Авторизация |
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Gries D. — A Logical Approach to Discrete Math |
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Majority circuit 99
Majority circuit, partial 97
Malton, Andrew xi
Manipulating ranges 152
Map coloring 448
Marktoberdorf 17
Marr, country of 106
Mathematical induction see "Induction"
Mathematical model 1
Mathematician's license 242
MAX 355
Maximum 311
McIlroy, Doug xi 349
McKeeman, Bill xi
Median 191
Membership 141 197 212
Membership in a cross product 266
Membership in a relation 269
Membership in a sequence 254
Merchant of Venice 86
Mersenne numbers 323
Mersenne primes 323
Mersenne, Father Marin 323
Message Encryption and Authentication 284
Metatheorem 45
Method of the bridge 58
Minimal element 228 292
Minimum 311
Minkowski, Hermann 111
Misra, Jay xi xii
MIT 93
ML 141
Mod mod 316
Model for a logic 128
Model theory 127
Model, mathematical 1
Modern algebra 387
Modulus 325
modus ponens 58 114 119 120
Monoid 143 396
Monoid, Abelian 143 396
Monotonicity 70 308
Monotonicity of 165
Monotonicity of 160
Mont Blanc 183
Moriarity 348
Morphing 388
Most significant digit 328
Multigraph 425
Multigraph, connected 428
Multiple assignment 19
Multiplexor 108
Multiplication 303
Multiplicity, of a root 364
Multiset 211
Mutual associativity 46 256
Mutual implication 58 59 76 120
Mutual interchangeability 46
Mux (multiplexor) 108
Myers, Paul xi
Named tuple 267
Nand-gate 102
National Science Foundation xii
Natural deduction 113
Natural deduction, hallmark of 114
Natural deduction, inference rules for 114
Natural deduction, proof formats for 118
Natural deduction, reason for inventing 121
Natural join 297 298
Natural numbers 139
Natural numbers , representations of 327
nd 113
NDE 371
NDE, generating function for 381
Negation 26 45
Negative integers 139
Neptune 2 3
Nesting axiom 150
Newton, Isaac 2 9 16
Nobel prize 79 212
Node 233
Noether, Emmy 230 231
Noetherian 230
Nondeterminism 180 189 242
Nonhomogeneous difference equation 371
NOR 27
Nor-gate 103
Normal form, conjunctive 67 135
Normal form, disjunctive 67
Not 26 45
Not , translation of 33
Not-gate 91
Notational surprises 30
Nullary operator 387
NUPRL xi 131
Occurs 146
Octal number system 328 329
OED (Oxford English Dictionary) 25
Office of Naval Research xii
Ohio State 129
One pair 353
One-point rule 148
One-to-one 282
Onto 282
Open expression 162
Operator precedence 7
Operator, associative 29
Operator, binary 7
Operator, Boolean 25
Operator, closed 391
Operator, commutative 12
Operator, conjunctional 29
Operator, idempotent 49
Operator, infix 7
Operator, prefix 7
Operator, symmetric 12
Operator, unary 7
Operators and 27
Operators, absolute value abs 283 314
Operators, addition + 303
Operators, alter 261
Operators, append 255
Operators, at least 308
Operators, at most 308
Operators, cardinality # 201 212
Operators, catenation ^ 256
Operators, ceiling, 320
Operators, complement ~ 202 270
Operators, conjunction 27
Operators, consequence 27
Operators, count # 259
Operators, difference — 203 213 270
Operators, disjunction 27
Operators, divides | 315
Operators, division / 316
Operators, equality = 11 27 141 197 212
Operators, equality modulo m 325
Operators, equivalence 27
Operators, floor, 320
Operators, function composition 281
Operators, greater > 308
Operators, implication 27
Operators, inequality 27
Operators, inequivalence 27 45
Operators, integer division 316
Operators, intersection 203 213 270
Operators, inverse 270
Operators, length # 258
| Operators, less < 308
Operators, maximum 311
