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Zelkowitz M.(editor) — Advances in Computers. Volume 49
Zelkowitz M.(editor) — Advances in Computers. Volume 49

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Название: Advances in Computers. Volume 49

Автор: Zelkowitz M.(editor)


Since its first volume in 1960, Advances in Computers has presented detailed coverage of innovations in hardware and software and in computer theory, design, and applications. It has also provided contributors with a medium in which they can examine their subjects in greater depth and breadth than that allowed by standard journal articles. As a result, many articles have become standard references that continue to be of significant, lasting value despite the rapid growth taking place in the field.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1

Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 401

Добавлена в каталог: 18.08.2015

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Hatton, L.      94
Hatzivassiloglou, V.      24 62
Havelund, K.      72 93
Hayashi, K.      335 348
Hayes, E.      36 57
Hayes, I.J.      85 93
Hayes, J.P.      244 245 286 289 298
Head-switching divergence      10 22—23 28—29 32
Heaton, R.      259 296
Heinlein, J.      242 249 250 270 299
Heinrich, M.      242 249 250 270 299
Heitmeyer, C.      85 86 92 93
Hendler, A.      253 299
Hendler, J.      12 59
Hennessy, J.      242 248 249 250 270 295 299
Hennesy, J.L.      242 245 246 258 298
Hensgen, D.      275 298
Hensgen, D.A.      284 285 286 288 289 290 295 298 302
Herbordt, M.C.      259 298
Herter, C.      276 301
Hewlett Packard      101 140
Hidano, M.      63
Hierarchical architectures      266
Highly distributed control system      315—316
Higinbotham, D.      39 61
Hill, M.      248 249 298
Hillis, W.D.      246 252 254 255 256 257 260 298
Ho, C.      256 298
Ho, P.      266 301
Hoare, C.A.R.      72 93
Hogan, C.      14 24 54 61
Holland, V.M.      14 61
Hollinden, D.Y.      284 290 298
Hollinden, N.B.      284 286 288 289 290 302
Holmes, B.      242 298
Holonic concept      313
Homing, J.J.      72 93
Honda, H.      278 299
Hopp, K.L.      51 61
Hord, R.M.      244 264 299
Horizontal partitioning      210 215
Horowitz, M.      242 248 249 250 270 295 299
Horstmann, C.S.      194 217 238
Host Software Component (HSC)      154
Houston, I.      93
Hovy, E.H.      24 62
Howden, W.E.      144 188
Howe, A.E.      150 152 175 189
Howell, C.      192 237
HP SoftBench Static Analyzer      101—102 132—136
HSC-ACS      157 159 165 168
Hudak, P.      280 281 287 299
Humphreys, R.L.      41 46 47 56
Hutchins, J.W.      2 19 40 61
Hutchinson, J.      147 189
Hutchison, J.S.      146 147 149 175 188
Hwang, K.      241 257 299
IEEE      328 347
IEEE 1451.2 Smart Transducer Interfaces      328
Iida, H.      37 40 60 67
Iida, M.      24 62
Imagix 4D      102—104 136—137
Impact analysi, features      127—128
Impact analysis      97 107—114
Implicit anonymous exceptions      229
Inadvertent mappings      225—226
Ince, D.C.      146 189
Incense      105
Incompatible conventions      200
Inconsistent assumptions      199
Infinite task server      233
Information overload      100 114—115
Inspection      83—84
Instruction stream      246
Integrated IO device      326 328
Integrated IO module      331
Integrated system components      327
Intelligent IO devices      320 328
Inter-controller traffic      334—335
Interchangeable components      308
Interlingual representation      19—20
Internal consistency      79—80
Interoperability      307
Interpreted instruction set      283
Intracommand rules      167
IO chassis      323
IO Comm IF      323 326
IO connects      323
IO data      334 336
IO data, processing      325 326
IO data, types      335
IO device-module-interface      328
IO devices      323
IO devices, integrated      326 328
IO devices, intelligent      320 328
IO devices, remote      319
IO diagnostics      327
IO dimension      325—328
IO functions      327
IO functions, implementation      326
IO modules      323 326 327
IO modules, integrated      331
IO network      323 326 331
IO network communication interface (IO Comm IF)      323 326
IO synchronization      328
IO transduction      325
IO transfer      328 335—336
IO, centralized      316—317
IO, distributed      317
Iobst, K.      242 298
IOC classification      318
IOC Taxonomy      317—318 322
Irwin, M.      242 258 302
ISATEC      242 299
ISATEC Systola      242
Ishiguro, M.      246 301
Ishikawa, M.      39 61
ISO      72 73 93 94
ISO(1995)ISO/IEC 8652      217 229 238
Ito, Y.      36 57 68
Jackendoff, R.      19 30 61
Jackson, D.      70 93 112 140
Jain, A.N.      39 61
Jamieson, L.      244 245 252 299
Jamieson, L.H.      244 302
Jefferson, D.      272 273 299
Jelinek, F.      34 58
Jeng, B.      150 190
Jerding, D.      99 106 140
Jin, C.      34 62
Johnson, K.L.      249 270 295
Johnson, M.      38 61 247 258 299
Johnson, R.      19 61
Johnson, R.L.      17 57
Jones, C.B.      70 72 85 86 93
Jones, C.T.      318 330 347
Jones, D.      37 38 61 67
Jones, M.A.      151 152 189
Jordan, P.W.      2 47 57 59 62
Joshi, A.K.      26 56 62
Joyce, J.      250 299
Justus, C.F.      44 66
