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Park R., Lagally M. — Methods of Experimental Physics.Volume 22.Solid State Physics:Surfaces.
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Название: Methods of Experimental Physics.Volume 22.Solid State Physics:Surfaces.
Авторы: Park R., Lagally M.
Аннотация: The importance of the properties of surfaces is increasingly felt in a wide variety of technologies. Although some surface properties, such as chemical interactions leading to corrosion, have been recognized for many hundreds of years, the use of surfaces for specific applications is a recent phenomenon that is fueled by our increasing understanding of their properties. The technological success of devices and processes involving surfaces has in turn driven the development of increasingly sophisticated instrumentation designed to improve further our understanding of surface properties. This volume attempts to review, in a tutorial fashion, techniques that allow a definition of the major static properties of a surface. These can be classified as chemical or compositional, structural, and electronic. Because this volume is one in a treatise on experimental methods, the emphasis is deliberately on the techniques, their use, and the evaluation of measurements, rather than principally on the surface properties themselves.
Рубрика: Физика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Год издания: 1985
Количество страниц: 565
Добавлена в каталог: 20.08.2014
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optical excitation 148 163
Order-disorder transitions 279
Orloff, J.H. 402
Ortega, A. 31 47(63 64) 78 81(63) 84 85(183) 86 87 91(163 183) 117(63) 118(63) 119(63) 120(63) 121(63) 124(63 64 163 184)
Oscillator strength 233
Ottenberger, W. 321 330(61) 333(61)
Overeijnder, H. 332
Overlayer phase diagram 297
Oxidation state 223
Oxygen 154 155 184
Oxygen on Ag(100) 326
Oxygen on Cu(110) 328
Oxygen on W(110) 365
Oxygen, activation energy for diffusion 365
Ozin, G.A. 112
Padva, A. 102
Palladium 378
Palladium thimble 389
Palmberg, P.W. 84 134 136 317 439
Palmer, R.L. 248
Pandey, K.C. 231
Panin, B.V. 299
Panitz, J.A. 357 369 380 383 386 387 388 389 390 391 404 405 408 409 410(47 247 248 250 261 290) 414 415 416 417 418 421 422 423
Pankey, T. 21
Pantano, C.G. 506 508 510(99) 511(99)
Pappas, D.L. 488 498
Parallel detection 285
Parallel-plate analyzer 220
Paresce, F. 287
Parilis, E.S. 307
Parital-yield spectroscopy 173 179 183
Parity 160 183
Park, R.L. 25 84 189 194 195 199 203 210 213 214 224 226 236 238 260 263(56) 273(16 18) 297
Parrott, S.L. 107
Parsely, M.J. 392
Partial yield 179
Particle detection 320
Path of electrons 244
Paul, W. 340
Payn, J.K. 473
Payne, M.G. 498
Payzant, J.D. 400
Pearce, H.A. 81
Pecile, C. 102
Pendry, J.B. 25 238 239(16) 271(16) 291(16)
Penetrating radiation 241
Penn, D. 11
Perel, J. 403
Peria, W.T. 227
Perovic, B. 299 313(8)
Perry, D.L. 238
Persson, B.N.J. 47 50(102)
Petermann, L.A. 496
Peterson, D.T. 152
Pethica, B.A. 360
Petry, R.L. 199
Petzow, G. 289
Pfnuer, H. 31 47(63 64) 81(63) 117(63) 118 119 120 121 124 447 451 462 463
phase diagram 278
Phase shift 233
Photocurrent 483
PhotoDiode 482 485
Photoelectric detectors 208
Photoelectric emission 7
Photoelectric emission, Fowler analysis 7
Photoelectric emission, patchy surface 7
Photoelectric emission, photoelectric yield 7
Photoelectric emission, threshold frequency 7
