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Zelkowitz M.(editor) — Advances in Computers. Volume 49 |
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Machine translation (MT), principle-based 30—31
Machine translation (MT), research systems 20—40
Machine translation (MT), researcher's evaluation 50—54
Machine translation (MT), rule-based 28—29
Machine translation (MT), shake and bake 31—33
Machine translation (MT), statistical-based 34
Machine translation (MT), test-suite construction and evaluation 47—48
Machine translation (MT), transfer architectures 16—19
Machine translation (MT), types of challenges 5—14
Machine translation (MT), types of systems 15
Maciejewski, A.A. 244 300
Mackenzie, K. 249 270 295
MacReynolds, R. 251 302
Mahat, J. 266 267 300
Mahesh, K. 24 63
Mainstream massively-parallel processing 241
Man-Machine Interface (MMI) 316 330 341—343
Manber, U. 275 298
Mandel, M. 36 68
Manganaro, L. 36 68
Manning, S. 252 300
Manohar, R. 241 296
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) 313 330 335
Mapping strategy 215
Maresca, M. 254 256 257 259 266 296 300
Margolis, T. 36 68
Maria Otero 51 65
MARS system 310
Marti, M.A. 66
Martin, P.A. 12 61
Maruti system 310
Maruyama, F. 28 60
Maruyama, H. 37 63
Maskable (static) barriers 276—277
Masking scheme 255
MasPar 251 256 257 258 260 289 300
MasPar MP-1/MP-2 machines 257 258 289
MasPar Parallel Application Language (MPL) 260 289
Massingill, B. 241 296
Master-slave controller, architecture 320
Master-slave controller, system 321 333
Mathisen, S. 110 111 112 141
Mattox, T. 277 297
Maurer, P.M. 148 149 175 189
Maxwell, D. 2 63
McCord, M.C. 28 63
McDonald, J.E. 12 26 68
McFarlaine, D. 313 346
McLean, I.J. 37 39 63
McNaught, J. 17 57
Meiron, D. 241 296
Mellor-Crummey, J.W. 249 300
Memory data register (MDR) 258
Memory indirection 255
Memory Organization 247—248
Mendez, R. 246 301
Mercer, R. 12 34 58
Mercer, R.L. 12 63
Merigot, A. 266 267 300
Meta state 262
Metcalf, C.D. 284 286 289 290 300
Meyer, B. 194 217 237
Meyer, D. 252 300
MGAP-1/MGAP-2 242 257—258
MIDI 106
Migdaloff, B. 12 59
Migliardi, M. 259 296
Milan 286
Miller, K.J. 12 51 63 68
Miller, R. 257 300
Milner, R. 72 93
MIMD machine 247
MIMD machine, advantages 249
MIMD machine, classification 246
MIMD machine, disadvantages 249—250
MIMD machine, distributed memory 249
MIMD machine, organization 247—250
MIMD machine, overview 240—243
MIMD machine, shared memory 248
MIPS RS-3000 RISC instruction set 286
MISD 246
Misra, J. 273 300
Missing actions 199
Mitamura, T. 12 19 24 39 58 63 64
Mitrani, I. 260 298
Mitre 48 50
Mittendorf, E.P. 14 63
MMI (man-machine interface) 316 330 341—343
Mode parameters 158 160
Model checking 85—86
Model comparisons 82—83
Model-oriented specifications 72—79
Model-oriented specifications, analyses 79—80
Modeling 71
Modeling, data 73—75
Modeling, functionality 75—77
Modet, A. 72 93
Modugno, F. 86 92
Moffat, D. 48 56
Mogi, A. 278 299
Mohr, E. 280 281 287 299
Monahan, B. 84 92
Montemagni, S. 12 63
Moore's law 305—306
Moore, J.D. 47 59
Moore, R. 88 92
Mori, K. 335 347
Moriconi, M. 112 141
Mosconi, M. 256 295
Moulding, M. 194 195 237
MOUNT-DISMOUNT script rule 169—170
Mraz, R. 145 150 152 153 161 171 174 175 188 189
Muhammad, T. 211 297
Mukherjee, P. 84 93
Mularz, D. 192 237
Mularz, D.E. 237
Mulazzani, M. 310 347
Multi-language interaction 225
Multi-path propagation 232
Multiple controller architectures 331—332
Multiple controller architectures, client-server 332
Multiple controller architectures, federated 332
Multiple controller architectures, hierarchical 332
Multiple controller architectures, peer-to-peer 332
Multiple system configurations 185—186
Multiple-Instruction streams Multiple-Data streams (MIMD) machines see "MIMD machines"
Multiple-SIMD (MSIMD) model 263—269 278
Muraki, K. 28 34 37 59 64
Mutually synchronized systems 333
Myers, G.J. 149 189
Nagao, M. 24 37 38 43 63 64 66 67
Naito, S. 189
Nakahira, D. 242 249 250 270 299
Nakajima, T. 311 348
Narita, S. 278 299
Nash, J. 257 301
Nation, W.G. 244 300
Neff, M.S. 12 58 64
Negrini, R. 266 296
Nerbonne, J. 48 64
