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Allen R., Hunter L.E. — Active Directory Cookbook
Allen R., Hunter L.E. — Active Directory Cookbook

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Название: Active Directory Cookbook

Авторы: Allen R., Hunter L.E.


If you're among those looking for practical hands-on support, help is here with Active Directory Cookbook, Second Edition, a unique problem-solving guide that offers quick answers for Active Directory and updated for Window Server 2003 SP1 and R2 versions.
The book contains hundreds of step-by-step solutions for both common and uncommon problems that you're likely to encounter with Active Directory on a daily basis — including recipes to deal with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), ADAM, multi-master replication, Domain Name System (DNS), Group Policy, the Active Directory Schema, and many other features. Author Robbie Allen, a Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, MVP for Directory Services, and co-author of Active Directory, Third Edition and Laura E. Hunter, MVP for Windows Server-Networking and author of several books, have based this collection of troubleshooting recipes on their own experience, along with input from Windows administrators. Each recipe includes a discussion explaining how and why the solution works, so you can adapt the problem-solving techniques to similar situations.
This best selling book provides solutions to over 300 problems commonly encountered when deploying, administering, and automating Active Directory to manage users in Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003. The recipes include:
* creating domains and trusts
* renaming a domain controller
* finding users whose passwords are about to expire
* applying a security filter to group policy objects
* checking for potential replication problems
* restricting hosts from performing LDAP queries
* viewing DNS server performance statistics
This Cookbook is a perfect companion to Active Directory, Third Edition, the tutorial that experts hail as the best source for understanding Microsoft's directory service. While Active Directory provides the big picture, Active Directory Cookbook gives you quick solutions you need to cope with day-to-day dilemmas. Together, these books supply the knowledge and tools so you can get the most out of Active Directory to manage users, groups, computers, domains, organizational units, and security policies on your network.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 962

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
controls, Tree Delete      
convergence time      
converting zones
CopyTo method      
CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)      
Create method      
CreateGPO method      
CreateGPOLink method      
CreateInstanceFromTextRepresentation method      
CreateMailbox method      
CreatePermission objects      
createTimestamp attribute      
CreateZone method (MicrosoftDNS_Zone class)      
creating, groups      
creating, groups, dynamic group      
creating, groups, numeric values for group types      
creating, OUs (organizational units)      
creating, OUs, uses of OUs      
creating, OUs, within a container      
creating, user objects      
creating, user objects, in Configuration partition      
creating, user objects, large number of      
credentials, alternate      2nd
crossRef objects      
crossRef objects, application partitions      
crossRef objects, attributes      
crossRef objects, domain      
crossRef objects, removing for deleted domain      
CS (connector space)      
CS, AD MA, provisioning objects to from HR Database MA      2nd
CS, deleting data from      
CS, HR Database MA      
CS, MIIS data storage      
CS, provisioning objects to AD connector space      
csvde utility      
csvde utility, importing objects into Active Directory      
csvde utility, use by Exchange Server 2003      
custom claims      
DACL (Discretionary Access Control List)      
Data::UUID module (for Unix)      
databases, mailbox      
DateDiscoveredAbsentInDS property      
dcdiag utility      
dcdiag utility, listing services advertised by a domain controller      
dcdiag utility, registration of DNS resource records by DC      
dcdiag utility, replication problems      
dcdiag utility, troubleshooting promotion problems      
dcdiag utility, verifying application partition instantiation on a server      
dcpromo test (dcdiag)      
dcpromo utility      
dcpromo utility, /forceremoval switch      
dcpromo utility, automating domain controller promotion or demotion      
dcpromo utility, creating a domain      
dcpromo utility, creating a forest      
dcpromo utility, demoting domain controllers and removing them      
dcpromo utility, extended logging      
dcpromo utility, promoting domain controller from backup of existing DC      
dcpromo utility, promoting server to domain controller      
