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Rabin S. — AI Game Programming Wisdom 4 (AI Game Programming Wisdom (W/CD)) |
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Training, cluster map approach 582—583
Training, GoCap, game observation method 570—585
Training, incremental vs. batch 645—646
Training, interactive training 644
Training, neural network layers 648—649
Training, noise (contradictory training data) 646
Training, observation as 579—585
Training, racing AIs 455—459
Training, supervised back-propagation method 645—646
Training, training method architecture 580
Training, training orders 399
Transitions, state machine class 72
Traps, trap scripting 552—553
Trigger systems and triggers, centralizing 46—47
Trigger systems and triggers, class for 47—49
Trigger systems and triggers, defining 47—48
Trigger systems and triggers, described 46
Trigger systems and triggers, grouping agents 52—53
Trigger systems and triggers, purposes of 53
Trigger systems and triggers, registering a trigger 49—50
Trigger systems and triggers, removing a trigger 49—50
Trigger systems and triggers, scripted events as triggers 394 552—553
Trigger systems and triggers, updating 50—52
Trigrams 597
Trolls, evolution to perfect 636—639
troubleshooting, diagnostics 39—44
Troubleshooting, game "freeze" 123
Tuning, behavior modification 287
Tuning, fine-tuning paths 128 131
Tuning, race car handling 456—458
Tuning, replays in sports games 477
Turing Test 602 616 620—621
Turning, calculating in racing games 464—468
Turning, hair pin turns on racetracks 443 447—448
Turning, realistic turning 186—191
Turning, turning radius in pathfinding 187—188 191
UML (Unified Modeling Language) 580 581 583 584
Unconditional distribution 625—626
Underfitting, distribution models and 625—626
Unified Modeling Language (UML) 580 581 583 584
Unit manager, real-time strategy games 398
Units, defined 123
Units, identification of 42
Units, unit AT state tool 42
Units, unit manager, real-time strategy games 398
Units, unit statistics tool 42
Unpredictability see also "Randomness"
Unpredictability and predictability 16—17
Unpredictability in storytelling 530—540
Unpredictability, scripting for undefined circumstances 530—540
Unpredictability, unpredictable behaviors 16—17
Unpredictability, value of 17—18 403 603 616—617 622
Until exceptions 534
UpdateParents function of CAStar 110—111
Updates in real-time games 291—296
Updates, code listing for swarm update 206—208
Updates, event knowledge and memory 432—434
Updates, level-of-detail and 422—425
Updates, Master Event List 432—434
| Updates, road cache updates 463
Updates, task scheduling and root update 301
Updates, trigger systems 50—52
Updates, UpdateParents function of CAStar 110—111
Updates, value predictors and task updates 302—303
utilities see "Diagnostic toolsets"
Utility Model and decision making 409—410
Value predictors 302—303
Van der Sterren, William, bio and contact info xxxi
Variables, fuzzy logic 91
Variety, creating 33—34
Vectors of belief nodes 351—352
Vectors, predictor values for 303
Vertices, degenerate vertices 184
View animation and audio commands issued diagnostic tool 43
View current animation diagnostic tool 43—44
View current target diagnostic tool 43
View designer-specified patrol paths diagnostic tool 43
View embedded tactical information diagnostic tool 43
View formation leader diagnostic tool 43
View past locations diagnostic tool 43
View pathfinding search diagnostic tool 43
View play commands diagnostic tool 44
View pre-smoothed path diagnostic tool 43
View search space tool 42
View sensory knowledge 43
Virtual machines (VMs) in scripting interpreter engines 511—514
Virtual machines (VMs), Challenges in open-ended narratives 531—532
Virtual machines (VMs), re-entrant 550
Visibility, calculating 353
Visibility, perceptual modeling, visual subsystem 395
Visibility, waypoints and 212—213
Visual Studio, as development environment 534—535
Vykruta, Tom, bio and contact info xxxi—xxxii
Walls, building 400
Walls, racetrack obstacles 443 452
Waypoints in pathfinding 151
Waypoints, attack positioning and 213—215
Waypoints, determining fastest route between 188—189
Waypoints, non-player characters (NPCs) 211—220
Waypoints, realistic turning between 186—191
Waypoints, static waypoint analysis 215—218
Waypoints, strategic and tactical reasoning and 211—220
weapons see also "Targeting"
Weapons, friendly fire, avoiding incidents of 414—415
Weapons, guided missiles 417—418
Weapons, missing (without stupidity) 413—414
Weapons, ranged weapon AI 411—418
Weapons, show tracers diagnostic 44
Weapons, to-hit roll for 411—412
Weapons, trajectories for 416—417
Weapons, weapon-selection problem 393
Web addresses for authors xix—xxxiii
Web addresses for errata and updates 654
Web addresses, AIWisdom.com xiv
Winning and losing 18—19
Woodcock, Steven, bio and contact info xxxii
Wrecks in racing games 462
Zarozinski, Michael, bio and contact info xxxii
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