Photoelectric method 8
Photoelectron parameters 133
Photoelectron spectroscopy 133 508
Photoelectron spectroscopy, angle-resolved 133 135
photoemission 20 21
Photoemission, angle-resolved 160 161
Photoemission, cross section 484
Photoemission, spectra 170
Photon monochromator 481 see
Photon parameters 133
Photon polarization 158
Photon polarization in angle-resolved photoemission 159
Photon polarization, selection rules 156
Photon source 133
Photon source, conventional 141 147
Photon-stimulated desorption, angle-resolved 185 491 493
Photon-stimulated desorption, cross section 466
Physisorbed layer 364
Physisorption process 131
Pian, T.R. 496
Pianetta, P. 235
Pillon, J. 197
Piper, T.C. 26 122 123
Pirug, G. 122(268)
Plagge, A. 88
Plane-mirror analyzer 138
Plasma discharge ion source 337
Plasmon 195 196 229
Plasmon, decay 197
Plasmon, gain satellites 229
Plasmon, losses 150
Plative, P.G. 392
Pliskin, W.A. 61 105
Plummer, E.W. 11 32 34(70 71) 35 38(86) 41 45(86) 47(69 70 71) 48(69 70 71) 50(69) 51(70 71) 122(69 70 71) 361 362 363(46) 392
Plyler, E.K. 56
Poelsema, B. 306 311 328(40)
Point source 368
Point-projection microscope 357
Polarization 133 143 156 159 160 171 179 180 183 360 485
Polarization modulation 80
Polarized-photon photoemission 156 158
Position-sensitive pulse detector 287
Post ionization 337 399
Potassium chloride 179 180
Potential modulation 203 220
Powell, C.J. 189 190 225 226 230
Prebreakdown current 369
Preferential sputtering 324 333
Preuss, E. 432 472
Prigge, S. 474
Primary electrons 132 148 174
Primary Mahan cones 163 164 166
Primary photoelectrons 177
Primet, M. 61
Prince, R.H. 466 495
Pritchard, J. 26 76 80 81 82 83 88 125
Probe hole 359 366 414
Proca, G.A. 138 221
Propst, F.M. 26 30(38) 34(38) 122 123 476 501
Protein multilayers 417
Prutton, M. 509
Pukite, P.R. 264 267 277(68) 281(68) 284 288(57 68) 295
Pulse duration 405
Pulse-counting mode 474
Pulse-height analyzer 477 478
Pulsed-laser atom-probe 406
Purcell, E.M. 223
Purtell, R.J. 501
Pyke, D.R. 410(278)
Quadrupole mass analyzer 474
Quadrupole mass filter 328 340
Quadrupole mass spectrometer 444 487 493
Quantitative Auger analysis 231
Quantum efficiency 209
Quasi-atomic behavior 231
Quasi-resonance neutralization 304
Quenched surface states 154
Quicksall, C.O. 114
Quinby, M.S. 68
Quinn, C.M. 360
Quinn, J.J. 195 196
Radiation damage 177 333
Radiative decay 495
Radius of curvature, field emitter tip 358
Ralek, M. 105
Ralph, B. 410
Ramaker, D.E. 467 468 469(22) 470(17 18) 471
Random strain 247
Rao, B. 79 80(169)
Ratajczykowa, I. 26 27(25)
Rawlinson, W.F. 214 215
Reciprocal lattice 241 243 244 245 247
Reciprocal lattice of defects 247
Reciprocal lattice, structure 257
Reciprocal lattice, antiphase island 254 256
Reciprocal lattice, superlattice 253 254
Reciprocal lattice, terrace 252
Reciprocal-lattice rods 244 247 250 254
Reciprocal-lattice rods, broadening 247
Redhead, P.A. 428 429 430 431 441(4) 444 447 448 468 473 495 500 501
Reed, D.A. 393 418 419
Reed, S.J.B. 511
Reference energy 149
Reference surface 18
Reflected-electron microscope 22
Reflected-electron microscope, contact potential 22
Reflected-electron microscope, patches 22
Reflected-electron microscope, scanning 22
Reflection high-energy electron diffraction 241 264 283
Reflection high-energy electron diffraction, detector 283 285 288
Reflection high-energy electron diffraction, measurement of angular profile 295
