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Seitz F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 3 |
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Copper-gold alloys, CuAu II, structure 174
Copper-gold alloys, equilibrium states 200
Copper-palladium alloys, , long-range order 173
Copper-palladium alloys, equilibrium diagram 176
Copper-platinum alloys, Cu-Pt 168
Copper-platinum alloys, Cu-Pt, long-range order 172
Copper-platinum alloys, Cu-Pt, short-range order 169
Copper-zinc alloys, Cu-Zn, degree of transition 187
Copper-zinc alloys, Cu-Zn, heat capacity 198
Copper-zinc alloys, Cu-Zn, long-range order 172
Copper-zinc alloys, Cu-Zn, ordering energy 199
Coppock, J.B.M. 294
Corbridge, D.E.C. 285
Cottrell, A.H. 118
Courvoisier, P. 527 559
Cowley theory of order-disorder transitions 196
Cowley, J.M. 152 153 155 164(17) 166 167 168 170(17) 175 196 199 200 201 202(17) 203(17) 205 207 215
Craig, R.S. 186 219(86) 222
Crawford, J.H., Jr. 46 48(104) 75 78 327
Critical size for nucleation 258
Crittenden, E.C. 504 559
Croatto, U. 393 394 402(359) 404
Cronemeyer, D.C. 321 365 367(50 122)
Crooks, H.N. 327 328(58)
Crystal growth in melt, dislocation mechanism 291
Crystal imperfections, concentration, calculation from equilibrium relations 335—336
Crystal imperfections, concentration, effect of temperature 352—353
Crystal imperfections, concentration, effect of vapor composition on 346—347
Crystal imperfections, effect on band structure 353—355
Crystal imperfections, equilibrium with vapor 331—333
Crystal imperfections, optical absorption from 367
Crystalline anisotropy energy 448
Crystalline phases, relative stability 247
Crystals, overheating of 292
Crystals, retention in microcavities 287
Cunnell, F.A. 12(21) 63(64) 75 76
Cunnings, R.F. 75
Curie temperature 441
Curie temperature of various substances 458
Curtiss, C.F. 243
Cwilong, B.M. 284
Danforth, W.E. 367
Danielson, G.C. 369 395(210a) 401(319 322) 403
Darken, L.S. 119
Das Gupta, S.C. 401(325) 403
Dash, W.C. 367 368(155)
Dauphine boundary 143
Dauphine twin, definition 143
Davisson, J.W. 395 402(346) 403
De Boer, J. 192
de Noble, D. 388
de Nordwall, H.J. 284 285(114)
De Sorbo, W. 222 303
Decker, B.F. 243
Defay, R. 226
Defects, dilatation from 107
Defects, effect on shape of body 111
Defects, effect on x-ray diffraction 113
Dehlinger, U. 188 220
Delimarskii, Yu.K. 393
Dempsey, E. 192
Denney, J.M. 296
Density functions 3-atom 150
Detwiler, D.P. 77
Deviatkova, E.D. 366 400(135)
Devonshire, F. 244
Dexter, R.N. 48 77
Diamond lattice, binding in 1
Diamond structures in binary compounds 4
Diamond structures, band gap in 2
Diamond structures, mobility of electrons in 2
Diamond structures, semiconducting properties 5
Dietze, H.D. 131
Diffraction of x-rays, effect of defects on 113
Dijkstra, L.J. 533 559
Dikhoff, J.A.M. 377 427
Dilatation, due to point defects 108
Discontinuous precipitation 301
Dislocation loop, elastic field of 133
Dislocation steps in nucleation catalysis 289
Dislocations, definition 124
Dislocations, edge 95
Dislocations, effect on lattice rotation 139
Dislocations, force per unit length on 124
Dislocations, interaction with free surfaces 127
Dislocations, interaction with stress field 123
Dislocations, Lorentz force on 134
Dislocations, nucleation at 279
Dislocations, relation between edge and wedge 95
