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Carter G. — LDAP System Administration |
Предметный указатель |
directory trees, dividing between two servers
DirXML 2nd
disallow option (slapd.conf file) 2nd
displayName attribute
Distinguished Names [See DNs]
distributed directories
distributed directories, building
distributed directories, reasons for
distributing directories
dn attribute [See also DNs]
dn attribute, LDIF files
dn( ) method (Net::LDAP)
DNs (distinguished names)
DNS (Domain Name System)
DNS SRV queries
DNs, case-senitivity and
DNs, deleting directory entries
DNs, generating to represent a DNS domain name
DNs, mapping an organization's domain name to
DNs, normalized version of
DNS, resolution
dNSTTL attribute value
dnstyle syntax item (slapd.conf file)
dNSZone object class 2nd 3rd
dnszone.schema file, where to find
Domain name
Domain Name System [See DNS]
domain name, generating a DN to represent a DNS
domain name, mapping to an LDAP DN
domain object class 2nd
domain option (Postfix)
domains, Using Domains in LDAP/X.500 Distinguished Names [See RFC 2247]
domaintable feature (Sendmail)
double quote (")
driver keyword (Exim)
drivers and connectors for synchronization
DSA (Directory System Agent)
DSML (Directory Services Markup Language)
dump( ) method (Net::LDAP) 2nd
DumpEntry( ) function (Net::LDAP::Entry)
eDirectory 2nd
editors for LDAP
email, clients
email, clients, Eudora
email, clients, LDAP versions used by various
email, clients, Mozilla Mail [See Mozilla Mail]
email, clients, Outlook Express [See Outlook Express]
email, clients, parameters common to all
email, clients, Pine 4 [See Pine 4]
email, servers [See MTAs]
email, storing a single user entry for both authentication and contact information
employee contact information [See contact information]
encoding types, common
encoding types, common, {CRYPT}
encoding types, common, {MD5}
encoding types, common, {SHA}
encoding types, common, {SSHA}
enterprise number, requesting a private
entryCSN attribute (slurpd.replog file)
eof( ) method (Net::LDAP)
eq (equality) index
eq (equality) index, object class attribute and
error messages, ldapmodify
error( ) method (Net::LDAP)
escaping special characters
ethers database
Exim, address-testing mode
Exim, after binaries have been built and installed
Exim, binding to LDAP server as user
Exim, defining multiple servers for LDAP queries
Exim, general syntax for a table lookup
Exim, informing that local alias data should be retrieved from an LDAP directory
Exim, LDAP query parameters
Exim, LDAP-related makefile variables
Exim, SASL authentication and
Exim, StartTLS LDAv3 extension and
Exim, user account with a mail alias
Exim, verifying OpenLDAP libraries have been linked to the exim binary
Extended Operations
Extensions [See also Net::LDAP::Extension]
extensions, defined
EXTERNAL mechanism 2nd
FEATURE( ) (Sendmail)
filter parameter (rlm_ldap module)
filterOperator values
flat namespace
Free Software Foundation
FreeRadius, LDAP directories and
FreeRadius, least intrusive way to integrate with existing directory
FreeRadius, mapping between LDAP and RADIUS attributes
FreeRadius, OpenLDAP and
FTP/HTTP combination of services with LDAP
fullsearch.pl script output
Functional model
gateways, NIS/LDAP 2nd 3rd
GECOS field
generate_printcap.pl options
Generic Security Service Application Program Interface, Version 2 [See GSSAPI]
genericstable feature (Sendmail)
geographic location as reason for distributed directories
getent tool
getent tool, querying NSS for specific netgroups
getXbyY( ) function calls
get_next_gid( ) method (Net::LDAP)
get_next_uid( ) method (Net::LDAP) 2nd
get_next_uid( ) method (Net::LDAP), complete example
get_value( ) method (Net::LDAP)
gidNumber attribute
gidPool object class 2nd
givenName attribute
GNU Database Manager
GQ client
graphical editors and browsers for LDAP
group database
groupmembership_attribute parameter (rlm_ldap module)
groupmembership_filter parameter (rlm_ldap module)
groupname_attribute parameter (rlm_ldap module)
groups, migrating into OpenLDAP server
GSSAPI (Generic Security Service Application Program Interface)
GSSAPI SASL mechanism
GSSAPI, mechanism for Kerberos 5 authentication
GSSAPI, Tutorial
Hazel, Philip
Hedstrom, Leif
hierarchical namespace
host option (ldap.conf file) 2nd
hosts database
hosts, resolving
hosts.allow file
hosts.deny file
HTTP/FTP combination of services with LDAP
I-Ds [See Internet-Drafts]
identify parameter (rlm_ldap module)
idpool.schema file, where to find
import.pl script
index parameter (slapd.conf file)
indexes, better support for employee searches
indexes, misconfigured
indexes, supported by slapd
indexes, supported by slapd, approx (approximate)
indexes, supported by slapd, eq (equality)
indexes, supported by slapd, pres (presence)
indexes, supported by slapd, sub (substring)
| inetLocalMailRecipient object class 2nd
inetOrgPerson object class 2nd
inetOrgPerson object class, definition of [See RFC 2798]
inetOrgPerson object class, email and
inetOrgPerson object class, hierarchy of
