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Zelkowitz M.(editor) — Advances in Computers. Volume 49 |
Предметный указатель |
A priori domain analysis 155—171
Abeille, A. 26 56
Abrial, J.-R. 79 91
Abstraction 71
Abu-Ghazaleh, N.B. 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 295 296 297 302
access method 335
Access patterns 245
ACCION International 51—52
Action classes 167
Ad hoc exception handling 196
Adaptability 308
Adapter 323
Adapter backplane 323
Adaptive CNAPS 242
Adaptive Solutions 242 295
Address masking scheme 255
Addressing scheme, content-based 335
Addressing scheme, destination-based 335
Addressing scheme, source-based 335
Adelson, B. 99 141
Agarwal, A. 242 248 249 270 275 295 299
Ageno, A. 12 58
Agerholm, S. 85 91
Agile manufacturing systems 308—309
Agrawala, A.K. 310 347
Agre, J. 312 315 346
Agre, J.R. 313 346
Aichemig, B.K. 84 91
Air traffic Control 89
Al-Onaizan, Y. 40 62
Albanesi, M. 256 295
Albisser, D. 48 56
Algorithm visualization 98
Allen, J. 14 56 253 256 258 259 264 269 295 296
Allen-Bradley 346
Almasi, G. 253 296
Alonge, A. 66
Alpac 3 56
Alshawi, H. 39 56
Amalou, M. 147 148 188
Amethyst 105
Amoeba system 311
AMTA Special Interest Group for Interlinguas 51 56
Anderson, C. 153 188
Anderson, R.J. 86 92
Angus, I. 244 245 252 298
Anick, P. 12 65
ANIM 105 106
Anonymous exceptions 217 228—229
Antona, M. 24 56
Appelo, L. 26 28 56
Appelt, D.E. 12 61
Application domain-based testing 144
Architectural design level 198
Arnold, D. 19 21 26 28 41 46 47 48 56 65
Arnold, R. 107 112 140
Artificial intelligence (AI) 1
Artificial intelligence (AI) in test generation 150—153
Atherton, T. 267 300
ATLAS II 19 56
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Method) 337
Atomicity service 332
Attributed grammar 146—147
Attributed grammar for sort routine 147
Auguin, M. 271 276 296
Automated cartridge system (ACS) 154 162 182
Automated test generator 187
Automatic Language Processing Advisory Committee (ALPAC) 3 4
Automatic programming 315
Autonomous cooperative systems 313
Axelrod, T.S. 249 296
Baecker, R.M. 98 105 106 141
Bagley, R.A. 287 296
Baglietto, P. 259 296
Bagrodia, R. 241 297
Baker, J. 36 68
Balcer, M. 149 150 188 189
Ball, T. 106 140
Ballard, B. 12 56
Balsa 105
Bamberg, P. 36 68
Bar-Hillel, Y. 5 7 57
Barnes, G. 275 276 300
Barnes, G.H. 251 255 256 263 296
Barnett, J. 36 57
Barrier synchronization protocols, synchronization architectures based on 275—278
Bates, M. 12 30 57
Batory, D. 144 149 187 188
Bauer, J. 145 188
Baxter, J. 242 249 250 270 299
Bazzichi, F. 146 188
Beame, P. 86 92
Beaven, J. 21 26 31 33 57
Behavior rules 170
Beizer, B. 144 188
Ben-Naten, R. 332 338 346
Bennett, A. 17 57
Bennett, P. 13 57
Bennett, W.S. 5 7 57
Benoit, J.W. 2 57 62
Bergler, S. 12 57 65
Berlin, L. 237
Bertolazzi, P. 139 140
Berwick, R.C. 57
Bharadwaj, R. 86 92
Bhatkar, V.P. 318 347
Bianchini, R. 249 270 295
Bicarregui, J.C. 88 92
Biggerstaff, T.J. 143 188
Bilingual entries for head-switching divergence 32—33
Blank, T. 257 258 296
Blanksteen, S. 12 59
Blaser, B. 12 26 57 64
Blevins, D. 259 296
Block IO transfer 335—336
Block statements 226—227
Block-Start constraint 314
Bloomfield, R. 84 92
Bobrow, R. 12 30 57
Boguraev, B. 12 57
Bohner, S. 107 112 140
Boitet, C. 38 57
Bolognesi, T. 72 94
Bongaerts, L. 313 346 348
Booch, G. 156 158 161 188 257
Bottom-up model 99
Boyd, J. 266 301
Bradshaw, A.T. 316 331 336 346
Brandes, T. 252 271 296
Brandin, B. 312 315 346
Brent, M. 12 57
Bresnan, J. 62
Brew, C. 31 57
Bridge/gateway and control interface 335 336
Bridges, T. 240 250 268 296
Briggs, F.A. 241 251 299
Briscoe, E.J. 12 57
Briscoe, T. 12 58 66
Brock, W. 251 302
Broman, M.O. 12 60
Brookes, T.M. 81 84 89 92 93
Brooks, F., Jr. 100 141
Brown, C. 119 141
Brown, P.F. 12 34 35 57 58
Brown, R. 40 58
Brown, R.M. 251 255 256 263 296
Bryan, E.A. 318 330 346
Bryan, L.A. 318 330 346 347
| Bryant, R.E. 279 299
Buchner, M.R. 304 318 347
Buchsbaum, A.L. 39 56
Bundy, G. 192 237
Bundy, G.N. 237 238
Burger, J. 12 67
Burns, S. 86 92
Burstall, R.M. 72 92
Byrd, R.J. 12 58
Cahay, M.M. 284 285 286 290 295
Call-graph 101 114—116 121 123—128 132—135
Call-graph, internal detail 118
Call-graph, modularity 116
Calzolari, N. 12 58
Candide French-English Machine Translation Project 34—35
Cant, J. 36 57 68
Cantoni, V. 241 254 256 266 267 295 296
Carbonell, J. 2 5 20 24 39 58 64
Carbonell, J.G. 5 7 24 42 58
Carletta, J. 47 58
Carriero, N. 271 296
Cartridge Access Port (CAP) 154 182—183
Cartridge Access Port (CAP), test subdomain 174—175
