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Chaikin P., Lubensky T. — Principles of condensed matter physics
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Íàçâàíèå: Principles of condensed matter physics
Àâòîðû: Chaikin P., Lubensky T.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Now in paperback, this book provides an overview of the physics of condensed matter systems. Assuming a familiarity with the basics of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics, the book establishes a general framework for describing condensed phases of matter based on symmetries and conservation laws. After surveying the structure and properties of materials with different symmetries, it explores the role of spatial dimensionality and microscopic interactions in determining the nature of phase transitions. Particular attention is given to critical phenomena and renormalization group methods. The properties of liquids, liquid crystals, quasicrystals, crystalline solids, magnetically ordered systems and amorphous solids are investigated in terms of their symmetry, generalized rigidity, hydrodynamics and topological defect structure. In addition to serving as a course text, this book is an essential reference for students and researchers in physics, applied physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering, who are interested in modern condensed matter physics.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 1
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 699
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 06.12.2013
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Models, stochastic, dissipative models, model B (Cahn — Hilliard) 468 488
Models, stochastic, dissipative models, model C 469
Models, stochastic, with Poisson brackets 475—7
Models, stochastic, with Poisson brackets, model G (anti-ferromagnet) 477
Models, stochastic, with Poisson brackets, model H (liquid-gas critical point) 476
Models, stochastic, with Poisson brackets, model J (isotropic ferromagnet) 477
Models, stochastic, with Poisson brackets, models E&F, (planar ferromagent and superfluid He) 476
Modulated phase 186 677
Molecular field 148 677
Molecular orbital approximation 25 677
Momentum density 1 441
Momentum shell renormalization group 256—75
Monge gauge 620—1 625—6 677
Multicritical point 172—5 209—10 235—6 678
Multiple scattering 33—4 678
Natural function 112 426
Natural variables 112
Navier — Stokes equations 448—9 678
Nematic liquid crystals 14 58—63
Nematic liquid crystals, cells with non-uniform 300—2
Nematic liquid crystals, fluctuations and light scattering 306
Nematic liquid crystals, Frank elastic energy 298—300
Nematic liquid crystals, Fredericksz transition 302—4
Nematic liquid crystals, homotopy group 524
Nematic liquid crystals, hydrodynamics 434—6
Nematic liquid crystals, order parameter 168 307 420
Nematic liquid crystals, rigid rotor dynamics 417—34
Nematic liquid crystals, topological defects 524—27
Nematic liquid crystals, transition to isotropic phase 168—72
Nematic liquid crystals, transition to smectic phase 210 315
Nematic liquid crystals, twisted nematic (cholesteric) 60 64
Nematic liquid crystals, twisted nematic display 304
Nematogens 171 678
Nernst theorem 111 678
Neutron scattering 7 33—4 87 91 97 400—7
Newton’s laws 441
Noise sources 382
Non-symmorphic space group 57
Nondissipative coefficients 418
Nonlinear sigma model 341
Nonlinearities, elasticity of solids 331
Nonlinearities, renormalization in fluid membranes 629—30
Nonlinearities, smectic elasticity 315
Nonlocal susceptibility 154—6
Normal plane, section 623—4
Normal-to-superconducting transition 157 571—3
Normal-to-superfluid transition 173
Normal-to-superfluid transition, Kosterlitz — Thouless in twoD films 551—5
Nucleation 13 480—3 678
Nucleation, conserved order parameters and spinodal decomposition 484
Nucleation, symmetric unstable quench with modal A, dynamics 483—4
Nucleation, with a nonconserved order parameter 480—3
Number density operator 34
octahedron 189
One-dimensional chains 72
One-dimensional crystal 322
One-dimensional order 15
One-dimensional order, in three-dimensional materials 71—7
One-dimensional order, Ising model 242—5
One-loop approximation 224
One-particle reducible diagrams 279
One-phonon scattering 407
Onsager reciprocity theorem 492 678
Onsager relation 454 678
Opalescence 4 165
Order parameters 128 133 231
