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Covington M.A., Nute D., Vellino A. — Prolog programming in depth |
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! ("cut") 94—98 423 463
!EOF 45 51
" (double quote) 79 458 467
"And" 18
"And" with confidence factors 315
"And", bitwise 468
"Fail-if" 20
"Or" 19
% (percent sign) 5 456 490
& (ampersand) 19 164—165
' (backquote) 458
' (single quote) 14 32 456
'C'/3 494
( ) (parentheses, round brackets) 19—20 41 61 98 461
* (multiplication) 468
** (exponentiation) 468
+ (plus) 114 468
, (comma) 18 165 174 458 461 463
- (Minus) 114 468
--> (in grammar rules) 422
-> ("if-then") 99 464 489
. (period) 5 15 38 458 461
. (period) as list constructor 175 177 458
/ (slash) 3 182 468
/ (slash, floating-point division) 3 182 468
/* */ (comment delimiters) 5 456 490
// (integer division) 468
/\ (bitwise and) 468
: (colon) 483
:- ("if") 15 491
:- ("if") at beginning of line 43
:= (user-defined symbol) 197 347
; (semicolon) 6 19 34 99 423 463—464
< (less than) 63 64 468 492
<< (bitwise left shift) 468
= (unifies with) 23 63 476
=.. (univ) 83 412 478
=:= (evaulates equal) 63 64 468 492
=< (less or equal) 63 64 468 492
== (already equal) 23 476
=\= (does not evaluate equal) 64 468
> (greater than) 63 64 468 492
>= (greater or equal) 63 64 468 492
>> (bitwise right shift) 468
? (question mark) 114
?- (query symbol) 5 44 491
@< (alphabetically precedes) 184 476
@=< (alphabetically equal or precedes) 476
@> (alphabetically follows) 476
@>= (alphabetically equal or follows) 476
Abel 265
Abelson, H. 89 127
abolish/1, abolish/2 41 43 479 486
Abolishing, in d-Prolog 388
abolish_module/1 483
Abramowitz, M. 198
abs 468
Accessible predicates 483
accumulators 106
Acme Airlines 235
Adams, J.B. 344
Agreement, in grammar 425
Aikins, J. S- 265
Ait-Kaci, H. 127 187 201
Algol 153 197
Algorithms vs. heuristics 234 237
Aliases, stream 469
Allen, J.F. 453
Alphabetical order 183 184 476
ALS Prolog 4 132 136 485
Alternatives 6 7 10
Alternatives in arithmetic 66
Alternatives, collecting into list 154
Alternatives, created by asserting 489
Alternatives, finding best 157
Alternatives, printing all 34
Alternatives, unwanted 95
ampersand 19 164 165
Amzi Prolog 4 45 51 66 136 485
ancestor/2 26
Anonymous variables 24
antilogarithms 468
APL 163
APPEND (in Lisp) 112
append/3 75 76 112 187
Appending lists 75
append_dl/3 183
apply/2 86
Arctangent 468
arg/3 84 477
Arguments 14 83
Arguments as place to store data 87 104 106
Arguments in grammar rules 423 425
Arithmetic 61—63 65 468 491
arithmetic expressions 491 492
Arithmetic, reimplementing 197
Arity 3
Arity Prolog 4 51 61 81 98 132 133 136 139 187 485
Arrays 72
Arrays, simulating, in Prolog 181
ART 311
artificial intelligence 207
Artificial intelligence, goals 208
ASCII codes 48 79 455 457
ASCII codes, table 50
ask_confidence/2 322
Assert 40—42 46 88 153 479
assert, effect on backtracking 489
assert, proper uses 87—89
assert, reasons for avoiding 88
asserta/1 40 41 87 88 479
assertz/1 40 41 87 88 479
Associativity 161 176 461
atan 468
atom/1 477
atomic/1 477
atoms 14 456
Atoms as character strings 79
Atoms, converting to strings 81
Atoms, input of 82 129
Atoms, internal representation 177
Atoms, logical 351
atom_chars/2 82 130 459
atom_codes/2 82 130 459
atom_concat/3 459
atom_length/2 459
at_end_of_stream/0 475
at_end_of_stream/1 475
Axioms, frame 398
Backquote 458
backslash 6 14 456—457 468 490
Backtrack points 109 117
