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Bransden B., Joachain C. — Physics of Atoms and Molecules
Bransden B., Joachain C. — Physics of Atoms and Molecules

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Íàçâàíèå: Physics of Atoms and Molecules

Àâòîðû: Bransden B., Joachain C.


Presents a unified account of the physics of atoms and molecules at a level suitable for undergraduate courses of physics and physical chemistry.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1983

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 694

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 15.01.2014

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Electromagnetic radiation, energy density of      157—8
Electromagnetic radiation, polarisation of      157
Electromagnetic radiation, pulse of      158
Electromagnetic radiation, transverse nature of      156
Electromagnetic spectrum      19
Electron      3—8
Electron affinity      306
Electron configuration      265 298—300
Electron diffraction      47—9
Electron gas      308—13
Electron gun      499
Electron scattering by atoms, and ionisation      519—21
Electron scattering by atoms, and resonance phenomena      522—5
Electron scattering by atoms, and the Bethe approximation      518
Electron scattering by atoms, and the optical potential      511—13
Electron scattering by atoms, and the two-state approximation      513
Electron scattering by atoms, at high energies      507—10 514—19
Electron scattering by atoms, Born approximation for      507—10 514—19 520-1
Electron scattering by atoms, by the positive helium ion      523—4
Electron scattering by atoms, close coupling approximation for      510—11
Electron scattering by atoms, experimental arrangement for      499—501
Electron scattering by atoms, static exchange approximation for      505—7
Electron scattering by atoms, theoretical principles of      501—5
Electron spin      44—5 91—4 173
Electron spin resonance      see Paramagnetic resonance
Electron, charge of      7—8
Electron, discovery of      4—8
Electron, mass of      8
Electronic band spectra      see Band spectra
Electronic energy of a diatomic molecule, general form of      389—90
Electronic spectra of molecules      438—47
Electronic spectra of molecules, and nuclear spin      452—5
Electronic wave equation      388
Emission of radiation      155 163—6
Emission of radiation, emission spectra      27 362 438—9 584
Empedocles      1
Energy level spectrum, and the Franck — Hertz experiment      36
Energy level spectrum, eigenvalues spectrum of      64—6 (see also Hamiltonian operator)
Energy level spectrum, energy operator      55
Energy level spectrum, of a free particle      100
Energy level spectrum, of a linear harmonic oscillator      79
Energy level spectrum, of a molecule      383—6
Energy level spectrum, of a rigid rotator      91
Energy level spectrum, of alkali metals      359—64
Energy level spectrum, of an electron gas      308—13
Energy level spectrum, of an infinite square well potential      74—6
Energy level spectrum, of one-electron atoms      133—6 197—203 242
Energy level spectrum, of one-electron atoms in the Bohr model      32
Energy level spectrum, of two-electron atoms      255—8
Energy, and the uncertainty principle      57—8
Equilibrium distance in a diatomic molecule      389—94 passim
Equivalent electrons      299—300 344—6 351
Exchange degeneracy      259 280 295
Exchange force      266
Exchange integral      281 324 409 415
Exchange potential      327 507 511
Exclusion principle      see Pauli exclusion principle
Exotic atoms      150 247
expectation values      60—1
Expectation values, of $r^{n}$ in hydrogen      145—6
Expectation values, time variation of      63
Fabry, C.      232
Fano — Lichten model      548
Faraday cup      501
Faraday, M.      3
Faraday’s constant      3
Faraday’s laws of electrolysis      3
Fermi contact interaction      238
Fermi electron gas      see Electron gas
Fermi energy      310
Fermi sphere      312—13
Fermi surface      313
Fermi — Dirac statistics      106 233
fermions      106 233 452
Fermi’s Golden Rule      116 165 286
Feynman, R.P.      231
Fine structure constant      33 670