Order parameters, see
Order parameters, see ferromagnetic
Order parameters, 156
Order parameters, see
Order parameters, 139 289 460
Order parameters, and symmetry 139
Order parameters, antiferromagnetic 136 177 435
Order parameters, crystal 48 177 435
Order parameters, exponent 233 682
Order parameters, ferromagnetic 168 420
Order parameters, hexatic 68
Order parameters, Ising 152
Order parameters, liquid-gas 161
Order parameters, modulated 186
Order parameters, nematic 168 420
Order parameters, smectic 65
Order parameters, spaces and homotopy 501—6
Order parameters, superfluid heliem 460; see
Order parameters, with more than two components 499—501
Order-disorder transition 135 230
Ordered systems, thermodynamics of 127—32
Organic conductor 77
Ornstein — Zernicke theory 156 165 679
Orthogonality condition 98
Osmotic compressibility 488
Overdamped oscillator 361
Pair correlation function 37
Pair distribution function 36 39 679
Pair distribution function, noninteracting gas 125
Paramagnetic phase 87 176 679
Paramagnetic state 128
Partial dislocations 516
Partition function 120
Pauli exclusion principle 20
Pauli spin operator 25
Penrose tile 83 679
Percolation 202 285 679
Percus — Yevick equation 40
Periodic boundary condition 98
Periodic solids 2 43 47 512—5;
Permeation mode 458
Persistence length 628 679
Perturbation theory, diagrammatic 277—83
Phase space 117—22
Phasons 615—6 679
Phasons, pinned 617—8
Phonons 679; see sound
photons 33—4 88;
Planar curve 621
Planar magnet 436—8
plaquette 249 250 578
Plasma, classical 205
Plate-like molecule 68
Plumbers’ nightmare 71 74 327 679
Point scatterers 76
Poisson bracket 218 359 393 428 465 472—7 475—7 679
Poisson bracket, commutation, relation 432
Poisson ratio 378 533 680
Poisson ratio, negative 338 632
Poisson summation formula 582 589 680
Pokrovsky — Talapov free energy 636 648 680
Polarized light, scattering intensity 307
Pole structure and dynamic response 396—8
Polymerized membranes 633
Polymers 90—7
Poor solvent 93 671
Potts critical end-point 256
Potts lattice gas 253—6
Potts model 140 201—2 579—82 592—3 680
Potts model, and percolation 285—6
Potts model, four states 592—3
Power spectrum 355 683
Power-law peak 325
Pressure 110 116—17 335 340 344 444 449 455 459 462
Pressure, Laplace 487 675
Primitive translation vector 43
Primitive unit cell 43
Quadratic anisotropy 269
Quantized flux 572
Quantum fluctuation 10
Quasi — Bragg peak 61 313 325
Quasi-crystals 82—5 563 570
Quasi-elastic scattering 32
Quasi-long-range order (QLRO) 61 296 322 341 555 680;
Quasi-periodic structures 77; see incommensurate
Quasi-static process 110
Quench 483
Radial distribution function 37 40 93
Radius of gyration 91 680
Random close packed lattice 105
Random forces 381—3
Random isotropic fractals 90—7
Random phase approximation 226
Random walk 4 90 375 680
Random-close-packed spheres 41
Rayleigh peak 452 680
Rayleigh scattering 377—8
Reactive couplings 428
Reactive current 427
Reciprocal lattice 45 46 187
Reciprocal lattice, incommensurate 80 83 614
Reciprocal lattice, quasicrystal 85
Rectilinear diameters, law of 166
Relevant field 241 253
Renormalization group 242—75 681 Migdal
Renormalization group, fluid membranes 624
Renormalization group, Kosterlitz — Thouless 542—50 554—57
Renormalization group, nonlinear model 314—17
Renormalization group, polymerized membranes 625
resistors 381
Response functions 325 362—5 371—3; dynamic
Response functions, diffusion 372
Response functions, dissipation 394—5
Response functions, fluctuation-dissipation theorem 387 397—8
Response functions, harmonic oscillator 362—5
Response functions, helium films 554
Response functions, hydrodynamic 425 430 452
Response functions, response to external fields 390—2
Response functions, spectral representations 395—7
Response functions, sum rules, and moment expansions 398
Response functions, symmetry properties of response functions 392—4
Rigid rod 58
Rigid rotors on a lattice 419—33
Rigidity 10; see elasticity
Rod-like molecule 68
Rotational invariance 35
Rotationally isotropic 38
Roughening and faceting 648—55
Roughening and faceting, Gaussian model 645—6
Roughening and faceting, roughening transition 646—8
Roughening and faceting, solid-on-solid model 645—6
runaway 268
Saddle point 223—4 624
Scaled equation of state 234
Scaling 213
Scaling, corrections to 241
Scaling, dynamic 469
Scaling, energy density 240
Scaling, in critical phenomena 230—4
