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Covington M.A., Nute D., Vellino A. — Prolog programming in depth |
Предметный указатель |
Cuts, red vs. green 96 97
Cuts, scope of 95 488
Cuts, worked examples 120
CWA (closed-world assumption) 404
c_rule/4 316 336
d-Prolog 345—405
d-Prolog, consulting files 386
d-Prolog, contradictions 388
d-Prolog, dictionary 386 387
d-Prolog, examples 390
d-Prolog, explanatory facility 389
d-Prolog, inference engine 363 365
d-Prolog, listing predicates 385
d-Prolog, queries 384
d-Prolog, utilities 372
Daessler, K. 455
Dahl, V. 453
data storage 87
Data-record style 29 72
Database predicates 280
databases 407
DCGs 422 425 455 494
de Bosschere, K. 455
debug mode 27
Debugger 27
DEC-10 Prolog 4 42
Declarations 461
Defeasible queries 384
Defeasible rules 346 366
Defeasibly deriving conclusions 354
Defeated inferences 346
Defeaters 348
Defeaters, preemption of 368
Definite-clause grammars 422 425 455 494
DENDRAL 265 311
Depth-first search 11
Derivability, strict 363
Descent, recursive 419
Determiner 417
Determiner, null 425
Determinism 95
Determinism, forcing see "Cuts"
Determinism, forcing, without cuts 98
Diagnosis 54 265 318 336 343
Diagnosis vs. classification 298
Dictionary, d-Prolog 386 387
Difference lists 182
directives 461 491
discontiguous/1 462
Diseases see "Diagnosis"
Disjunction 19 463 see
Disjunction in defeasible reasoning 348
Disjunction in grammar rules 423
display/1 33 80
Division by zero 466
dlist/0 386
dlisting/1 385
dload/1 387
documentation, internal 114
Dodd, T. (= Dodd, A.) 490
domain_error 466
Dot functor 175 177 458
Dotted pairs 175
double quotes 79 458 467
double_quotes 467
Duda, R. 265
Dynamic predicates 42 478
dynamic/1 42 462 482 491
Edinburgh Prolog 4 32 45 455 485
Efficiency 92 97 106 109 111 112 157 179 489
Efficiency of sorting algorithms 184 187
Election example 346 401
Electrolyte disorders 265
Embedded queries 43 463 491
Empty list 69 490
End of file 51 466 470 493
Endless computations 25
end_of_file 45 472 473
English 408
English, translating into Prolog 410 435 448
ensure_loaded/1 44 133 463
Entities 438 449
Entities, dummy 450
Equality tests 23
Equality tests, avoiding 23
Equation solving 62 198 202
error trapping 135 465
errors, system 465
escape sequences 457
ESL Prolog 4 485—495
Evaluable functors 491
evaluation_error 466
evidence_that/2 321
Examples, logical, Chinese restaurant 351 352
Examples, logical, college student 355
Examples, logical, election 346 401
Examples, logical, movie star 368
Examples, logical, naked nautilus 396
Examples, logical, Nixon diamond 397
Examples, logical, penguin 346 353 394
Examples, logical, penguin, genetically altered 369 394
Examples, logical, Pennsylvania Dutch 349
Examples, logical, Yale Shooting Problem 399
Exceptions, in logic 345 346 348
Exhaustive responses 384
existence_error 466
Existential quantification 156 452
EXIT (in debugger) 28
EXP 468
Expand (in grammar) 417
Expert consultants 266
Expert Systems 54 265—311
Expert Systems Ltd. 4 485
Expert systems, shells 267—268
Explanatory facility, CONMAN 323
Explanatory facility, d-Prolog 389
Explanatory facility, XSHELL 286
export 113 481
Expressions, arithmetic 63 65 468 491
Expressions, created at runtime 492
expressions, evaluating 197
Extensional queries 159
Extensions 400
factorial/2 104
Facts 2
fact_iter/4 105
FAIL (in debugger) 28
fail/0 7 34 100 463
Failure see "Success"
Failure, forcing 99 100
Fast prototyping 307
fast_reverse/2 78
