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Rabin S. — AI Game Programming Wisdom 4 (AI Game Programming Wisdom (W/CD))
Rabin S. — AI Game Programming Wisdom 4 (AI Game Programming Wisdom (W/CD))

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Íàçâàíèå: AI Game Programming Wisdom 4 (AI Game Programming Wisdom (W/CD))

Àâòîð: Rabin S.


This book is just a list of tweaks to existing concepts such as FSMs and path finding. The more advanced concepts discussed do not have enough code examples or background info to really educate the reader. A lot of material is by academics that just want to get their names on published articles. For a field that has been hyped for 30 years and can now just barely manage to get a few soccer players to work together in a Wii game I guess we can't expect too much. Unless one is a professional game programmer, which I'm not, and contacts the authors there is almost nothing useful here.

For a basic AI overview, 'hands on ai with java' and 'programming game ai by example' are decent introductions for the programmer to the field depending on whether one prefers java or C++ programming. (most desktop 3d games are written in c++, many internet backend servers run in java).

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2008

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 658

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 15.05.2014

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"Challenges" in open-ended narratives      530—531
"Challenges" in open-ended narratives, debugging challenge scripts      538
"Matrix" cameras      476
"Sim" games      see "Simulation ("Sim") games"
"Whiskers" on pathfinding bot      155—156
$3\rightarrow 2$ merging algorithm      177—180 182
2D and 3D predictors for vectors      303
3D predictors for vectors      303
A* algorithm, avoiding inefficient searches      199—200
A* algorithm, avoiding use of      151
A* algorithm, caching failed searches      150
A* algorithm, CAStar (C++ class)      108—112
A* algorithm, fitness, goal, and heuristic (f, g, and h) values      106
A* algorithm, flooding and      135—136 143
A* algorithm, iterative deepening      146—148
A* algorithm, limiting search time      150—151
A* algorithm, lists, cheap      139—141 144
A* algorithm, lists, open and closed      106—107 114 139—141 148—149
A* algorithm, navigation meshes (NMs) and      171—185
A* algorithm, optimizations for      134—136 146—152
A* algorithm, pseudo-code for      107
A* algorithm, search space      116
A* algorithm, tactical pathfinding and      256—257
A* algorithm, terminology defined      105—106
A* algorithm, theory and implementation of      105—113
A* engines, architecture of      118—119
A* engines, code listing for A* engine      116—117
A* engines, debugging      143
A* engines, machines, generic      114—121
A* engines, methods of      115—116
A* engines, modifier goals and      119—120 121
A* engines, optimizing for speed      133—145
A* engines, templates used in      117—118 120
A* Explorer      112
A-life (artificial life)      4
Academic AI vs. game AI      9—10 12—13
Action Descriptors      60—61
Action rules      305
Action Tables      56—59
Action Tables, Action Descriptors      60—61
Action Tables, dynamic animation lists      61
Action Tables, randomization and      59—60
Action-Code behavior methods      368—369
Actions, defined and described      377 580
Actions, plans converted to      381
Actions, state machine class      73 75
Adaptation, computational requirements for      565
Adaptation, direct adaptation      559—561 565—566
Adaptation, exploration-exploitation dilemma      565
Adaptation, indirect adaptation      558—559 565
Adaptation, overfitting (restrictive niche adaptation)      564—565
Addiction, unpredictability and      616—617
Adzima, Joe, bio and contact info      xix
Agents as consumers of resources      402—410
Agents, determining position and orientation      189—191
Agents, grouping agents      52—53
Agents, real-time game agents      401—410
Aiming, aim points      413
Aiming, believable errors      81—82 624—628
AIWisdom.com      xiv
Alexander, Bob, bio and contact info      xix
Alexander, Thor, bio and contact info      xix
Aligned bounding boxes (ABBs)      88
Alignment, flocking and      202
Alt, Greg, bio and contact info      xix—xx
Ambushes      216—218 593
Ambushes, combat tactics      392
Ambushes, emergent squad behavior and      244—245
Animals, behavior simulation      479—485
Animals, behavior simulation, birds      481—482
Animals, behavior simulation, bugs      481
Animals, behavior simulation, fish      481—482
Animals, behavior simulation, primary and secondary      480 483
Animals, behavior simulation, rodents      481—482
Animals, behavior simulation, roles for animals      480
Animals, behavior simulation, solitary animals      481—482
Animation, animation controllers      65—68 388—389
Animation, baseball behaviors and      492
Animation, bone caching for smooth transitions      68—69
