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Zelkowitz M.(editor) — Advances in Computers. Volume 49 |
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Reuse scenarios and experiences 180—186
Reverse engineering domain analysis 155 171—172
Ribas, F. 12 58
Richardson, D. 150 189
Richardson, S.D. 37 65
Rigau, G. 12 58
Riseman, E. 266 302
Ritchie, B. 88 92
Ritchie, D.M. 260 299
Rizk, O.A. 12 58
Robot tape library 153—155 157—161 164
Rockoff, T. 258 301
Roderick, L. 38 61
Rodriguez, H. 12 58
Rodrique, G. 253 301
Rohrer, C. 9 21 60
Rook, P. 237
Roossin, P.S. 34 58
Rosenblum, M. 242 249 250 270 299
Rosetta, M.T. 28 65
Roudaud, B. 50 65
Rozier, M. 311 547
Rule-based MT (RBMT) 28—29
Rushby, J. 86 93
Rutenbar, R.A. 279 299
Sabnani, K.K. 148 189
Sadler, L. 21 23 26 28 41 46 47 48 56 65
Sager, J.C. 17 57
Saiedian, H. 70 94
Saito, H. 38 65
Sakamura, K. 310 347
Samiotu, A. 12 58
Sample derivation 146
Samvelian, P. 28 58
Sanders, P. 284 301
Sanfilippo, A. 66
Sanz, J. 244 297
Sato, S. 37 66
Savoretti, F. 146 188
Sayward, F.G. 262 297
Schabes, Y. 26 56 66
Schaefer, C. 238
Schaefer, D. 266 301
Schaeuble 14 63
Schank, R.C. 19 66
Schauser, K. 248 271 297
Schenk, A. 28 62
Schimmel, D. 253 256 258 259 264 269 295 296 298
Schimmel, D.E. 269 301
Schlesinger, C. 14 61
Schubert, K. 2 19 63 66
Schuster, A. 257 300
Schwall, U. 26 57
Schwan, K. 310 347
Schwederski, T. 265 272 301
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) 51 66
Scott, B.E. 51 66
Scott, D. 43 65
Scott, M.L. 249 300
Script classes 169
Script rules 170—171
Scripts 175 184—186
Scwabl, W. 310 347
SDS Baseline Documentation Version 1.1 347
Sejnowski, M. 272 301
Semantic ambiguity 6—7
Senft, C. 310 347
Shafer, S. 144 187 188
Shake and Bake MT (S&SBMT) 31—33
Shankar, N. 86 93
Shared memory 247—248
Shared memory, model 340
Shared resources 333
Sharp, R.M. 30 66
Shell, P. 12 60
Shen, J. 247 302
Shen, S. 272 301
Sheridan, P. 14 63
Shieber, S.M. 26 66
Shin, K.G. 310 347
Shiwen, Y. 48 66
Shneiderman, B. 144 189
Shneier, M. 246 299
Shu, D. 251 301
Shu, W. 281 307
Shumway, M. 144 153 189
Siegal, J. 332 338 347
Siegel, H.J. 244 252 255 257 265 270 272 300 301 302
Signal conditioning 325
Sigurd, B. 30 66
Siliconization 306
SIMD 239—302
SIMD, addressing autonomy 255—256
SIMD, advantages 252
SIMD, autonomous operation 254—255
SIMD, classification 246
SIMD, communication autonomy 256—257
SIMD, contention for control unit use 290
SIMD, control organization 262—278
SIMD, disadvantages 252—253
SIMD, evolution 253—262
SIMD, execution autonomy 255
SIMD, forms of autonomy 257—258
SIMD, hardware features 254—259 258—259
SIMD, interpretation v. direct execution 290
SIMD, lack of hardware support for interpretation 291
SIMD, matching the interpretation environment to the host machine 288—290
SIMD, memory hierarchy 259
SIMD, organization 251—253
SIMD, organizational taxonomy categories 243
SIMD, overhead 252 262 268
SIMD, overhead, for managing activity status 290
SIMD, overview 240—243
SIMD, processing element 251
SIMD, program 262
SIMD, programming environment 260
SIMD, shared control multiprocessors 290—292
SIMD, superscalar (SSIMD) 269
Simmons, M. 246 301
Simoni, R. 242 248 249 250 270 295 299
Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) model 270—272
Single-Instruction stream Multiple-Data streams (SIMD) machine see "SIMD"
Single-Instruction stream Single-Data stream (SISD) processor 246
Sinha, S. 237
Site 50
Skjellum, A. 248 298
Sklar, D.F. 119 141
Sleuth 171—175 186 187
Sleuth, test generation example 176—180
Slind, K. 250 299
Slocum, J. 2 44 66 67
Slotnick, D. 251 302
Slotnick, D.L. 251 255 256 263 296
Slusher, C.E. 284 286 288 289 290 302
Small, I.S. 98 105 106 141
Smith, J. 261 301
Snyder, A. 237
Snyder, L. 244 302
soft real-time system 324
Software defects 193—194
Software Development Plans (SDPs) 197
Software engineering, formal methods 69—94
Software engineering, modeling 70
Software Standards and Procedures Manuals (SSPMs) 197
Software visualization (SV) 96
Software visualization (SV), criteria 100—101
Software visualization (SV), definition 98
Software visualization (SV), existing tools 101—107
Software visualization (SV), key criteria for evaluating systems 100
