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Seitz F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 3 |
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Greiner, E.S. 187 218(88)
Gremmelmaier, R. 8(9) 10 11(111) 63 64(82) 74 78
Griffith, A.A. 141
Griffoul, R. 162
Grigoruk, L.V. 367
Grimley, T.B. 395
Grimm, H.G. 1 74
Grimm, R. 22(20) 75 400(311) 401
Grisdale, R.O. 400(332) 403
Grunewald, H. 400(297) 401(327) 403
Gudden, B. 368
Guggenheim, E.A. 148 153 156(2 3) 186 194 197(3) 198 199 200(2) 201 204(3) 206(3) 217(2 3) 226 244 472 560
Guillaud, C. 509 560
Guinier — Preston zones, characteristics 303
Guinier — Preston zones, energy of 304
Guinier — Preston zones, mechanism of formation 305—306
Guinier, A. 149 162 300 303
Gullberg, K. 304
Gundermann, J. 363 365(88) 367(109)
Gurney, R.W. 293 319
Gurry, R.W. 119
Guttman, L. 197 204(124)
gyromagnetic ratio 547
Haayman, P.W. 318 365(34) 373 377(222 223) 397(222 223) 398(222 223) 400(222 223) 401(222 223) 402(222 223) 408(223)
Haegg, G. 220 366 401(318) 402
Haken, W. 366
Hall generator, efficiency of 41
Hall generator, uses for 41
Hall potential, equations for 40
Hammen, H. 363 365(89) 366(89)
Hantelmann, P. 314 393(22) 428
Haraldsen, H. 368
Hardy, H.K. 271 299 303 305
Harman, J.C. 401(328b) 403
Harman, T.C. 7(70) 17 75 77 366
Harrison, A. 22 78
Hartel, W. 41 76
Hatton, J. 35 75
Hauffe, K. 327 329 363 364 365(88 99) 367 369(211) 394 395(211) 400(96 107 131 297 302 305 317) 401(72 261) 402 404(95 96)
Haufler, R. 174 175(57) 176(57) 177(57) 178(57)
Haven, Y. 368 393 395
Head, A.K. 130
Heal, T.J. 271 299 303 305
Heat content 227
Hedvall, J.A. 369
Heidenreich, R.D. 514 515 517 560 562
Heiland, G. 402(348) 403
Heilmann, E.L. 318
Hellingman, J.E. 391 427
Hellner, E. 219
Helmholtz free energy 241
Hemmendinger, H. 402(369) 404 405(369)
Hendrickson, A. 305
Hendus, H. 223
Henry, W.G. 222
Henvis, B.W. 395 402(346) 403
Herbenar, A. 222
Herbert, R.A. 60(102) 78
Herman, F. 74 78 317
Herring, C. 236 238 239(7) 294 461 473 560
Heywang, W. 68 70(99) 78
Hijmans, S. 192
Hildebrand, J.H. 285 290(119) 292
Hill, F.N. 405
Hill, T.L. 195
Hillert, M. 221 328
Hilliard, J.E. 204 221(135)
Hillig, W.B. 285 290 291
Hilsum, C. 58 77
Himmel, L. 369
Hinde, R.M. 162
Hinton, K.G. 220
Hirabayashi, M. 177 189 199 200(100 130) 218(130) 221(100) 222
Hirahara, E. 365
Hirsch, J. 321
Hirschfelder, J.O. 243 244
Hiskey, C.F. 430
Hobstetter, J.N. 269
Hochman, R.F. 213 216(158)
Hoffman, J.D. 189 243
Hoffman, R.E. 280 305
Hoffman, R.W. 504 559
Hogan, R.S. 400(334) 403
Hogarth, C.A. 363 364(91) 365(91)
Holes 316
Holes and electrons, equilibrium between 316
Holgersson, S. 402(353) 403
Hollomon, J.H. 211 256 269 271 275 277(53) 279(53) 282(52 53) 284 296 297(53 152) 298(152)
Holtschmidt, H. 367 402(162)
Honda, H. 449 560
Hoshimoto, U. 366
Hosier, W.R. 7(52) 8(52) 12(11) 28(51 61) 29(52) 30(52) 57(52) 365 400(306) 401
Hrostowski, H.J. 13(73) 16 18 50 75 76 77 368
Huang, K. 113
Hughes, D.J. 491 558
Huibregtse, E.J. 401(319) 403
Hultgren, R. 217 218(168)
Hume-Rothery, W. 189 217(98) 219 222
