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Rips J.L. — The psychology of proof: deductive reasoning in human thinking |
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Mental model for categorical syllogisms 352—363
Mental model for connectives 365—369
Mental model for multiple quanfitiers 362—365
Mental model vs. logical model 350 358 369
Mental model vs. mental sentence 372—374
Mental model vs. rule-based system 258 369—376 414—415n3 415n6 416n10
Mental model, conterexample 354—356 371
Mental model, one/multiple-model problem 363—365
Mental model, semantic/syntactic distinction 358 374
Mental proof x 103 104 314.
Meyer, B.J.F. 167
Michalski, R. 391
Middle term 232
Miller, D.T. 294
Minsky, M. 99 290 294 295
Minton, S. 279
Modal logic 303 305 313 323 324 336.
Model 204. See also Model theory; Mental model; Semantics
Model theory 204—206 214 350—352.
Model, intended 350
modus ponens vii-viii 34—36 125 178 300 401n1.
Modus ponens as self-constraining rule 84
Modus ponens, backward 68—73 75 98
Modus ponens, disjunctive 114 115 119
Modus ponens, modified 60
Modus Tollens 36 178 181
Moeser.S.D. 410n2
Montague, R. 390 401n1
Moor, J. 203
Moore, O.K. 307
Moore, R.C. 194 408n1
Morgan, J.J.B. 21 22 340—342
Morris, M.W. 326
Morrow, D.G. 347
Morton, J.T. 21 22 340—342
Mueller, I. 25
Murphy, G.L. 291
Murray, N.V. 90
NAME See Permanent/temporary name
Napoleon See Madonna
Nash, O. 339
Natural deduction 32—34 38—42 49 110 111 304 305 398.
Natural deduction and problem-solving 97—99
Natural deduction and quantifiers 57 90 186 227
Natural deduction and sentential logic 43 44 49 50 125 314
Natural deduction vs. axiomatic system 35 36
Natural deduction vs. resolution technique 83 84
Natural deduction vs. tree proofs 75 129 133—137
Natural deduction, canonical format see Canonical proof)
Natural deduction, control strategy 97 98
Natural deduction, elimination of axioms 35
Natural deduction, modus ponens see Modus ponens
Negative sentence/negation 171—175 184 196 201 209 210
Nelson, J. 203
Network theory See Connectionism; Memory
Neves, D.M. 68
Nevins, A.J. 84
Newell, A. 4 5 27—30 64 65 69—74 77 86 119 175 186 245 300 305—310 358 384 415n6
Newstead, S.E. 56 228 229 244
Nilsson,N.J. 65 80 98 389
Nisbett, R.E. 5 326 404n8
Nondemonstrative inference 269 298.
Nonmonotonic logic xi 99 270 295—298 300
Nonmonotonic logic and inductive inference 411n7 411—412n8
Norman, D.A. 66 273 291 411n6
Nosofsky, R.M. 280
Notturno, M.A. 381
NP-completeness 67 405n1 411n7
NP-completeness of 405n1 411n7
O'Brien, D.P. 314 403n4
Oakhill, J.V. 342 371 416n10 417n10
Oaksford, M. 408n9 411n7
Obligation schema 303 322—337 412n1 413n9
Operator 305—306
Osherson, D.N. xi 5 10 15 32 34 74 112 115 124 184 280 301 304 305 310—314 317 323 336 391 403n3 406n2 411n5 414n1
Over, D.E. 331 333 334 413n5 413n11
Parameter estimation (in PSYCOP/ PSYCOP+) 153—157 240—244 254 256—260 265 349 385 387—388 395 406n2 417n2
Parsing 313 314
Peacocke, C. 378
Pelletier, F.J. 156
Permanent/temporary name 51—56 79—81 92 93 96 185—187 189—194 196 197 201 204 215—218 317
Permission schema 303 319—337 412n1 413n9
Piaget, J. xi
Planning 13 14 95—99 149 389
Politzer,F. 371 405n4
Polk,T.A. 29 415n6
Pollard, P. 4 21 22 183 322 330 340 341 343 346 413n4
Pollock, J.L. 10
Posner, M.I. 280
Potts, G.R. 26 410n2
Pragmatic reasoning schema 15 319—327 413n5
Pragmatic reasoning schema vs. social contract theory 328—337
Pragmatic reasoning schema, allowable action 319 322 323
Pragmatic reasoning schema, precondition 319 322 323
Pragmatic reasoning schema, training effect 325—327
Pragmatics See also implicature
Pragmatics and inference rules 149 170 214 229 304 393 396
Pragmatics and resolution technique 83
Prawitz, D. 36 75 77 79 82 131 403n3
Prawitz, H. 75
Predicate 189 190 204 209 213 232 261
Predicate calculus See Classical predicate logic
Predicate, multi-place 318
Predicate, one-place 318
Premise See also Argument
Premise, major 231
Premise, minor 231
Prenexform 91 92 201
Presupposition 228—231 259 261.
