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Rabin S. — AI Game Programming Wisdom 4 (AI Game Programming Wisdom (W/CD)) |
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Dempster — Shafer Theory vs. Bayesian networks 356—357
Dempster's Rule 359 360—361
Dependency graphs 353—354
Desires, in Belief-Desire-Intention architecture 569 575—576
Development phase 287
Development phase, AI as priority in 4—5
Development phase, testing 288
Development phase, tips for 29—35
Diagnostic toolsets 39—44
Diagnostic toolsets, flexibility 40—41
Dialogue, scripting for 538
Difficulty levels, real-time strategy games 399—400
Dijkstra's algorithm 166—168
Distance, "look ahead" in racing games 446—447
Distance, computing distance in racetrack sectors 442
Distance, level-of-Detail (LOD) and 420—421
Documentation for scripting languages 526
DOM (Degree of Membership), fuzzy logic 91 93
Doors, covering exits maneuver 269—271
Doors, pathfinding and 197—199
DoPriorityPath() method 127—128
Driving lines, racetracks 440—442 455—456
Drop (pan) cameras 475
Dynamic animation lists 61
Eagles, behavior of 481
Economics, utility model in RTS games 402—410
Edges 163
Elevators, pathfinding and 197—199
Emergent behavior (EB), defined and described 19
Emergent behavior (EB), emergent maneuvers 233—246
Empathy 567 577—578
Enemies, analysis of enemy strength 225—227
Enemies, categorizing to determine strategic disposition 223—224
Enemies, engaging 221—232
Enemies, opponent-selection problem 393
Environments 367
Environments, neural nets and representation of 642—643
Evans, Richard, bio and contact info xxiii
Events, Ball Hit and Ball Fielded events 487—493
Events, Event Templates 426
Events, global event responses 324—325
Events, heartbeats (scripting events) 548 552
Events, learning and event knowledge 432—434
Events, messages as 322—323
Events, reputation system based on event knowledge 426
Events, scripted "trigger" events 394
Events, state machine class 72—73
Evolution see also "Genetic algorithms" "Genetic
Evolution strategy 560 562
Evolution, individual, population, and ecosystem levels of 631
Evolution, perfecting creatures with 629—639
Evolution, population size and 631 647
Evolution, robotics controllers 649
Evolution, unsupervised evolution 646
Expert systems, defined and described 5
Exploration-exploitation dilemma 565
Expression in animation 62
Expression, gestures 22
Fallbacks 32
Fast-storage systems 142—143 144
FCL (Fuzzy Control Language) 97—99
Feed-forward neural networks 641 649
Feedback learning 571—573 576—578 649
FFLL (Free Fuzzy Logic Library) 90—101
Finite state machines see also "State Machine Language"
Finite state machines, class types in 71—73
Finite state machines, defined and described 6 7
Finite state machines, GUI tool for development of 71—77
Finite state machines, hierarchy of states and 32
Finite state machines, integrating into classes 76—77
Finite state machines, modeling simple state machines 73—74
Finite state machines, racing games 444
Finite state machines, simultaneous state machines 328
Finite state machines, switching state machines 328
Finite state machines, to describe squad and solo behavior 237
Finite state machines, typical states 393—394
Finite state machines, unit AI state diagnostic tool 42
Fire arcs 44
First-order logic, defined and described 6
First-person cameras 474
First-person shooter games 4
First-person shooter games, architectures 387—392
First-person sneaker games 387—392 394—395
Fish, behaviors of 482
Fitness functions 633 637 648
Flanking 215 267—269
Flight games, formations 272—281
Flight games, precomputing collisions in 88
Flocking, bird and fish behavior 482—483
Flocking, defined and described 6
Flocking, simple swarms as an alternative 202—208
Flooding and A* algorithm 135—136 143
Floyd's algorithm 166
Follow cameras 474 475
Formations 272—281
Formations, closest position calculation 274—275
Formations, common formations 272—273
Formations, composition of 274
Formations, falling-in 278
Formations, group pathing and movement 278—279