dcpromo utility, removing a forest      
Dcpromo.log and Dcpromoui.log files      
DDNS (dynamic DNS)      2nd
DDNS, disabling registration for Windows 2000 clients      
DDNS, preventing dynamic resource record registration by domain controller      
DDNS, registering and updating DNS records      
DDNS, removing entries associated with domain controllers and a domain      
de-provisioning user accounts in AD      
debug logging (DNS server)      2nd 3rd 4th
debug logging (DNS server), event codes      
default aging configuration setting (zones)      
default for computer objects      
default for computer objects, containers      
default for computer objects, containers, changing      
defaultSecurityDescriptor attribute      2nd
defining variables      
defragmentation, offline      
defragmentation, online      
Delegation of Control Wizard      
Delegation of Control Wizard, customizing      
Delegation of Control Wizard, groups      
Delegation of Control Wizard, groups, customizing      
delegation, application partitions      
delegation, control on an OU      
delegation, DHCP server authorization      
delegation, Exchange Server      2nd
delegation, GPO administration      
delegation, group membership management      2nd 3rd
delegation, permissions at OU level for object access      
delegation, sites      
delegation, zones      2nd
delegwiz.inf file      
Delete method      2nd
deleted mailbox      
deleted mailbox, purging from Exchange Store      
deleted mailbox, reconnecting      2nd
Deleted Object container      2nd
deleted objects      
deleted objects, attributes      
deleted objects, attributes retained      
deleted objects, restoring in Active Directory      
deleted objects, searching for      
deleted objects, undeleting or reanimating      
DeleteMailbox method      
deleteObject method      
deleting, objects      
deleting, objects, container with child objects      
Delta Import      
demoting domain controllers      2nd
demoting domain controllers, troubleshooting      
demoting domain controllers, unsuccessfully      
department attribute (InetOrgPerson objects)      
Description property (Err object)      
DFS (Distributed File System) folders      
DHCP      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
DHCP, authorizing DHCP server      2nd 3rd 4th
DHCP, restricting administrators      2nd
DHCP, servers      
DHCP, servers, unauthorized      
DHCP, unauthorized servers      
DHCP, VBScript      
DHCP, VBScript, administrators      
dhcpClass class      
diagnostic tools      
diagnostics logging      2nd 3rd
diagnostics logging, garbage collection      2nd
diagnostics logging, settings list for Windows Server 2003      
Dictionary object      2nd
Digital certificates      
Dim keyword      
directory access and modifications      
Directory Services event log      
Directory Services event log, inefficient and expensive LDAP queries      
Directory Services event log, information on replication problems      
Directory Services Markup Language (DSML)      
Directory Synchronization Service      
DirectoryEntry class      
DirectorySearcher class      
disabled users      
disabling requirement for GC server during domain logins      
disabling requirement for GC server during domain logins, global catalogs      
disabling requirement for GC server during domain logins, global catalogs, universal group caching      
disabling, domain controllers      
disabling, KCC      
disabling, site object      
disconnected mailboxes      
disconnected mailboxes, enumerating      
Discretionary Access Control List (DACL)      
disk quotas      
disk quotas, command-line interface (CLI)      
disk quotas, command-line interface (CLI), managing auto-quotas      
disk quotas, command-line interface (CLI), modifying settings      
disk quotas, creating on a file server      
disk quotas, File Server Management snap-in      
disk quotas, File Server Management snap-in, managing      
disk quotas, GUI (graphical user interface)      
disk quotas, GUI, templates      
disk quotas, managing auto-quotas      
disk quotas, modifying settings      
disk quotas, reporting by file server role      
disk quotas, templates      
DisplayAttributes function      
DisplayMembers function      
DisplayOUs function      
distinguishedName attribute (server object)      
Distributed File System (DFS) folders      
Distributed Link Tracking (DLT)      
distribution groups      
Distribution lists      
distribution lists, mail-enabled      2nd 3rd 4th
distribution lists, query-based      2nd 3rd
DIT (Directory Information Tree)      
DIT, checking integrity of ntds.dit file      
DIT, command-line interface (CLI)      
DIT, command-line interface (CLI), ntds.dit      
DIT, command-line interface (CLI), whitespace      
DIT, moving files      
DIT, online      
DIT, repairing or recovering      
DIT, size of ntds.dit file      
DIT, whitespace in      
DLT (Distributed Link Tracking)      
