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Whittaker E.T., Watson G.N. — A Course of Modern Analysis |
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Heine — Borel theorem (modified) 53
Heine's expansion of in series of Legendre polynomials 321
Hermite's equation 204 209 342 347.
Hermite's formula for the generalised Zeta-function 269
Hermite's solution of Lame's equation 573—575
Heun's equation 576 577
Hill's equation 406 413—417
Hill's infinite determinant 36 40 415
Hill's infinite determinant, evaluation of 415
Hill's method of solution 413
Hobson's associated Legendre functions 325
Holomorphic 83
Homogeneity of Weierstrassian elliptic functions 439
Homogeneous harmonics (associated with ellipsoid) 543 576
Homogeneous harmonics, ellipsoidal harmonics derived from (Niven's formula) 543
Homogeneous harmonics, linear independence of 560
Homogeneous integral equations 217 219
Hurwitz' definition of the generalised Zeta-function 265
Hurwitz' formula for 268
Hurwitz' theorem concerning Fourier constants 180
Hypergeometric equation see Hypergeometric functions
Hypergeometric functions 281—301 (Chapter XIV)
Hypergeometric functions, Barnes' integrals 286 289
Hypergeometric functions, contiguous 294
Hypergeometric functions, continuation of 288
Hypergeometric functions, contour integrals for 291
Hypergeometric functions, differential equation for 202 207 283
Hypergeometric functions, functions expressed in terms of 281 311
Hypergeometric functions, of two variables (Appell's) 300
Hypergeometric functions, relations between twenty-four expressions involving 284 285 290
Hypergeometric functions, Riemann's P-equation and 208 283
Hypergeometric functions, series for (convergence of) 24 281
Hypergeometric functions, squares and products of 298
Hypergeometric functions, value of F(a, b, c) 281 293
Hypergeometric functions, values of special forms of hypergeometric functions 298 301. Confluent
Hypergeometric series see Hypergeometric functions
Hypothesis of Rlemann on zeros of 272 280
Identically vanishing power series 58
Identity of two functions 98
Imaginary argument, Bessel functions with [ and ] 372 373 384
Imaginary part (I) of a complex number 9
Imaginary transformation (Jacobl's) of E(u) and Z(u) 519
Imaginary transformation (Jacobl's) of elliptic functions 505 506 535
Imaginary transformation (Jacobl's) of Theta-functions 124 474
Improper integrals 75
Incomplete Gamma-functions [y (», x)] 341
Increasing sequence 12
Indicia! equation 198
Inequality (Abel's) 16
Inequality (Hadamard'g) 212
Inequality satisfied by 274 275
Inequality satisfied by Bessel coefficients 379
Inequality satisfied by Legendre polynomials 303
Inequality satisfied by parabolic cylinder functions 354
Infinite determinants see Determinants
Infinite integrals 69
Infinite integrals, convergence of 70 71 72
Infinite integrals, differentiation of 74
Infinite integrals, evaluation of 111—124
Infinite integrals, functions represented by see under the names of special functions
Infinite integrals, representing analytic functions 92
Infinite integrals, theorems concerning 73
Infinite integrals, uniform convergence of 70 72 73.
Infinite products 32
Infinite products, absolute convergence of 32
Infinite products, convergence of 32
Infinite products, divergence to zero 33
Infinite products, expansions of functions as 136 137.
Infinite products, expressed by means of Theta-functions 473 488
Infinite products, uniform convergence of 49
Infinite series see Series
infinity 11 103
Infinity, essential singularity at 104
Infinity, point at 103
Infinity, pole at 104
Infinity, zero at 104
Integers, positive 3
Integers, signless 3
Integrabillty of continuous functions 63
Integrabillty, Riemann's condition of 63
Integral equations 211—231 (Chapter XI)
Integral equations, Abel's 211 229 230
Integral equations, Fredholm's 213—217 228
Integral equations, homogeneous 217 219
Integral equations, kernel of 213
Integral equations, Liouville — Neumann method of solution of 221
Integral equations, nucleus of 213
Integral equations, numbers (characteristic) associated with 219
Integral equations, numerical solutions of 211
Integral equations, of the first and second kinds 213 221
Integral equations, satisfied by Lame functions 564—567
Integral equations, satisfied by Mathieu functions 407
Integral equations, satisfied by parabolic cylinder functions 231
Integral equations, Scloemilch's 229
Integral equations, solutions in series 228
Integral equations, Volterra's 221
Integral equations, with variable upper limit 213 221
Integral formulae for ellipsoidal harmonics 567
Integral formulae for the Jacobian elliptic functions 492 494
Integral formulae for the Weierstrassian elliptic function 437
Integral functions 106
Integral functions and Lamp's equation 571
Integral functions and Mathieu's equation 418
Integral properties of Bessel functions 380 381 385
Integral properties of Legendre functions 225 30—5 324
Integral properties of Mathieu functions 411
Integral properties of Neumann's function 385
Integral properties of parabolic cylinder functions 350
Integral theorem of Fourier — Bessel 385
Integral theorem, Fourier's 188 211
Integral, Borel's 140
Integral, Borel's, and analytic continuation 141
Integral, Cauchy's 119
Integral, Dlrichlet's 258
Integrals 61—81 (Chapter IV)
Integrals of harmonics (Sylvester's theorem) 400
Integrals of irrational functions 452 512Integrals
Integrals of periodic functions 112
Integrals, along curves (equivalence of) 87
Integrals, complex 77 78
Integrals, differentiation of 67
Integrals, double 68 255
Integrals, double-circuit 256 293
Integrals, evaluation of 111—124
Integrals, for derivates of an analytic function 89
Integrals, functions represented by see under the names of the special functions
Integrals, improper 75
Integrals, lower 61
Integrals, principal values of 75 117
Integrals, regular 201
Integrals, repeated 68 75
Integrals, representing analytic functions 92
Integrals, representing areas 61 589
Integrals, round a contour 85
Integrals, upper 61. See also Elliptic integrals Infinite and
Integration 61
Integration of asymptotic expansions 153
Integration of integrals 68 74 75
Integration of series 78
Integration problem connected with cubics or quartics and elliptic functions 452 512.
