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Park R., Lagally M. — Methods of Experimental Physics.Volume 22.Solid State Physics:Surfaces.
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Название: Methods of Experimental Physics.Volume 22.Solid State Physics:Surfaces.
Авторы: Park R., Lagally M.
Аннотация: The importance of the properties of surfaces is increasingly felt in a wide variety of technologies. Although some surface properties, such as chemical interactions leading to corrosion, have been recognized for many hundreds of years, the use of surfaces for specific applications is a recent phenomenon that is fueled by our increasing understanding of their properties. The technological success of devices and processes involving surfaces has in turn driven the development of increasingly sophisticated instrumentation designed to improve further our understanding of surface properties. This volume attempts to review, in a tutorial fashion, techniques that allow a definition of the major static properties of a surface. These can be classified as chemical or compositional, structural, and electronic. Because this volume is one in a treatise on experimental methods, the emphasis is deliberately on the techniques, their use, and the evaluation of measurements, rather than principally on the surface properties themselves.
Рубрика: Физика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1985
Количество страниц: 565
Добавлена в каталог: 20.08.2014
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Hermanson Rule 159 161
Hermanson, J. 160 172 173(46) 177(46) 179(46) 180(46)
Heroz, R. 319
Herring, C. 1 5(4)
Hertz, G. 198
Herzberg, G. 63
Herzog, R.F.K. 328
Heterojunction discontinuities 155
Hewitt, R.C. 234
Hickmott, T.W. 365
Hickson, D.A. 101 102(212)
Hien, N.C. 492
Higginbotham, I.G. 509
High-brightness source, nearly monochromatic electrons 368
High-voltage pulse 404
Hill, M.P. 360
Hill, R.H. 189
Himpsel, F.J. 140 225 492
Hintenberger, H. 299
Hirose, H. 338
Ho, K.M. 166 169(41 42)
Ho, W. 32 34 38(82) 47(69 70 71) 48 50 51 52(103) 53(103) 54(103) 55(103) 68(71) 122(69 70 71 82) 123(82)
Hobbs, G.M. 349
Hobson, J.P. 444 500
Hock, J.L. 466 493
Hocker, L.O. 368
Hoerl, E. 372 374
Hofer, W.O. 334 334 338
Hoffbauer, R. 495
Hoffmann, F.M. 27 31 47(63 64) 75(53 54) 76(55) 77 78 79 81(63) 84 85 86 87(184) 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 117(54 63) 118(63) 119(63) 120(63) 121(63) 122(266) 123 124 440
Hogg, A.M. 400
Hogue, J.V. 495
Hollins, P. 88 124(185)
Holloway, P.H. 502 508
Holloway, S. 277
Holscher, A.A. 15 360
Honig, R.E. 304 334 339(98) 340(98) 341(98) 343(98)
Hooker, M.P. 502 503
Hopping gas model 383
Hopster, H. 26 32(36 40) 33(36) 34 35(40) 36(79) 46(36) 47(79) 72(36 40) 122(36 40 79 268) 344
Horlich, G. 78
Horn, K. 26 32 76 80 81(160) 122 124
Horr, K. 84 85(183) 91(183)
Hosoi, K. 400
Houston, J.E. 194 199 203 210 224 230 238 239(27) 255(27) 260 263(56) 350 471 472(34) 502 506(33) 508
Howitt, D.G. 511
Hren, J.J. 389
Huchital, D.A. 220
Hudda, F.G. 365 392
Hudson, J.B. 502 504
Hughes, J.R. 509
Hulm, J.K. 364
Hulpke, E. 299 313(6)
Hulse, J.E. 59 64(126) 65(126)
Humphrey, L. 401
Hunt, R.H. 56
Hupkens, T.M. 310 328(36)
Hurst, G.S. 498
Hurych, Z. 476 482(54b)
Hussain, M. 124
Hutchinson, R. 418 419
Hydrogen 154
Hydrogen, physisorbed 402
Ibach, H. 25 26 27(32 35) 28 31 32 33 34 35(40) 36 46 47(37 65 79) 50(32 33) 59 60(132) 62(132) 72(36 40) 84(37) 122 139 259 267 268 269 273 276 279 280 281
Ibbotson, D.E. 434
Iberl, F. 326
Image charge 351
Image compression factor 357 358