Operators, membership 141 197 212 254 269
Operators, minimum 311
Operators, mod mod 316
Operators, multiplication 303
Operators, nand 27
Operators, natural join 297 298
Operators, negation 26
Operators, nor 27
Operators, not 26 45
Operators, or 27
Operators, power set 203
Operators, prepend 251
Operators, product 271
Operators, product 145 310
Operators, projection 297
Operators, proper subbag 212
Operators, proper subsequence 257
Operators, proper subset 201
Operators, proper superset 201
Operators, relatively prime 318
Operators, selection 297
Operators, size # 234 461
Operators, subbag 212
Operators, subsequence 257
Operators, subset 201
Operators, subtraction — 306
Operators, summation 142 144 145 310
Operators, superset 201
Operators, unary minus — 306
Operators, union 203 213 270
Operators, universal quantification 145 158
Opportunity-driven proof 166
Or 27 49
Or , translation of 33 34
or-gate 91
Order of a group element 399
Order of Merit 212
Order, linear 287 307
Order, partial 285
Order, quasi 287
Order, strict partial 287
Order, total 287 307
Ordered domain 307
Ordered pair 265
Ordering, lexicographic 235
Outdegree of a vertex 425
Overloading 141
Oxford English Dictionary 27 251
Oxford University 19
P(n,r) 338
pair 265
Palindrome 264 359
Paradox 54 210
Parent 234
parent relation 269
Parentheses, avoiding 29
Paris Academy of Sciences 144
Partial function 280
Partial majority circuit 97
Partial order 285
Partial order, strict 287
Partial-fraction decomposition 379
Partially ordered set 285
Partition of a set 209
Partition of a set versus equivalence relation 276
Pascal 4 25 141 146 262 267 347
Pascal's triangle 346
Pascal, Blaise 346 403
Patashnik, Oren 318 474
Patents 289
Path 426
Path, edge-path representation 427
Path, Euler path 430
Path, Hamilton circuit 439
Path, Hamilton path 439
Path, length of 427
Path, shortest 449
Path, simple 427
pdiv (proper divisor) 229
Peano arithmetic 227
Peano, Giuseppe 227
Percentage of Relatively Prime Pairs 321
perm (Permutation) 191
Permutation 410
Permutation of a bag 339
Permutation of a sequence 264 338
Permutation of a set 338
Permutation with repetition 339
Permutation, cyclic 410
Permutation, disjoint permutations 411
Permutation, groups of 410
PERT 286
Phidean 225
Pigeonhole Principle 355
Pigeonhole principle, generalized 355
PL/1 30
Planar graph 445
Plus + 303
Poincare, Henri 131
Poker 353
Polar coordinates 369
Polish notation 5
Polymorphism 142
Polynomial, characteristic 364
Polynomial, degree of 364
Polynomial, root of 364
Pomerania 116
Portia's suitor's dilemma 86
pos 307
POSET 285 292
Positive integers 139
Positive reals 139
Postcondition 2 179
Potter, Walt xi
Potz-Hoeffner, Arnd xi
Power set 203
Power-set algebra 413 414
Powers of a function 281
Powers of a relation 272
Powers of group elements 399
PQ-L 126
Prague, German University of 116
precedence of operators 7
Precedence of operators of boolean operators 28
Precondition 2 179
Precondition, weakest 182
pred relation 269
Predicate 157
Predicate calculus 157
Predicate calculus, first-order 245
Predicate calculus, second-order 245
Predicate symbol 157
Prefix 257
prefix operator 7
Premise 10 114 125
Prepend 251
Prependant 251
Prim's algorithm 456
Prim, Robert Clay 456
Primality testing 323
Prime number 322
Prime number, facts about 323
Princeton University 403
Principal diagonal 390
Principia Mathematica 212
Principle of comprehension 200
Principles, minimize rabbits 51
Principles, structure proofs to avoid repetition 48
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