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Gries D. — A Logical Approach to Discrete Math |
Предметный указатель |
Principles, use lemmas 53
Private-key cryptography 284
Product 271
Product of functions 281
Product 145 310
Program specification 179
Programs, uncountable number of 470
Projection 297
proof 15
Proof by case analysis 73
Proof by contradiction 77 117
Proof by contrapositive 79
Proof by mutual implication 76
Proof format 14
Proof format for case analysis 120
Proof format for contradiction 120
Proof format for implication 69
Proof format for Modus Ponens 119 120
Proof format for mutual implication 120
Proof format for natural deduction 118
Proof of a theorem in a logic 125
Proof, Hilbert style 109
Proof, opportunity driven 166
Proof, subproof 110 116
Proper subbag 212
Proper subsequence 257
Proper subset 201
Proper superset 201
Proposition 32
Proposition, translation to expressions 33
Propositional calculus 41
Propositional variable 33 41
Ptolemy I 319
Public-key cryptography 284
Quadratic formula 364
Quantification 143
Quantification for 310
Quantification for 313
Quantification for 313
Quantification for + 310
Quantification, existential 145 163
Quantification, existential , making use of 167
Quantification, general form of 143
Quantification, interchange of 166
Quantification, textual substitution in 147
Quantification, universal 145 158
Quantified variable 142
Quasi order 287
Queens College 26
Query 296
Quicksort 19
Quotient 316
Rabbit 50 71
Ran 270
Range of a quantification 143
Range of a relation 270
Range split 149
Range, manipulation of 152
Range, need for finite range 149
Rational function 377
Rational numbers 139
Real numbers 139
Real part, of a complex number 369
Reasoning about assignment 181
Reasoning, styles of 120
Recorde, Robert 16 475
Recursion 222
Referencing a segment 260
Referencing sequence elements 259
Reflexive closure 274
Reflexive reduction 287
Reflexive relation 273
Reflexivity of 44
Reflexivity of 308
Reflexivity of 57
Reflexivity of 207
Reflexivity of = 12
Region 445
Reid, Constance 111 475
Reinfelds, Juris xi
Relation 267
Relation, antisymmetric 273
Relation, asymmetric 273
Relation, binary 267
Relation, classes 273
Relation, determinate 280
Relation, domain of 270
Relation, equivalence 276
Relation, identity 269
Relation, inverse of 270
Relation, irreflexive 273
Relation, operations on 270
Relation, powers of 272
Relation, product of 271
Relation, range of 270
Relation, reflexive 273
Relation, reflexive closure of 274
Relation, symmetric 273
Relation, symmetric closure of 274
Relation, transitive 273
Relation, transitive closure of 274
Relational database 295
Relational scheme 295
Relations, ancestor 275
Relations, at least 308
Relations, at most 308
Relations, child 269
Relations, empty 269
Relations, grandparent 272
Relations, greater > 308
Relations, less < 308
Relations, parent 269
Relations, pred 269
Relations, sister 269
Relations, succ 269
Relatively prime 318
Remainder 316
Repetend 236
replacement 52
Reverse of a sequence 263
Reverse Polish notation 5
RHS (Righthand side) 20
Right identity 44 389
Right identity of ^( ) 256
Right inverse 389
Right inverse of a function 283
Right subtree 233
Right zero 50 389
Right zero of (true) 57
Rigid variable 181
Rigor 3
Ring-of-lights problem 246
Roman numerals 328
Room with a view 19
Root of a polynomial 364
Root of a tree 233
Royal flush 353
Rucklidge, William xi
Rule of difference 337
Rule of product 337
Rule of sum 337
Runge, Carl D.T. 111
Russell, Bertrand A.W. 26 210—212 475
Russell, John 212
Samuelson, Pamela 475
Satisfiable 31 128
Satisfied 31
Scheme 25 141 254
Schneider, Fred B. xii 17 27 268 285 388
| Scholten, Carel S. xi 473
Schroeder — Bernstein theorem 465
Scope 145
Scope in proofs 113
Scope of a dummy 145
Second-order predicate calculus 245
Segment 257
Segment, reference to 260
Selection 297
Self-loop 424
Semantics 7
Semigroup 396
Sequence, empty, 251
Sequence, length of 258
Sequence, membership in 254
Sequence, permutation of 264 338
Sequence, prefix of 257
Sequence, referencing elements of 259
Sequence, reverse of 263
Sequence, segment of 257
Sequence, singleton sequence 252
Sequent 114
Set comprehension 195
Set comprehension, traditional 198
Set enumeration 195
Set equality 197
Set membership 141 197
Set, average of 355
Set, cardinality of 461
Set, characteristic predicate of 200
Set, combinations of 340
Set, countable 466
Set, denumerable 466
Set, finite 461
Set, heterogeneous 198
Set, ill-defined 210
Set, infinite 461
Set, maximum of 355
Set, partially ordered 285
Set, partition of 209
Set, permutation of 338
Set, size of 461
Set, uncountable 466
Set, well founded 309
Shakespeare, William 86
Shannon 61
Shannon, Claude E. 61 91 93 474 475
Sherlock Holmes 348
Short variable names 34
Shortest path 449
Shunting 57
Shute, Graham 474
Sibling 234
Side effect 279
Sieve of Eratosthenes 323
Signature 388
Simple path 427
Simultaneous substitution 8
Singleton 197 252
Sir Gowers, Ernest ix
sister relation 269
Size # 201 212 461
skip 188
Slide rule 393 394
Smullyan, Raymond M. 83 475
Software patents 289
Sound logic 128
Spanning tree 453
Specification 94
Specification of a combinational circuit 94
Specification of a program 179
Specification, implementation of 94 95
Spreadsheet 288
St. Petersburgh Academy 431
Stallman, Richard M. 475
Standard interpretation for expressions 127
Start vertex 424
Starting with zero 6
State 8
Straight 353
Straight flush 353
Strengthening 58 160 165
Strict partial order 287
Strong induction 219
Strong induction, equivalence with weak induction 244
Stronger predicate 58
Strongly typed 141
Styles of reasoning 120
Subalgebra 391
Subbag 212
Subbag , proper 212
Subexpression, type of 140
Subgraph 437
Subgroup 400
Submonoid 396
Subproof 110 116
Subproof, indentation of 112
Subsemigroup 396
Subsequence 254 257
Subsequence , proper 257
Subset 201
Subset , proper 201
Substitution 11 61
Substitution, simultaneous 8
Substitution, textual 8 141
Subtraction — 306
succ relation 269
Summation 142 144 145 310
Superman puzzle 37 88
Superset 201
Superset , proper 201
Surjective 282
Symmetric closure 274
Symmetric group 397
Symmetric operator 12
Symmetric relation 273
Symmetries of the square 407
Symmetry of 205
Symmetry of 304
Symmetry of 205
Symmetry of 311
Symmetry of 43
Symmetry of 46
Symmetry of 311
Symmetry of 49
Symmetry of 51
Symmetry of + 304
Symmetry of a geometric figure 407
Symmetry of gcd 317
Syntactic sugar 29
Syntax 7
Szabo, M.E. 475
Tail of a sequence 254
Tally systems 328
Tardy bus problem 106
Tarjan, Robert 448
Tautology 31
Teacher's manual ix
Term 157
Termination of a loop 240
Ternary number system 329
Ternary operator 387
Texas at Austin, University of, xii 183
Textual substitution 8 141
Textual substitution and hidden variables 10
Textual substitution in a quantification 147
Textual substitution, simultaneous 8
Theorem 42 45
Theorem as a formal friend 42
Theorem of a logic 125
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