Backtracking 10 101
Backtracking, diagram 13
Backtracking, forcing 34
Backtracking, preventing 95
Backtracking, worked examples 117 118
Backward chaining 253
bagof/3 156 158 480 487
Bags (vs. sets) 156
BASIC 113 154
Basinger, K. 368
Bayes' theorem 344
Best solution 157
Biconditionals 168 169
binary files 470
Binary numbers 144 457
Binary trees 191 194
Bitwise operations 468
Blood infections 265
Boizumault, P. 201
Bol, R.H. 30
Bounded 467
Bowen, K.A. 311
Brackets, curly 460
Brackets, square 458
Buchanan, B.G. 311
Buffer, keyboard 48 471 492
Burse, J. 455
C 1
C++ 1
Calder, J. 455
CALL (in debugger) 28
call/1 86 97 464
call/1, interaction with is 492
calling-context/1 483
Campbell, J.A. 127
Cannibals and missionaries puzzle 214
capital_of/2 35
CAR (in Lisp) 70
CAR.PL 57—59 311
case (in Pascal) 92 94
Case, in grammar 426
catch/3 135 465
CDR (in Lisp) 70 73 179
CDRing 179
cells 177
Certainty 313
Chaining, backward vs. forward 253—255
Chamiak, E. 344
character strings see "Strings"
characters, special 163 456 457
char_code/2 459
char_conversion/2 462 467 475
Chemistry 227 265
Chinese restaurant example 351 352
Chomsky, N. 416 433 453
Christmas tree puzzle 219
CICHLID.PL, sample consultation 296
Cichlids 289
Class, of operator 461
Classification vs. diagnosis 298
clause/2 153 478
clauses 2
Clauses as structures 173
Clauses, atomic 351
Clauses, competing 352
Clauses, conflicting 352
Clauses, contiguous 386
Clauses, discontiguous 16
Clauses, ground 2
clear_away_my_predicate/0 43
Clocksin, W. 4 166 492
close/1 139 470 493
close/2 470
Closed-world assumption 21 404
close_enough/2 65
Cogent Prolog 4 45 51 66 136 485
Cognitive processes 209
College student example 355
Colmerauer, A. 1 4 91
colon 483
Coloring maps 224
comma 18 165 174 458 461 463
Comma in grammar rules 495
Comma, three uses of 174
Comma-delimited fields 143 145
Comments 5 114 456 490
Comparison 476
Competing clauses 352
competitors 352
compile/1 43
Complement, bitwise 468
Complements, logical 351
compound/1 477
Concatenating lists 75
Conclusions, incompatible 351
Confidence factors 313—344
Confidence factors, combining 315
Confidence factors, interpreting 316
Confidence factors, limitations of 343
Confidence factors, threshold 321
confidence_in/2 318
confirm/1 321
Conflict set 254
Conflicting clauses 352
Conjunction 463
CONMAN.PL 314—344
CONMAN.PL, explanatory facility 323
CONMAN.PL, knowledge bases 336
CONMAN.PL, main program 325
CONMAN.PL, program listing 326
CONMAN.PL, user interface 322
Connectivity tables 227
CONS (in Lisp) 177
Cons cells 177
Consing 179
Constants 456
Constituents 417
Constraint logic programming 4
consult/1 5 43 44 461 491
Consultants, expert 266
Consulting, in d-Prolog 386
Contiguous clauses 386
Continuation 108 109
Contradictions 351
Contradictions in d-Prolog 388
contradictions/0 389
Contraries 352
Control structures 463
Copula 438
Copula, semantics 449
copy_term/2 478
cos 468
count/1 88 489
Counter, loop 104
Counting calls to a procedure 88
Covington, M.A. 408 453
Curly brackets 460
current_accessible 483
current_char_conversion/2 475
current_input/1 475
current_module/1 483
current_op/3 475 487
current_output/1 475
current_predicate/1 479
current_visible/1 483
Cutparents 463
Cuts 94 95 463 489
Cuts in grammar rules 423 495
Cuts in metainterpreters 172
Cuts in setof and bagof 487
Cuts, avoiding 98
Cuts, implementation 121
Cuts, proper use of 97
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