Software visualization (SV), multi-resolution 115—117
| Software visualization (SV), scalability 107 114—119
Software visualization (SV), three-dimensional 95—141 117—119
Software visualization (SV), user interface issues 115
Software-pipelining technique 289
Soloway, E. 99 141
Somers, H. 2 37 38 39 61 67
Somers, H.L. 17 57
Spacecraft command and data handling application 153
Spadafora, I. 146 188
Spatial invariance 43
Specification, model-oriented 72—79
Sphinx 266 267
Sponaugle, J. 275 277 278 296 297
Sprague, R. 310 347
Spring distributed real-time operating system 310
SQL code 153
Stankovic, J.A. 310 348
Staples, M. 119 141
Start-Home constraint 314
Stasko, J. 99 104 106 140 141
State machine based test generation 147—148
State parameters 158 161
State transition diagram 169—170
State-based modeling 77—78
Static assignment 264
Static barriers 277
Static transfer 328
Statistical-based MT (SBMT) 34—37
Status parameters 217 219
Steele, E. 36 68
Steele, G.L., Jr. 252 260 298
Stefanelli, R. 266 296
Steiner, E. 54 67
Stokes, R.A. 251 255 256 263 296
StorageTek 154 189
StorageTek HSC command language 153 157 161
StorageTek HSC Release 1.2 domain model 173
StorageTek HSC-ACS domain 162
StorageTek object hierarchy 162
Storrer, A. 26 57
Stout, Q. 256 257 300
Stout, T.M. 318 348
Stroustrup, B. 194 217 238
Structural divergence 10
Structural invariance 43
Stumberger, D.E. 12 56
Su, K.Y. 34 58 67
Successive software releases 184—185
Sugimura, R. 39 61
Suh, S. 30 59
Sum-of-products 279
Sumita, E. 37 67
Sumita, H. 37 67
Superscalar SIMD Machine (SSIMD) 269
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) 313
Suppression of range checks 235—236
Suzuki, K. 28 60
Synchronization architectures based on barrier synchronization protocols 275—278
Synchronization models 270—278
Synchronization service 332
Syntactic ambiguity 6
system data 335
System failure 194
System interfaces 330
System testing 144
System testing, approaches 145—153
System testing, domain models for 143—190
System testing, further work 186—187
System testing, industrial application 153—155
System-level features of feature-interaction based ineffective design patterns 229—237
Systran 52
Tamura, S. 313 347
Tanaka, H. 280 284 285 300
Tanenbaum, A.S. 311 332 348
Tanimoto, S. 266 302
Target LSM (TLSM) 169
Task-graph 244
Tasking 232—234
Tasso, C. 12 61
Taule, M. 66
Taylor, R. 150 188
Templeton, M. 12 67
Tense generation 9—10
Terasys PIM 242
test cases 175 186
Test cases, construction 186
Test cases, reuse 180 183—186
Test generation process 173—176
Test scripts 175
Test subdomain 173—174
Test templates 175
Testing, competing systems 181
Testing, successive system releases 182
Testing, varying system configurations 182
Thematic divergence 10 31
Thinking Machines Corporation 250 272 275 277 302
Thistle, J.G. 340 348
Thomas, S.C. 12 31 65
Thomason, R.H. 47 59
Thompson, B. 12 67
Thompson, F. 12 67
Thompson, H.S. 23 65
Three-dimensional (3-D) visualization of software structure 95—141
Thurmair, G. 28 67
Tichy, W. 276 301
Tillmann, C. 64
Time division multiple access (TDMA) schemes 335
time service 333
Time Warp 273
Tittle, C. 150 189
TMC-CM-2 264 286
TMC-CM-5 277
Tokuda, H. 311 348
Tomboulian, S. 261 302
Tomita, M. 2 5 20 24 38 64 65
Top-down model 99
Tracking Manager 84 87—89
Transfer mapping 17—19 52 53
Transfer Ram 314
Transfer rule 23
Translated maps 216
Transparency distributed service 332
Traum, D. 26 31 53 59
TRON (The Real-time Operating system Nucleus) 310—311
Trujillo, A. 12 26 67
Tsoulakas, M.Z. 150 189
Tsujii, J. 24 26 38 56 61 67
Tsunoyama, M. 189
Tuck, R. 252 299
Turner, D.A. 280 302
Uhr, L. 244 302
Underflow 211
Unger, B. 250 299
Unger, S. 251 254 302
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) 333
University of Washington Program Illustrator (UWPI) 105—106
Unset out parameters 224
Upchurch, E. 272 301
Valckenaers, P. 313 346 348
Validation 81—82
Vallejos, C. 266 301
Van Brussel, H. 313 346 348
van der Eijk, P. 28 67
van Genabith, J. 59
van Noord, G. 28 67
van Slype, G. 40 43 67
Vanderwende, L. 12 37 63 65
Vandoren, V.J. 348
Vans, A.M. 99 141
Variable instruction issue problem 288
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