Animation, data-driven design for selection      55—63
Animation, dynamic animation lists      61
Animation, expression of AI and      62
Animation, first-person shooter game architecture      388
Animation, prioritization and categorization      64—70
Animation, view current animation diagnostic tool      43—44
annealing      563 645
Arbiters in blackboard architectures      335
Architectures, approaches to      291
Architectures, Belief-Desire-Intention architecture for learning      568—571
Architectures, blackboard architecture      333—344
Architectures, components      286
Architectures, development phase      287
Architectures, first-person shooter games      387—396
Architectures, fuzzy logic decision making      367—374
Architectures, general AI architecture development      285—289
Architectures, goal-based planning architecture      375—383
Architectures, interfaces      286—287
Architectures, load balancing and      298—304
Architectures, periodic AI      292
Architectures, planning phase      285—289
Architectures, prioritized task categories and efficiency      290—297
Architectures, real-time strategy games      397—401
Architectures, rule-based architectures      305—313 358—366
Architectures, training method architecture      580
Arrays, accessing      93—94
Artificial life (A-life)      4 8 632
Artificial life (A-life), defined and described      6
Artificial Neural Networks      see "Neural networks"
Attack positioning      213—215
Audio, view animation and audio commands issued diagnostic tool      43
Auditory subsystem, perceptual modeling      395
Author bios      xix—xxxii
Automated gameplay      409
Ball games      see "Baseball agent
Balls, catching or intercepting      495—502
Balls, rebounding      501—502
Balls, throwing      493
Barnes, Jonty, bio and contact info      xx
Base task objects      299
Base value predictors      302—303
Baseball, agent cooperation in      486—494
Baseball, agent cooperation in, Ball Fielded events      493
Baseball, agent cooperation in, Ball Hit events      487—492
Baseball, agent cooperation in, baserunning behavior      487
Baseball, agent cooperation in, fielding behavior      487
Bayes' theorem      346
Bayesian networks vs. Dempster-Shafer theory      356—357
Bayesian networks, converting "tech trees" into      354—355
Bayesian networks, defined and described      345—357
Bayesian networks, intruder detection with      355—356
Bayesian networks, propagating possibilities      350—352
BBWar game      340—343
Behaviors in BBWar game      342—343
Behaviors, Action-Code behavior methods      368—369
Behaviors, agent cooperation in sports      486—494
Behaviors, animal behaviors      479—485
Behaviors, behavior controller      393
Behaviors, changes in response to events      32 33
Behaviors, class structure for sports cooperation      489
Behaviors, cloning of      644
Behaviors, control of agents and      492
Behaviors, defined and described      377
Behaviors, emergent behavior      236—246
Behaviors, first-person shooter game architecture      388
Behaviors, gestures      22
Behaviors, hierarchical behaviors      372—373
Behaviors, innate behavior      622
Behaviors, learning and adaptation      558—565
Behaviors, multiple      580
Behaviors, neural nets to imitate variation in      624—628
Behaviors, object-avoidance behavior      155—160
Behaviors, parallel behavior layers      373
Behaviors, plans converted to      381
Behaviors, prediction of      16—17 586—595 596—601
Behaviors, prioritized, categorized animation      64—70
Behaviors, simple model of      74
Behaviors, tuning behavioral values      287
Belief-Desire-Intention architecture for learning      568—571
Beliefs      see also "Bayesian networks" "Dempster
Beliefs as data structures      569
Beliefs, belief networks      7 8
Beliefs, Belief-Desire-Intention architecture for learning      568—571
Beliefs, defined      359
Believability, AI game opponents      16—20
Berger, Lee, bio and contact info      xx
Biasillo, Gari, bio and contact info      xx
Bigrams      597
BindGen, integrating C++ and scripting language      517—518
Birds, behavior of      481—482
Blackboard architectures, arbiters      335
Blackboard architectures, control signals      336
Blackboard architectures, defined and described      333—335
Blackboard architectures, inter-agent coordination      339—340
Blackboard architectures, intra-agent coordination      337—339
Blackboard architectures, knowledge sources (KSs)      335
Blumberg, Bruce, bio and contact info      xx—xxi
Board games      3 7
Bones, bone caching for transitions      68—69
BOTs      541
Bots, whiskered bot pathfinding system      156—158
Bottlenecks, removing from Action Tables      57—59
Bounding overwatch pullback maneuver      253—259
brainstorming      285—286
Braking      443 456—458 470—471
Brockington, Mark, bio and contact info      xxi
Bugs      see "Debugging" "Insect
Build manager, real-time strategy games      397—398