Dislocations, Somigliana 89
Dislocations, velocity of 134
Dislocations, Volterra’s 90
Distortion of crystals by interstitial atoms 107
Distribution coefficient 429
Doering, W. 259 268 470 471 520 546 547 548 558 559
Dolgich, G. 365
Domain structure in ordered alloys 214—215
Domb, C. 192 195
Domenicali, C.A. 318
Dorfman, J. 502 559
Dowling, P.H. 357 404(85c)
Doyama, M. 213 216(158)
Dravnicks, A. 401(324) 403
Dreeben, A. 430
Dresselhaus, G. 47 77
Dreyer, K.L. 295
Drigo, A. 503 559
du Pre, F.K. 360
Duenwald, H. 363 364 365(87b 97a)
Duffendack, O.S. 222
Dunlap, W.C., Jr. 28 29(38) 75 388 400(236)
Dunn, C.G. 273 276(89) 293
Dunning, W.J. 256 282(56) 299
Dyson, F. 462 559
Earle, M.D. 365
Easthope, C.E. 193 194
Ebert, F. 394
Ebert, I. 313
Eckart, C. 93
Eckhardt, K. 220
Eddington, A.S. 92
Edmond, J.T. 12(21) 42 63(64) 75 76 77
Edmunds, I.G. 162
Edwards, D.A. 186 219(86)
Efinger, I. 220
Ehrenberg, W. 321
Eisenmann, L. 365 366(117)
Eisenschitz, R. 207
Eisenstein, A. 242
Electrical conductivity, n-p transition, effect of foreign atoms 399
Electron jumping mechanism 317
Electron, effective mass 43
Electron, effective mass, determination of 46—47
Electron, mobility in diamond structures 2
Electron-hole pairs, lifetime in semiconductor 58
Electron-hole pairs, recombination in III-V compounds 60
Electronic conduction, intrinsic 328
Electronic disorder, equilibration of 325
Electronic imperfection, controlled 397
Electronic levels in crystals, determination 432
Electrons and holes, equilibrium between 316
Ellis, M. 373 378(224) 405(224)
Ellis, W.C. 187 218(88)
Ellwood, E.C. 222
Elmore, W.C. 491 493 502 559 561
Elschner, B. 532 559
Emerson, W.H. 543 544 562
Engel, A. 177 223
Engell, H.J. 372 400(216)
Enright, D.P. 50(45) 60 65 66(45) 76 400(313) 402
| Entropy of mixing 249
Entropy, configurational 178
Epstein, P. 182
Equilibrium surface 229
Equilibrium, criterion for 227
Esch, U. 169 217 218(41) 219(41)
Eshelby, J.D. 81 91(6) 99(6) 100(6) 101(6) 109 111(32) 113(32) 114(32) 121 122(49) 125(6) 128 129 131 133 134(73)
Etzel, H.W. 393 402(345) 403
Eucken, A. 366
Eutectic temperature 235
Evans, H. 215
Ewald, A.W. 400(333) 403
Ewles, J. 368
Exchange energy, dependence on Bloch wall thickness 474
Exchange energy, expression for 461
Exchange integral, definition 460
Exchange integral, evaluation of 462
Exchange integral, relation to Weiss field 460
Exciton states 316
Eyring, H. 244
F center 367
Fahlenbrach, H. 515 559
Fairweather, A. 544 563
Fallot, M. 462 463 559
Fan, H.Y. 50 57 77 78
Faraday effect 495
Farley, F.J.M. 265
Farquhar, M.C.M. 187 219(91)
Feldmann, N. 365
Feldmann, W.L. 8(19) 34(19) 75
Feodorowa, N.N. 7 63(80) 77
Fermi level, definition 360
Fermi level, effect of foreign atoms on 396
Ferrari, A. 394
Ferrimagnetism, due to vacancies 368
Ferrites, damping constant 539
Ferrites, domain boundaries, motion of 536—543
Ferrites, viscous damping parameter 539
Feshchenko, V.G. 393
Finbak, C. 242
Fine, M.E. 187
Finite strain, theory 84
Fisher, J.C. 267 268 273 276(89) 277(75) 278 284 293 296 297 298 301 306
Fletcher, G.C. 468 559
Flinn, P.A. 169 204 209(44 139) 222(139)
Flint, H.G. 365 400(107)
Flood, H. 264 266 402(367) 404
Flood, W.F. 50(46) 76
Floyd, R.W. 223
Foeex, M. 365
Fokker, A.D. 472 559
Folberth, C.G. 376