Integration, complex 77
Integration, contour- 77
Integration, general theorem on 63
Integration, general theorem on complex 78
Interior 44
Internal spheroidal harmonics 403
Invariants of Weierstrassian elliptic functions 437
Inverse factorials, expansions in series of 142
Inversion of elliptic integrals 429 452 454 480 484 512 524
Irrational functions, integration of 452 512
| Irrational-real numbers 5
Irreducible set of zeros or poles 430
Irregular points (singularities) of differential equations 197 202
Iterated functions 222
Jacobi's discovery of elliptic functions 429 512
Jacobi's earlier notation for Theta-functions 479
Jacobi's fundamental Theta-function formulae 467 488
Jacobi's imaginary transformations 124 474 505 506 519 535
Jacobi's Zeta-function see under Zeta-function of J&cobi
Jacobian elliptic functions [sn u, cn u, dn u] 432 478 491—535
Jacobian elliptic functions, addition theorems for 494 497 530 535
Jacobian elliptic functions, connexion with Weierstrassian functions 505
Jacobian elliptic functions, definitions of am u, , sn u (sin am u), en u, dn u 478 492 494
Jacobian elliptic functions, differential equations satisfied by 477 492
Jacobian elliptic functions, differentiation of 493
Jacobian elliptic functions, duplication formulae for 498
Jacobian elliptic functions, Fourier series for 510 511 535
Jacobian elliptic functions, general description of 504
Jacobian elliptic functions, geometrical illustration of 524 527
Jacobian elliptic functions, Glaisher's notation for quotients and reciprocals of 494
Jacobian elliptic functions, infinite producte for 508 532
Jacobian elliptic functions, integral formulae for 492 494
Jacobian elliptic functions, Jacobi's imaginary transformation of 505 506
Jacobian elliptic functions, Lame functions expressed in terms of 564 573
Jacobian elliptic functions, Landen's transformation of 507
Jacobian elliptic functions, modular angle of 492
Jacobian elliptic functions, modulus of 479 492
Jacobian elliptic functions, modulus of (complementary) 479 493
Jacobian elliptic functions, parametric representation of points on curves by 524 527 527 533
Jacobian elliptic functions, periodicity of 479 500 502 503
Jacobian elliptic functions, poles of 432 503 504
Jacobian elliptic functions, quarter periods, K', iK', of 479 498 499 501
Jacobian elliptic functions, relations between 492
Jacobian elliptic functions, residues of 504
Jacobian elliptic functions, Seiffert's spherical spiral and 527
Jacobian elliptic functions, triplication formulae 530 534 535
Jacobian elliptic functions, values of, when the modulus is small 532. See also Elliptic functions Elliptic Lemniscate Theta-functions and
Jacobian elliptic functions, values of, when u is , or 500 506 507
Jordan's lemma 115
Kernel 213
Klein's theorem on linear differential equations with five singularities 203
Kummer's formulae for confluent hypergeometric functions 338
Kummer's series for 250
Lacunary function 98
Lagrange's expansion 132 140
Lagrange's form for the remainder in Taylor's series 96
Lame functions, defined 558
Lame functions, expressed as algebraic functions 556 577
Lame functions, expressed by Jacobian elliptic functions 573—575
Lame functions, expressed by Weierstrassian elliptic functions 570—572
Lame functions, integral equations satisfied by 564—567
Lame functions, linear independence of 559
Lame functions, reality and distinctness of zeros of 557 558 578
Lame functions, second kind of 562
Lame functions, values of 558
Lame functions, zeros of (Stieltjes' theorem) 560. See also Lame's equation and Ellipsoidal harmonics
Lame's equation 204 536—578
Lame's equation, derived from theory of ellipsoidal harmonics 538—543 552—554
Lame's equation, different forms of 554 573
Lame's equation, generalised 204 570 573 576 577
Lame's equation, series solutions of 556 577 575
Lame's equation, solutions expressed in finite form 459 556 576 577 578
Lame's equation, solutions of a generalised equation in finite form 570 573.
