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Torretti R. — Relativity and Geometry |
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Riemann, G.F.B. x 2 22 144 145 146 198 238 240 257 279 283 313 344 345 347 373
Riemannian geodesic 94
Riemannian manifold 93 283
Riemannian manifold of constant curvature 333 note 15
Riemannian manifold, line element 101
Riemannian manifold, proper 94
Riemannian metric 6 93 100
Riemannian metric, compatible with linear connection 192
Riemannian metric, components 94 279
Riemannian metric, conformal 192
Riemannian metric, distinguished from other tensor fields 344 note 41
Riemannian metric, indefinite 93
Riemannian metric, negative definite 93
Riemannian metric, positive definite 93
Riemannian metric, proper 6
Riemannian metric, signature 93
Rietdijk, C W. 249—251 346 373
Rigid body in General Relativity 239
Rigid body in Special Relativity 71
Rindler, W. 6 177 254 293 304 307 308 311 324 325 329 332 334 347 371 373
Ritz, W. 50 293 373
Robb, A.A. 3 123 125 228 293 308 309 339 373
Robertson — Walker line element 207 230
Robertson, H.P. 204 206 207 289 293 295 333 334 373
Robinson, I. 325 353
Rod.infinitesimal 239 figure
Rods as standards of length in General Relativity 239 315 note
Roemer, O. 290 339—340
Roentgen, W.C 291 373
Roll, P.G. 310 373
Rosen, N. 178 324 359
Rossi, B. 296 373
Rotating disk 147—149 314 315 note
Rotating finite homogeneous universe 331 note 36
Rotation in General Relativity 200 figure
Rothe, H. 298 360
RP (Einstein’s Relativity Principle of 1905) 54 (see also under “Principle of Relativity (Special)”)
Rudolph, E. 324 356
Rund, H. 305 317 321 323 368 373
Russell, Lord 239 343 373
Ryan, M.P. 330 332 333 337 373
Salmon, W.C 338 339 374
Sandage, A. 199 374
Scalar field 99 258
Schaffner, K.F. vi 290 291 292 300 302 374
Schattner, R. 324 374
Schild, A. 4 178 179 193 284 305 317 324 327 356 364 371 374 376
Schlick, M. 232 340 374
Schmidt completion of relativistic spacetime 217 324 337
Schmidt, B.G. 216 324 337 359 374
Schmidt, H. 296 374
Schonberg, Arnold 203
Schouten, J.A. 316 374
Schrodinger, E. 176 319 329 374
Schucking, E.L. 331 371
Schur, F. 2 313 374
Schutz, B.F. 284 317 374
Schutz, J.W. 308 374
Schwartz, S.P. 320 374
Schwarzschild mass 325 note 33
Schwarzschild.K. 176 183 197 322 328 335 374
Schwarzwchild solution of Einstein field equations 322 note 22 335
Sciama, D.W. 331 335 369 374
Scribner, G 300 374
Searle, G.F.C. 289
Seelig, C 293 302 374
Self-measured speed (Bridgman) 298 note 4
Self-parallel curve 189
Semi-Riemannian metric 6
Sen, M.K. 297 355
Separate worldpoints 121
Shankland, R.S. 48 50 291 292 293 374
Shapiro, I. 1 311 322 374
Shepley, L.C. 330 332 333 337 373
Signature of inner product 303 note 1
Signature of Riemannian metric 93
Silberstein, L. 291 293 306 374
Simultaneity 83 figure 220—230 294 338—340
Simultaneity class 66
Simultaneity, conventionality of 51 54 82 84 220—230 293
Simultaneity, James Thomson’s view of 294 note 5
Simultaneity, Malament’s theorem 229—230
Simultaneity, Reichenbach’s Rule for definition of 223 230
Simultaneity, relativity of 66 figure 98
Simultaneity, “metrical” 223 338
Simultaneity, “topological” 222 338
Simultaneity, “true” simultaneity allegedly established by signals of known speed 339 note 25
Simultaneous 27 54 66 220 223 229 339
Singularity in classical field theory 210
Singularity of complex-valued function 334 note 1
Singularity of relativistic spacetime 178 210—219 324 335 336 337
Singularity theorems 213—215 336
Singularity, crushing 219
Singularity, particles as “moving singularities” 178 figure
