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Allen R., Hunter L.E. — Active Directory Cookbook
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Название: Active Directory Cookbook
Авторы: Allen R., Hunter L.E.
Аннотация: If you're among those looking for practical hands-on support, help is here with Active Directory Cookbook, Second Edition, a unique problem-solving guide that offers quick answers for Active Directory and updated for Window Server 2003 SP1 and R2 versions.
The book contains hundreds of step-by-step solutions for both common and uncommon problems that you're likely to encounter with Active Directory on a daily basis — including recipes to deal with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), ADAM, multi-master replication, Domain Name System (DNS), Group Policy, the Active Directory Schema, and many other features. Author Robbie Allen, a Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, MVP for Directory Services, and co-author of Active Directory, Third Edition and Laura E. Hunter, MVP for Windows Server-Networking and author of several books, have based this collection of troubleshooting recipes on their own experience, along with input from Windows administrators. Each recipe includes a discussion explaining how and why the solution works, so you can adapt the problem-solving techniques to similar situations.
This best selling book provides solutions to over 300 problems commonly encountered when deploying, administering, and automating Active Directory to manage users in Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003. The recipes include:
* creating domains and trusts
* renaming a domain controller
* finding users whose passwords are about to expire
* applying a security filter to group policy objects
* checking for potential replication problems
* restricting hosts from performing LDAP queries
* viewing DNS server performance statistics
This Cookbook is a perfect companion to Active Directory, Third Edition, the tutorial that experts hail as the best source for understanding Microsoft's directory service. While Active Directory provides the big picture, Active Directory Cookbook gives you quick solutions you need to cope with day-to-day dilemmas. Together, these books supply the knowledge and tools so you can get the most out of Active Directory to manage users, groups, computers, domains, organizational units, and security policies on your network.
Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: 2-nd
Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 962
Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2006
Операции: Положить на полку |
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resource records (DNS), scavenging 2nd 3rd
resource records, DN (Distinguished Name)
resource records, DN, dynamic registration
resources for further information 2nd 3rd
resources for further information, books
resources for further information, command-line tools
resources for further information, mailing lists
resources for further information, MS KB (Microsoft Knowledge Base)
resources for further information, MSDN (Microsoft Developers Network)
resources for further information, newsgroups
resources for further information, web sites
restore from replication method
restoring, Active Directory
restoring, Active Directory, complete authoritative restore
restoring, deleted group
restoring, deleted object 2nd
restoring, domain controllers
restoring, domain controllers, deleted DC
restoring, domain controllers, nonauthoritative restore
Return Deleted Objects LDAP control
reverse lookup zones
RID (Relative Identifier)
roles, Exchange
roles, file server
roles, print server
roles, separation in Windows Server 2003
RootDSE, .NET program printing attributes
RootDSE, DSML request for
RootDSE, Perl query of
RootDSE, querying for dsServiceName attribute
RootDSE, serverless bind
RootDSE, VBScript
RootDSE, VBScript, attributes
RootDSE, viewing
RSoP (Resultant Set of Policies)
RSoP, simulating
RSoP, viewing
run profiles
run profiles, creating script for
run profiles, executing export run profile
run profiles, initial load of data from HR Database MA
run profiles, loading initial AD container structure in MIIS
run profiles, loading telephoneNumber changes from AD into MIIS
run profiles, loading telephoneNumber from AD into MIIS
run profiles, MIIS (Microsoft Identity Integration Server)
run profiles, MIIS, script
run profiles, provisioning 2nd
run profiles, runas command
SACL (System Access Control List)
SAFEBOOT_OPTION environment variable
sAMAccountName attribute
scavenging interval setting (DNS server)
scavenging resource records 2nd 3rd
Schema Analyzer
schema cache
Schema container
Schema Master FSMO
Schema Master FSMO, adprep /forestprep command
Schema Master FSMO, managing
Schema NC 2nd
Schema partition
schema, attributes
schema, attributes, adding
schema, attributes, copying in user duplication
schema, attributes, deactivating
schemaIDGUID attribute
schemaIDGUID attribute, setting for new schema class
schemas, ADAM
schemas, adding custom information to ADUC
schemas, command-line interface (CLI)
schemas, command-line interface (CLI), adding attributes
schemas, command-line interface (CLI), deleting attributes
schemas, command-line interface (CLI), linked
schemas, command-line interface (CLI), non-replicated and constructed attributes
schemas, documenting extensions
schemas, domains in a forest
schemas, enabling updates
schemas, Exchange
schemas, extending
schemas, GUI (graphical user interface)
schemas, GUI, catalog
schemas, GUI, linked attributes
schemas, GUI, updates
schemas, GUID
schemas, managing Schema Master FSMO
schemas, modifying to allow OU creation in containers
schemas, reloading cache
schemas, VBScript
schemas, VBScript, adding attribute to global catalog
schemas, VBScript, adding attributes
schemas, VBScript, adding information to ADUC
schemas, VBScript, copying attribute in user duplication
schemas, VBScript, deactivating class or attribute
schemas, VBScript, linked attributes
schemas, VBScript, viewing attributes
schemaUpdateNow attribute
schmmgmt.dll file
scope, ADAM groups
scope, distribution groups
scope, groups
Scripting languages
scriptPath attribute (user profile)
scripts, assigning in GPOs
scripts, error checking
searches, attributes copied in user duplication
searches, attributes included in global catalog