Fine structure in alkali spectra      363—4
Fine structure multiplets      201—7 346-9
Fine structure multiplets, inverted multiplets      349
Fine structure multiplets, regular multiplets      349
Fine structure of many-electron atoms      346—52
Fine structure of one-electron atoms      195—207
Finite nuclear mass, correction for, in the Bohr model      34—6
Fluorescence      444—5
Flux of particle beam      464 466 595
Fock, V.      320 626
For spin      93
Forbidden transitions      167
Form factor for atoms      508 515
Fortrat parabola      441—2
Franck — Condon factor      444
Franck — Condon principle      442—4
Franck — Hertz Experiment      36—8
Franck. J.      36
Frankowski, K.      278
Fraunhofer lines      584
Fraunhofer, J.      28 584
Free particle      99—101
Free particle, relativistic      631—2 633-5
Fundamental series      362
Gauge invariance      156
Gay — Lussac, J.L.      2
Gay — Lussac’s law      2
Geiger, H.      22 23 24 26 40
Generalised oscillator strength      516—18
Generating functions, for associated Laguerre polynomials      138
Generating functions, for Gegenbauer polynomials      626
Generating functions, for Hermite polynomials      81 608
Generating functions, for Laguerre polynomials      136 610
Generating functions, for Legendre polynomials      84
Generating functions, gerade states      397 399—415
Gerlach, W.      40
Germer, L.H.      47
Golden Rule      116 165 286
Goudsmit, S.      44
Green’s function for a free particle      484—8
Grotrian diagram for beryllium      372—3
Grotrian diagram for calcium      365
Grotrian diagram for helium      365
Grotrian diagram for hydrogen      180
Grotrian diagram for lithium      360
Grotrian diagram for sodium      361
Grotrian, W.      229
gyromagnetic ratio      42 44 209 639
H$\ddot{a}$nsch, T.W.      572
Hadronic atoms      151—2
Half-life      see Lifetime
Hallwachs, W.      15
Halogens      306 418—9
Hamiltonian operator      61 64—5
Hamiltonian operator, for a rigid rotator      91
Hamiltonian operator, for a several particle system      101
Hamiltonian operator, for a two-particle system      102—3
Hamiltonian operator, for an atom in a magnetic field      207—10
Hamiltonian operator, for central potentials      97
Hamiltonian operator, for charged particles      158—60
Hamiltonian operator, for many-electron atoms      291—4 339—41
Hamiltonian operator, for one-electron atoms      129
Hamiltonian operator, for two-electron atoms      250
Hamiltonian operator, with relativistic corrections      196 633 635 641
Hamiltonian, classical      101
Hamiltonian, classical, for a charged particle in an electromagnetic field      629—30
Hartree equations      337—8
Hartree — Fock approximation      320—37
Hartree — Fock approximation, and Koopman’s theorem      330
Hartree — Fock approximation, for Be      333—5
Hartree — Fock approximation, for Ne      335—7
Hartree — Fock approximation, Hartree — Fock equations      325—7
Hartree — Fock approximation, self-consistent field      328
Hartree, D.R.      292 320
Harvard classification      585
HCL molecule      385 418 431—2 435
Heisenberg equations of motion      72 166
Heisenberg uncertainty principle      56—8 124 184 187 384 484 532 648-9
Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and zero-point energy      76 79
Heisenberg, W      38 53 58 282
Heitler — London method      408—10
Heitler, W.      408
Helicity      176
Helium atom      see Two-electron atoms
Helium atom, discovery of      584
Helmholtz, H.      3 4
Hermite polynomials      79 81 608—10
Hermitian operators      65
Hertz, G.      36
Hertz, H.      15
Herzberg, G.      278
Homonuclear molecules      396—7 412—14 431 452—5
Hund — Mulliken method      see Molecular orbitals
Hund’s cases of angular momentum coupling      448—52
Hund’s rules      346 348
Hybrid orbital      417—18 423-5
Hybridisation      418 423—5
Hydrides      417—8
Hydrogen atom      see One-electron atoms
Hydrogen concentration in galaxy      588—9
Hydrogen isotopes      35 149
Hydrogen molecular ion, structure of      399—405 412—13
hydrogen molecule      106 383 438 452—5
Hydrogen molecule, structure of      405—11
Hydrogenic ions      36 128 149 183