Folberth, O.G. 7(101) 9(101) 12(16) 21(49) 22(20) 23(49) 25(101) 26(101) 27 28(101) 51(40) 53(81) 63(53) 75 76 77 78 400(309—312) 401
Ford, L.H. 556 563
Foreign atoms at two kinds of sites 390—391
Foreign atoms in atomic semiconductors 407—408
Foreign atoms, diffusion of 394
Foreign atoms, effect on ionic conductivity 392—393
Foreign atoms, effect on luminescence 405
Foreign atoms, effect on magnetic properties 405—406
Foreign atoms, effect on self diffusion 395
Foreign atoms, electronic levels from 375—376 379
Foreign atoms, energy levels from 385—387
Foreign atoms, relation to imperfection concentration 383—384
Forland, T. 367 401(144) 402(144 360) 404
Foster, F.G. 564
Fournet, G. 169 196 205 206(42)
Fowler, C.A., Jr. 445 496 497 504 559
Fowler, R.H. 148 153 156(2) 186 198(2) 200(2) 217(2) 244
Frank, F.C. 94 129 131 132 133(67) 244 288 289 291(124) 292 297
Frederikse, H.P.R. 7(52) 8(52) 12(50) 28(51 61) 29(52) 30(52) 57(52) 76 78
Frederikse, J.H. 400(306) 401
Free energy, critical for nucleation 258
Free volume, change on melting 244
Frenkel disorder 311
Frenkel disorder, equations for 311
Frenkel disorder, equilibrium relations for 313
Frenkel, J. 243 244 259(16) 310 311 326(12b) 502 559
Freyman, R. 395
Friedel, J. 117 118 119(42)
Frisch, H.L. 254
Fritsche, C. 352(79) 353 357
Fritzsche, H. 13(71) 16 34(71) 77 329
Frost, B.R.T. 222 242
Fryer, E.M. 445 496 497 504 559
Fuller, C.S. 430
Fullman, R.L. 294
Gadolinium, Bohr magneton number 458
Gadolinium, Curie temperature 458
Gadolinium, saturation magnetization 458
Galkin, G. 365
Gallium antimonide, electrical properties 28—29
Gallium arsenide cell, as solar battery 64
Gallium arsenide, electrical properties 23—25 400
Gallium oxide, absorption spectrum 402
Gallium phosphide, electrical properties 30 400
Galt, J.K. 294 502 536 540 542 543 548 554 555 557 559 561 564
Gans, F. 9(12) 63 74
Garcia-Verduch, A. 369
Gardner, W.R. 40(322) 403
Garrett, C.G.B. 372
Gatti, A. 294
Geballe, T.H. 13(73) 16(73) 18(73) 77
Gebbia, M. 90
Gebhardt, E. 220
Gehlhoff, G. 366
Geisler, A.H. 177 186 216(85) 217(85) 218 299 300(165) 514 560
General precipitation, characteristics 299—300
Germanium, electronic conductivity 400
Germanium, precipitation of copper from 300
Germer, L.H. 491 560
Gernez, D. 285 290(118)
Gibbs free energy 226
Gibbs — Duhem relation 228
Gibbs, J.W. 226 236 238 239(1) 275
Gilleo, M.A. 321 367(50)
Gilman, T.S. 285 290(119)
Gingrich, N.S. 242
Glemser, O. 367
Glycerine, freezing of 290
Goering, H.L. 366 401(328b) 403
Goertz, M. 529 532 546 564
Gold-nickel alloys, short-range order 169
Gold-silver alloys, short-range order 168
Goldschmidt, V.M. 4 74
Goodenough, J.B. 452 521 528 533 560
Goodier, J.N. 89 91(14) 97(14) 112(14)
Goodman, C.H.L. 73 77
Goodwin, D.W. 58(47) 76
Gordon, R.B. 296
Gorjunowa, N.A. 7 63(80) 77
Gorter, E.W. 401 404(295)
Gosteva, M.T. 402(347) 403
Gradinger, H. 367 393 394(251)
Grain boundaries, diffusion along 280
Grain boundaries, effect of stress-field on 141
Grain boundaries, forces on 143
Grain boundaries, nucleation at 278
Grain boundaries, small angle, movement of 141
Grain boundaries, tilt 95
Granato, A. 136
Grant, N.J. 220
Graphite, electronic conductivity 400
Grechusknikov, B.N. 402(363) 404
Green, A.E. 82
Green, H.S. 243 245
Greene, L.C. 400(334) 403
Greenwood, C.W. 305
Green’s function 98
Greiner, C. 520 560
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