Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Gries D. — A Logical Approach to Discrete Math |
Предметный указатель |
Theory 158
Theory of integers 158 303
Theory of sequences 251
Theory of sets 158 195
Theory of types 211
Three of a kind 353
Three-bit adder 102
Topological sort 288 289
Total function 280
Total order 287 307
Trading with 164
Trading with 158
Traditional set comprehension 198
Trail 426
Transformation 406
Transitive closure 274
Transitive reduction 286
Transitive relation 273
Transitivity 308
Transitivity of 59
Transitivity of 207
Transitivity of = 12
Traversal 426
TREE 452
Triangle inequality 315
Trichotomy 308
Trinity College 54 409
Trinity College, Dublin 440
Triple, Hoare 17
Troelstra, Anne S. 475
Truars and liars 106
TRUE 25 44
Truth table 25
Truthify 179
Tukey, John 93
Tuple 252
Tuple, named 267
Turin, university of 227
Turing Award 19 79 183 448
Turing machine 79
Turing, Alan M. 78 79
Turnstile 114
Two pair 353
TYPE 139
Type as a syntactic property 140
Type of a function 140
Type of a function application 140
Type of a subexpression 140
Type theory 211
Type, boolean 139
Type, character 139
Type, integers 139
Type, natural numbers 139
Type, negative integers 139
Type, positive integers 139
Type, positive reals 139
Type, rational numbers 139
Type, real numbers 139
Type, strongly typed 141
Unary minus — 306
Unary operator 7 387
Uncountable 466
Uncountable, number of programs 470
Undirected graph 424
Uninterpreted function symbol 157
Union 203 213 270
Uniqueness 63
Universal quantification 145 158
Universal set of building blocks 102
Universe of values 196
Untyped language 141
Uranus 2
| Utility graph 437
Valid 31 128
van Dalen, Dirk 475
van de Snepscheut, Jan xi
Variable, Boolean 25
Variable, bound occurrence of 145 146
Variable, free occurrence of 145 146
Variable, fresh 147
Variable, propositional 33 41
Variable, quantified 142
Variable, rigid 181
Variable, short name for 34
Venn diagram 201
Vertex 423
Vertex, degree of 425
Vertex, end vertex 424
Vertex, indegree of 425
Vertex, isolated 425
Vertex, outdegree of 425
Vertex, start vertex 424
Vienna, University of 129
Wadler, Phil xi
Walk 426
Wang, Hao 129 475
Watson 348
Weak induction 219
Weak induction, equivalence with strong induction 244
Weakening 58 160 165
Weaker predicate 58
Weakest precondition 182
Webster's Dictionary 3 41 53
Weierstrass, Karl W.T. 132 464
Weighted digraph 449
Well founded 229
Well ordered 309
Well-founded set 309
Well-ordered domain 309
Well-ordering Axiom 309
Weyl, H. 131
Whitehead, Alfred North 212
Wickelgren, Wayne A. 83 475
Wiles, Andrew 403
Wirth, Niklaus 347
Witness 163 167
Wojcik, Tony xi
World War I 231
World War II 79 116
Xerox PARC 154
XOR 27 36
Zermelo's theorem 465
Zermelo, Ernst 209 210
Zero 6 50 389
Zero of ( ) 205
Zero of (0) 304
Zero of (U) 205
Zero of (true) 49
Zero of (false) 51
Zero of gcd (1) 317
Zero, concept of 6
Zero, left zero 50 389
Zero, right zero 50 389
Zero, starting with 6
Zero, symbol for 6
Zippel, Richard xi
[..i] (Prefix) 261
[i..j] (Segment) 260
[i..] (Suffix) 261
^ (Catenation) 254 256
| (divides) 315
|S| (Absolute value) 172
|S| (Size of set) 201
~ (Complement) 202 270
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