Hylleraas trial functions      273—4
Hylleraas — Undheim theorem      122 285
Hylleraas, E.A.      273 284
Hyperfine structure      134 232—45 371-4
Hyperfine structure, and the Zeeman effect      245 376—7
Hyperfine structure, hyperfine structure constant      372
Hyperonic atoms      152
Identical nuclei and molecular spectra      452—5
Identification of terms      368—71
Impact parameter      474—5 594
Independent particle model      258—67 292 320
Indistinguishable particles      104—6
Inelastic cross-section      495
Inelastic cross-section, for atom-atom scattering      550
Inelastic cross-section, for electron scattering      513—18
Inelastic scattering      462 513—18 527—8 549-52
Infinite square well      74—6
Infra-red spectra      28—9 385—6 432-5
Infra-red spectra, in astronomy      583
Integrals containing hydrogenic wave functions      610—11
Integrals containing oscillator wave functions      608—10
Integrals containing spherical harmonics      618
Intensities      see Line intensities
Interchange operator      104—6
Intercombination lines      255 366
Intermediate coupling      341
Interstellar medium      589
Intersystem crossing      446
Interval rules      241 349 368 373
Inversion spectrum of      455—9 567
Inversion spectrum of ammonia      455—9
Ion-atom collisions      see Scattering of atoms by atoms
Ionic bonding      408 418—20
Ionisation      464
Ionisation potential      32 148—53 302—6 411
Ionisation, by electron impact      519—21
Iso-electronic sequence      362
Isotopes      27
Isotopes, of hydrogen      35 149
Isotopic shift      35 232 245—7
Jansky, K.      583
Jeans, Sir J.      11
Joachain, C.J.      275 285
Jordan, P.      53
K series      39 380
K shell      40 139 300
Kaonic atom      152
Kinematics of scattering      600—7
Kinetic energy, relativistic corrections to      196—8 641
Kinetic theory of gases      1 2
Kinoshita, T.      274
Kirchhoff, G.R.      9 27 584
Klein — Gordon equation      631—2
Koopman’s theorem      330
L series      39 380
L shell      40 139 300
L — S coupling      see Russell — Saunders coupling
Laboratory system of coordinates      463 465 600—7
Lagrange multipliers      118 324
Laguerre polynomials      136—8
Lamb shift      134 195 207 229—32 572
Lamb — Retherford experiment      229—32
Lamb, W.E.      207 229—32
Lambda$ quantum number      395
Lambda$-doubling      396 451—2
Land$\acute{e}$ $g$ factor      217 234—5 243 375-6
Land$\acute{e}$ interval rule      see Interval rule
Landau levels      248
Laporte’s rule      358
Larmor angular frequency      42
Larmor frequency      211 555
Lasers      155 158 164 562—7
Lasers, and spectroscopy      571—2
Lasers, gas      565
Lasers, ruby      565
Lasers, tunable      571
Lassettre, E.N.      522
Lawson criterion      576—9
LCAO Method      400 422
Legendre polynomials      84—6 615
Lenard, P.      5 15
Lennard — Jones potential      532 535
Leptons      149
Leucippus      1
Level shifts      525
Level widths      183—7 523-5
Level widths, natural width      187
Levinson’s theorem      479
Lifetimes of atomic levels      183
Lifetimes of atomic levels, and level widths      184—7
Lih molecule      417—18
Line broadening      187—9 229 572 587
Line intensities      180—2 205-7
Line intensities, and the identification of terms      369—71
Line shapes      183—6 588
Line spectra of atoms      27—9
Line widths      183—9
Linear harmonic oscillator      76—82
Linear harmonic oscillator, and the virial theorem      148
Lo Surdo, A.      219
Logarithmic derivatives      476
London, F.      408
Long-range interaction between atoms      528—32
Lorentz triplet      211
Lorentzian distribution      185—8 483
Loschmidt, J.      2
Lummer, O.      10
Lyman series      28 204
M shell      139 300
Madden, R.B.      287
Magnetic broadening      588
Magnetic dipole moment, and magnetic resonance      554—61
Magnetic dipole moment, and spin      44 209
Magnetic dipole moment, anomalous      243
Magnetic dipole moment, in the Bohr model      40—1
Magnetic dipole moment, of the nucleus      233—5
Magnetic dipole moment, orbital      41 209
Magnetic dipole transition      167 178—9
1 2 3 4
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