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Stanley R.P. — Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 1
Stanley R.P. — Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 1

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Название: Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 1

Автор: Stanley R.P.


This book, the first of a two-volume basic introduction to enumerative combinatorics, concentrates on the theory and application of generating functions, a fundamental tool in enumerative combinatorics. Richard Stanley covers those parts of enumerative combinatorics with the greatest applications to other areas of mathematics. The four chapters are devoted to an accessible introduction to enumeration, sieve methods — including the Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion, partially ordered sets, and rational generating functions. A large number of exercises, almost all with solutions, augment the text and provide entry into many areas not covered directly. Graduate students and research mathematicians who wish to apply combinatorics to their work will find this an authoritative reference.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Алгебра/Комбинаторика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1986

Количество страниц: 306

Добавлена в каталог: 24.10.2004

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\Gamma$, triangulation of pointed convex polyhedral cone      223
Abelian group      36
Abramson M., Terquem's problem (exercise)      63
Acyclotope      290
Adjacency matrix of digraph      241
Adjacency matrix, entries in $A^n$ (theorem)      242
Aigner M. and closed poset      183
Aigner M. and intervals of posets      175
Aigner M. and uniform geometric lattice      191
Alexander duality theorem for simplical complexes      137
Alexandroff P.S., finite posets and finite topologies      174
Alphabet as finite set      247
Andrews G.E. and pleasant posets      182
Andrews G.E. and q-Dyson conjecture      54
Andrews G.E., counting triangles with perimeter n      281
Andrews, Euler pentagonal number formula (exercise)      94
Antichain as subset of poset      100
Antimagic square      272
Atiyah M.F. and number of words in quotient monoid      277
Atom of finite lattice      104
Autocorrelation polynomial      267
Backelin J. and number of words in quotient monoid      277
Baclawski K. and core of irreducible poset      176
Baclawski K. and odd composition poset      191
Baclawski K. and topological properties of posets      150
Baker K.A. and dimension of poset      176
Banaschewski Z. and MacNeille completion      176
Barycentric subdivision of finite regular cell complex      121
Bases of vector space for polynomial generating functions      208
Bayer M.M. and Eulerian posets      199
Bedrosian S.D. and counting rooted forests (exercise)      94
Bell E.T. and incidence algebras      149
Bell number      33
Bennett M.K. and Eulerian posets      197
Betke U. and integral convex d-polytopes      288
Bijection      11
Billera L.J. and dimension of vector subspace      199
Binary trees, number of unordered (proposition)      25
Binary trees, properties of (proposition)      24
Binomial coefficients, generating function, approach to      14
Binomial posets and generating functions      140
Binomial posets and subalgebra of incidence algebra (theorem)      144
Binomial posets, definition      142
Binomial posets, literature references      151
Birkhoff Garrett and posets and lattices      149
Birkhoff — von Neumann theorem      93
Bjoemer A. and Bruhat order      199
Bjoemer A. and core of irreducible poset      176
Bjoemer A. and Crapo complementation theorem      184
Bjoemer A. and finite supersolvable lattice      190
Bjoemer A. and topological properties of posets      150
Block of set partition      33
Board and general theory of derangement      71
Bonferroni, over and undercounts for approximation (exercise)      91
Boole G. and partially ordered sets and lattices      149
Boolean algebra of rank n as distributive lattice      107
Bressoud D.M. and tournament (exercise)      95
Bressoud D.M., proof of q-Dyson conjecture      54
Bruggesser H. and Ehrhart polynomial      288
Bruhat order of symmetric group      172 199
Brylawski T., partitions of integer ordered by dominance      192
Butler L. and set of infinite words      191
Butler L., chains of Young diagrams      284
Calculus (formal) for formal power series      7
Calculus of finite differences      36
Canfield E.R. and Stirling number of the second kind (exercise)      57
Cardinality comparison between two finite sets by bijection      79
Cardinality of multiset, definition      15
Carlson F. and power series with integer coefficients      282
Cartier P. and monoid      189
Cartier P., applications of theory of hyperplane arrangements      192
Catalan numbers and a difference equation      62
Catalan numbers and non-crossing partitions      169
Catalan numbers and number of linear extensions of poset      112
Cayley A. and generating function      151
Cellular decomposition of Grassmann variety and partitions of vector space      30
Chain condition $\delta$      216
Chain condition $\lambda$      219