Reflection infrared spectroscopy 28 29 75
Rehn, V. 199 467 480(20b)
Reidl, W. 497
Reifenberger, R. 17
Reimann, A.L. 1 6(7)
Relaxation energy 224 229
Reliability factor 271
Rendulic, K.D. 418
Reneutralization 510
Resistive-anode encoder 287
Resolution of appearance-potential spectroscopy 205
Resolution of cylindrical microscope 354
Resolution of field-ion microscope 384 385
Resolution of point-projection microscope 358 359
Resolution, mass 303 344 405
Resolving power 258 263 286 295
Resolving power in LEED 264
Resolving power in RHEED 264
Resonance 382
Resonance neutralization 304
Retarding-potential analyzer 227 362
Retarding-potential method 11 20 21
Retarding-potential method, band structure 20
Retarding-potential method, emission current density 11
Retarding-potential method, energy distribution 20
Retarding-potential method, experimental arrangement 20
Retarding-potential method, field-emission retarding potential technique 20
Retarding-potential method, nonuniform surface 22
Retarding-potential method, reflection mechanism 20
Retarding-potential method, scanning arrangement 21
Retarding-potential method, scanning low-energy probe technique 20 21
Retarding-potential method, Shelton triode 11
Retarding-potential method, standard surface 22
Reynolds, W.D. 401
Rhead, G.E. 447
Rhodin, T.N. 10 392 501
Rice, J.K. 40
Richardson equation 5 11
Richardson equation, temperature-dependent 5
Richardson, N.V. 59
Richardson, O.W. 205 350
Rigden, J.D. 220
Ringers, D.A. 230
Ringo, G.R. 402 403(234)
Ritchie, R.H. 197
Riviere, J.C. 1 19(2) 508
Roberts, M.W. 238 360 395
Robertson, G.H. 403
Robertson, J.A.B. 401
Robinson, C.A.H. 319 320(59)
Robinson, H.H. 193 214 215
Robinson, J.E. 313 316(43)
Robinson, M.T. 330 331
Robinson, W.L. 68
Rochow, E.G. 349
Rochow, T.G. 349
Roelofs, L.D. 236 297
Rogers, J.W., Jr. 107
Rollgen, F.W. 400
Roos, G. 338
Roptin, D. 197
Rose, D.J. 359 370(31)
Rosebury, F. 289
Rosenberg, D. 331
Rosengren, A. 225
Roth, J. 321 330(61) 333(61) 334
Rothschild, W.G. 105
Roundy, V. 48
Rousseau, J. 26 33(41 42) 34 122(42 262 274 277 278)
Rowe, J.E. 128 140 141 142(2) 150 151(24 25) 153 154 155(29 184) 157 158(31) 159 166 167(40) 168(40) 180 181(49) 488
Roy, D. 34 35(76 77)
Rudge, M.R.H. 197
Ruedenauer, F.G. 338
Ruggieri, D.J. 487
Rye, R.R. 502 508
Sachtler, W.M.H. 359
Saint-James, D. 101(216) 102
Saito, Y. 107
Sakata, T. 393
Sakurai, T. 403 406 410(254)
Saloman, E.B. 482
Saloner, D.A. 256 295(53)
Samarin, S.N. 496
Sample preparation 289
Sandstrom, D.R. 434 474 475(49) 495
Sangster, M.J.L. 101 102(213)
Sar-El, H.Z. 221
Sasaki, T. 507 509
Saski, N. 197
Savage, D.E. 264
Sayers, D.E. 232
Scalapino, D.J. 59 101(129 214) 102
Scanning ion micrographs 403
Scanning low-energy electron probe 20 21
Scattering cross-section 303 304
Scattering probability 49
Schaeffler, H.G. 309
Scharmann, A. 331
Schattke, W. 101(217) 102
Scheffler, M. 59 65 82
Scherzer, B.M.U. 330
Schlueter, M. 151 166 167(40) 168(40) 169(41) 182
Schmeitz, M. 59
Schmidt, H. 53
Schmidt, L.D. 432 433 434 446 454 456 457 464
Schmidt, W.A. 400
Schmitt, S. 68
Schober, O. 88
Schoenhammer, K. 229
Schottky effect 6
Schottky hump 397 398
Schottky, W. 350
Schottky-barrier height 155
Schreiner, D.G. 260 263(56)
Schrieffer, J.R. 48 52(103) 53(103) 54(103) 55(103)
Schrott, A.G. 285
Schulten, H.R. 400 401
Schulz, G.J. 48 53(105 106)
Schuster, F. 303 304(12) 316(12)
Schwartz, S.B. 197
Schwarz, J.A. 101 102(212)