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Whittaker E.T., Watson G.N. — A Course of Modern Analysis |
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Abel's discovery of elliptic functions 429 512
Abel's inequality 16
Abel's integral equation 211 229 230
Abel's method of establishing addition theorems 442 496 497 530 534
Abel's special form, , of the confluent hypergeometric function 353
Abel's test for convergence 17
Abel's theorem on continuity of power series 57
Abel's theorem on multiplication of convergent series 58 59
Abridged notation for products of Theta-functions 468 469
Abridged notation for quotients and reciprocals of elliptic functions 494 498
Absolute convergence 18 28
Absolute convergence, Cauchy's test for 21
Absolute convergence, D'Alembert's ratio test for 22
Absolute convergence, De Morgan's test for 23
Absolute value see Modulus
Absolutely convergent double series 28
Absolutely convergent infinite products 32
Absolutely convergent series 18
Absolutely convergent, fundamental property of 25
Absolutely convergent, multiplication of 29
Addition formula for Bessel functions 357 380
Addition formula for Gegenbauer's function 335
Addition formula for Legendre functions 328
Addition formula for Legendre polynomials 326 395
Addition formula for the Jacobian Zeta-function and for E(u) 518 534
Addition formula for the Sigma-function 451
Addition formula for the third kind of elliptic integral 523
Addition formula for the Weierstrassian Zeta-function 446
Addition formula for Theta-functions 467
Addition formulae, distinguished from addition theorems 519
Addition theorem for circular functions 535
Addition theorem for Jacobian elliptic functions 494 497 530
Addition theorem for the exponential function 531
Addition theorem for the Weierstrassian elliptic function 440 457
Addition theorem, proofs of, by Abel's method 442 496 497 530 534
Affix 9
Air in a sphere, vibrations of 399
Amplitude 9
Analytic continuation 96
Analytic continuation and Borel's integral 141
Analytic continuation, not always possible 98
Analytic continuation, of the hypergeometric function 288.See also Asymptotic expansions
Analytic functions 82—110 (Chapter V)
Analytic functions, defined 83
Analytic functions, derivates of 89
Analytic functions, distinguished from monogenic functions 99
Analytic functions, inequality satisfied by 91
Analytic functions, represented by integrals 92
Analytic functions, Riemann's equations connected with 84
Analytic functions, uniformly convergent series of 91
Analytic functions, values of, at points inside a contour 88
Angle and popular conception of an angle 589 590
Angle, analytical definition of 589
Angle, modular 492
Area represented by an integral 61 589
Argand diagram 9
Argument 9 588
Argument, continuity of 588
Argument, principal value of 9 588
Associated function of Borel 141
Associated function of Legendre and 323—326
Associated function of Riemann 183
Asymptotic expansions 150—159 (Chapter VIII)
Asymptotic expansions of Bessel functions 368 369 371 373 374
Asymptotic expansions of confluent hypergeometric functions 342 343
Asymptotic expansions of Gamma-functions 251 276
Asymptotic expansions of parabolic cylinder functions 347 348.
Asymptotic expansions, differentiation of 153
Asymptotic expansions, integration of 153
Asymptotic expansions, multiplication of 152
Asymptotic expansions, uniqueness of 153 154
Asymptotic inequality for parabolic cylinder functions of large order 354
Asymptotic solutions of Mathieu's equation 425
Auto-functions 226
Automorpblc functions 455
Axioms of arithmetic and geometry 579
Barnes' contour integrals for the confluent hypergeometric function 343—345
Barnes' contour integrals for the hypergeometric function 286 289
Barnes' G-function 264 279
Barnes' Lemma 289
Basic numbers 462
Bernoullian numbers 125
Bernoullian polynomials 126 127
Bertrand's test for convergence of infinite integrals 71
Bessel coefficients [ ] 101 355
Bessel coefficients, addition formulae for 357
Bessel coefficients, Bessel's integral for 362
Bessel coefficients, by Schloemilch 377
Bessel coefficients, differential equation satisfied by 357
Bessel coefficients, expansion of in series of 374 375 376
Bessel coefficients, expansion of functions in series of (by Neumann) 374 375 384
Bessel coefficients, expansion of, as power series 355
Bessel coefficients, expressible as a confluent form of Legendre functions 367
Bessel coefficients, expressible as confluent hypergeometrie functions 358
Bessel coefficients, inequality satisfied by 379