Image intensification 378
Image potential 351 379 398
Image-force theory 397 398
Imaging atom-probe 415
Imaging of single atom 374
Imaging of single molecule 370
Imelik, B. 122(258 278)
Incommensurate overlayer 256
Indium 154 155
Indium selenide 167
Inelastic electron scattering 200
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy 26 28 59 95 97
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy, experimental 96
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy, resolution 30 81
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy, result tabulation 121
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy, sensitivity 30
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy, spectra 97
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy, theoretical 96
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy, tunnel junction fabrication 98
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy, tunneling current 96
Inelastic scattering, electrons 193 244
Inelastic scattering, electrons, mean free path 198 244
Infrared catastrophe 207
Infrared laser 77
Infrared reflection from clean metal surface 82
Infrared reflection from metal surface with adsorbate 82
Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy 27 30 31 75
Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy, detector 79
Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy, experimental 76
Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy, modulation systems 79
Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy, resolution 30 78 81
Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy, result tabulation 117 121
Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy, sensitivity 30
Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy, theoretical considerations 81
Infrared source 76
Infrared source, diffraction grating 77 78
Infrared source, Globar source 77
Infrared source, infrared laser 77
Infrared source, intensity 77
Infrared source, Nernst glower 77
Inghram, M.G. 379 381 382 384(126) 400 402
Initial density of states 171
Inner potential 233
Inorganic cluster compound 108
InSe see "Indium selenide"
Instrument broadening in diffractometers 260
Instrument response 263
Instrument response, function 260
Integrated-intensity-versus-energy measurement 268 284 291
Intensity-temperature measurement 296
Intensity-versus-energy measurement 269 286
Intensity-versus-energy measurement in LEED 269
Intensity-versus-energy measurement in RHEED 270
interatomic spacing 232 234
Interference function 241 250
Internal electron distribution curve, L(T) 130
Internal electron distribution curve, N(T) 132 134 135 137 144 145
Internal energy distribution 144
Intra-atomic relaxation 224
Intrinsic plasmon 229
Ion beam damage 321
Ion desorption trajectory 472
Ion formation mechanism 467
Ion microprobe 338 347
Ion sources 313 337 403
Ion sources, duoplasmatron 347
Ion sources, electron-impact 313
Ion sources, field-ion 339
Ion sources, field-ionization 347
Ion sources, liquid-gallium 403
Ion sources, liquid-metal 402 403
Ion sources, liquid-metal field desorption 403
Ion sources, plasma 314
Ion sources, plasma-discharge 337
Ion yield 303 334 474 482
Ion yield, curve 483
Ion yield, negative-ion 337
Ion yield, positive-ion 337
Ion, angular distribution 485
Ion, current 401
Ion, energy distribution 492
Ion-neutralization process 472
Ionization of residual gas 369
Ionization, efficiency 410
Ionization, probability 379
Ionov, N.I. 432 444 464 465 476(4) 497 498(4) 499(4) 502(4)
Iron-titanium 150 151 152