searches, expensive and inefficient
searches, for deleted objects
searches, indexed attributes in the schema
searches, VLV feature
searchFlags attribute
searchFlags attribute (attributeSchema)
searchFlags attribute (attributeSchema), enabling for attribute indexing
searchFlags attribute, attributeSchema objects
searchFlags attribute, attributeSchema objects, setting for indexed attributes
searching, site objects
searching, site objects, bridgehead servers
secondary zones (DNS)
secondary zones (DNS), creating to load balance DNS servers
secondary zones (DNS), not integrated into AD
secure channel
secure channel, failure of
security boundary (for Active Directory) 2nd
security descriptor (SD) 2nd
security descriptor (SD), default
Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL)
Security event log
security groups
security groups, converting distribution group to
security principals
security principals, default quota for a partition
security principals, finding quotas assigned to
security principals, limiting number of objects created in a partition
security principals, quota usage
security principals, quotas
security principals, user and computer objects
security principals, Windows
security templates
security templates, common
security templates, importing into GPOs
security, anonymous access to AD
security, anonymous LDAP access
security, command-line interface (CLI)
security, command-line interface (CLI), ACL 2nd 3rd
security, command-line interface (CLI), delegating permissions
security, command-line interface (CLI), effective permissions
security, command-line interface (CLI), Kerberos access tokens
security, command-line interface (CLI), LDAP signing and encryption
security, command-line interface (CLI), permission inheritance
security, command-line interface (CLI), restricting anonymous access to AD
security, encrypting LDAP traffic with SSL
security, Exchange delegation
security, filtering for a GPO 2nd
security, GUI (graphical user interface)
security, GUI, ACL 2nd
security, GUI, ACL for an object
security, GUI, Kerberos
security, GUI, Kerberos settings
security, GUI, LDAP traffic
security, GUI, permission inheritance
security, GUI, revoking delegated permissions
security, GUI, strong authentication
security, LDAP queries
security, List Object Access mode
security, nslookup
security, passwords
Security, permissions
security, permissions, customizing Delegation of Control Wizard 2nd
security, schema class
security, selective authentication on trusts
security, SSL/TLS
security, VBScript
security, VBScript, ACL
security, VBScript, ACL list for an object
security, VBScript, Kerberos
security, VBScript, permission inheritance
security, VBScript, SSL and secure authentication using ADSI
security, vulnerability with use of SID history
seizing FSMO role holders
selective authentication
Self account
SelfSSL utility
server cache (DNS)
server objects 2nd
server objects, attributes
serverless binds 2nd
Servers container
servers, application partitions
Servers, DNS
servers, DNS zones
servers, DNS, performance statistics
servers, federation
servers, forcing not to recognize as domain controller
servers, hosting an application partition 2nd 3rd
servers, listing
serversContainer objects
service pack level (computer objects) 2nd
service packs
service packs, Exchange service pack
service packs, Service Pack 4 and later
service ticket (Kerberos)
servicePrincipalName attribute (computer objects)
Services for Netware (SFN)
Services for Unix (SFU)
Services for Unix (SFU), schema conflicts with AdPrep schema extensions
Services MMC snap-in
services, Exchange-related
SetComputerEnable method
SetDsGetDcNameFlags method
SetInfo method 2nd
setpwd utility
setting, ACLs (access control lists)
setting, ACLs (access control lists), for delegated OU
setting, ACLs (access control lists), programmatically
SetUserEnabled method
SFU (Services for Unix)
SFU, schem conflicts with AdPrep schema extensions
shortcut trusts
showInAddressBook attribute 2nd
shutdown scripts
SIDs (Security Identifiers)
SIDs, duplicate
SIDs, filtering for a trust
SIDs, restricting by enabling Quarantine on a trust
signing, LDAP
single instance storage for security descriptors
site objects
site objects, attributes
site objects, bridgehead servers
site objects, command-line interface (CLI)
site objects, command-line interface (CLI), completing KCC
site objects, command-line interface (CLI), configuring domain controllers
site objects, command-line interface (CLI), creating connection objects
site objects, command-line interface (CLI), disabling KCC
site objects, command-line interface (CLI), listing connection objects
site objects, command-line interface (CLI), listing servers
site objects, command-line interface (CLI), listing subnets
site objects, command-line interface (CLI), modifying
site objects, command-line interface (CLI), searching bridgehead servers
site objects, connection objects
site objects, disabling
site objects, disabling KCC
site objects, forcing hosts
site objects, GUI (graphical user interface)
site objects, GUI, searching bridgehead servers
site objects, listing
site objects, modifying
site objects, modifying KCC
site objects, objects contained in
site objects, transferring
site topology
site topology, attributes of various site topology objects 2nd
site topology, creating sites 2nd
site topology, delegating control of a site
site topology, deleting sites
site topology, listing sites in a forest
site topology, renaming sites
site topology, subnets finding missing subnets 2nd 3rd
site topology, VBScript
site topology, VBScript, delegating sites
siteLink objects
siteLink objects, attributes
siteLink objects, options attribute
siteList attribute (siteLink)
Sites container
Sites container, objects representing domain controllers
sites, finding a DC within a particular site
sites, finding domain controller's site
sites, finding domain controllers or global catalogs
soft quota or passive screen
SOM (scope of management)
SOM, enforcing GPO settings
SOM, searching for linked GPO
SourceForge project
SQL (Structured Query Language)
SQL Server
SRV records (DNS)
SRV records (DNS), domain controllers and global catalog servers
SRV records (DNS), modifying Priority or Weight fields 2nd
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
SSL, enabling
SSL, enabling for Default Web Site
startup/shutdown scripts