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Allen R., Hunter L.E. — Active Directory Cookbook
Allen R., Hunter L.E. — Active Directory Cookbook

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Название: Active Directory Cookbook

Авторы: Allen R., Hunter L.E.


If you're among those looking for practical hands-on support, help is here with Active Directory Cookbook, Second Edition, a unique problem-solving guide that offers quick answers for Active Directory and updated for Window Server 2003 SP1 and R2 versions.
The book contains hundreds of step-by-step solutions for both common and uncommon problems that you're likely to encounter with Active Directory on a daily basis — including recipes to deal with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), ADAM, multi-master replication, Domain Name System (DNS), Group Policy, the Active Directory Schema, and many other features. Author Robbie Allen, a Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, MVP for Directory Services, and co-author of Active Directory, Third Edition and Laura E. Hunter, MVP for Windows Server-Networking and author of several books, have based this collection of troubleshooting recipes on their own experience, along with input from Windows administrators. Each recipe includes a discussion explaining how and why the solution works, so you can adapt the problem-solving techniques to similar situations.
This best selling book provides solutions to over 300 problems commonly encountered when deploying, administering, and automating Active Directory to manage users in Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003. The recipes include:
* creating domains and trusts
* renaming a domain controller
* finding users whose passwords are about to expire
* applying a security filter to group policy objects
* checking for potential replication problems
* restricting hosts from performing LDAP queries
* viewing DNS server performance statistics
This Cookbook is a perfect companion to Active Directory, Third Edition, the tutorial that experts hail as the best source for understanding Microsoft's directory service. While Active Directory provides the big picture, Active Directory Cookbook gives you quick solutions you need to cope with day-to-day dilemmas. Together, these books supply the knowledge and tools so you can get the most out of Active Directory to manage users, groups, computers, domains, organizational units, and security policies on your network.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 962

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
application partitions, command-line interface (CLI)      
application partitions, command-line interface (CLI), replica server
application partitions, command-line interface (CLI), replica servers      
application partitions, creating and deleting
application partitions, crossRef objects      
application partitions, crossRef objects, attributes      
application partitions, crossRef objects, removing      
application partitions, crossRef objects, replication delay notification      
application partitions, defined      
application partitions, delegating      2nd
application partitions, domainDNS object
application partitions, domainDNS object, attributes      
application partitions, finding in a forest      
application partitions, GUI (graphical user interface)      
application partitions, GUI, replica servers      
application partitions, hosted by particular server      2nd 3rd
application partitions, moving AD-integrated zones into      
application partitions, reference domain      2nd
application partitions, replication settings      2nd 3rd
application partitions, schema analyzer (ADAM)      
application partitions, storing DNS data      
application partitions, VBScript      
application partitions, VBScript, reference domain      
application partitions, VBScript, replica server      
application partitions, VBScript, replica servers      
application partitions, verifying instantiation on server      
Apply Group Policy permission      
attribute flows      
attribute flows, advanced attribute flow rules      2nd 3rd 4th
attribute flows, advanced import attribute flow      2nd
attribute flows, directory synchronization from AD to HR Database      
attribute flows, simple export attribute flow from metaverse to AD      
attribute flows, simple import attribute flow      2nd
attribute-scoped query      2nd 3rd
attribute-scoped query, LDAP search parameters      
attributes, adding to ADAM schema      
attributes, application partitions
attributes, constructed      
attributes, containing bit flags      
attributes, containing bit flags, searching against      2nd
attributes, mail-enabling Exchange user
attributes, mailbox moves      
attributes, redefining      
attributes, RootDSE      
attributes, schema
attributes, schema, adding      2nd
attributes, schema, confidentiality bit      2nd 3rd
attributes, schema, constructed      2nd 3rd 4th
