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Mott J., Kandel A., Baker T. — Discrete mathematics for computer scientists and mathematicians
Mott J., Kandel A., Baker T. — Discrete mathematics for computer scientists and mathematicians

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Íàçâàíèå: Discrete mathematics for computer scientists and mathematicians

Àâòîðû: Mott J., Kandel A., Baker T.


An awesome book on Discrete Math. A must read for an undergrad CS student

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1986

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 763

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 07.05.2014

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Hyperpaths      728—731
Hypothesis of a proposition      35 47
Hypothesis, formulation of      23
Hypothesis, inductive      103
Hypothesis, strong inductive      111
Hypothetical syllogism      48 49
IC      see "Integrated circuit"
Icosahedron, edge graph of      458
Idempotent laws for Boolean algebras      580—581
Idempotent property of sets      5
IEC      see "International Electrotechnical Commission"
IEEE Standard No. 91 for logic symbols      601
IHR      see "Inhomogeneous recurrence relations"
Images of set elements      13
Implication      35
Implication, law of      40
Implication, logical      45—46
Implication, proof of      see "Proof methods
In-degree of a vertex      333 439
Incident from, on, to edge      333 439
Inclusion-exclusion for three sets      213—218
Inclusion-exclusion for two sets      212—213
Inclusion-exclusion, Euler's 0-function      225—226
Inclusion-exclusion, formulation and statement of      218—219
Inclusion-exclusion, principle of derangements      226—228
Inclusion-exclusion, proofs      220—222
Inclusion-exclusion, Sieve of Eratosthenes      224—225
INCLUSIVE-OR function      601 603
Incubation stage of development      21—22
Independent postulates      579
Indirect counting      132—133
Indirect proof      61 65—66
Induction and Analogy in Mathematics      18
Induction, mathematical      103—108
Induction, strong mathematical      111—115
Inductive hypothesis      103 see
Inductive reasoning      22—24
Inductive step      103 111
Inefficient algorithms      406
Inference Engine      720 721 727—731
Inference, faulty      46
Inference, rules of      see also "Reasoning" "Proof methods
Inference, rules of, addition      49
Inference, rules of, conjunction      49
Inference, rules of, constructive dilemma      49
Inference, rules of, contraposition      49 50
Inference, rules of, defined      45
Inference, rules of, DeMorgan's Laws      6 40—41 49 50 61 86
Inference, rules of, destructive dilemma      49
Inference, rules of, detachment      47—48 49
Inference, rules of, disjunctive syllogism      49
Inference, rules of, existential generalization      99
Inference, rules of, existential specification      98
Inference, rules of, hypothetical syllogism      48 49
Inference, rules of, modus ponens      47—48 49
Inference, rules of, modus tollens      49
Inference, rules of, simplification      49
Inference, rules of, transitive rule      48 49
Inference, rules of, universal generalization      98
Inference, rules of, universal specification      97—98
Inference, valid      46—47
Inhomogeneous recurrence relations (IHR)      266 see "Recurrence
Inhomogeneous recurrence relations (IHR), example solutions      306—311
Inhomogeneous recurrence relations (IHR), summary of particular solutions      318
Inhomogeneous recurrence relations (IHR), undetermined coefficients, method of      311—319
Initial condition      110 268
Initial term of a series      110
Initial vertex      442
Inner product of operators      397
Inorder traversal (LNR)      515 518
Integers, divisibility of      359—360
Integers, modulo m      354—358
Integers, prime      see "Primes"
Integers, relatively prime      356
Integrality of Flows Theorem      672
Integrated circuit (IC)      600
Integration: small, medium, large, and very large scale      600
Interchange sort algorithm      418—423
Intermediate vertex      634
Internal vertex      482
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Publication 117—15 for logic symbols      601
Intersection of fuzzy sets      705 731—732
Intersection of graphs      456—457
Intersection of relations      379
Intersection of sets      5
Into function for sets      14
Invariant assertion      426
Invariant of graphs      334
Inverse of a proposition      41
Inverse of a relation      381—382
Inverse of a set      14
Inverse, multiplicative      247—251
INVERTER function      602 603
Involution law for Boolean algebras      583
Irreducible form of a Boolean expression      605
Irredundant form of Boolean expression      605
Irreflexivity of a binary relation      339 340
Isolated vertex      439
Isomorphisms, Boolean      585
Isomorphisms, graph      334 406 449—457
Iteration      281—285
Join of elements      368
Join of relations      380
Join-semilattice      368
k-chromatic graph      56 559
k-critical graph      561
k-partite graph      467
k-regular graph      439
k-way B-tree      503—504
Karnaugh map      607—609 610—611
Karnaugh, M.      607
Karp      671
Kempe, A.B.      569 571
Kempe-chain argument      569—571
Kernel of a fuzzifier      710—711
Kirkman, Thomas P.      543
Knowledge-Based Consultant (Expert) Systems      see "Expert systems"
Konig      689
Konig — Egervary theorem      695
Konig's theorem      695
Kruskal's algorithm      486—489
Kruskal, J.B.Jr.      486
Labeling, algorithm      674—675
Labeling, backward      675
Labeling, edge      632—633 636
Labeling, forward      675
Labeling, graph      444
Labeling, vertex      674—675
Lagrange's interpolation formula      88
Large scale integration (LSI)      600
Latin rectangle      693
Latin square      96—97 693
Lattice      368 578
Law of contradiction      34
Law of contrapositive      40 49 50
Law of Double Negation      40
Law of hypothetical syllogism      48 49
Law of implication      40
Law of the excluded middle      34
Leaf of a tree      482
Least element of a set      364
Least upper bound (lub)      364
Left child, edge, subtree      507
