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Seitz F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 3 |
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Levy, R.A. 368
Lewis, G.N. 197
Li, Y.Y. 189 194 196 196 200 201 204
Libowitz, G.G. 367 369(166)
Lidiard, A.B. 313 378 396(17)
Lifshitz, E. 135 445 461 462 473 476 484 549 550 561
Lifshitz, I.M. 120 121
Lind, E.L. 400(305b) 401
Linde, J.O. 174 175(58) 218
Lindner, R. 328 368 369(196) 395(202)
Lipson, H. 148 162 187 209 216 217(8) 219(91) 220
Liquid droplets, undercooling of 282
Liquid metals, crystal nucleation in 284
Liquid state, models for 370—371
Liquids, properties 242
Liquids, rate of nucleation from vapor 259
Liquids, structure 242
Liquids, undercooled, properties 183
Liu, Y.H. 188
Lliboutry, L. 527 561
Logan, R.A. 300
Long, D. 18 77
Long-range order 146 152
Long-range order from x-ray techniques 165—166
Long-range order, parameter from x-ray diffraction data 162
Long-range order, parameter, definition 153
Long-range order, parameter, pair density function 155
Long-range order, theoretical, comparison with experiment 201
Lotgering, F.K. 368
Love, A.E.H. 89 93(13) 98(13) 105(13) 108(13) 115(13) 124(13) 468 561
Lowe, E.J. 285
Luborsky, F.E. 510 562
Luecke, K. 136
Luminescence, effect of foreign atoms on 405
Lure, B. 328
Luttinger, J.M. 462 558
Lyashenko, V.S. 221
Lyon, L. 405 416
Ma, C.H. 401(325) 403
MacGillavray, C.H. 162
Machlin, E.S. 118 209 296 297(147) 305
Mackay, C.A. 265
Mackintosh, I.M. 59 77
MacNair, D. 188 207(93)
Madelung, O. 8(9) 12(16) 14(32) 15(32) 17 18(32) 21(49) 22(49) 23(49) 74 75 76 400(312) 401
Madoc Jones, D. 173
Madonna, L.A. 284
Magneli, A. 367
Magnesium ferrite, electronic conductivity 401
Magnesium oxide, absorption spectrum 402
Magnesium oxide, solution of manganese in 412
Magnesium sulfide, absorption spectrum 402
Magnesium tungstate, electronic conductivity 401
Magnetic domain structure from Kerr effect 496
Magnetic domain structure of poly crystals 450—451
Magnetic domain structure, determination by powder patterns 492
Magnetic domain structure, effect of cavities 501
Magnetic domain structure, effect of grain boundaries 502
Magnetic domain structure, origin of 446
Magnetic domain structure, variation with crystal size and shape 482
Magnetic domain, boundary, inertia of 543
Magnetic domain, boundary, motion of 521—524 529—534
Magnetic domain, closure 448
Magnetic domain, closure, elastic energy 486
Magnetic domain, definition 443
Magnetic domain, experimental evidence for 445
Magnetic domain, nucleation 519—520 528
Magnetic domain, spike 546
Magnetic permeability, domain wall motion 544—545
Magnetic permeability, structure dependence 545
Magnetization, definition 440
Magnetization, equation of motion for 549
Magnetization, mechanism of 444
Magnetoelastie coupling constants 469
Magnetoerystalline anisotropy, relation to coercive force 508
Magnetoerystalline energy 463
Magnetomeehanieal ratio, definition 457
Magnetostriction constants 471
Magnetostriction, isotropic 471
Magnetostriction, origin 467
Mahler, W. 218
Maita, J.P. 12(14) 49 74
Manganese bismuthide, Bohr magneton number 458
Manganese bismuthide, Curie temperature 458
Manganese bismuthide, saturation magnetization 458
Manganese sulfide, electronic conductivity 400
Maniwa, H. 221 222
Mann, E.H. 128
Mansfield, R. 35(94) 77 365
