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Seitz F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 3 |
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Piezocrescence 143
Pigg, J.C. 327
Pines, B.J. 117
Piper, W.W. 294
Pizzo, M. 503 559
Pogodaw, S. 395
Pohl, R.W. 368
Poisson’s ratio 93
Pollatschek, H. 290
Portis, A.M. 368
Potassium chloride, absorption spectrum 402
Pound, G.M. 264 277 283 284 285(96) 286 287(96)
Powell, C.F. 265
Powell, R.E. 285 290(119)
Power loss, due to eddy currents 552
Precipitation, kinetic law for 254—255
Precipitation, nucleation of 270
Premelting anomalies 243
Prener, J.S. 410 411 430
Preston, G.D. 303
Prigogine, I. 226
Prince, M.B. 409
Probstein, R.F. 268 269(79)
Quantum-mechanical tunneling 316
Quarrington, J.E. 53 54(93) 55(93) 77
Quasi-chemical method 193
Quimby, S.L. 210 213 221
Radial distribution in crystals and liquids 245
Rado, G.T. 543 544 548 562
Raether, H. 175
Randall, M. 197
Ransom, P. 409
Raub, E. 177 218 223
Raynor, G.V. 175 216(62) 217(62) 218(62) 219 222
Read, W.T. 125 273
Read, W.T., Jr. 84
Redington, R.W. 369
Rees, A.L.G. 363 433
Regel, A.R. 29(30) 75 400(308) 401
Reinhold, H. 369 395
Reiss, H. 259 260 277 430
Remeika, J.P. 542 543 557 559
Resonance binding 67
Resonance energy 67
Retrogression 304
Reynolds, D.C. 400(334) 403
Rhines, F. 186 187
Rhines, F.N. 200(83) 221(134)
Rice, O.K. 244
Richards, J.L. 76
Richards, J.R. 369
Richard’s rule 119
Richter, G. 556 562
Rickayzen, G. 58(86) 77
Rittner, E.S. 360
Roberts, B.W. 149 164(33) 168 170 171(33) 201 202(33) 203(33) 497 562
Roberts, F.F. 544 563
Roberts, V. 53 54(93) 55(93) 77
Robertson, W.D. 366
Rock magnetization, and earth’s magnetic field 513
Rodbell, D.S. 540 562
Rodebush, W.H. 264 266
Roegener, H. 366 367(139)
Rollin, B.V. 13(92) 16 35 75 77
Romeyn, F.C. 318 373 377(222 223) 397(222 223) 398(222 223) 400(222 223) 401(222 223) 402(222 223) 404(295) 408(223)
Ronge, G. 327 393
Rose, F.W.G. 409
Rosenberg, A. 290
Rosenzweig, L.N. 120 121
Ross, I.M. 41(96) 63(64) 76 78
Rotariu, G.J. 285 292
Roth, W.L. 294
Rothstein, J. 211
Rowlinson, J.S. 208 209
Rubidium chloride, absorption spectrum 402
Rubin, L.R. 199 221(129)
Rudman, P.S. 169 203
Ruedorff, W. 402(355 361) 403 404
Rulon, R.M. 222
Rummel, R.A. 200 221(134)
Rupprecht, G. 365
Rushbrooke, G.S. 192
Russell, B.R. 113 114
Sachse, H. 367
Saenz, A.W. 131
Saito, H. 204 221 222(137)
Sakamoto, N. 29(67) 77
Saker, E.W. 12(21) 41(96) 75 76 78
Salol, freezing of 290
Sarolea-(Mathot), L. 208
Sasaki, T. 365
Sasaki, W. 29(67) 77
Sato, H. 206 207 223 365
Sato, T. 222
Satterthwaite, C.B. 222
Saturation magnetization of various substances 458
Sauer, R. 402(364) 404
Sawamoto, K. 365
Scanlon, W.W. 369
Scatchard, G. 221
Schade, R. 51(40) 75
Schaefer, V.J. 284 289
Schamp, H.W., Jr. 327 328(59)
Scharnow, B. 454 561
Scharowsky, E. 364
Schell, H.A. 8 9(69) 77
Scheufele, E. 223
Schipirzyn, S.A. 395
Schmid, G. 299
Schneider, A. 169 177 217 218(41) 219(41)