Casacuberta, F. 64
Case filter 30
Cassandras, C. 340 347
Castano, M.A. 64
Castellon, I. 12 58
cat 50
Categorical divergence 10—11 27—28
Category-partition testing 149—150
Cay, S. 194 217 238
Cei, U. 256 295
Celentano, A. 146 188
Central Control Algorithm (CCA) 283—288 331
Central Control Algorithm (CCA), execution 284—285
Central Control Algorithm (CCA), interpreter structure 285—286
Central Control Algorithm (CCA), maximizing the overlap in the execution of instructions 286—287
Central Control Algorithm (CCA), optimizing the interpreter loop 285—290
Central Control Algorithm (CCA), variable instruction issue interpreters 287—288
Centralized dimension 316
Centralized IO 316—317
Chaiken, D. 249 270 295
Chan, W. 86 92
Chand, S. 340 347
Chander, I. 24 40 62
Chandy, M. 241 296 297
Chang, J.S. 34 58 67
Change impact analysis 97
Change Impact Viewer (CIV) 97 119—128
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), class views, inter-class relational view 120—121
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), class views, intra-class relational view 122
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), comparison with other systems 132—137
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), evaluation of results 128—138
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), extensions 138—140
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), file views, inter-file relational view 122—126
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), file views, intra-file relational view 126
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), future work 138—140
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), impact analysis 127—128 137—138
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), intuitiveness 129—130
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), open problems 138—140
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), overall evaluation 129—132
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), scalability 130—132
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), static analysis 119
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), usefulness 129
Change Impact Viewer (CIV), visualization features 119—126
Change-Of-State (COS) 328
CHAOS (Concurrent Hierarchical Adaptable Object System) 310
Chapin, J. 242 249 250 270 299
Charlu, D. 272 301
Charniak, E. 35 58
Cheng, J. 313 346
Chevalier, H. 36 68
Chodorow, M.S. 12 58
Chomsky, N. 30 58
Chorus system 311
Chow, T.S. 147 148 188
Chromatic mPACT 242
Chromatic Research Inc. 242 296
Chung, M.J. 256 261 296
Chung, Y. 256 261 296
Church, W. 12 60
CICC system 318
CIDC system 318
Clare, L. 312 315 546
Clarke, E.M. 70 85 86 92
Clasp 151
Class-inheritance graphs 101
Clermont, P. 266 267 300
Clock time 333
CM-2 246
CM-5 278
Cocke, J. 34 58
Code analysis and generation 340
Coglianese, L. 144 187 188
Cohen, W. 275 277 278 296 297
Cohen, W.E. 284 285 287 288 289 290 297
Collins, B. 37 58
Collins, R.J. 284 288 290 297
Command language 165
Command templates 186
Common sub-expression induction 261
Complex contextual ambiguity 8
Complex semantic ambiguity 7
Complex systems 309
Computing Research Laboratory 19 58
Computing, emerging technology trends 309—310
Concurrent-interpretation model 278—292
Concurrent-interpretation model, early experiments 279—281
Conflational divergence 11
Constraint-based MT (CBMT) techniques 21—24
Constraint-based programming 314
Context-free grammar 146
Contextual ambiguity 7—8
Control asynchrony management 239—302
Control network 331
Control organization 245—247
Control parallelism 244—245
Control processors (CPs) 263 268
Control system, architecture evolution 318—322
Control system, architecture trends affecting 304—316
Control system, historical trends 319
Control system, lifecycle 312
Control-application-centric programming 313—314 340
Controller backplane 323
Controller centric view 340
Controller communication interface (Control Comm IF) 324
Controller network 324
ControlNet Specification 335 336 347
Copestake, A. 12 58 66
Copestake, A.A. 12 57
Corkill, D.D. 313 347
Cornell, G. 194 217 238
Craigen, D. 88 92
Crawford-Hines, A. 146 175 189
Cray Research Inc. 247 275 277 297
CRAY T3D 247
Crespi, V. 146 188
Culler, D. 248 271 297
Cullingford, R.E. 42 58
Cunningham, P. 37 58
Cvetanovic, Z. 244 297
Cypher, R. 244 297
Dahbura, A.T. 148 189
Damm, A. 310 347
Danlos, L. 28 58
Dasai, T. 28 60
Data management 330
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