dltpurge.vbs script      
DN (Distinguished Name)      
DN, address list      
DN, application directory partition for ADAM      
DN, BIND      
DN, checking if server can register records in      
DN, DNS (Domain Name System)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th
DN, enabling DNS debug logging      2nd 3rd 4th
DN, finding domain controllers or global catalogs      
DN, finding PDC Emulator FSMO role owner      
DN, forward lookup zone      
DN, forwarding      2nd
DN, LDAP searches using base DN      
DN, newsgroup      
DN, performance statistics for server      2nd 3rd
DN, removing entries associated with domain controllers and domains      
DN, resource records      
DN, resource records, scavenging      2nd 3rd
DN, reverse lookup zones      
DN, server settings      
DN, server zones      
DN, serverless binding and      
DN, specifying for domain controller to be moved      
DN, suffixes      
DN, zone transfers      2nd 3rd 4th
DNS Management snap-in      
DNS WMI Provider      
DNS WMI Provider, automation of resource record creation and deletion      
DNS WMI Provider, querying resource records      
DNS, command-line interface (CLI)      
DNS, command-line interface (CLI), AD-integrated reverse lookup zone      
DNS, command-line interface (CLI), debug logging      
DNS, command-line interface (CLI), dynamic resource record registration      
DNS, command-line interface (CLI), server settings      
DNS, command-line interface (CLI), suffixes      
DNS, command-line interface (CLI), zone transfers      
DNS, command-line interface (CLI), zones      
DNS, GUI (graphical user interface)      
DNS, GUI, clearing DNS caches      
DNS, GUI, reverse lookup zone      
DNS, GUI, scavenging records      
DNS, GUI, suffixes      
DNS, GUI, zone transfers      
DNS, servers      
DNS, servers, modifying settings      
DNS, VBScript      
DNS, VBScript, AD-integrated reverse zone      
DNS, VBScript, forwarders      
DNS, VBScript, zones      
DnsAvoidRegisterRecords value      
dnscmd utility      
dnscmd utility, AD-integrated zones      
dnscmd utility, creating AD-integrated DNS zone      
dnscmd utility, DNS server settings      
dnscmd utility, LogIPFilterList setting      
dnscmd utility, scavenging records      
dnscmd utility, zone transfers      
dnscmd utility, zones      
dnscmd utility, zones on a server      
dNSHostName attribute (compuer objects)      
dnsNode objects      
dnsNode objects, attributes      
dnsRecord attribute (dnsNode)      
dnsZone objects      
dnsZone objects, attributes      
Domain Admins group      
Domain Controller Security Policy      
domain controllers      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd
Domain Controllers Organizational Unit (OU)      
domain controllers, checking if ready for upgrade to Windows Server 2003      
domain controllers, command-line interface (CLI)      
domain controllers, command-line interface (CLI), checking for upgrade to Windows Server 2003      
domain controllers, command-line interface (CLI), forcing replication      
domain controllers, command-line interface (CLI), moving to a different site      
domain controllers, command-line interface (CLI), viewing replication status      
domain controllers, computer objects      
domain controllers, configuring to use external time source      2nd 3rd 4th
domain controllers, disabling      
domain controllers, DNS records      
domain controllers, DNS servers      
domain controllers, domain rename procedures      
domain controllers, enabling /3GB switch to increase LSASS cache      
domain controllers, encryption of traffic with clients      
domain controllers, finding closest      
domain controllers, finding for a domain      
domain controllers, finding for a site      
domain controllers, finding site for      2nd 3rd
domain controllers, FSMO role holders      2nd 3rd 4th
domain controllers, locating with DNS      
domain controllers, logon attempts made against      
domain controllers, moving      
domain controllers, multiple sites      
domain controllers, nonauthoritative restores      
domain controllers, preference for      2nd
domain controllers, promoting from backup of existing domain controller      
domain controllers, promoting server to for a new domain      
domain controllers, promotion or demotion      
domain controllers, Registry key auditing      
domain controllers, renaming      
domain controllers, replication      
domain controllers, replication, checking for problems      
domain controllers, resetting TCP/IP stack      
domain controllers, restarting in DS Restore Mode      
domain controllers, restricting LDAP queries from certain hosts      
domain controllers, System State      
domain controllers, targeting specific      
domain controllers, transferring FSMO role      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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