Formations, obstacles and 280—281
Formations, playbook 277—278
Formations, ranks 277
Formations, spacing distance 277
Frame pointers 514
Free Fuzzy Logic Library (FFLL) 90—101
Free Fuzzy Logic Library (FFLL), API functions of 96—97
Free Fuzzy Logic Library (FFLL), demo program 99—101
Friendly fire, avoiding incidents of 414—415
Full paths 124—125 131
Functions, in scripting language 514 516—519
Fuzzification, fuzzy logic 91
Fuzzy Control Language (FCL) 97—99
Fuzzy Control Programming Standards 90—91
Fuzzy logic 8
Fuzzy logic for tactical maneuver selection 251—252
Fuzzy logic in rule-based systems 312
Fuzzy logic, animal behavior and 483
Fuzzy logic, architecture for decision making 367—374
Fuzzy logic, Combs Method 373
Fuzzy logic, defined and described 7 369—371
Fuzzy logic, Free Fuzzy Logic Library (FFLL) 90—101
Fuzzy logic, Response Curves and set generation 79—82
Fuzzy logic, terminology defined 91
Fuzzy logic, vs. probabilistic Bayesian networks 356—357
Game AI vs. mainstream AI 9—10
Game analysis phase of planning process 377—378
Game design 13
Game trees see "Decision trees"
Gas-nets 641
Genetic algorithms as unsupervised learning 644—645
Genetic algorithms, adaptive learning 561—562 571—575
Genetic algorithms, automated design and 649—650
Genetic algorithms, creating new generations 634—635
Genetic algorithms, crossover (genetic exchange) 632 633—634
Genetic algorithms, defined and described 7
Genetic algorithms, evaluation function 632 637
Genetic algorithms, fitness function 633 637 648
Genetic algorithms, genetic drift 647
Genetic algorithms, locally optimal behaviors 563
Genetic algorithms, mutations 630 632 634
Genetic algorithms, neural networks and 646 647—648
Genetic algorithms, rationale for use 656
Genetic algorithms, recurrent neural networks and 642
Genetic algorithms, resource requirements 635
Genetic algorithms, troll evolution case study 636—638
Genetic drift 647
Genetic programming see also "Genetic algorithms"
Genetic programming, bio-genetic concepts and terms 629—631
Genetic programming, computational model of genetics 631—635
| Genetic programming, defined and described 7
Genetic programming, evolution and 630—631
Genetic programming, genetic programming 632
Genetic programming, genotypes for computer organisms 632
Genetic programming, learning and 560 562
Genre, as context for AI 11—12
gestures 22
GetAnimation() query function 56—59
GNU Bison, parser creation 508
Goals, A* machines modifier goals 119—120 121
Goals, costs of 406—407
Goals, defined and described 307—308 376
Goals, formation and evaluation of 378—379
Goals, goal-based pathfinding 196—201
Goals, goal-directed reasoning 402—403
Goals, inference engine processing 307—310
Goals, prioritization of 379—380
Goals, real-time game architecture and 397—401
Goals, validity of and predictability 403
GoCap, game observation training method 570—585
God games 4
God games, learning in 615—616
Graphs, for A* algorithms 105
Groups, coordination of action 333—344
Groups, scheduling groups for load balancing 300—301
Guided missiles 417—418
Haiku 26—27
Hairpin turns 443 447—448
Hancock, John, bio and contact info xxiii
Hardware, as limiting factor 5
Harmon, Vernon, bio and contact info xxiv
Hash tables, blackboard architectures implemented as 341—343
Hash tables, NavMesh optimization and 183—184
Hash tables, optimizing A* 144
Hash tables, preprocessed navigation (pathfinding) 162
Heartbeats, scripting events 548 552
Hertel — Mehihorn algorithm 175—176
Heuristics, A* algorithm 106
Heuristics, Response Curves and 80—81
Hierarchy of states 32
Higgins, Daniel, bio and contact info xxiv
History of AI 3—14
Hits and misses 411—418
hooks 24
Hunting games, animal behavior simulation 479—485
Hutchins, Jason, bio and contact info xxiv
Identification, unit identification 42
IEExec interface 310—311
If statements, in scripting language engines 513
IF-THEN rules 305—313
If-then rules, multiple antecedents 312
If...endif 528
In-code timers 133—134
In-game learning see "Learning"
Inference in belief networks 348—349