Scattering potential 47
Scattering, chapter 2 29—33 399—410; diffuse
Schr dinger equation 390 394
Schr dinger operator 567
Screening in a classical plasma 207
Screw axis 57
Screw dislocation 509 522 532
Screw dislocation, energy of 532—3 539
SDS-pentanol-water lamellar smectic 314
Second law, thermodynamics 111 119 424
Second-order phase transition 5 144 213—83
Second-order phase transition, 175
Second-order phase transition, mixtures 179
Second-order phase transition, ( -vector) 156—7 202—4 263—73
Second-order phase transition, bicritical-tetracritical 181—3 209
Second-order phase transition, commensurate-incommensurate 77—82 89 603 640—3
Second-order phase transition, dislocation mediated melting 555—9
Second-order phase transition, EuO 235
Second-order phase transition, hexatic-isotropic fluid 558
Second-order phase transition, Ising 146—52 153—6 248—53
Second-order phase transition, Kosterlitz — Thouless 542—54
Second-order phase transition, Landau point in biaxial nematics 212
Second-order phase transition, Lifshitz 184—87 211
Second-order phase transition, liquid-gas 159—67
Second-order phase transition, nonlinear model 314—6
Second-order phase transition, percolation 202
Second-order phase transition, Potts lattice gas 253—5
Second-order phase transition, roughening 643
Second-order phase transition, self-consistent field 226—30
Second-order phase transition, superconducting 158 571—3
Second-order phase transition, TGB-cholesteric 556—8
Second-order phase transition, TGB-smectic- 565—6
Second-order phase transition, tricritical 173—5 209
Self-avoiding random walk (SAW) 93—4 140
Self-consistent field approximation 226—30
Self-diffusion 376—8
Self-similar 90 681
Shear (transverse) sound mode 2 369 459
Shear distortion 8 317—18
shear modulus 320 555
Shear viscosity 447
Short-range order 58 322
Short-time behavior 385—7
Simple cubic (SC), lattice 53
Sine — Gordon 589
Sine — Gordon, soliton 599
Single scattering 33
Singular continuous function 604
SLIP 520
Smectic liquid crystals 58—65 681
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- liquid crystals 15 61—5
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- liquid crystals, dislocations 308 507—12 561—73
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- liquid crystals, elastic free energy 309—12 536
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- liquid crystals, elasticity 308—16
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- liquid crystals, fluctuations 312—14
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- liquid crystals, hydrodynamics 456—9
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- liquid crystals, nonlinearities 314—15
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- liquid crystals, order parameter 61 308 315
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- liquid crystals, order parameter space 509
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- liquid crystals, transition to nematic phase 315—16
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- liquid crystals, transition to smectic- phase 158 216
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- liquid crystals, types I and II 564 682
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- phase 66
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- phase 61—4
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- phase, disclinations 506 509
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- phase, order parameter 64 506
Smectic liquid crystals, smectic- and - phase 68 70
Smoluchowski equation 388—9 473
Sodium nitrite 79 81
Soft mode 290
Solid-on-solid (SOS) models 645
Solitary wave 681 (see also solitons)
Solitons 590 600 681
Solitons, sine — Gordon 599 (see also walls kinks
Solvents 93 671
Solvents, solvent 94 96
Sound 429
Sound velocity 429
Sound, first in superfluid helium 464
Sound, in model rotator system 429
Sound, longitudinal in crystal 460
Sound, longitudinal in elastic continuum 367
Sound, longitudinal in isotropic fluid 450
Sound, second in superfluid helium 454
Sound, third in superfluid helium films 553
Sound, transverse in crystals 460
Sound, transverse in elastic continuum 367
Spatial dimension 15
Spatial homogeneity 38
Specific heat 115 231 425
Specific heat, exponent 233
Spin correlation function 295 577—8
Spin dynamics 434—5
Spin systems, antiferromagnet isotropic 438—9
Spin systems, ferromagnets isotropic 439