Mapother, D. 327 328(58)
Marder, M. 290
Martensite transition, characteristics 295—296
Martensite, nucleation 296—298
Martin, D.H. 533 558
Martin, D.L. 186 216(85) 217(85) 218
Martin, R.L. 365
Marton, L. 491 561
Masing, G. 220
Maslakovits, I.P. 366 400(135)
Mason, R.W. 430
Mason, W.P. 468 558
Matsuzaki, Y. 223
Matthias, B.T. 542 543 557 559
Matyas, M. 42 78
Matyas, Z. 363
Maurer, R. 327 328(58)
Maurer, R.J. 328 365 366(133) 393
Mayer, A. 394
Mayer, J.E. 180 182 184 245
McClymont, D.R. 76
McConnell, A.J. 93
McGlashen, M.L. 194 196 200 201 206
McKeehan, L.W. 491 561
McSkimln, H.J. 468 558
Mehl, R.F. 252 253 369
Melamed, N.T. 376
Mellor, J.W. 294
Melting, order of transition 242—243
Melting, property changes on 242
Mendelsohn, L.I. 510 562
Mendenhall, C.E. 284
Mendokov, N.C. 367
Menyuk, N. 540 561
Mercuric iodide, transition in 294
Mercury, crystallization, effect of solid impurities 286
Mercury, nucleation of crystals in 283—284
Merritt, F.R. 555 557 564
Meyer, R.E. 243
Mezger, R. 393 402(250)
Middleton, A.E. 5(17) 29(37) 63(37) 75
Mielczarek, E.V. 78
Miller, P.H., Jr. 113 114 357 368
Miller, S.E. 366 401 403
Mitchell, A.H. 458 561
Mitchell, J.W. 402(342) 403
Moehring, H. 369
Moller, C. 462 561
Mollwo, E. 367 368
Mon troll, E.W. 148 183(6) 192 195(6) 205(6) 216(6)
Monroe, E. 245
Moore, T.E. 373 378(224) 405(224)
Moore, W.J. 369
Mooser, E. 355 400(333) 403
Morin, F.J. 13(73) 16(73) 18(73) 77 401 403 430
Morton, M.C. 365
Moser, H. 198 206(125) 222(125)
Moss, T.S. 58(47) 76 77
Mossop, S.C. 288
Mott, N.F. 279 293 319
Muenster, A. 180
| Muldawer, L. 173 201(52)
Murakami, T. 150
Murin, A. 328
Musumoto, H. 204 222(137)
Muto, T. 148 153 156(4) 193(4) 195(4) 197(4) 198(4) 200(4) 204(4) 205 208 217(4)
Nabarro, F.R.N. 84 124 125 133 134 136 267 274
Nachtrieb, N.H. 243
Nagasaki, S. 221 222
Nagata, T. 513 561
Nagel, K. 365
Narita, S. 365
Native imperfections, definition 374
Neale, F.E. 489 490 558
Neel, L. 368 452 473 476 479 480 490 500 501 502 506 507 508 509 512 513 518 521 525 526 527 555 556 561 562
Nesbitt, E.A. 514 515 516 517 518 560 561 562
Neuber, A. 368
Newell, G.F. 148 183(6) 192 195(6) 205(6) 217(6)
Newkirk, J.B. 174 177 186 187 200(59 83) 216(85) 217(85) 221(133) 294 298(160)
Nicholas, J.F. 177 178
Nickel ferrite, electronic conductivity 401
Nickel oxide, absorption spectrum 402
Nickel oxide, electronic conductivity 400
Nickel oxide, electronic conductivity, effect of lithium addition 398
Nickel oxide, solution of lithium in 434—435
Nickel, Bohr magneton number 458
Nickel, Curie temperature 458
Nickel, magnetization curves 448—449
Nickel, saturation magnetization 458
Nickel, small particles, magnetic behavior 503 507
Nicks, P.F. 544 563
Nielsen, A. 299
Niobium oxide, electronic conductivity 401
Nitka, H. 217
Nix, F.C. 147 156(1) 188 195(1) 199(1) 207(93) 217(1)
Nordheim, R. 220
Norman, N. 164 168
Nowick, A.S. 210
Nowotny, H. 218
Nucleation 252
Nucleation and growth, mechanism of phase change 252
Nucleation at dislocations 279
Nucleation at grain-boundaries 278
Nucleation in cloud chambers 263
Nucleation in crystals 293—294
Nucleation of crystals, effect of inclusions 281—282
Nucleation rate for liquid droplets 259
Nucleation rate, dependence on undercooling 281
Nucleation rate, time dependence of 268—269 277
Nucleation, athermal 287
Nucleation, Becker theory 269
Nucleation, Borelius theory 270
