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Allen R., Hunter L.E. — Active Directory Cookbook
Allen R., Hunter L.E. — Active Directory Cookbook

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Название: Active Directory Cookbook

Авторы: Allen R., Hunter L.E.


If you're among those looking for practical hands-on support, help is here with Active Directory Cookbook, Second Edition, a unique problem-solving guide that offers quick answers for Active Directory and updated for Window Server 2003 SP1 and R2 versions.
The book contains hundreds of step-by-step solutions for both common and uncommon problems that you're likely to encounter with Active Directory on a daily basis — including recipes to deal with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), ADAM, multi-master replication, Domain Name System (DNS), Group Policy, the Active Directory Schema, and many other features. Author Robbie Allen, a Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, MVP for Directory Services, and co-author of Active Directory, Third Edition and Laura E. Hunter, MVP for Windows Server-Networking and author of several books, have based this collection of troubleshooting recipes on their own experience, along with input from Windows administrators. Each recipe includes a discussion explaining how and why the solution works, so you can adapt the problem-solving techniques to similar situations.
This best selling book provides solutions to over 300 problems commonly encountered when deploying, administering, and automating Active Directory to manage users in Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003. The recipes include:
* creating domains and trusts
* renaming a domain controller
* finding users whose passwords are about to expire
* applying a security filter to group policy objects
* checking for potential replication problems
* restricting hosts from performing LDAP queries
* viewing DNS server performance statistics
This Cookbook is a perfect companion to Active Directory, Third Edition, the tutorial that experts hail as the best source for understanding Microsoft's directory service. While Active Directory provides the big picture, Active Directory Cookbook gives you quick solutions you need to cope with day-to-day dilemmas. Together, these books supply the knowledge and tools so you can get the most out of Active Directory to manage users, groups, computers, domains, organizational units, and security policies on your network.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 962

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
ForeignSecurityPrincipal object      
forest trust      2nd
forest trust, selective authentication      
forest, functional levels      
forest, functional levels, Exchange      
ForestDnsZones partition      
forestFunctionality attribute (RootDSE)      
ForestPrep, containers      
forests, application partitions      
forests, command-line interface (CLI)      
forests, command-line interface (CLI), creating with dcpromo      
forests, created with unattended installation file      
forests, creating      
forests, functional levels      
forests, global catalog servers      
forests, GUI (graphical user interface)      
forests, GUI, creating      
forests, LDAP query policy      2nd 3rd
forests, multiple      
forests, multiple domain trees in a forest      
forests, root domain      
forests, searching      2nd
forests, sites in      
forests, transitive trust between      
forests, UPN suffixes      
forward lookup zones      
forward lookup zones, creating      
forward lookup zones, primary      
Forwarding      2nd 3rd
FQDNs (Fully-Qualified Domain Names)      
FQDNs, mapping to IP addresses or other names      
freeware tools      
FRS (File Replication Service)      
FRS, errors caused by brute force domain removal      
frsdiag utility      
FSMO (Flexible Single Master Operations) roles      
FSMO roles      
FSMO roles, VBScript      
FSMO roles, VBScript, finding owners      
FSMO roles, VBScript, seizing      
FSMO, finding domain controllers acting as      
FSMO, seizing      
FSMO, transferring      
FSMO, transferring before domoting domain controller      
FSMO, verifying new DC with      
Full Import      
functional levels      
functional levels, domain      
functional levels, domain, raising for Windows Server 2003 domain      
functional levels, domain, raising in Windows Server 2003      
functional levels, domain, raising to Windows 2000 Native mode      2nd
functional levels, forest      
GAL (Global Address List)      
Garbage collection      
garbage collection, changing interval      