Isaacson, M. 368 508 511(110)
Ishibashi, M. 400
Isochronal focusing 405
Isosteric heat of adsorption 438 440
Isosteric heat of desorption 439
Isothermal desorption 436
Itskovich, F.I. 1 5(5)
Iwanaga, M. 400
Jach, T. 226
Jackson, D.P. 299 310 311(35) 313(9) 328(35)
Jaeger, R 235 480 485 491
Jaklevic, R.C. 26 97
James, B.D. 110 112
Janow, R. 472
Jason effect 382
Jason peak 382
Jason, A.J. 382 402
Javan, A. 368
Javelas, R. 329
Jefferies, D.K. 403
Jeland, W. 496
Jennison, D.R. 467 470(17 19)
Jepsen, D.W. 238 239 271(15)
Jeziorowski, H. 326 32(72)
Jiru, P. 105
Johannessen, J.S. 509
Johannson, L. 235
Johansson, J. 225
Johnig, G. 359
Johnson noise 202
Johnson, B.F.G. 74(158) 75
Johnson, D. 368
Johnson, P.D. 476
Johnson, R.P. 353 354(22) 482(54b)
Joint density of states 145 146 174
Joint density of states, energy distribution 145 146
Jona, F. 238 239 271(15)
Jones, E.R., Jr. 242 243(47) 273 274(63)
Jones, V.O. 199 467 480(20b)
Jonker, B.T. 214
Joshi, A. 507
Joyce, B.A. 513
Kaminska, T.J. 285
Kaminsky, M. 348
Kanash, O.V. 505
Karpuzor, D.S. 307
Kaska, W.C. 95 103(198) 104(198) 105(201)
Kasper, H. 150 151(24) 180 181(49)
Katnani, A.D. 153 154 155
Kawashima, H. 112
Kay, E. 329 337(83 84)
KCl see "Potassium chloride"
Kellogg, G.L. 393 395 399 406 410(256 259) 415
Kelly, R. 332
Kelsey, T. 369
Kelvin probe 22
Kemeny, P.C. 165
Kennedy, W.J. 112
Kern, R. 437 438
Kerwin, R.E. 511
Kesmodel, L.L. 285
Keywell, F. 331
Khoshnevisan, M. 390
Kimock, F.M. 498
kinetic energy 467 482
Kinetic energy, distribution 491
Kinetic energy, window 175
Kinetic parameters 448
King, D.A. 26 27(25) 59 65 88 124 395 431 433 434 446 454 464 473 503
Kingsman, D.R. 399
Kirk, C.F. 392
Kirkpatrick, A.R. 368
Kirschner, J. 199 213 313 315 320
Kirtley, J. 105
Kirtley, J.R. 59 101(129) 102
Kivillis, V.M. 307 308(26)
Klein, J. 95 101 102(213) 103
Klein, R. 365
Klier, K. 443
Knapp, A.G. 509
Knapp, J.A. 138 172 173(46) 177(46) 179(46) 180(46)
Knoezinger, H. 326 327
Knotek and Feibelman mechanism 492
Knotek and Feibelman model 469 472 505
Knotek, M.L. 199 466 467 469 470 479 480 492 505 506
Kobayashi, H. 107
Kobrin, P.H. 498
Koch, J. 88 89 94(192)
Kock, F.B. 347
Koelbel, H. 105
Koestner, R.J. 239
Kohrt, C. 366 435 436 437
Kolb, J.R. 112
Koma, A. 32
Kondo, T. 338
Kornelson, E.V. 444 500
Kortan, A.R. 297
Koshihawa, T. 197
Kowalczyk, S.P. 130 189
Krahl-Urban, B. 432 491
Kraihanzel, C.S. 64
Kramer, S.D. 498
Kraus, J.S. 305(19) 496
Krause, M.O. 191 192 471
Krauss, A.R. 340
Krebs, H.J. 79 124
Krefft, H. 199
Krishnaswamy, S.V. 382 405 410 412 413
Krocker, R.M. 95 105
Kroeger, F.A. 284
Krohn, V.E. 340 402 403(234)
Kronauer, P. 496
Ku, R. 25
Kubiak, G.D. 498
Kueppers, J. 25 69 88 239
Kulkarmi, S. 68
Kummler, D. 400
Kunz, C. 174
Kuroda, T. 410
Kurtz, R.L. 471
Kutsenko, E.N. 476
Kuyatt — Simpson electron spectrometer 35 40
Kuyatt, C.E. 17 35 38(85 86) 40 41 45(86) 139 362
Lagally, M.G. 238 239 247 248 253(26) 255(27) 256 257 260 265(55) 266(55) 269 270(59) 271 273(9) 274 275(64 65) 276 277(41) 280 281(45) 286(9) 291(9) 292 293 294(92) 295(26 53) 296(74)
Lagreid, N. 331
Laider, K.J. 457 459(63)
Laine, R.M. 95 103(198 199) 104(198)
Lam, K. 403
LaMarche, P.H. 403
Lambe, J. 26 97
Lambert, R.M. 501
Lampton, M. 287 390
Lanczos, C.Z. 378
Lander, J.J. 227 230 238 239 242 243(47)
Lang, E. 238 505
Langan, J.D. 102 103
Langhans, L. 53
Langmore, J.P. 506 511(97)
Langmuir, I. 427
Lapeyre, G.J. 138 159 161 172 173(46) 177(46) 179 180
Laplace's equation 350
Laramore, G.E. 224 235 236
Larsen, P.K. 138 139(14) 166 167(40) 168(40) 169
Laser 406
Laser-excited fluorescence 498