory
OSI model compared to TCP/IP protocol stack
ou attribute 2nd
Outlook Express
Outlook Express, configuring to use a directory
Outlook Express, performing authenticated binds
Outlook Express, searching for someone in a directory
PADL Software [See also nss_ldap module]2nd
PADL Software, migration scripts
PADL Software, NSS module, databases supported by
PADL Software, ypldapd daemon
PAM (pluggable authentication modules)
PAM, authorization
PAM, configuring
PAM, configuring sshd to use PAM authentication
PAM, control-flags
PAM, control-flags, optional
PAM, control-flags, required
PAM, control-flags, requisite
PAM, control-flags, sufficient
PAM, defined
PAM, module binding to the directory
PAM, module types
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