Inference, fuzzy logic 91
Inference, inference engines 305—313
Inference, non-player characters and 434
Influence maps, situation analysis and 250
Influence maps, strategic dispositions and 221—232 230—231
Inputs, state machine class 72—73
Insect behaviors 481
Intelligence 10—11
Intelligence, creating the illusion of a human opponent 16—20
Intentions, in Belief-Desire-Intention architecture 568—571
Interceptions 495—502
Interceptions, analysis of quadratic solutions 498—500
Interfaces, library interfaces for AI racers 462
Interfaces, neural networks and 642—643
Interfaces, scripting interfaces 311—312 544—546
Interfaces, Utility Model and 409
Interpreters, scripting language engines 511—515
Interpreters, scripting language engines, latent functions and 518—519
Intersections, open street racing and 460—461
Intro camera 474
Intruders, detecting 355
Inverse-kinematics (IK) 44
Inverse-kinematics (IK), animation controllers 389
IQ 10—11
Isla, Damian, bio and contact info xxv
Island games, island hopping 400
Iterative deepening of A* algorithm 146—148
Java, scripting languages and 550—551
Keywords, scripting languages 527
Kharkar, Sandeep, bio and contact info xxv
King, Kristin, bio and contact info xxv
Kirby, Neil, bio and contact info xxvi
KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) 29—30
Knowledge sources (KSs) in blackboard architectures 335
Language learning systems 602—614
Language learning systems, MegaHAL conversation simulator 610—613
Language learning systems, naive keyword technique 609
Language learning systems, stochasitc language models 604—610
Language learning systems, value in gaming 603
Laramee, Francois Dominic, bio and contact info xxvi
Learning as essence of intelligence 616—617
Learning, adaptation 558—565
Learning, AI development xii—xiii
Learning, algorithm dependencies 564
Learning, behavior cloning 644
Learning, Belief-Desire-Intention architecture for 568—571
Learning, cluster map approach to training 582—583
Learning, defined and described 557—558
Learning, empathic learning 567 577—578
Learning, faked learning 558
Learning, feedback approach 571—573 576—578 649
Learning, generalizing 620
Learning, genetic algorithms 561—562 571—575 644—645
Learning, genetic programming 560 562
Learning, hard-coded components 644
Learning, imitation and 563
Learning, initiation of 567
Learning, innate behaviors of NPCs 622
Learning, interactive training 644
Learning, language learning systems 602—614
Learning, learning traps 576—577
Learning, locally optimal behaviors and 563
Learning, machine learning 8—9
Learning, N-Grams to predict behavior 596—601
Learning, non-player characters and event knowledge 432—434
Learning, observation as training 579—585
Learning, offline vs. online 645
Learning, optimization algorithms 559—560 562
Learning, overfitting (restrictive niche adaptation) 564—565
Learning, pattern recognition 586—595
Learning, performance measures for 561—562
Learning, player as part of the system 617—618
Learning, quality control and unpredictable behaviors 615—623
Learning, reinforcement learning (carrot and stick) 559—560 562—563 565 619—620 644
Learning, representational promiscuity approach 567—578
Learning, sequential prediction 586—595
Learning, skills involved in 567
Learning, supervised learning 644
Learning, testing behaviors of learning agents 615—623
Learning, training an AI to race 455—459
Learning, unsupervised learning 644—645
Level-of-Detail (LOD), classifications 421—425
Level-of-Detail (LOD), combat and 424—425
Level-of-Detail (LOD), distance and 420—421
Level-of-Detail (LOD), pathfinding and 423—424
Level-of-Detail (LOD), random walks and 424
Level-of-Detail (LOD), role-playing games 419—425
Lexers 506
Libraries, scripted libraries 525—526
Liden, Lars, bio and contact info xxvi
Line-of-Sight (LOS), 3D landscapes and 83—89
Line-of-Sight (LOS), Ideal Sector Transform Matrix 84—85
Line-of-Sight (LOS), load balancing and LOS checks 298—304
Line-of-Sight (LOS), ray-landscape collision and 86—88
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