Bessel coefficients, Neumann's function connected with see Neumann's function
Bessel coefficients, order of 356
Bessel coefficients, recurrence formulae for 359
Bessel coefficients, special case of confluent hypergeometrie functions 358. See also Bessel functions
Bessel functions 355—385 (Chapter XVII)
Bessel functions, defined 358—360
Bessel functions, (Neumann) 372
Bessel functions, (Weber — Schlaefli) 370
Bessel functions, addition formulae for 380
Bessel functions, asymptotic expansion of 368 369 371 373 374
Bessel functions, expansion of functions in series of 374 375 377 381
Bessel functions, expansion of, as an ascending series 358 371
Bessel functions, first kind of 359
Bessel functions, Hankel's integral for 365
Bessel functions, integral connecting Legendre functions with 364 401
Bessel functions, integral properties of 380 381 384 385
Bessel functions, integrals involving products of 380 383 385
Bessel functions, notations for 356 372 373
Bessel functions, order of 356
Bessel functions, products of 379 380 383 385 428
Bessel functions, recurrence formulae for 359 373 374
Bessel functions, relation between Gegenbauer's function and 378
Bessel functions, relations between 360 371 372
Bessel functions, Schlaefli's form of Bessel's integral for 362 372
Bessel functions, second kind of modified, 373
Bessel functions, second kind of, (Hankel) 370
Bessel functions, solution of Laplace's equation by 396
Bessel functions, solution of the wave-motion equation by 397
Bessel functions, tabulation of 378
Bessel functions, whose order is half an odd integer 364
Bessel functions, whose order is large 368 383
Bessel functions, with imaginary argument, , 372 373 384
Bessel functions, zeros of 361 367 378 381.
Bessel's equation 204 357 373
Bessel's equation, fundamental system of solutions of (when n is not an integer) 359 372
Bessel's equation, second solution when n is an integer 370 373.
Binomial theorem 95
Bluet's Integrals for 248—251
Bocher's theorem on linear differential equations with five singularities 203
Bolzano's theorem on limit points 12
Bonnet's form of the second mean value theorem 66
Borel's associated function 141
Borel's integral 140
Borel's integral and analytic continuation 141
Borel's method of “summing” series 154
Borel's theorem (the modified Heine — Borel theorem) 53
Boundary 44
boundary conditions 387
Boundary conditions and Laplace's equation 393
Bounds of continuous functions 55
Branch of a function 106
Branch-point 106
Buermann's theorem 128
Buermann's theorem, extended by Teixeira 131
Cantor's Lemma 183
| Cauchy's condition for the existence of a limit 13
Cauchy's discontinuous factor 123
Cauchy's formula for the remainder in Taylor's series 96
Cauchy's inequality for derivatives of an analytic function 91
Cauchy's integral 119
Cauchy's integral representing 243
Cauchy's numbers 372
Cauchy's tests for convergence of series and integrals 21 71
Cauchy's theorem 85
Cauchy's theorem, extension to curves on a cone 87
Cauchy's theorem, Morera's converse of 87 110
cell 430
Cesaro's method of “summing” series 155
Cesaro's method of “summing” series, generalised 156
Change of order of terms in a series 25
Change of order of terms in an infinite determinant 37
Change of order of terms in an infinite product 33
Change of parameter (method of solution of Mathieu's equation) 424
Characteristic functions 226
Characteristic numbers 219
Characteristic numbers associated with symmetric nuclei are real 226
Chartier's test for convergence of infinite integrals 72
Circle of convergence 30
Circle, area of sector of 589
Circle, limiting 98
Circular functions 435 584
Circular functions, addition theorems for 585
Circular functions, continuity of 585
Circular functions, differentiation of 585
Circular functions, duplication formulae 585
Circular functions, periodicity of 587
Circular functions, relation with Gamma-functions 239
Circular membrane, vibrations of 356 396
Class, left (L) 4
Class, right (R) 4
Closed 44
Cluster-point 13
Coefficients in Fourier series, nature of 167 174
Coefficients in trigonometrical series, values of 163 165
Coefficients of Bessel see Bessel coefficients
Coefficients, equating 59
Comparison theorem for convergence of integrals 71
Comparison theorem for convergence of series 20
Complementary moduli 479 493
Complementary moduli, elliptic integrals with 479 501 520
Complete elliptic integrals [E, K, E', K'] (first and second kinds) 498 499 518
Complete elliptic integrals, Legendre's relation between 520