Priming effect 251
Principia Mathematica 64 71 74
Principle of caution 239
Prior, A.N. 403n3
Probabilistic inference 339 341 345 346 382 385 389 391
Problem solving, deduction as ix 27—30 65 94—99 103 104 111 185 269 270 271
Problem solving, model for 73 104
Problem solving, strategy 309
Problem space 27—30
Production rule 319 320 323 324
Production system viii—ix 60—62 186 299 300 400
Production task, in reasoning with syllogisms 232 233 237 244—248 261
Programming language 65 379 401n3.
Programming language, LISP 65
Programming language, PASCAL 379
Programming language, PROLOG 65 98 105 391 401n3
Promotional/demotional approach 60—62 149 379 400
Pronoun, comprehension of 186
proof 32
Proof, axiomatic see Logic
Proof, definition of 34
Proof, formal properties of 123—147 202—226
Proof, mental see Mental proof
Proof, natural deduction see Natural deduction
Proof, theory 214 350—352
Proof, tree see Tree proof
Protocol analysis 5—9 307.
Prototype 280
Provitera, A. 22 244
Psycholinguistics 26 65 204.
Psychologism 379—381
Psychometrics, as approach to deduction 14—18 30
PSYCOP/PSYCOP+, halting theorem 125 128—131 137 138
PSYCOP/PSYCOP+, incompleteness/completeness of 104 122 124—128 137 138 202 203 213—215 418n5
PSYCOP/PSYCOP+, key forward rules 133 134
PSYCOP/PSYCOP+, properties of 124 138 139
PSYCOP/PSYCOP+, rules in 112—121 124 129 133—136 138 150 166
PSYCOP/PSYCOP+, strategy in evaluating arguments 105
Putnam, H. 79 381 411n5
Pylyshyn, Z. 300 348 384 414n3
| Quantifier-free form/representation 58 90—94 185 186 189—196 201 203 204 210 213—215 227 228
Quantifiers, categorical syllogism, traditional research in 25 31
Quantifiers, existential 19 79—81 91—94 185
Quantifiers, functional normal form/Skolem function form 92 185
Quantifiers, resolution technique for 79—83
Quantifiers, restricted 404n6
Quantifiers, rules for 50—58
Quantifiers, scope of 56 91—94 296 367—368 401n1
Quantifiers, universal 19 79—81 91—94 96 185 261
Quine, W.V. viii 12 36 92 94 213 369
Rationality 124 176 377 384 392—396 400 417n1 418n4 418n5
Reaction time in comprehending proofs 161—166 170
Reaction time in matching 252 253 260
Reaction time in sentence verification 26 172 174 175
Reasoning, ability for 12 176 375
Reasoning, cross-cultural research 401n2
Reasoning, errors in 377—379 382—387 392—395 400
Reasoning, formal vs. intuitive 65 66 359
Reasoning, nondeductive 389—392
Reasoning, quantitative 17
Reasoning, sentential see Sentential reasoning
Reasoning, sequential 17
Reasoning, test of see Intelligence test
Recognition 28
Reductio ad absurdum 38—41 43—47 74 75 77 80 133 134 157 402n2 407n4.
Reed, S.K. 280 308—309 312
Reese, H.W. 325
Reichenbach, H. 222
Reiser, B.J. 15 112 115 314 413n8
Reiter, R. 294 295
Representation 304. See also Comprehension; Memory
Representation and categories 277 282 290—293
Representation and perception 347
Representation f quantifiers 90—94 185 186 227 231
Representation in PSYCOP/PSYCOP+ 138 159
Representation n syllogisms 23 24 29 58
Representation of order 410n2
Representation of problems 271—273 319 327
Representation of sentences 26 27 171—176 333 336 365 366
Representation, diagrammatic 340 347—349
Representation, sentential, of picture 171—176
Rescher, K. 93-396
Resolution theorem proving 66 79—84 90 103 407n4.