Hume-Rothery’s rule 118
Hund, F. 393 402(250 254 256 357 362) 403 404
Hung, C.S. 409
Hurst, C. 188
Hutchinson, C.A. 368
Hutner, R.A. 360
Hybinette, A.G. 220
Hybrid functions 2
Ice, nucleation by 289
Ice, nucleation of 288
Iida, S. 222
Image field in elasticity 81
Image force in elasticity 83
Imai, H. 223
Imperfections in crystals, equilibrium relations 312
Imperfections in crystals, types 308
Indium antimonide, band gap 45—46 68
Indium antimonide, carrier mobilities in 68
Indium antimonide, electrical properties 13—22 400
Indium antimonide, lifetime of electron-hole pairs in 58
Indium antimonide, optical absorption edge, effect of impurities on 49
Indium antimonide, piezoelectric effect 22
Indium antimonide, resistivity, effect of magnetic field on 35—36
Indium antimonide, thermal conductivity 48
Indium arsenide, band gap 45
Indium arsenide, charge carriers, effective masses 44
Indium arsenide, differential thermopotential 43
Indium arsenide, electrical properties 22 400
Indium arsenide, indium phosphide solid solutions, electrical properties 31—32
Indium phosphide, electrical properties 25—27 400
Induced valence 406
Ingersoll, L.R. 284
Interfacial energy, chemical 272
Interfacial energy, structural 272
Interfacial tension, liquid-solid from nucleation rate 284
Interfacial tension, liquid-solid, relation to structure 293
Interlamellar spacing 302
Interphase boundary, dislocation model of 273—274
Interstitial atoms, equilibrium with vapor 333—334
Interstitial atoms, ionization of 318
Interstitial atoms, strain from 107
Interstitialey migration 327
Ionic conductivity, due to thermal disorder 327
Ionic conductivity, effect of foreign atoms on 392
Iron oxide, electronic conductivity 401
Iron, Bloch wall energy 479
Iron, Bloch wall thickness 479
Iron, Bohr magneton number 458
Iron, Curie temperature 458
Iron, magnetization curves 448—449 464
Iron, saturation magnetization 441—442 458
Iron, small particles, coercive force 455 507 510
| Iron, transformation in 248
Ishikawa, Y. 365
Ising model 147
Ising model, validity of 204—205
Ising problem 3-dimensional 192
Isoelectric sequence 4
Isolation theory 282
Iwanov, L.I. 400(335) 403
Jacobs, I.S. 510 560
Jaenicke, W. 327
Jagodzinski, H. 305
Jahn, E. 219
James, H.M. 195 319 321
James, R.W. 156
Jander, J. 402(364) 404
Jaumot, F.E., Jr. 167 170 200(49) 202(40) 219(40) 221(49)
Jay, A.H. 187 219(90)
Jellinek, F. 368
Jenkins, D.P. 59 77
Jenny, D.A. 388 400(236)
Jetter, A. 299
Johansson, C.H. 174 175(58) 218
Johansson, G. 328
Johnson, E.R. 376
Johnson, G.H. 400(298 316) 401 402(298) 408(316)
Johnson, V.A. 409
Johnson, W.A. 252 253
Jonas, B. 513 560
Jones, F.W. 162 176 188 199 215 217(32) 218(32 96) 221(23 128)
Jones, T.S. 218
Jonker, G.H. 401(329 330 331) 403 405(329 330 331)
Josso, E. 222 223
Jost, W. 369 395(212)
Junghans, H. 393
Juretschke, H.J. 401(321) 403
Jurkov, W. 365
Justi, E. 63(23) 75 315 366(28 29) 400(28 29 307) 401
Juza, R. 368
Kaenzig, W. 368
Kahn, O. 395
Kaiser, W. 50 77 367
Kanai, Y. 35(110) 78
Kane, E.O. 367
Kantrowitz, A. 268 269(78)
