Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Covington M.A., Nute D., Vellino A. — Prolog programming in depth |
Предметный указатель |
Predicates, database 280
Predicates, dynamic 42 478
Predicates, nonexistent 43 467
Predicates, static 42 478
Predicates, symmetric 170
Predicates, undefined 43 467
Preemption of defeaters 368
prefix operators 161 461
Prerequisites 316
Press, W.H. 201
Presumptions 346 347
Pretty-printing 431
Principal functor 15
print_capitals/0 37
Priority 461 487
Priority, zero 462 487
probability 314 315 343 344
Procedural interpretation of logic 2
Procedures, generative 416
Procedures, memo 89
Product recommendation 298
Production rules 253 256
Programs, self-modifying 153
Prolog II 4
Prolog III 4
Prolog text 461
Prolog, "pure" 91
Prolog, origin 1
Prolog, semantics 31
Prolog, syntax 14
Prolog-2 (ESL) 4
prop/1 281
Properties 3
Properties in XSHELL 281
Prospector 265
Prototyping, fast 307
prove/1 169
PS-rules 417
PS-rules, limitations 433
Puff 265
Pulmonary diseases 265
Punctuation 409
put/1 48
put_byte/1 473
put_byte/2 473
put_char/1 472
put_char/2 472
put_code/1 51 472
put_code/2 472
Q&A 407
| Qualifiers, module 483
Quantifier, existential 156 452
Queries 5
Queries, constructing at runtime 85
Queries, defeasible 384
Queries, embedded in program 43 463 491
Queries, extensional 159
Queries, intensional 159
Queries, starting 44 337 463 491
Questions 433 450
Quicksort 183
Quintus Prolog 4 44 66 82 130 133 139 187 365 485—495
Quintus Prolog, library 486
quotes, double 79 458 467
quotes, single 14 32 456
read/1 38 462 473
read/2 139 473
READF64.PL 149
READI16.PL 146
read_atom/1 82 131
read_bytes/2 140 142
read_cdf/1 145
read_f64/1 149
read_i16/1 146
read_num/1 131
read_str/1 81 131
read_term/2 473
read_term/3 473
read_ul6/1 146
read_until/2 145
real_square_root/2 66—68
Reasoning, nonmonotonic 405
Reasoning, temporal 397
Rebuttal 348
reconsult/1 6 43 44 46 133 461 491
Reconsulting, in d-Prolog 386
Records 71
Records, spreadsheet 148
[ ] (square brackets) 175 458 see
\ (backslash) 6 14 456—457 468 490
\+ ("not") 20 97 345 347
\/ (bitwise or) 468
\= (not unifiable) 476
\== (not already equal) 476
^ (caret, existential quantifier) 157
_ (underscore) 5 14 15 24 456
{ } (braces, curly brackets) 423 456 460
| (vertical bar) 19 69 76 175
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