Kampntann, F.      36 68
Kane, G.      289 299
Kaplan, R.      21 22 28 62
Kaplan, R.M.      21 22 24 28 62
Kapur, R.      272 301
Karcich, R.      187 190
Kashara, H.      278 299
Kasper, W.      9 21 60
Kato, M.      251 255 256 263 296
Kawano, K.      335 348
Kelliher, T.      242 258 302
Kelly, V.E.      151 152 189
Kennedy, K.      261 302
Kent, E.      246 299
Kerbyson, D.      267 300
Kernighan, B.W.      260 299
Keryell, R.      275 299
Khendek, F.      147 148 188
Kim, W.      252 299
Kindy, J.      311 347
King, G.      34 62
King, M.      2 19 44 46 61 62
King, S.      93
Kirby, J.      85 93
Kitano, H.      253 299
Kitchel, S.      240 250 296
KITSS      151—153
Klavans, J.L.      12 58
Klein, J.      48 64
Kleinrock, L.      272 273 297 301
Knight, K.      12 24 40 62
Knowledge-based machine translation (KBMT)      24—26
Kohavi, Z.      262 279 299
Kohler, W.H.      250 298
Kohyarna, H.      37 67
Kolodner, J.      37 62
Komatsu, E.      34 62
Kopetz, H.      310 347
Kosaka, M.      28 34 37 40 60
Koza, C.      310 547
Kranz, D.      242 249 270 275 295 299
Krauwer, S.      26 28 41 56 62
Kravitz, S.A.      279 299
Krishnamurthy, G.      262 297
Krogh, B.      311 347
Kruchten, P.      196 237
Krueger, C.      143 189
Kubiatowicz, J.      249 270 295
Kuck, D.J.      251 255 256 263 296
Kuehn, T.J.      265 272 301
Kumar, V.      257 300
Kuskin, J.      242 249 250 270 299
Kuszmaul, B.C.      280 299
Labaw, B.      85 93
Label parameters      220
Ladd, D.      112 140
Ladder logic      339
Lafferty, J.D.      34 58
Lafortune, S.      340 347
Lagemaat, J.      72 94
Lai, J.C.      12 58
Lamport, L.      273 299
Landsbergen, J.      28 62
Lange, J.M.      12 64
Lano, K.      79 93
Large-grained interpretation      281—283
Larsen, P.G.      72 81 84 85 89 91 92 93
Larus, J.      248 249 298 299
Lassen, P.B.      84 92
Lavin, M.      254 266 300
Lee, J.      312 315 346
Lee, Jye-hoon      30 59
Lefkowitz, I.      304 318 347
Lehmann, H.      12 40 62 64
Lenat, D.B.      24 63
Lesser, V.R.      313 347
Levi, S.T.      310 347
Levialdi, S.      241 254 266 296
Levin, R.      237
Lexical ambiguity      6
Lexical functional grammar (LFG)      22
Lexical functional grammar (LFG), predicate-argument relation      23—24
Lexical invariance      43
Lexical representations for thematic divergence      31
Lexical selection      8—9
Lexical-based MT (LBMT)      26—28
Li, H.      254 256 257 266 300
Library Storage Modules (LSM)      154 159 161 162
Ligocki, T.      266 302
Lim, B-H.      242 249 270 275 295 299
Limited Dynamic Partitioning      265
Lin, D.      30 59
Lindsay, P.A.      88 92
Ling, R.      266 302
LINGSTAT      36
Lipkis, J.      311 347
Lipovski, G.      272 301
Lipton, R.J.      262 297
Liskov, B.      237
Literal translation      29
Litman, D.      151 188
Litt, J.      254 301
Littman, M.S.      284 286 289 290 300
LMUs      174
Local area network (LAN)      337
Local design patterns      217—221
Local virtual time (LVT)      273 274
Loehr, D.      51 65
Logic circuits      280
Logical processes (LPs)      273
Logical time      333
LogoMedia      106
Lomow, G.      250 299
LONBUILDER User's Guide      347
Long, D.E.      86 92
Lonsdale, D.      12 63
Loop flattening      261
Loyall, J.      110 111 112 141
Lozano, M.C.      51 63
Lubachevsky, B.      260 298
Lubeck, O.      246 301
Luh, P.B.      313 347
Luk, S.K.      24 62
Lumia, R.      246 299
Lundstrom, S.      275 276 300
Luqui      70 93
Lusk, E.      248 298
Lytinen, S.L.      5 63
MACH multiprocessor operating system      311
Machine Translation      2 63
Machine translation (MT)      1—68
Machine translation (MT), architectures      14—20
Machine translation (MT), black-box evaluation      41—42 44
Machine translation (MT), constraint-based      21—24
Machine translation (MT), developer's evaluation      49—50
Machine translation (MT), dialogue-based      38—39
Machine translation (MT), direct architecture      14—16
Machine translation (MT), end-user evaluation      48—49
Machine translation (MT), evaluation approaches      41—46
Machine translation (MT), evaluation challenges      40—41
Machine translation (MT), evaluation criteria      42—45
Machine translation (MT), evaluation examples      48—54
Machine translation (MT), evaluation of systems      40—54
Machine translation (MT), evaluation techniques      46—48
Machine translation (MT), example- (or case-/memory-) base (EBMT)      37
Machine translation (MT), glass-box evaluation      42
Machine translation (MT), history      3—5
Machine translation (MT), hybrid paradigms      39—40
Machine translation (MT), interlingual architectures      19—20
Machine translation (MT), knowledge-based      24—26
Machine translation (MT), lexical-based      26—28
Machine translation (MT), LFG-based      22—23
Machine translation (MT), linguistic considerations      5—11
Machine translation (MT), linguistic-based paradigms      21—33
Machine translation (MT), neural network-based      39
Machine translation (MT), non-linguistic-based paradigms      34—39
Machine translation (MT), operational considerations      11—14
Machine translation (MT), overview      1—2
1 2 3 4 5 6
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