attributes, schema, linked      2nd 3rd 4th
attributes, schema, modifying ANR attributes      
attributes, schema, modifying on global catalog      2nd
attributes, schema, non-replicated and constructed      2nd
attributes, schemas      
attributes, schemas, modifying      
attributeSchema objects      2nd
attributeSchema objects, attributes      
attributeSchema objects, isMemberofPartialAttributeSet      
attributeSchema objects, lDAPDisplayName attribute      
attributeSchema objects, systemFlags attribute      
attributeSyntax and oMSyntax attributes
auditing, enabling for Windows NT token-based application      
auditing, Registry key changes      
Authenticated Users group      
Authenticated Users group, GPOs      
Authenticated Users group, joining computers to AD domain      
authentication, Kerberos      
authentication, separating from authorization with ADFS      
authentication, strong domain authentication
authentication, token-based
authoritative restores
authoritative restores, complete      
authoritative restores, of an object or subtree      
authoritative restores, restoring      
authoritative restores, restoring, complete      
Authorization Manager component      
authorization, ADFS      
auth_ldap module (Apache)      
automatically generated connection objects
automation of domain controllers      
auxiliary classes      
auxiliary classes, dynamically linking to an object      
auxiliary classes, finding      2nd
backing up
backing up, Active Directory      2nd
backing up, GPOs      2nd
backup domain controllers (BDCs)      
backup ID (GPMBackup object)      
Backup method      
Backup utility
base DN (distinguished name)      
base64 notation      
BigInt module (Perl)      
BIND, download site for BIND      
binds, computer objects to default container      
binds, LDAP concurrent (fast) binds      2nd 3rd
bit flag attributes      
bit flag attributes, modifying      
bit flag attributes, systemFlags (attributeSchema objects)
bitwise filter      2nd 3rd 4th
bitwise filter, AND filter      
bitwise filter, OR filter      
Blat tool
boot.ini file      
boot.ini file, editing on domain controller to contain/3GB switch      
boot.ini file, editing on domain controller to contain/PAE switch      
bootcfg utility      
bootcfg utility, enabling /PAE switch      
bridging site objects      
Browser/Editor (LDAP)      
caching membership      
caching membership, universal groups      
caching membership, universal groups, enabling in Windows Server 2003      
caching, schema cache      
caching, universal group membership      
calendar application      
Call-based MAs      
CaseIgnoreString method      
CD (Connected Directory)      
CDOEXM interface      
CDOEXM interface, CreateMailbox      
CDOEXM interface, mail-enabled Exchange user      
CDOEXM interface, storage group      
certificates, SSL certificate on Default Web Site      
ChangePassword method      
channels, resetting      
child domains      
child domains, creating      
child objects      
child objects, OU
circular logging      
claims, creating claim type      
claims, UPN      
claims-aware applications      
classes, adding to schemas      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
classes, auxiliary class      
classes, modifying security      
classes, viewing      
classSchema objects      2nd
classSchema objects, attributes      2nd
classSchema objects, lDAPDisplayName attribute      
clearing DNS caches      
client extensions      
client resolver cache      
CN (Common Name)      
CN (Common Name), ADFS claims      
CN (Common Name), specifying to view schema attribute      
cn attribute (trustedDomain objects)      
code, executing scripts      
code, serverless binds      
COM (Component Object Model)      
COM, Python interface      
comma-separated variable (CSV) file      
comma-separated variable (CSV) file, exporting objects to      
comma-separated variable (CSV) file, importing objects with      
command-line interface (CLI)      
command-line interface (CLI), computer objects      
command-line interface (CLI), computer objects for specific user or group      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
command-line interface (CLI), containers      
command-line interface (CLI), deleted objects      
command-line interface (CLI), DNS      
command-line interface (CLI), DNS, debug logging      2nd 3rd
command-line interface (CLI), DS Restore Mode administrator password      
command-line interface (CLI), Exchange Management Tool installations      
command-line interface (CLI), Exchange Server      
command-line interface (CLI), file groups      
command-line interface (CLI), garbage collection      
command-line interface (CLI), groups      
command-line interface (CLI), groups, permissions, viewing      2nd 3rd
command-line interface (CLI), LDAP controls      
command-line interface (CLI), LDAP query policy      
command-line interface (CLI), monitoring Windows Time Service      