Nucleation, catalysis of 275
Nucleation, definition 211
Nucleation, dependence on undercooling 255—256
Nucleation, effect of strain on 267
Nucleation, heterogeneous 256
Nucleation, homogeneous 256
Nucleation, nearest neighbor theory of 261—262 270
Nucleation, self 257
Nucleation, spontaneous 257
Nucleation, V.W.B.D. theory of 260
Nucleus for phase change 258
Nye's, curvature tensor 139
Nye, J.F. 136 139
Nystroem, J. 200 201 221(132)
Oberly, J.J. 402(346) 403
Ogawa, S. 175 218 223
Oguchi, T. 192 203
Ohlsson, E. 303
Ohno, K. 468 560
Okumura, K. 365
Oliver, D.J. 58(86) 77
Olsen, K.M. 428
Ono, S. 150
Onsager, L. 183 184(81a)
Optical absorption edge in semiconductors, dependence on electron density 50
Optical absorption edge, compounds III-V, effect of composition on 51
Optical absorption from crystal imperfections 367
Optical absorption, effect of foreign atoms 404
Order parameters, activity coefficient, relation to 197
Order-disorder transitions, Cowley theory 196
Order-disorder transitions, properties of, calculated from various models 195
Ordered alloys, domain structure 214
Ordered phases, binary, structures 217—220
Ordering energy 198
Ordering energy for -brass 199
Ordering energy, 199
Ordering energy, 199
Ordering systems, equilibrium properties 221—223
Oriani, R.A. 186 189 200 202 203 204 218 221(84) 222(138)
Orowan, E. 141
Osborn, J.A. 473 562
Oshinsky, W. 12(11 50) 28(61) 74 76
Oswald, F. 51 56 57 60 63(53) 75 76 78 400(310) 401
Owen, E.A. 173 177 188
Ozarow, V. 409
Ozerow, R.P. 402(368) 404
O’Donnell Roberts, E.A. 177
Paine, T.O. 510 562
Pair-density functions from neutron diffraction 163
Pair-density functions from x-ray diffraction 156
Pair-density functions, definition 150
Pair-density functions, properties 150—151
Paramagnetism from crystal imperfections 368
Parfianowitch, J.A. 395
Parker, E.R. 141
Parravano, G. 400(301) 401
Partition function, relation to thermodynamic functions 240—241
Pattin, H.S. 400(332) 403
Pauling, L. 2 67 74 222
Peach, M.O. 81 124 125(5)
Peake, S.L. 284
Pearlman, D. 402(369) 404 405(369)
Pearson, G.L. 8(19) 34(19) 74 75
Pease, R.S. 3 74
Peetz, U. 402(357 362) 403 404
Peierls, R. 170 194(46) 201
Pekar, S. 319
Perakis, R.P. 405
Peretti, E.A. 7 77
Perfect crystals, transitions in 294
Permeability, relation of coercive force to 466
Peschanski, D. 369
Peters, H. 367 394 401(261)
Petford, A.D. 13(92) 16 77
Petrov, D.A. 221
Pfann, W.G. 428
Pfeiffer, H. 365
Pfeiffer, I. 327
Pfister, A.C. 400(332) 403
Pfister, H. 12 65(97) 73 76 78
Phase 226
Phase changes, first-order 231
Phase changes, kinetic law for 262—263
Phase changes, second-order 232
Phase diagram, relation to equilibrium surface 233
Phase rule 228
Phase transition, degree of, effect of structure on 188—189
Phase transition, first degree in alloys 186
Phase transition, first degree, characteristics 180
Phase transition, first degree, second degree, comparison 184
Phase transition, second degree in alloys 187
Phase transition, second degree, characteristics 180
Phase transition, second degree, characteristics of in solutions 185—186
Phase transition, solid state, properties of 246
Phases, retention in microcavities 277—278
Phipps, T.E. 327
Phosphorus, freezing of 290
Phosphorus, liquid, undercooling of 285
Pick, H. 393 402(343 349) 403 407(349)
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