Landen's transformation of Jacobian elliptic functions 476 507 533
Laplace's equation 386
Laplace's equation, its general solution 388
Laplace's equation, normal solutions of 553
Laplace's equation, solution with given boundary conditions 393
Laplace's equation, solutions involving functions of Legendre and Bessel 391 395
Laplace's equation, symmetrical solution of 399
Laplace's equation, transformations of 401 407 551 553
Laplace's integrals for Legendre polynomials and functions 312 313 314 319 326 337
Lapounoff's theorem concerning Fourier constants 180
Laurent's expansion 100
Least of limits 13
Lebesgue's lemma 172
Left (L-) class 4
Legendre functions 302—336 (Chapter XV)
Legendre functions, , , , defined 306 316 323 325
Legendre functions, addition formulae for 328 395
Legendre functions, Bessel functions and 364 367 401
Legendre functions, degree of 307 324
Legendre functions, differential equation for 204 306 324
Legendre functions, distinguished from Legendre polynomials 306
Legendre functions, expansion of a function as a series of 334
Legendre functions, expansions in ascending series 311 326
Legendre functions, expansions in descending series 302 317 326 334
Legendre functions, expressed by Murphy as hypergeometric functions 311 312
Legendre functions, expression of in terms of Legendre polynomials 319 320 333
Legendre functions, Ferrers' functions associated with 323 324
Legendre functions, first kind of 307
Legendre functions, Gegenbauer's function, , associated with see Gegenbauer's function
Legendre functions, Heine's expansion of as a series of 321
Legendre functions, Hobson's functions associated with 325
Legendre functions, integral connecting Bessel functions with 364
Legendre functions, integral properties of 324
Legendre functions, Laplace's integrals for 312 313 319 326 334
Legendre functions, Mehler — Dirichlet integral for 314
Legendre functions, order of 326
Legendre functions, recurrence formulae for 307 318
Legendre functions, Schlaefli's integral for 304 306
Legendre functions, second kind of 316—320 325 326
Legendre functions, summation of and 302 321
Legendre functions, zeros of 303 316 335.
Legendre polynomials [ ] 95 302
Legendre polynomials, addition formula for 326 387
Legendre polynomials, degree of 302
Legendre polynomials, differential equation for 204 304
Legendre polynomials, expansion in ascending series 311
Legendre polynomials, expansion in descending series 302 334
Legendre polynomials, expansion of a function as a series of 310 322 330 331 332 335
Legendre polynomials, expressed by Murphy as a hypergeometric function 311 312
Legendre polynomials, Heine's expansion of as a series of 321
Legendre polynomials, integral connecting Bessel functions with 364
Legendre polynomials, integral properties of 225 305
Legendre polynomials, Laplace's equation and 391
Legendre polynomials, Laplace's integrals for 312 314
Legendre polynomials, Mehler — Dirichlet integral for 314
Legendre polynomials, Neumann's expansion in series of 322
Legendre polynomials, numerical inequality satisfied by 303
Legendre polynomials, recurrence formulae for 307 309
Legendre polynomials, Rodrigues' formula for 225 303
Legendre polynomials, Schlaefli's integral for 303 304
Legendre polynomials, summation of 302
Legendre polynomials, zeros of 303 316.
Legendre's equation 204 304
Legendre's equation for associated functions 324
Legendre's equation, second solution of 316. See also Legendre functions and Legendre polynomials
Legendre's relation between complete elliptic integrals 520
Lemniscate functions [ and ] 524
Limit of a function 42
Limit of a sequence 11 12
Limit to the value of a complex integral 78
Limit, condition for existence of 13
Limit-point (the Bolzano — Weierstrass theorem) 12
Limiting circle 98
Limits, greatest of and least of 13
Lindemann's theory of Mathieu's equation 417
Lindemann's theory, the similar theory of Lame's equation 570
Linear differential equations 194—210 (Chapter X) 386—403
Linear differential equations, equation for conduction of Heat 387
Linear differential equations, equation of Telegraphy 387
Linear differential equations, equation of the third order with regular integrals 210
Linear differential equations, equation of wave motions 386 397 402
Linear differential equations, equations with five singularities (the Klein-B&cher theorem) 203
Linear differential equations, equations with r singularities 209
Linear differential equations, equations with three singularities 206
Linear differential equations, equations with two singularities 208
Linear differential equations, exponents of 198
Linear differential equations, fundamental system of solutions of 197 200
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