Schneider, M. 48 75 76
Schockley, W. 125 147 156(1) 193 195(1) 199(1) 217(1) 273 316 317(31a) 355 360(3la) 440 445 446 447 449 456 479 482 490 491 497 498 500 527 535 536 552 555 561 564
Schoene, E. 393 395(243)
Schoenwald, B. 368
Schottky — Wagner disorder 311
Schottky — Wagner disorder in type compounds 344
Schottky — Wagner disorder, coexistence with antistructure disorder 349—352
Schottky — Wagner disorder, equations for 311
Schottky — Wagner disorder, equilibrium relations for 313 324
Schottky, W. 309 310(2 6) 312(8) 371 433
Schriel, M. 367
Schubart, G. 352
Schubert, K. 174 175(57) 176 177(57) 178 219
Sclar, N. 395
Scott, A.B. 368
Screw dislocations, behavior in a cylinder 127
Screw dislocations, displacement around 125 127
Screw dislocations, interaction between 126
Screw dislocations, motion in isotropic medium 131
Screw dislocations, twist from 128
Sears, G.W. 129 294
Seeger, A. 84
Seemann, H. 402(364) 404
Seifert, G. 402(336) 403
Seifert, H. 176
Seigle, L.L. 204 209(140) 222(140)
Seith, W. 328
Seitz, F. 79 115 247 305 308 314 315(20) 316 317(30) 321 364(98) 367(20 26) 368
Selberg, H. 200 201(131) 221(131)
Self-diffusion, due to thermal disorder 327—328
Selikson, B. 369
Selwood, P.W. 373 378(224) 405(224) 406 416
Semiconductor compounds see "Compounds"
Semiconductors, atomic, foreign atoms in 407—408
Semiconductors, thermal conductivity of 48
Sequin, P. 9(12) 63 74
Seraphin, B. 65 68 70(99) 71 72(31) 75 78
Shamovski, L.M. 367 402(347) 403
Sharnin, A.A. 401(326) 403
Sheiko, L.N. 393
| Shelton, J.P. 357
Shepard, R.L. 400(332) 403
Sherwood, R.C. 480 564
Shih, C.H. 297
Shih, L. 7 77
Shoenberg, D. 216
Short-range order from x-ray techniques 164
Short-range order, activity coefficients, relation to 203
Short-range order, parameter 146 152
Shubina, L.A. 514 562
Shull, C.G. 218
Shur, Y.S. 514 562
Shuttleworth, R. 262
Siebert, C.A. 222
Siegel, S. 148 207 217(7) 218 221(146)
Silicon carbide, electronic conductivity 400
Silicon iron, domain boundaries, motion 533 535—536
Silicon iron, magnetization curve 440
Silicon, electronic conductivity 400
Sillen, B. 394
Sillen, L.G. 394
Silver bromide, absorption spectrum 402
Silver chloride, solution of cadmium in 428
Silver iodide, band gap 68
Silver iodide, carrier mobilities 68
Silver-zinc alloys, Ag-Zn 172
Silver-zinc alloys, Ag-Zn, long-range order 173
Simpson, J.H. 319
Singer, J.M. 222
Sixtus, K.J. 491 520 535 562 563
Sjalimova, K.W. 367
Skapski, A.S. 262
Slater, J.C. 169 177 226 249(2)
Smirous, K. 76
Smit, N.W. 391
Smith, C.S. 187 222 274 296 302
Smith, D.O. 318
Smith, E. 137
Smith, J.F. 369 395(210a)
Smoluchowski, R. 186 216(85) 217(85) 256
Snoek, J.L. 543 556 563
Sodium chloride, absorption spectrum 402
Sokolnikoff, I.S. 82 86(7) 120(7)
Solar battery 64
Solar energy, conversion to electrical energy 64
Solid solutions, strain energy 209
Somigliana dislocations 89
Somigliana, C. 90
Sominskii, M.S. 29(30) 75 400(308) 401
Sommerfeld, A. 1 74 465 563