Sitter, W.de 176 199 203 204 293 310 329 330 333 336 359 374 375
Six-vector 102 103
Sklar.L. 287 375
Slipher, V.M. 203 204 329 330
Smarr, L. 219 356
Smart, J.J.C. 285 375
Snider, J.L. 311 372
Snyder, H. 335 371
Sommerfeld.A. 102 103 140 147 169 286 290 308 312 314 316 321 359 375
Space 1 2
Space, elliptical 329 note 24
Space, Newtonian 10 figure 285
Space, Newton’s structuralist view of 285 note 7
Space, relative space of a rigid frame 14
Space, Riemann’s view 313 note 1 344
Space, spherical (“Riemann”) 329 note 22 note “Homogeneous
Spacelike, curve 94
Spacelike, part of 4-vector 104
Spacelike, vector 92 94
Spacelike, worldline (in Newtonian spacetime) 27
Spacetime 21—23 74 146 167
Spacetime, Minkowski 20 88—93 95—98 121—129 145 194
Spacetime, Minkowski, alternative definitions 90 92 95
Spacetime, Newtonian 21 23—31 191 288
Spacetime, Relativistic (general) 146 178 251
Spacetime, Relativistic (general), causal structure 192 247
Spacetime, Relativistic (general), causality conditions 337 note 23
Spacetime, Relativistic (general), diflerentiablc structure constructed from particle behaviour 193 figure
Spacetime, Relativistic (general), embeddability in (lower bounds for «) 326 note 7
Spacetime, Relativistic (general), metric determined by conformal and projective structure 192 figure
Spacetime, Relativistic (general), observationally indistinguishable 347 note 13
Spacetime, Relativistic (general), past/future distinguishing 217 337
Spacetime, Relativistic (general), singular 210—219 335 336 337
Spacetime, Relativistic (general), singular spacetime condemned by Einstein 178
Spacetime, Relativistic (general), stably causal 337 note 23
Spacetime, Relativistic (general), time-orientabk 251 346
Spacetime, Relativistic (general), universal covering space exists always 252
Spivak, M. 284 313 317 375
Sramek, R.A. 322 360
Sraorodinskiy, Ya.A. 283 319 377
Stachel, J. vi 167 168 181 284 298 306 314 315 318 319 320 323 343 356 375
Stebbins, R.T. 322 364
Steenrod, N. 347 375
Stein, H. 246 287 289 311 344 345 347 375
Stoker, J.J. 313 375
Stokes, G.G. 41 42 291 375
Straight in affine space 91
Straight in Minkowski spacetime 309 note 10
Strauss, M. 287 375
Stress tensor, mechanical 118
Stress-energy tensor see “Energy tensor”
Structure constants of a Lie group 269
Submanifold 261
Submanifold, open 258
Sudarshan, E.C.G. 288 302 353 375
Suppes, P. 297 375
| Sussmann, G. 298 376
Suvorov, S.G. 302 376
Synchronism see under “Clock synchronization” “Simultaneity”
Synge, J.L. 284 305 307 317 331 344 376
Tachyon 71 296
Tamburino, L. 330 370
Tanaka, S. 296 376
Tangent bundle 99 265
Tangent space 260 262
Tangent vector 259
Taub, A.H. 253 255 330 335 337 347 348 370 376
Taylor, E.F. 5 284 376
Taylor, J.G. 284 376
Taylor, J.H. 325 376
Teitelboim, C. 325 332 364 376
Tensor bundle 99
Tensor density 317 note 18
Tensor field 99 304 305
Tensor field, Cartesian 103
Tensor field, components relative to a chart 100
Tensor field, components relative to n-ad field 100
Tensor field, contraction of 394 note15
Tensor field, time-dependent Cartesian 103
Tensor product 349 note15
Tensor, at a point 99
Tensor, comparison of tensors at different points 101
Tensor, contravariant 100
Tensor, covariant 100
Tensor, mixed 100 304
Tensor, skew-symmetric 99
Tensor, symmetric 99
ter Haar, D. 292 376
Terktskir, Y.P. 296 297 376
Tetrad 6;
Tetrad field 6
Thermodynamics as phenomenological theory 49
Thirring, H. 200 367 376
Thomas precession 295 note15
Thomson, James 17 52 286 287 294 376
Thomson, Joseph John 289
Thorne, K.S. 284 370
TIF (terminal indecomposable future set) 218