Length of a path      388 391
Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci)      269
Level of a vertex      469 501
Level-order index of binary tree vertex      509
Lexicographic ordering of strings      373—375
Linear permutation      148—151
Linear recurrence relation      266
Linearity of generating functions      257
Linguistic approximations      see "Fuzzy relations" "Fuzzy ""Soft"
Link (general fuzzy relation)      726—727
Literal for a Boolean variable      590
Literal variable      605
LNR      see "Inorder traversal"
Logic gates, AND      601 603
Logic gates, EXCLUSIVE-OR      602 603
Logic gates, INCLUSIVE-OR      601 603
Logic gates, inverter      602 603
Logic gates, minimization of      600—601
Logic gates, NAND      602 603
Logic gates, NOR      602 603
Logic micro-operations in an ALU      619—621
Logic symbols      601—603
Logic, first order, defined      80
Logic, first order, equivalences      85—86
Logic, first order, existence proofs      87—88
Logic, first order, existential quantifier      83—87 89—91
Logic, first order, multiple quantifiers      89—91
Logic, first order, open propositions      81—86
Logic, first order, proof by counterexample      87 89
Logic, first order, proof by example      87
Logic, first order, proof by exhaustion      87 89
Logic, first order, quantifiers, defined      82—83
Logic, first order, subject-predicate analysis      80—81
Logic, first order, universal quantifier      83—87 89—91
Logic, first order, universe of discourse      81—82
Logic, fundamentals of, abbreviated truth table      38—39
Logic, fundamentals of, five basic connectives      34—38
Logic, fundamentals of, propositional functions of two variables      39—42
Logic, fundamentals of, valid inferences and propositions      33—34
Logic, predicate, in expert systems      723—724
Logical connectives      34—38
Logical implication      45—46
Logical inferences, fallacies      see "Fallacies"
Logical inferences, faulty inference      46
Logical inferences, logical consequence      46
Logical inferences, logical implication      45—46
Logical inferences, rules of inference      see "Inference rules
Logical inferences, valid inference      46—47
Logically equivalent propositional functions      38
Loop      333 437
Loop-free digraph      333
Loop-free graph      437
Lower bound of a set      364
LRN      see "Postorder traversal"
LSI      see "Large scale integration"
Lub      see "Least upper bound"
Lucas sequence      278
Lukasiewicz, Jan      471
Magic square      96
Many-to-one function for sets      14
Mapping      see "Functions"
Matching, complete      687 689—691
Matching, condition      689
Matching, maximal      687
Matching, network      688—689
Mathematical Discovery      18
Mathematical induction      103—108 see
Matrix, adjacency      396—402 450
Matrix, Boolean      396—402
Matrix, multiplicity      536—537
Maximal flows in networks      641 645—652
Maximal flows in networks, construction of      671—677
Maximal flows in networks, The Max Flow-Min Cut Theorem      659—660 667—669
Maximal matching      687
Maximal planar graph      534
Maximal spanning tree      493
Maximum-length shift register sequence      539—541
Maxterm Boolean expressions      590—592
Medical diagnosis expert system      722
Medium scale integration (MSI)      600
Meet of elements      368
Meet-semilattice      368
Members of a set      1
Membership function      699—704
Menger      689
Menger's Theorem      695
Merge sort algorithm      282—284 425—426
Merging sorted lists      282—284
Merging sorted sequences      423—424
Mersenne primes      120
Method of characteristic roots      300—304
Micro-operations in an ALU      619—621
Mineral deposit expert system      722
Minimal cuts in networks      645—652
Minimal spanning trees      494
Minterm Boolean expressions      590—592
Modular arithmetic      354—358
Modular law for Boolean algebras      587
modus ponens      47—48 724
Modus Tollens      49
Monotone increasing functions      346
MSI      see "Medium scale integration"
Multigraphs      333 437 438
Multigraphs of plane graphs      526—527
Multigraphs, directed      538
Multigraphs, Eulerian paths and circuits in      537—539
Multigraphs, nondirected      537—538
Multigraphs, The Koenigsberg Bridges      535—538
Multigraphs, traversable      537
multinomial      205
Multinomial coefficients      205—207 see
Multiple edges      333
Multiple quantifiers      89—91
Multiplexers      621—626
Multiplication of generating function by a scalar      240
Multiplicative inverse, of formal power series      247—251
Multiplicities of graph edges      535—536
Multiplicity matrix of a graph      536—537
Mutually exclusive events      127
Mux      see "Multiplexers"
MYCIN expert system      722
n-ary fuzzy relation      711—713
n-colorable graph      558
NAND function      602 603
Negation of a proposition      34
Neighbor vertices      439
Net flow across a cut      649
Net flow into, out of a vertex      638 640
Networks, capacity function      633
Networks, complete matching      687 689—691
Networks, cuts in      see "Cuts"
Networks, defined      633
Networks, edge capacity      633—634
Networks, edge labeling      632—633 636
Networks, flows in      see "Flows in networks
Networks, intermediate vertex      634
Networks, matching      687 688—689
Networks, maximal matching      687
Networks, sink, source vertex      633 638 640
Newton's identity for binomial coefficients      191—192
NLR      see "Preorder traversal"
Non sequitur fallacy      51
Noncomputable functions      377—378
Nonconstructive existence proof      87 88
Nondeterministic algorithms      419
Nondirected graphs      333
Nondirected multigraphs      333
Nondirected path      388
Nondirected trees      469
Nonisomorphic graphs      449—457
Nonlinear recurrence relations      321—322
Nonplanar graph      523 524—525
Nonpolynomial-bounded algorithms      406
Nonreflexive general fuzzy relation      726
Nonsimple graph      438
Nonsymmetric general fuzzy relation      726
Nontrivial path      388—389
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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