Resolution theorem proving and problem-solving 97—99
Resolution theorem proving, clause/clausal form 79—82 90 93
Resolution theorem proving, completeness of 213
Resource limitation 103. See also Memory
Response bias 233 234 238 385 386 393 400
Retrieval 153 270 271 273 277 292 293 300.
Revlin, R. 21 158 342. R.
Revlis, R. 22 23 227 233 244 414n2 416n8. R.
Rips, L.J. xii 5 8 15 17 18 26 32 42 47 50 84 104 111 112 115 150 156 176—179 233 236 279 280 291 301 305 314 323 325 343 352 358 361 362 364 368 385 394 396 402n4 405n1 406n1 416n9 417n4
Roberge, J.J. 23
Robinson, J.A. 79
Rogers, H. 67
Rollins, G. 26
Rosen, E. 277 280
Roth, D.L. 17
Rubik'scube 11
Rumain, B. xi 15 18 57 112 115 194 314 318
Rumelhart, D.E. 66 290 291 293 300 347 411n6
Russell, B. 64
Sadock.J.M. 13
Salmon, W. 281
Satisfaction See Joint satisfaction
Scribner, S. 401n2
Script 290 291 293.
Sehaeken, W. 352 365 407n3
Sehafler, M.M. 280
Sehank, J. 233 236 362
Sehank, R.C. 290 293 330
Sehema xi 186 270 290 291—294 301 411n5 411n6
Sehmolze, J.G. 186 291
Sehneider, L.M. 17
Seholastic inference 228 229.
Seholastic logic 201 228 229
Seholz, K.W. 26 410n2
Sehroeder, C. 294
Selection task 176 179—184 318—337 345 346 397 408n9 413n5
Selectivity, of rules 68—74 87
Self-constraining rule 84—87 193 194
Self-promoting rule 84 87—90
Sells, S.B. 20 22 23 239
Seltman, M. xi
Seltman, P. xi
Semantic entailment 91 125 138 208 228 230 295
Semantic entailment, definition of 32—33 206 350 351
Semantic information 407n3
Semantics 32 33 173 209 304 350 401n1.
Semantics and argument reversal 206 207
Semantics for quantifier-free sentences 203—206 213—215
Semantics, logical vs. psycholinguistic 203
Sentence verification 26 65 67 171—175
Sentences, embedded/unembedded 168—170 184 408n6
Sentential reasoning and decision procedures 67 68 125 138
Sentential reasoning and natural-deduction systems 43 44 125
Sentential reasoning and rationality 124
Sentential reasoning in Logic Theory machine (LT) 74
Sentential reasoning in PSYCOP/PSYCOP+ x xii 5—7 103 104 109 137 138
Sentential reasoning revised rules for 85 86
Sentential reasoning with tree method 75 77
Sentential reasoning, psychological vs. logical 124 128
Sentential reasoning, self-constraining rules 84—86
Set effect 123
Shafir, E.B. 280
Shakespeare, W. 103
Shapiro, E. 401n3
Shastri, L. 186 300
Shaughnessy, E. 26
Shaw, J.C. 64
Shipecki, J. 52
Similarity 280—281 289
Similarity heuristic 339
Simon, D. 68
Simon, H.A. 5 29 30 64 68 73 280 305—310
Singer, M. 158
Skolem constant/function 92 185
Skolem,T. 90 92 185 213
Slovic, P. 339
Smalley, N.S. 180
Smiley, T.J. 57 232 402n7
Smith, E.E. 277 279 280 404n8 411n5
Smolensky, P. 186 293
Smullyan, R.M. 7 75 125 129 131 140
Soames, S. 358
Soar 300 415n6
Sober, E. 10 334 335 380—381 414n1
Social contract theory 327—337
Social exchange 327 328.
Soundness 12 124 125 131 137 202.
Soundness of deduction rules (in PSYCOP/PSYCOP+) 209—213 218—226
Soundness of matching rules (in PSYCOP/PSYCOP+) 203 207—209 215—218
Specific-memory view 322 329 330 412n3
Specificity principle 294
Sperber, D. 112 115 402n4
Spontaneous inference 370
Springston, F.J. 333
Stabler, E.P., Jr. 404n8
Stalnaker, R.G. 48 49 403n4
Staudenmayer, H. 26 42 178 343
Steedman, M.J. 352
Steinberg, R.J. 17 18 23 25 26 194 278
Stenning, K. 304 408n9
Sterling, L. 401n3
Stevens, A.L. 417n11
Stevens, W. 185
Stich, S.P. 12 335
Storring,G. 18 150
Story 291
Strawson, P.F. 48 228
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