command-line interface (CLI), NTBackup utility      
command-line interface (CLI), OpenLDAP tools      
command-line interface (CLI), print server role      
command-line interface (CLI), replication      
command-line interface (CLI), replication, finding conflict objects      
command-line interface (CLI), reserve file for ntds.dit      
command-line interface (CLI), restoring Active Directory database      
command-line interface (CLI), RootDSE      
command-line interface (CLI), tombstone lifetime      
command-line interface (CLI), user objects      
command-line interface (CLI), user objects, last logon, determined      2nd 3rd
command-line interface (CLI), user passwords nearing expiration      
command-line tools      
command-line tools, help with      
command-line tools, limitations of      
comments (LDIF files)      
completing KCC      
Component Object Model (COM)      
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)      
computer accounts      
computer accounts, creating for NT 4.0 BDC within AD domain      
computer accounts, restoring for deleted domain controller      
Computer Management snap-in      
computer objects      2nd
computer objects, adding or removing from security group      
computer objects, attributes      2nd
computer objects, binding to default container      
computer objects, command-line interface (CLI)      
computer objects, command-line interface (CLI), binding to default container      
computer objects, command-line interface (CLI), creating      
computer objects, command-line interface (CLI), creating for specific user or group      
computer objects, command-line interface (CLI), default container      
computer objects, command-line interface (CLI), identifying role      
computer objects, command-line interface (CLI), machine account quota      
computer objects, creating      
computer objects, default container      
computer objects, dNSHostName and servicePrincipalName attribute      
computer objects, finding computers with particular OS      2nd 3rd 4th
computer objects, finding inactive or unused accounts      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
computer objects, GUI (graphical user interface)      
computer objects, GUI, finding OS-related criteria      
computer objects, GUI, moving between domains      
computer objects, identifying computer role      
computer objects, joining to a domain      2nd 3rd 4th
computer objects, listing all computer accounts in a domain      
computer objects, modifying      
computer objects, moving      
computer objects, moving, to another domain      2nd 3rd
computer objects, removing for failed DC      
computer objects, renaming      2nd
computer objects, resetting      
computer objects, restoring      
computer objects, testing secure channel      
computer objects, VBScript      
computer objects, VBScript, creating      
computer objects, VBScript, machine account quota      
computer objects, VBScript, moving between domains      
computer objects, VBScript, moving within a domain      
computer objects, VBScript, resetting      
computer settings      
Computers container      
Computers container, not using as default container for computers      
concurrent binds      2nd 3rd
conditional forwarding      
confidentiality bit      2nd 3rd
Configuration container (Exchange)      
Configuration NC      2nd
Configuration NC, Deleted Objects WKGUID      
Configuration NC, NetBIOS name of a domain      
Configuration NC, Sites container      
Configuration partition      
configuration set (ADAM)      2nd 3rd
configuring, account partners      
configuring, account partners, Federated Web SSO scenario      
configuring, account partners, Federated Web SSO with Forest Trust      
confirming import      
conflict objects      2nd 3rd
conflict objects, steps in determining a conflict object      
Connected Directory (CD)      
connection objects      
connection objects, creating      
connectionless protocols      
constructed attributes      
constructed attributes, finding      2nd
contact objects      
contact objects, mail-enabled      
contacts, mail-disabling      
contacts, mail-enabling      2nd 3rd
container objects      
container objects, permissions      
containers, AD-integrated DNS zones      
containers, creating OUs within      
containers, deleting      
containers, moving groups      2nd
containers, moving object to different      2nd
containers, run profile to load from AD      
containers, site      
containers, Users container      
containers, writing AD MA to      
controlling script for MIIS sequence of operations      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
CONTROLRIGHT designator      
Controls      2nd 3rd
controls, attribute-scoped query      
controls, LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)      
controls, LDAP, supported by Active Directory      
controls, paged results      2nd 3rd
controls, STATS      2nd 3rd
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