Chain in distributive lattice      110
Chain, definition of poset as      99
Chain, increasing and R-labeling      133
Chain, saturated      99
Chain-partitionable, finite graded poset      168
Characteristic polynomial of a graded poset      128
Characteristic polynomial of adjacency matrix      242
Chromatic polynomial of a graph      162
Circular factorization, unique      248
CL-labeling, literature references      151
Closure      159
Cluster, L-      266
Clutter, antichain or Spemer family      100
Coatom, of finite lattice      104
Coefficient of n, restricted to finite computation      6
Cohen — Macaulay finite poset and Moebius function      123
Cohen — Macaulay finite poset, definition      123
Cohen — Macaulay posets and lexicographically shellable posets      151
Cohen — Macaulay posets, literature references to discovery of      150
Cohen — Macaulay posets, shellable      193
Coimage      38
Combinations with repetition and multiset      15
Combinatorial interpretation of polynomial, associated with Eulerian poset      139
Combinatorial proof and non-combinatorial proof for same examples      12
Combinatorial proof, definition      11
Combinatorial reciprocity theorem (example)      16 (see also “Reciprocity theorem”)
Comparability graph      168
Comparable elements of posets      97
Compatibility between injectivity and equivalence relation      32
Compatibility between surjectivity and equivalence relation      32
Compatible dual $\pi$ and P-partition (lemma)      212
Compatible dual $\rho$- (lemma)      212
Compatible permutations and descent sets (lemma)      212
Completely fundamental elements of n x n magic squares (lemma)      232
Completely fundamental elements of n x n symmetric magic squares (lemma)      234
Completely fundamental elements of rational polytope (lemma)      236
Composition of n and factorization in free monoids      250
Composition of n, definition      14
Comtet L. and convergence of generating function (exercise)      61
Connected poset      100
Convergent formal power series      6
Convex polytope, integral (corollary)      238
Convex subposet      98
Convolution for locally finite poset      113
Core of irreducible finite poset      155
Counting, subsets of a set      13
Cover function of finitary distributive lattice      157
Cover relations of posets      98
Crapo H.H. and closure relations      183
Crapo H.H., complementation theorem      184
Crimson E. and Moebius function      188
Cvetkovic D.M., rooted tree (exercise)      94
Cycles of permutation defined      17
Cycles, bijection for standard representation (proposition)      18
Cycles, number of (proposition)      18
Cycles, standard representation of      17
Das S.K. and meet-distributive semilattice      178
Davis R.L. and valuation of finite distributive lattice      184
deBruijn N.G., decomposition of permutations of sets (exercise)      47 57
Dedekind R. and posets and lattices      149
Degree of formal power series      6
Dehn — Sommerville equations and Whitney numbers of second kind (proposition)      136
Dehn — Sommerville equations, literature references      151
Deligne P. and Weil conjectures      279
Delta-chain condition, definition      216
Delta-chain condition, theorem      218
Denominator of a rational vector      236
Deodhar V.V. and Bruhat order      199
Derangement problem and use of Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion      67
Derangement, definition      67
Derivative (formal), definition for formal power series      7
Descent set , number of permutations (proposition)      22
Descent set and Inclusion-Exclusion      69
Descent set of multiset permutation      25
Descent set of permutation      21
Determinants      82
Determinations, definition by example      1
Dickson L.E., binomial coefficients and primes (exercise)      53
Difference of f, formula for k-th      37
Difference operator      36
Difference table and bases for polynomials      209
Difference table for finite differences of a function      37
Digraph      241 293
Dilworth R.P. and modular lattice      186
Dilworth R.P. and order ideals      182
Dilworth, theorem of      110
Dimension of finite poset      176
Dimers      273
Diophantine equations, linear homogeneous      221
Direct product of two posets (figure)      101
Direct product, twisted (figure)      175
Dissects, literature references      151
Distinguishable, elements of set      31
Dominance, definition of order by      166
Doob M., rooted tree (exercise)      94
Double partition      77
Doubly stochastic matrices      240
Dowling lattice      191
Dowling T. and uniform poset      191
Dowling T. and Whitney number inequalities      185
Down-set, subset of poset      100
Dreesen B. and comparability graph      194
Dual for Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion      66
Dual of Moebius inversion formula      116
Dual of poset      101
Duality theorem, master for Eulerian posets      138
Duffus D. and core of irreducible poset      176
Dumont D., finite differences (exercise)      61
Durfee square, definition for partition      58
Dwork B. and Weil conjectures      279
Dyson, P.J. and q-Dyson conjecure      34
Edelman P.H. and Bruhat order      199