Karlsson, A. 402(353) 403
Kasper, J.S. 245
Kassel, K. 352 363 367
Katz, E. 327 328(59)
Kaya, S. 449 560
Keating, D.T. 170 187
Keck, P.H. 10(33) 75
Keesom, W.H. 182
Keffer, F. 465 560
Kelley, K.K. 246
Kelting, H. 314 393(23a) 402(348) 403 429
Kerkhoff, F. 327 393
Kerr effect 495
Kersten, M. 452 521 523 524 525 546 560
Keyes, R.W. 18 19 20 54 56 77
Khaikin, S.E. 292
Kholler, V.A. 222
Kholodenko, L. 490 560
Khomyakov, K.G. 222
Kiefer, B. 174 175(57) 176(56 57) 177(57) 178(57)
Kihlborg, L. 367
Kikoin, A.A. 220
Kikuchi, R. 192 193(107) 194(107) 195 196 205(107)
Kimball, G.E. 243 244
Kimura, R. 468 560
Kinetic law for phase changes 252—253
Kinetic law for precipitation 254—255
Kingston, R.H. 372
Kip, A.F. 47(76) 77 368
Kirkwood, J.G. 244 245 260
Kitajima, S. 223
Kittel, C. 47(76) 77 317 327(33) 368 439 458 461 495 498 502 503 506 507 511 518 535 544 550 552 555 558 560 561 564
Klaiber, K. 220
Klasens, H.A. 377 410 411
Klein, M.J. 152
Klick, C.C. 368
Kobayashi, K. 315
Koch, W. 373 393
Koehler, J.S. 124 125 130
Koerber, F. 366
Koester, W. 7 77 177 220 221 222(202 212) 533 561
Kokhanenko, P.N. 367
Komar, A. 170
Kondo, K. 137
Kondo, S. 402(350) 403
Kondorsky, E. 452 521 525 527 546 561
Konobeyevski, S. 270
Koops, C.G. 357
Kost, W. 290
Koster, W. 303 305
Kottenhahn, G. 402(362) 404
Kowalski, E. 368
Krier, C.A. 222
Kroeger, F.A. 309 327(9) 357(9) 362(82a) 363(9 10 82a) 368 370 373(9 10) 374 376 377 387(9) 388(9 82a) 389(9) 391 399(82a) 400(9 82a) 402(9 354 365 371 372) 403 404 405(9 173 354 370 373) 427(9 239) 430 432(9)
Kroener, E. 93 95 120 137 139
Krog, T. 402(367) 404
Kronenberg, K.J. 515 561
Kronmueller, K. 329
Krylov, E.I. 401(326) 403
Kubyschkina, T. 502 558
Kuczynski, G.C. 213 216(158)
Kuhrt, F. 41 42(43) 76
Kulin, S.A. 295
Kuno, M. 29(67) 77
Kurata, M. 192 193 194 195 205(107)
Kurdjumov, G.V. 295 297(144)
Kurnick, S.W. 58 75 314 315(19) 378 393(19)
Kussmann, A. 217 218(169) 454 561
Kuzmin, R.O. 92
Kuznetsov, V.G. 223
La Mer, V.K. 256 277 283 285(96) 286 287(96)
Laffitte, M. 366
Lagrenaudie, J. 9(12) 63 74
Landau — Lifshitz equation 550
Landau, L. 135 445 461 473 484 549 550 561
Lansing, W. 327
Lanthanum ferrite, electronic conductivity 401
Lanthanum manganate, electronic conductivity 401
Larach, S. 368 405(176)
Lark-Horovitz, K. 13(71) 16 34 77 319 321
Larmor, J. 80
Larris, F. 303
Larsson, L.E. 200 201(131) 221(131)
Lattice vacancies in binary compounds, equilibrium relations 389
Lautz, G. 63(23) 75 315 366(28 29) 400(28 29 307) 401
Laves, F. 4 74 305
Law of mass action 313
Lawson, A.W. 209
Lawson, W.D. 58(47) 76
Lax, B. 48 77
Lazarus, D. 222
Le Blanc, M. 367
Leach, J.S.L. 199 221(129)
Lead sulfide, electronic conductivity 400
Lead-tin alloys, precipitation in 303
Lee, N. 368
Leech, P. 222
Lehfeldt, W. 327 328(55)
Lehman, G.W. 321
Lehovec, K. 319 373
Leibfried, G. 119 121 125 131 136
Leifer, H.N. 28 29(38) 75 388 400(236)
Leineweber, J.P. 299
Lely, J.A. 400(303 304) 401 428(303 304)
Lennard-Jones, J.E. 244
Levitas, A. 376
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