Nested block statements 226—227
Netter, K. 21 22 28 48 62 64
Networked controllers 321
Neural network-based MT (NBMT) 39
Neural-net test generation 153
Newman, I. 257 300
Ney, H. 64
Nichols, M.A. 252 270 272 300
Nickolls, J. 255 257 300
Nielsen, M. 72 93
| Niessen, S. 64
Nilsson, M. 280 284 285 300
Nirenburg, S. 2 5 12 20 24 37 40 60 63 64 65
Nomiyama, H. 34 37 64
Non-Deterministic Finite State Automaton (NDFSA) 262
Non-deterministic systems 324
Non-parameters 158
Non-real-time system 333
Notkin, D. 86 92
Nowatzyk, A.G. 257 300
Ntafos, S. 150 189
Nudd, G. 261 300
Null handlers 224—225
Nyberg, E. 12 19 24 39 58 63 64
O'Malley, O. 150 189
O'Malley, S. 144 149 187 188
Oard, D.W. 54 59 64
object attributes 158
object element 158 159
Object element, analysis 172
Object element, associated with selected commands 168
Object element, Glossary 161
Object element, type 171
object hierarchy 161
object orientation 313
Object-oriented analysis/design (OOA/OOD) 156—158
object-oriented languages 339
Oblak, J.M. 313 347
Odijk, J. 28 62
Ofelt, D. 242 249 250 270 299
Ogino, S. 63
Ogura, A. 278 299
Okumura, A. 28 37 64
Olsder, G. 340 347
Olsen, M.B. 12 31 65
Onyshkevich, B. 12 24 65
Open systems 307—308
Open Systems Interface (OSI) 335
OPSILA architecture 271
Optical character recognition (OCR) 13—14
optimizations 234
Orr, D. 311 347
Ostrand, T. 149 150 188 189
Ott, N. 40 62
Ousterhout, J. 102 141
Overflow 211
Owens, R. 242 258 302
Owre, S. 86 93
Oxford A236 242
Oxford Micro Devices Inc. 242 301
P-kernel 281—283
Packwood, R. 267 300
Paggio, P. 13 57
Palmer, M. 12 24 41 42 65
Pangloss system 40
PAPERS project 277
Pappas, M. 261 302
Parallel algorithms 244—245
Parallel architectures 245—247
Parallel controller 331
Parallel Discrete-Event-Simulation (PDES) 272
Parallel processing 240 242 244
Parallelism degree 245
Parameter attributes 158 159
Parameter binding rules 170
Parameter inheritance rules 164
Parameter value selection 170—171
Parhami, B. 242 301
Paris, C. 43 65
Paris, N. 275 299
Parkinson, D. 254 301
Partial domain reuse 181
Partial W-method 148
Partition testing 149—150
Partitionable SIMD/MIMD (PASM) 265
Partitioning 210 215—217
Patterson, D.A. 242 245 246 258 298
Peeters, P. 313 346
Pennington, N. 99 141
Pereira, F.C.N. 12 61
Periodic IO synchronization 328
Perlis, A.J. 143 188
Perrone, M. 312 315 346
Personal voice messaging system 153
Pfister, g. 247 301
Pfleeger, S.L. 94 195 198 237
Philippsen, M. 276 301
Pipeline hazards 289
Planner-based test generation 150—151
Plate, T. 12 26 68
Point-to-point system 337
POLKA 104—105
Popovic, D. 318 347
Post-conditions 169
Pratt, M. 253 301
Pre-conditions 76 169
Predefined exceptions 222
Premature termination 217
Preservation of firewall 225
Preserved maps 215—216
Price, B.A. 98 105 106 141
Principle-based MT (PBMT) 30—31
Prins, J. 261 301
Probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG) 36
Procedure parameters 220
Process diagnostics 329
Processing elements (PEs) 240 241 263 268 292
Production coverage 145—146
Production rule 145—147
Program understanding 98—100
Program visualization 98
Programmable logic controller (PLC) 319
Programmable logic controller (PLC), adapter mode 320—321
Propagation of exceptions 228—229
Prucnal, P.R. 257 300
Puerta, M.C. 50 65
Pugh, J.M. 17 57
Purdom's algorithm 146
Purdom, P. 145 146 148 175 189
Pustejovsky, J. 12 57 65
PVS 86
Pyramidal architectures 266—267
Quasi-deterministic systems 324
Queille, J.-P. 97 112 141
Quinn, M.J. 252 270 271 298
RAISE Language Group 72 79 94
Raising an exception 194
Ralston, T. 88 92
Ramadge, P.J. 340 347
Ramamritham, K. 310 348
Rank-processor rectangle 279
Rao, P. 311 548
Real-time control processing 324
Real-time services 333
Recursion 236—237
Reeder, F. 51 65
Reese, J.D. 86 92
Reeves, A. 260 302
Refined maps 216
Reghizzi, S. 146 188
Reif, J. 259 296
Reinhardt, S. 248 249 298
Reisis, D. 257 300
Reliability 72
Remote IO (RIO) devices 319
Remote program services 332
Renaming of predefined exceptions 223
Retinger, C.-T. 51 65
return codes 219 234—235
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