Edelman P.H. and maximum Moebius function      187
Edelman P.H. and meet-distributive meet-semilattice      179
Edelman P.H. and non-crossing partitions      197
Edelman P.H. and odd composition poset      191
Edelman P.H., counting certain posets      178
Edelman P.H., simple reduction of permutation set      199
Edelman P.H., weak Bruhat order      199
Edwards R.D. and finite regular cell complex (proposition)      150
Ehrhart polynomial      238
Ehrhart quasi-polynomial of rational polytope      235
Eigenvalue of adjacency matrix      242
Eigenvalue of circulant matrix      273
Enting I.G. and chromatic polynomial      292
Equivalent sets      31
Euler characteristic, definition of reduced      120
Euler number, count of alternating permutations      149
Euler pair      48
Euler pentagonal number formula      89
Euler's totient function      62
Euler's totient function, exercise      48 161
Eulerian lattice, a fundamental example of      136
Eulerian number as count of excedances      23
Eulerian number f      209 22
Eulerian polynomial f      209 22
Eulerian polynomial for multiset      26
Eulerian posets and zeta polynomial (proposition)      135
Eulerian posets, definition      122 135
Eulerian posets, figure      138
Eulerian posets, literature references      151
Excedance of permutation      23
Exceptional set and rational functions (proposition)      205
Exponential generating function and binomial posets      141
Exponential generating function, definition      3
Extensions, number of linear, for posets (figure)      111
Extensions, number of, and chains      110
Extensions, number of, and permutations      112
Extensions, number of, and recurrence      112
Factor of word      266
Factorial function of P as number of maximal chains      142
Fall as element of permutation      24
Farmer F.D. and poset of normal words      199
Fatou P. and Fatou's lemma      275
Fatou's lemma and primitive series      275
Fences or zig-zag posets      109
Ferrers boards      74
Ferrers boards wiih equal rook polynomials      75
Ferrers diagram of a partition of n      29
Ferrers diagram of conjugate partition      39
Fibonacci number, Eulerian posets and dimension of vector subspace      172
Filter, order ideal subset of poset      100
Finitary distributive lattice and Pascal's triangle      112
Finitary distributive lattice, definition of      107
Finite difference, to define excluded objects from set (proposition)      68
Finite graded poset, Eulerian      122
Finite graph, definition      293
Finite graph, edges      293
Finite graph, loop      293
Finite graph, simple      293
Finite graph, vertices of      293
Finite regular cell complex, definition      121
Finite regular cell complex, figures      122
Fishbum P.C. and dimension of poset      176
Fixed point set, counted in terms of weight function      80
Fixed points for permutations      68
Foata D. and monoid      189
Foata D., Forest and Ehrhart polynomial      272
Foata D., multiset permutations      57
Forests      93
Forests, rooted      89
Forests, spanning      93 273
Formal power series as integral domain      4
Formal power series, definition      3
Formal power series, primitive      275
Formal power series, treated as functions      8
Formal power series, validity of identities (example)      5 6
Frankl P., conjecture on cardinality of dual order ideals      186
Free monoids, factorization in      247
Free R-module      167
Freely generated submonoid      247
Freely generated submonoid, very pure      248
Freese R. and complements in a finite lattice      184
Fundamental property of rational functions, simplification (corollary)      204
Fundamental property of rational functions, theorem      202
Gale's evenness condition and faces of convex polytope      199
Ganter B. and modular lattice      186
Garisa A.M. and chain-partitionable posets      193
Garisa A.M. and vector partitions      282
Gaussian polynomial or q-binomial coeffient      26
Geissinger L. and a convex polytope, associated with a poset      199
Geissinger L. and valuation of finite distributive lattice      184
Generating function and adjacency matrix (theorem)      242
Generating function and binomial posets      140
Generating function and closed walks (corollary)      243
Generating function and completely fundamental elements (theorem)      228
Generating function and number of P-partitions      216
Generating function and quasi-generators (corollary)      227
Generating function and weighted edges of digraph      258
Generating function for evaluating counting function      3
Generating function for monoid      222
Generating function for monoid, specialization (theorem)      231
Generating function for number of closed walks of length n      244
Generating function for number of partitions of n      38
Generating function for restricted partitions      39
Generating function for simplicial monoids (corollary)      227
Generating function, advantages of using      10
Generating function, chromatic      142
Generating function, cluster      267
Generating function, doubly-exponential      141
Generating function, Eulerian      141
Generating function, exponential      141
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