garbage collection, diagnostics logging      
garbage collection, GUI (graphical user interface)      
garbage collection, GUI, interval      
garbage collection, GUI, logging      
garbage collection, logging      
garbage collection, VBScript      
garbage collection, VBScript, changing interval      
garbage collection, VBScript, logging      
GenerateReportToFile method      
GetBackup method      2nd
GetBackupDir method      
GetDomain method      
getMetaData method      
GetObject method      2nd
getSecurityInfo method      
GetSOM method      2nd
GetUserInfo tool      
GetWMIFilter method      
Global Address List (GAL)      
Global Catalog Partition Occupancy setting      
global catalog servers (GCs)      
global catalog servers (GCs), listing those used by Exchange Server      
global catalogs      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
global catalogs, attributes      2nd 3rd
global catalogs, command-line interface (CLI)      
global catalogs, command-line interface (CLI), disabling      
global catalogs, determining if promotion is complete      
global catalogs, disabling GC server requirement during domain logins      
global catalogs, enabling/disabling on domain controllers      
global catalogs, finding GC servers in a forest      
global catalogs, listing GC servers in a site      
global catalogs, searching      2nd
global catalogs, universal group membership      
global groups      
Google search engine      
GPC (groupPolicyContainer) objects      
gpfixup.exe utility      
GPInventory tool      
GPM.CreatePermission objects      
GPM.GetBackupDir method      
GPM.GetDomain method      
GPM.GPO object      
GPMBackup.SearchBackups method      2nd
GPMBackupDir.GetBackup method      2nd
GPMC (Group Policy Management Console)      
GPMDomain object      2nd
GPMDomain.CreateGPO method      
GPMDomain.GetSOM method      2nd
GPMDomain.GetWMIFilter method      
GPMDomain.RestoreGPO method      
GPMDomain.SearchGPOs method      
GPMDomain.SearchSOMs method      
GPMDomain.SearchWMIFilters method      
GPMGPO.Backup method      
GPMGPO.CopyTo method      
GPMGPO.Delete method      
GPMGPO.GenerateReportToFile method      
GPMGPO.GetSecurityInfo method      
GPMGPO.Import method      
GPMGPO.SetWMIFilter method      
GPMGPOCollection object      
GPMSearchCriteria object      2nd 3rd
GPMSitesContainer.SearchSites method      
GPMSOM object      2nd
GPMSOM.CreateGPOLink method      
GPMSOM.GPOInheritanceBlocked method      
GPMWMIFilter object      
GPOs (Group Policy Objects)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th
GPOs, applying with OUs      
GPOs, auditing Registry keys on multiple computers      
GPOs, backing up      2nd 3rd 4th
GPOs, blocking inheritance of on an OU      
GPOs, client logging      
GPOs, command-line interface (CLI)      
GPOs, command-line interface (CLI), creating      
GPOs, command-line interface (CLI), migration table      
GPOs, command-line interface (CLI), restoring      
GPOs, command-line interface (CLI), security filter      
GPOs, copying      
GPOs, creating      
GPOs, custom settings      
GPOs, delegating administration of      
GPOs, deleting      
GPOs, deploying printers through      
GPOs, disabling user or computer settings      
GPOs, granting users right to add computer objects      
GPOs, GUI (graphical user interface)      
GPOs, GUI, creating WMI filters      
GPOs, GUI, importing      
GPOs, GUI, importing template into Group Policy Editor      
GPOs, GUI, loopback processing      
GPOs, GUI, migration table      
GPOs, GUI, simulating RSoP      
GPOs, GUI, viewing      
GPOs, importing settings      
GPOs, inheritance      
GPOs, installing applications with      
GPOs, link settings      2nd 3rd 4th
GPOs, linking to an OU      2nd 3rd
GPOs, listing links      
GPOs, loopback processing      
GPOs, managing      
GPOs, migration table      
GPOs, modifying      
GPOs, OUs (organizational units)      
GPOs, OUs, linking to OU      
GPOs, refreshing setting on a computer      
GPOs, restoring      
GPOs, scripts      
GPOs, security      2nd 3rd
GPOs, security template      
GPOs, VBScript      
GPOs, VBScript, applying WMI filters      
GPOs, VBScript, finding all in a domain      
GPOs, VBScript, importing settings      2nd
GPOs, VBScript, security filter      
GPOs, viewing settings      
GPOs, WMI filters      
GPOs, WMI filters, applying      
gpupdate utility      
group claims      
group objects      
group objects, ADAM      
group objects, ADAM, managing membership      2nd
group objects, attributes      
group objects, mail-enabled      
group objects, member attribute      