father/2 17
Features, grammatical 425—426
Fibonacci series 107
Fields, comma-delimited 143 145
Fields, fixed-length 140
Fields, spreadsheet 148
Fifth generation project 1 113
File handles 139 469
Files 136 455 469 493
files, opening 139
Files, repositioning 475
| Files, text vs. binary 470
findall/3 154 158 479 487
find_solutions/1 171
First-argument indexing 112
Fish, tropical 289
Flags 463 466
Flannery, B.P. 201
flatten/2 77 113
Flight plans 235
float/1 468 477
floating-point numbers 144
float_fractional_part 468
float_integer_part 468
Flowcharts 299
flush-output/0 475
Flushing output 492
flush_output/2 475
for (in Pascal) 103 140
Format specifiers 494
format/2 493
FORTRAN 84 268
Forward chaining 253
Forward chaining, implementation 255
for_all/2 160 451
Frame axioms 398
Frame problem 398
Fromherz, M. 455
Fromkin, V. 453
Functions, arithmetic 62 197 468
Functor notation 458
Functor, principal 15
functor/3 84 477 487
functors 15 83
Functors vs. functions 84
Functors, evaluable (arithmetic) 62 468 491
Fuzzy logic 344
Gabbay, D. 405
Gaines, B.R. 344
Games 210
Garbage collection 179
gc/0 181
Generalizations, querying 159 450
Generation, natural language 420
Generative grammar 416
Generative procedures 416
Genesereth, M.R. 30
Genetically altered 369
Genetically altered penguin 369 394
GENSYM (in Lisp) 89
get-byte/2 473
get/1 48 493
get0/1 48 81 136 493
get0_only/1 322
get_byte/1 136 473
get_char/1 472
get_char/2 472
get_code/1 51 136 472
get_code/2 472
get_yes_or_no/1 53
Ginsberg, M.L. 30 405
Global stack 179
Go 44
goals 5
Goals as structures 173
Goals, compound 18
Goals, conjoined 18
Goals, constructing at runtime 85
Goals, disjoint 19
Goals, variable 86 464
Goals, variable, and cuts 97
goto (in Pascal) 93
grab_word/3 409
Grammar rule notation 422 494
Grammar, definite-clause 422 425 455 494
Grammar, generative 416
Grammar, transformational 433
grandfather/2 19
Graph theory 227
Graphic tokens 456
Grishman, R. 453
Grosz, B. 453
Ground clauses 2
HAL 407
halt/0 6 480
halt/1 480
Hamming, R.W. 201
Hand computations 116
handles, file 139 469
Hanks, S. 399
Hashing 111 112
Hayes, P.J. 398
Head of clause 9
Head of list 69
Heap 179
Henderson, F. 455 485
Heuristics 198 234
hexadecimal numbers 457
Hoare, C.A.R. 183
Hodgson, J.P.E. 481
Hogger, C.J. 127 405
Holmes-Higgin, P. 455
IEEE Expert 311
IEEE format 144
IF-THEN-ELSE 99 464 489
import/1 482
import/2 482
Improper lists 175
include/1 463
Incompatible conclusions 351
incompatible/2 351
Indexing 111 112 489
Inductive proof 105
Infectious diseases 265
Inference engine of expert system 267
Inference engine with confidence factors 318
Inference engine, defeasible 363 365
Inference engine, defined 2
Inference engine, extending 167
Inference engine, rewriting 165 166
Inferior 352
Infix operators 15 161 175 461
inheritance 395—397
initialization/1 463
Input from files 45 136 469 493
Input from keyboard 48 129 134 469 471 491 492
Input of atoms 82 129
Input of binary floating-point numbers 144 149
Input of binary integers 144
Input of bytes 51
Input of characters 48 471
Input of lines 81 82 129
Input of numbers 129
Input of strings 81
Input of terms 38 471
Input, buffered 48 81
Input, redirection 475 491
Input, redirection of 45
Input, unbuffered 48 81
Input, validation 134
Instantiation 9
Instantiation as way of storing data 87
Instantiation, testing for 67 79
instantiation_error 465
integer/1 477
Integers, syntax 457
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