Sorum, H. 402(367) 404
Southwell, R.V. 92 93 97
Spectroscopic splitting factor 547
Spike domains 546
Spinodal composition 250
Spitzer, W.G. 57 78
Sproull, R.L. 367 368(153) 369(156)
Stasiw, O. 315 393 394 395(243) 402(25 336—341) 403
Staude, H. 393
Stavely, L.A.K. 284 285(114)
Steeple, H. 220
Stempff, A. 218
Steneck, W.G. 357 404(85c)
Stepanov, A.V. 144
Stern, F. 77
Stevens, D.K. 46 48(104) 78
Stevenson, D.P. 244
Stewart, K.H. 439 536 563
Stilbans, L.S. 366 400(135)
Stoeckmann, F. 365 367 433
Stoichiometric composition, deviation from 358
Stoichiometric compound 357
Stoichiometric ratio, effect of vapor composition on 358—359
Stoichiometric ratio, relation to atomic disorder 359
Stokes theorem 89
Stoner, E.C. 439 452 502 507 510 514 518 563
Stout, J.W. 184
Stout, V.L. 368
Strain energy, solid solutions 209
Strain figures, mobile 80
Straumanis, M.E. 401(324 325) 402(366) 403 404
Strauss, A.J. 58(34) 75
Street, R. 527 563
Streeter, S.F. 182
Strijk, B. 162
Stroh, A.N. 129
Strontium sulfide, absorption spectrum 402
Strontium titanate, electronic conductivity 401
Stuke, J. 367
Stupart, G.V. 216
Sturm, W.J. 112
Sucksdorff, I. 366
Sugihara, M. 204 222(137)
Superlattice reflections 146
Surface stress, relation to surface tension 239
Surface tension 237
Surface tension, nearest neighbor theory of 262
Surface tension, solid-fluid interface, effect of crystallographic orientation 239
Surface tension, variation with curvature 260—261
Sutcliffe, C.H. 167 170 200(49) 202(40) 219(40) 221(49)
Sykes, C. 162 176 188 198 199 206(126) 216 217(32) 218(32 96) 221(23 128) 222(126)
Takagi, M. 284
Takagi, Y. 148 163 166(4) 193(4) 196(4) 197(4) 198(4) 200(4) 204(4) 206 208 217(4)
Talley, R.M. 60(46) 60 66 66(46) 76 77 400(313) 402
Tammann, G. 296
Tanenbaum, M. 8(19) 12(14) 34(19) 49 74 76 76
Tang, Y.-C. 220 222
Tarora, I. 219
Tauc, J. 42 61 62(67) 76 78
Tausch, J. 328
Taylor, A. 220 223
Tebble, R.S. 627 663
Telkes, M. 400(314) 402
Teltow, J. 113 313 316 327(16) 328 373(16) 393(16) 394 396(66 243)
ter Haar, D. 192
Terris, A. 643 662
Thiess, F.B. 367
Thiessen, P.A. 491 663
Thilo, E. 402(364) 404
Thoma, B. 7 77
Thomas, D.G. 284 285
Thomas, L.A. 143
Thompson, D.O. 222
Thorium oxide, absorption spectrum 402
Tiedema, T.J. 303
Tiessler, R. 402(356) 403
Timmins, E.W. 409
Timoshenko, S. 89 91(14) 97(14) 112(14)
Tin crystals, overheating 292
Tin oxide, electronic conductivity 400
Tin, , band gap 68
Tin, carrier mobilities 68
Tin, electronic conductivity 400
Tin, freezing of 290
Tin, solid-state transition 295
Titanium oxide, absorption spectrum 402
Titanium oxide, electronic conductivity 400
Tolman, R.C. 236
Toman, L. 11(113) 78
Tonks, L. 491 520 535 562 563
Traenckler, G. 365 400(131)
Transformation energy 274
Transition heats in the solid state 246
Trautz, O.R. 248
Treaftis, H.N. 302 303(174)
Triple point 229
Troshkina, V.A. 222
Trumbore, F. 187
Trumbore, F.A. 222
Tubandt, C. 327 395
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