Butterflies, behaviors      481
Bytecode streams, scripting language      509 511
C++, integrating scripting languages and      516—519
Cain, Timothy, bio and contact info      xxi
call stacks      514
Cameras for sports game replays      472—478
Cameras, camera angles      473—474
Cameras, camera control in scripting languages      535—536
Cameras, placement of      476
Cameras, switching rules      476—477
Cameras, types of cameras      474—476
Carlisle, Phil, bio and contact info      xxi—xxii
Carrot-and-stick learning      see "Reinforcement learning"
Case-based reasoning, defined and described      5—6
CAStar (C++ class) for A* algorithm      108—112
Categorization of animation      64—70
Catmull — Rom or cardinal splines      443
CD-ROM contents      653
Champandard, Alex J., bio and contact info      xxii
Charla, Chris, bio and contact info      xxii
Chase-and-follow cameras      475
Cheating      593
Cheating as a realistic solution      23—24
Cheating, AI game opponents and      19—20
Chess      3 7
Christian, Mike, bio and contact info      xxii
Cinematic sequences, scripting for      520—530
Cinematic sequences, scripting for, sample of      536—538
Circle cameras      476
Civilization manager, real-time strategy games      397
Classic games      3
Code generators, scripting languages      509
code listings      654
Code, converting models to      75—76
Code, copy and paste programming      524
Code, efficiency checks in scripting languages      527
Code, trial and error hacking      524
Cohesion, flocking and      202
Collisions, "whiskers" to detect      156—160
Collisions, precomputing      88
Collisions, ranged weapons and notification of      416
Collisions, ray-landscape collision and line-of-sight      86—88
Collisions, testing      30—31
Collisions, wrecks in racing games      462
Combat manager, real-time strategy games      398—399
Combat, anticipation pattern and sequential prediction      592
Combat, combat domains, modeling      408—409
Combat, combat manager, real-time strategy games      398—399
Combat, first-person shooter game architecture      388 391 392—393
Combat, Level-of-Detail and      424—425
Combat, ranged weapon AI      411—418
Combs method      373
Command hierarchy for team-based AI      260—261
Commands, AI commands for troubleshooting      41—42
Communication      21—22
Communication, non-player characters and information sharing      432
Compilers, scripting language compilers      506—509
Composition, fuzzy logic      91
Computer support of play      17
Conditional distribution models      626—628
Conditions, state machine class      72
Connectivity information      211—212
Constant AI processing      293
Context-dependence      11—12
Cooperation      486—494
Costs of nodes for A* algorithm      106 146 149—150
Costs, resource and opportunity costs      405
Count groups, for scheduling      300
Covering exits maneuver      269—271
CPU budgets, load balancing      298—304
Creativity, problem solving and      21—28
Credibility, belief theory concept      359
Crisp values, fuzzy logic      91
Crossover (genetic exchange)      632 633—634 647
Curly brackets      528
Darrah, Mark, bio and contact info      xxiii
Data, accessibility of      34
Data, cluster maps      582
Data, data packets for IEExec objects      312
Data, diagnostics for data structures      44
Data, graphing and Response Curves      79—82
Data, optimizing storage      121
Data, reputation system data structures      426—428
Data, team-based AI and data sharing      265
Data-driven design      33—34 55—63
Data-driven design, scripting languages and      541
Dawson, Chad, bio and contact info      xxiii
Dead reckoning, weapons targeting      415
Debugging, A* engines      143
Debugging, diagnostics vs. debuggers      40
Debugging, fuzzy models      95
Debugging, interface for Challenge scripts      538—539
Debugging, replays in sports games      477
Debugging, scripting languages      528 538—539 543
Debugging, state machine debugging      326
Debugging, team-based AI      266—267
Debugging, testing and      288
Decision support routines for team-based AI      261—263 267—268 269—270
Decision trees      7—8
Decision trees, defined and described      6
Decision-making processes      see also "Beliefs"
Decision-making processes in goal-based planning architecture      377—382
Decision-making processes in racing games      446
Decision-making processes, fuzzy decision making      367—374
Decision-making processes, general decision engine architecture      367—369
Decision-making processes, opinions influence on      570
Decision-making processes, scripting and virtual machines for      513—514
Decision-making processes, UML decision making diagrams      581 583 584
Decision-making processes, utility model economics and      402—410
Defuzzification, fuzzy logic      91 94
Degree of Membership (DOM), fuzzy logic      91 93
Demos      653
Dempster — Shafer theory      358—366
1 2 3 4 5
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