group objects, permissions to manage      
group objects, removing user membership      
group objects, using as collection mechanism      
Group Policy Editor      
Group Policy Management Console (GPMC)      
Group Policy Management Console (GPMC), troubleshooting Group Policy processing      
Group Policy Modeling      
groupPolicyContainer (GPC) objects      
groups      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st
groups, command-line interface (CLI)      
groups, command-line interface (CLI), adding/removing members      
groups, command-line interface (CLI), caching      
groups, command-line interface (CLI), caching universal group membership      
groups, command-line interface (CLI), creating dynamic group      
groups, command-line interface (CLI), direct members      
groups, command-line interface (CLI), moving to another domain      
groups, command-line interface (CLI), nested members      
groups, command-line interface (CLI), permissions      
groups, command-line interface (CLI), restoring      
groups, command-line interface (CLI), scope or type      
groups, computer objects      
groups, computer objects, creating for      2nd
groups, copying user group membership to another user      2nd 3rd
groups, creating      
groups, delegating membership management      2nd
groups, Delegation of Control Wizard      
groups, effective permissions on an object      
groups, GUI (graphical user interface)      
groups, GUI, caching      
groups, GUI, direct members      
groups, GUI, nested members      
groups, GUI, permissions      
groups, GUI, scope or type      
groups, modifying      
groups, moving within a domain      
groups, permissions      2nd 3rd
groups, quotas assigned to      
groups, restoring deleted group      
groups, scope or type      
groups, security principals protected by AdminSDHolder process      
groups, user group membership      
groups, VBScript      
groups, VBScript, caching      
groups, VBScript, caching universal groups      
groups, VBScript, creating      
groups, VBScript, direct members      
groups, VBScript, primary group of a user      
groupType attribute      2nd
GUI (Graphical User Interface)      2nd
GUI, ADFS      
GUI, computer account      
GUI, deleted objects      
GUI, DIT      
GUI, domain controllers      
GUI, domain controllers, viewing unreplicated changes      2nd 3rd
GUI, DS Restore Mode      
GUI, Exchange Management tool installation      
GUI, Exchange Server      
GUI, file server options      
GUI, file server reporting      
GUI, File Server Resource manager      
GUI, objects      
GUI, objects, viewing attributes      
GUI, platform-neutral      
GUI, restore (nonauthoritative)      
GUI, viewing the RootDSE      
GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers)      
GUIDs, binding to a container with      
GUIDs, connecting to LDAP using well-know GUID      2nd
GUIDs, referencing AD objects by      
GUIDs, schemaIDGUID attribute      2nd
GUIDs, well-known (WKGUIDs)      
hard quota or active screen      
HideFromAddressBook property      
homeDirectory attribute (user profile)      
homeDrive attribute (user profile)      
homeMDB attribute      2nd 3rd
homeMDBBL attribute      
hosts, forcing      
HR Database      
HR Database MA      
HR Database MA, CS (connector space)      
HR Database MA, CS (connector space), loading data into HR Database      
HR Database MA, HR Database      
HR Database MA, HR Database, run profile for initial load of data      
HR Database MA, MAs (management agents)      
HR Database MA, MAs (management agents), creating      
HR Database, creating HR Database MA      
HR Database, exporting data from HR Database MA connector space      
HR Database, loading initial database data into MIIS using run profile      
HR Database, synchronizing AD from      
HR Database, testing propagation of records into AD      
HTML reports      
IADs interfaces      
IADs::GetInfo method      
IADsAccessControlEntry interface      
IADsContainer::Delete method      
IADsLargeInteger objects      
IADsOpenDSObject::OpenDSObject interface      
IADsOpenDSObject::OpenDSObject method      
IADsPropertyList and IADsPropertyEntry objects      
IADsTools interface      
IADsTools interface, wrapper for DsGetDcName method      
IADsUser::AccountDisabled property      
IADsUser::ChangePassword method      
IADsUser::IsAccountLocked method      
IADsUser::SetPassword method      
identity claims      
IgnoreGCFailures registry setting      
IIFP (Identity Integration Feature Pack)      
IIS (Internet Information Services)      
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