Complete elliptic integrals, properties of (qua functions of the modulus) 484 498 499 501 521
Complete elliptic integrals, series for 299
Complete elliptic integrals, tables of 518
Complete elliptic integrals, the Gaussian transformation 533
Complete elliptic integrals, values (as Gamma-functions) for special values of k 524—527
Complete elliptic integrals, values for small values of |k| 521
Complete elliptic integrals, with complementary moduli 479 501 520
Complex Integrals 77
Complex Integrals, upper limit to value of 78
Complex Integration, fundamental theorem of 78
complex numbers 3—10 (Chapter I)
Complex numbers, amplitude of 9
Complex numbers, argument of 9 588
Complex numbers, defined 6
Complex numbers, dependence of one on another 41
Complex numbers, imaginary part of (I) 9
Complex numbers, logarithm of 589
Complex numbers, modulus of 8
Complex numbers, real part of (R) 9
Complex numbers, representative point of 9
Complex variable, continuous function of a 44
Computation of elliptic functions 485
Computation of solutions of integral equations 211
Condition of integrability (Riemann's) 63
Conditional convergence of infinite determinants 415. See also Convergence and Absolute convergence
Conditional convergence of series 18
Conditions, Dirichlet's 161 163 164 176
Conduction of Heat, equation of 387
Confluence 202 337
Confluent form 203 337
Confluent hypergeometric function [ ] 337—354 (Chapter XV)
Confluent hypergeometric function, equation for 337
Confluent hypergeometric function, general asymptotic expansion of 342 345
Confluent hypergeometric function, integral defining 339
Confluent hypergeometric function, integrals of Barnes' type for 343—345
Confluent hypergeometric function, Kummer's formulae for 338
Confluent hypergeometric function, recurrence formulae for 352
Confluent hypergeometric function, relations with Bessel functions 360
Confluent hypergeometric function, the functions and 337—339
Confluent hypergeometric function, the relations between functions of these types 346
Confluent hypergeometric function, various functions expressed in terms of 340 352 353 360.
Confocal coordinates 405 547
Confocal coordinates in association with ellipsoidal harmonics 552
Confocal coordinates, form a triply orthogonal system 648
Confocal coordinates, Laplace's equation referred to 551
Confocal coordinates, uniformising variables associated with 549
Congruence of points in the Argand diagram 430
Constant, Euler's or Mascheroni's, [ ] 235 246 248
Constants , , 443
Constants , 171 172 446
Constants E, E' 518 520
Constants of Fourier 164
Constants, G 469 472
Constants, K 484 498 499
Constants, K' 484 501 503
Constants, relation between and 446
Construction of elliptic functions 433 478 492
Construction of Mathieu functions 409
Construction of Mathieu functions, second method 420
Contiguous hypergeometric functions 294
Continua 43
Continuants 36
Continuation, analytic 96
Continuation, analytic and Borel's integral 141
Continuation, analytic of the hypergeometric function 288. See also Asymptotic expansions
Continuation, analytic, not always possible 98
Continuity 41
Continuity of power series 57
Continuity of power series, Abel's theorem 57
Continuity of the argument of a complex variable 588
Continuity of the circular functions 585
Continuity of the exponential function 581
Continuity of the logarithmic function 583 589
Continuity, uniformity of 54
Continuous functions 41—60 (Chapter III)
Continuous functions, bounds of 55
Continuous functions, defined 41
Continuous functions, integrability of 63
Continuous functions, of a complex variable 44
Continuous functions, of two variables 67
contour 85
Contour integrals 85
Contour integrals, evaluation of definite integrals by 112—124
Contour integrals, the Mellin — Barnes type of 286 343.
Contour, roots of an equation in the interior of a 119 123
Convergence 11—40 (Chapter II)
Convergence of a double series 27
Convergence of a series 15
Convergence of a series, Abel's test for 17
Convergence of a series, Dirichlet's test for 17
Convergence of an infinite determinant 36
Convergence of an infinite integral 70
Convergence of an infinite product 32
Convergence of Fourier series 174—179
Convergence of the geometric series 19
Convergence of the hypergeometric series 24
Convergence of the series 19
Convergence of the series occurring in Mathieu functions 422
Convergence of trigonometrical series 161
Convergence, circle of 30
Convergence, conditional 18
Convergence, defined 13 15
Convergence, principle of 13
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