inetOrgPerson object class, updating slapd.conf file to support
inetorgperson.schema file 2nd
inetorgperson.schema file, inetOrgPerson object class and
inetorgperson.schema file, where to find
information, migration
information, model
information, services, schemas for
integration, defined
integration, versus interoperability
internationalization support in LDAPv3
Internet Directory-Enabled Applications, naming plan for [See RFC 2377]
Internet-Drafts (I-Ds)
Internet-Drafts (I-Ds), nonexpired
interoperability, common solutions
interoperability, versus integration
Java LDAP Browser/Editor
Java, objects, storing in LDAP directory
Java, Schema for Representing Java Objects in an LDAP Directory [See RFC 2713]
java.schema file
java.schema file, where to find
JDNI reference, storing in LDAP directory
Kerberos, Heimdal
Kerberos, MIT distribution
Kerberos, plug-ins
Kerberos, v4
Kerberos, v5 authentication
Kerberos, v5 authentication, GSSAPI
Kerberos, v5 authentication, protecting passwords
Kerberos, various distributions
kill -9 command
lastmod option (slapd.conf file)
lber*.h library
LCUP (LDAP Client Update Protocol)
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
ldap admin dn parameter (smb.conf file)
LDAP Authentication Password Schema [See RFC 3112]
LDAP Client Update Protocol (LCUP)
LDAP Control Extension for Server Side Sorting of Search Results [See RFC 2891]
LDAP Data Interchange Format [See LDIF]
LDAP Duplication/Replication/Update Protocols (LDUP) working group
ldap filter parameter (smb.conf file)
LDAP Interchange Format [See LDIF]
ldap keyword (Postfix)
ldap keyword (sendmail.cf file)
LDAP over SSL (LDAPS - tcp/636)
LDAP over TCP/IP versus X.500 over OSI
LDAP Password Modify Extended Operation [See RFC 3062]
ldap port parameter (smb.conf file)
LDAP Schema Viewer
ldap server parameter (smb.conf file)
ldap ssl parameter (smb.conf file)
ldap suffix parameter (smb.conf file)
LDAP URL (updateref)
ldap*.h library
LDAP, attributes [See attributes]
LDAP, attributes and RADIUS attributes, mapping between
LDAP, authentication [See authentication specific
LDAP, backend used to store the persistent data, distinction between
LDAP, best practices [See RFC 3383]
LDAP, client utilities, adding initial directory entries
LDAP, client, server, and data storage facility, relationship between
LDAP, comparing namespaces
LDAP, connectionless version
LDAP, controls
LDAP, defined
LDAP, directory tree
LDAP, directory tree, example
LDAP, intended function of
LDAP, mailing lists
LDAP, models
LDAP, models, functional
LDAP, models, information
LDAP, models, naming
LDAP, models, security
LDAP, namespaces [See namespaces]
LDAP, outlining need for
LDAP, search filter syntax
LDAP, server, backend storage for a web server
LDAP, standardization
LDAP, URIs, defining
LDAP-sdb support in Bind 9
ldap.conf file
ldap.conf file, configuring
ldap.conf file, directive instructing PADL LDAP modules to issue a StartTLS command prior to binding to server
ldap.conf file, nss_ldap parameters
ldap.conf file, pam_ldap parameters
ldap.conf file, parameters shared by pam_ldap and nss_ldap
ldapadd command
ldapadd command, options 2nd 3rd 4th
ldapalias string (Postfix)
LDAPAuthBinds directive (proftpd.conf file) 2nd
ldapcompare command
ldapcompare command, options 2nd
LDAPDefaultAuthScheme parameter (ProFTPD)
LDAPDefaultGID parameter (ProFTPD)
LDAPDefaultUID parameter (ProFTPD)
ldapdelete command 2nd
ldapdelete command, options 2nd 3rd
LDAPDNInfo directive (proftp.conf file) 2nd
LDAPDoAuth keyword (ProFTPD) 2nd
LDAPDoGIDLookups parameter (ProFTPD)
LDAPDoUIDLookups parameter (ProFTPD)
LDAPForceDefaultGID parameter (ProFTPD)
LDAPForceDefaultUID parameter (ProFTPD)
LDAPHomedirOnDemand parameter (ProFTPD)
LDAPHomedirOnDemandSuffix parameter (ProFTPD)
LDAPMAP option (Sendmail)
ldapmodify command 2nd
ldapmodify command, adding initial directory entries
ldapmodify command, error messages
ldapmodify command, invoking with verbose (-v) option
ldapmodify command, options 2nd 3rd 4th
ldapmodify command, parsing your script's output
ldapmodrdn command
ldapmodrdn command, options 2nd 3rd 4th
LDAPNegativeCache parameter (ProFTPD)
ldappasswd command
ldappasswd command, options
LDAPQueryTimeout parameter (ProFTPD)
ldapsearch command 2nd
ldapsearch command, examples
ldapsearch command, limiting searches and
ldapsearch command, options 2nd 3rd 4th
ldapsearch command, options, defining search limits
ldapsearch command, referral objects and
LDAPSearchScope parameter (ProFTPD)
LDAPServer parameter (ProFTPD)
LDAPUserDir directive (mod_ldap_userdir)
LDAPUserDirBaseDN directive (mod_ldap_userdir)
LDAPUserDirDNInfo directive (mod_ldap_userdir)
LDAPUserDirFilter directive (mod_ldap_userdir)
LDAPUSerDirSearchScope directive (mod_ldap_userdir)
LDAPUserDirServer directive (mod_ldap_userdir)
LDAPUserDirUseTLS directive (mod_ldap_userdir)
LDAPUseTLS parameter (ProFTPD)
LDAPv3 Revision (LDAPbis) working group
LDAPv3 Technical Specification [See RFC 3377]
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