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Covington M.A., Nute D., Vellino A. — Prolog programming in depth |
Предметный указатель |
integer_rounding_function 467
Intelligence 208
Intensional queries 159
Interchangeability of unknowns 8
Interchangeability of unknowns in append 76
Interchangeability of unknowns in list reversal 78
Internal representation 177
interpret/1 166
Interpreter, metacircular 167
IS 61 63 64 197 468 492
ISO Prolog 4 6 42 44 79 82 85 86 88 98 113 130 133 135 139 455—483 485
Jackson, P. 311 344
Japan 1
Kagedal, A. 455
Karickhoff, S.W. 265
KB.PL 49
kb_can_ask/1 336
kb_can_ask/2 322
kb_hypothesis/1 336
kb_intro/1 336
kb_threshold/1 336
KEE 311
Keyboard input 48 81 134 469 471 492
Keyword analysis 412
Kinds, natural 349
Kiyono, M. 453
Knowledge base 4
Knowledge base as place to store data 143
Knowledge base in CONMAN.PL 336
Knowledge base in d-Prolog 356
Knowledge base in XSHELL, developing 307
Knowledge base in XSHELL, example 289
Knowledge base of expert system 267 280
Knowledge base, altering at run time 40
Knowledge base, case 55
Knowledge base, diagnostic 55
Knowledge base, extensions of 400
Knowledge base, manipulating, at run time 478
Knowledge base, modifying at runtime 87
Knowledge base, root 356
Knowledge Craft 311
Knowledge representation 3 28
Knuth, D.E. 184
Kunz, J.C. 265
Languages, human 407
Last-call optimization 109 489
Layout of programs 15
Learning, by machine 2 46
Left recursion 420
Left-associative 161
length/2 74
Levels, linguistic 408
Like-named variables 9
Lindsay, R.K. 265
Lines, input of 81—82 129
Linguistics 408
Lisp 2 112 127 177 179 268
Listing utility, in d-Prolog 385
listing/0, listing/1 41 46 488
LISTS 69—71 74 458
Lists as structures 175
Lists, appending 75
Lists, concatenating 112 183
Lists, converting to structures 83
Lists, difference 182
Lists, empty 69 175 490
Lists, improper 175
Lists, internal representation, compact 177
Lists, reversing 77 78
Lists, splitting into sublists 76
list_length/2 74
Literals 351
located_in/2 4
LOG 468
Logarithms 468
Logic programming 1
Logic programming, constraint 4
Logic, defeasible 346
Logic, fuzzy 344
Logic, nonmonotonic 345
Logic, procedural interpretation of 2
Logic, temporal 397
Lookahead 81
Loop counter variable 104
Loops, endless 25 108
Loops, recursive 25 47 103—107
Loops, recursive, debugging 107
Loops, repeat 101
Loops, transforming into recursion 106
Loops, unwanted 122
Lotus 1-2-3 148
Lotus HAL 407
LPA Prolog 4 88 133 485
Luger, G.F. 311
Maier, D. 127 201
make_fail/1 100
make_succeed/1 100
Mamdani, E.H. 344
Mantissa 147
Map coloring 224—227
MAP.PL 226
MAPCAR (in Lisp) 87
Marcus, C. 172
married/2 25
Mass spectrometry 265
Matching 9
Matrix multiplication 182
Matsumoto, Y. 453
max_arity 467
max_integer 467
MAZE1.PL 214
Mazes, sovling 211
McCarthy, J. 207 398
McCord, M. 453
McDermott, D. 344 398—400
MDC.PL 318 338
Meaning, in natural language 408 438
Mellish, C.S. 4 166 492
member/2 72 73 117 120
members_in_common/3 108
Memo procedures 89
Memory 143 177
Meningitis 265
Menus 51 135
merge/3 189
Mergesort 189
Merritt, D. 311
Metacircular interpreter 167
Metainterpreters 166—167 172
Metalanguage 153
metapredicate/1 482
Minerals 265
Minsky, M. 207
Minus sign 458
min_integer 467
Missionaries and cannibals puzzle 214