Time 11 figures 220 247
Time coordinate function 15 53
Time coordinate function, a global one only possible in a stably causal spacetime 205 228 254
Time dilation, relativistic 68 figure 98 296
Time reversal 288 note 12
Time scale, inertial 17 53 225
Time, allegedly spatialized in Minkowski geometry 98
Time, as fourth dimension 22
Time, Einstein time for an inertial frame 53 figure
Time, local (Lorentz) 44 292
Time, local (Poincare) 300 note5
Time, Newtonian 12 28 50
Time, proper 96 138
Time, universal 12 13 69 205 228 254 293
Timelike curve 94
Timelike part of 4-vector 105
Timelike vector 92 94
Timelike worldline (in Newtonian spacetime) 27
TIP (terminal indecomposable past set) 218
Tipler, F.J. 215 325 336 337 338 348 371 376
Todd, D.P. 290 369
Tolman, R.C 2 70 112 284 296 307 308 367 376
Tomlison, G.A. 292 378
Tonnelat, M.A. 283 376
Topology, induced by metric 303 note 1 (see also “Alexandrov topology” “Compact” “Connected” “Hausdorff “Path “Zeeman
Topology, induced in subspace 309 note 15
Torretti, R. 283 285 288 302 303 306 313 327 343 347 375 376
Torsion 275 276
Torsion form 273
Torsion, components 276 (C. 6 8)
Transformation see under “Coordinate transformation” “Lorentz “Point “Velocities transformation
Trapped surface 214
Trautman, A. 157 287 319 327 377
Tricker, R.A.R. 289 377
Trigg, G.L. 296 335 367
Trouton, F.T. 293 377
Twin paradox 296
Ueberweg, F. 333 377
Ulan, V. 82 297 298 300 366
Unified theories of gravitation and electricity 189—191
Unified theories of gravitation and electricity, Einstein’s opinion of Weyl’s 1918 theory 327 note 9 note
Unti, T. 330 370
van Fraassen, B. 229 338 344 377
Variation 304 note 6
Variational principles in Einstein’s theories of gravity 169 171 175
Veblen, O. 316 377
Vector field 260 265 348
Vector field, complete 260
Vector field, left-invariant 268
Vector field, standard horizontal 273
Vector parallelism 187 figure 265 266 326
Vector, at a point 99 260
Vector, components relative to an n-ad 272 305
Vector, horizontal 270
Vector, vertical 269
Velocities, transformation of, Einstein Rule 69 figure 78 82
Velocities, transformation of, Galilei Rule 29 49 82 104
Velocity 105
Velocity group of collinearly moving inertial frames 78
Vermeil, H. 318 377
Vessot, R.F.C 311
Vizgin, V.P. 283 319 377
Volta, A. 35
Vorticity 331 note 35
Walker, A.C 334 377
Water-bucket experiment (Newton) 11 285 328
Weber, W. 35 36 37 289
Weber’s electrodynamics 36
Weierstrass, K. 335
Weinberg, C.B. 201 331
Weinberg, S. 181 200 284 308 325 330 331 332 333 344 377
Weinstock, R. 297 377
Wertheimer, M. 293 377
Weyl tensor 282
Weyl, H. 4 176 178 188 189 190 191 193 194 282 284 293 313 318 324 326 327 328 330 332 368 377 378
Wheeler.J.A. 5 284 331 332 355 368 370 371 376 378
Whitehead, J.H.C 316 377
Whitney, H. 262 326 378
Whitrow, G.N. 296 310 312 378
Whittaker, E.T 83 289 292 300 309 310 312 378
Wiechert, E. 88
Wien, W. 290 378
Will, C.M. 322 378
Williamson, R.B. 294 378
Wilson, H.A. 291 378
Wilson, R.W. 204 255 326 371
Winnie chart 227
Winnie, J.A. 125 227 309 339 378
Witten, L. 325 354 378
Wood, A.B. 292 378
Woodhouse, N.M.J. 327 378
Woodruff, A.E. 289 378
Woodward, J.F. 330 378
World- (prefix) 7 157
World-acceleration 157
World-tensor 157
Worldforce 237
Worldline 7 23 96
Worldpoint 23 89 303
York, J.W. 325 354
Young, T. 38
Yourgrau, W. 330 378
Zahar, E. vi 284 290 291 300 350 378 379
Zeeman topology 128
Zeeman, E.C. 127 128 309 379
Zeeman’s Theorem 127 227 228
“Energy” of vector or curve in Riemannian manifold 94 304
“Homogeneity of space and time” 57 72 74
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