MOD 468
Modularity 113
module/4 481
Modules 113 481
module_part/4 482
Molecules, searching 227 265
| Monotonicity 345
Morphology 408 428
mother/2 17
Movements, unbounded 433
Movie star example 368
msort/2 189
multifile/1 44 462 491
Multiple extensions 400
MYCIN 265 311 343 344
Naive reversal 77
Naked nautilus example 396
Name conflicts 113 481
name/2 81 82 130 459 487
NaN 147
Natural kinds 349
Natural language processing 172 407
neg/1 347
Negation 20 404 465 488
Negation and cuts 97
Negation as failure 20 346
Negation in Prolog 345
Negation, defining for yourself 100
Negation, effect on variables 21
Newmeyer, F.J. 453
Nixon Diamond 397
nl/0 7 32 475
nl/1 475
NLP 407
Nondeterminism 7
Nondeterminism, created by assert 88
Nondeterminism, spurious 68 95
Nonexistent predicates 43
Nonmonotonic reasoning 345 405
nonvar/1 79 477
Normalization 147
NOT 20 100 488
Not, bitwise 468
Noun phrases 417
Noun phrases, missing 433
Number, in grammar 425
number/1 477
Numbers, binary 144 457
numbers, floating-point 64 144 149
numbers, hexadecimal 133 457
Numbers, input of 129
Numbers, internal representation 177
Numbers, octal 457
Numbers, syntax 457
Numbers, unsigned 144
numbervars 474
number_chars/2 82 130 459
number_codes/2 82 130 459
Numerical methods 198
Nute, D. 405
O'Connor, D.E. 265
O'Keefe, R.A. 19 30 172 201 488
Object-Oriented Programming 2
Occurs check 85 476
octal numbers 457
once/1 97 98 100 465
only_child/1 23
op/3 161 462 475 482 487
Opaqueness to cuts 463 487 488
Opcode 148
open/3 139 493
open/4 469
opening files 139
Operators vs. operations 161
operators, arithmetic 62
Operators, arithmetic, table 62
Operators, built-in 162
Operators, defining 161
Operators, infix 15 33 161 175
Operators, meanings of 163
Operators, multiple uses of 182
operators, overloading 182
operators, postfix 161
operators, precedence 161
operators, prefix 161
Operators, priority 487
Operators, syntax specifiers 162
Operators, table 460
Optimization, implementation 117
Optimization, last-call 109
Optimization, tail-recursion 109
or, bitwise 468
Output of bytes 51
output of characters 48 471
Output of strings 80
Output of terms 32 33 474
Output to files 45 469 493
Output to screen 469
Output, formatted 493
Output, redirection 45 475
Overflow 466
Overloading 182
PAINT.PL 298 300
Pairs, dotted 175
Parallel processing 113
Parameter passing 9
Parameters, in XSHELL 283
parent/2 16 17
Parentheses 461 490
Parentheses in arg. of assert 41
Parkinson, R.C. 412
parm/3 283
parmrange/3 285
parmset/3 284
Parse trees 431
parsers 408 419
Parsers, constructing tree structure 431
Pascal 1 9 71 84 92—94 103—105 113 154 197 268
paths, finding 237
Patil, R.S. 265
PDC Prolog 4
peek_byte/1 473
peek_byte/2 473
peek_char/1 472
peek_char/2 472
peek_code/1 472
peek_code/2 472
Penguin example 346 353 394
Pennsylvania Dutch example 349
Pereira, F.C.N. 182 453
Period 5 15 38 458 461
permission_error 466
Persistence, temporal 397
PET.PL 341
Phonemes 408
Phonology 408
Phrase-structure rules 417
phrase/3 495
phrases 417
Pivot 184
Plurals 408 425—428
Pointers 177
Position, of operator 161
postfix operators 161 461
power/3 149
Pragmatics 408
Precedence 161
predicates 3
Predicates, accessible 483
Predicates, built-in, minimum list 486
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