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Southall J.P.C. — Mirrors, prisms and lenses: a text-book of geometrical optics |

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Название: Mirrors, prisms and lenses: a text-book of geometrical optics
Автор: Southall J.P.C.
Рубрика: Физика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Издание: 3-d edition
Год издания: 1940
Количество страниц: 834
Добавлена в каталог: 24.02.2013
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"Direct" bundle of rays 514
Abbe, E., -value of optical medium 480
Abbe, E., Apertometer 667
Abbe, E., apochromats and semiapochromats 679 680
Abbe, E., chromatic difference of spherical aberration 676
Abbe, E., compensation ocular 682
Abbe, E., definition of focal length 344
Abbe, E., differential notation 531
Abbe, E., homogeneous immersion system 679
Abbe, E., magnifying power 454
Abbe, E., numerical aperture 666
Abbe, E., optical glass 482 489
Abbe, E., Porro prism system 50
Abbe, E., pupils 401
Abbe, E., refractometer 128
Abbe, E., sine-condition 523 542 547 665 674
Abbe, E., theory of microscope 652 653 665 670 679
Aberration, chromatic see "Achromatism"
Aberration, Least circle of 515
Aberration-disks 676 677 see
Aberrations, Chromatic and monochromatic 509
Aberrations, Chromatic and monochromatic, Seidel's five sums 545—550 557
Aberrations, monochromatic see "Spherical (monochromatic) aberrations"
Aberrations, Ocular 710
Abney's formula for diameter of aperture of pinhole camera 5 26
Abscissa formula for centered system 332 519 see
Abscissa formula for centered system, infinitely thin lens 228 229 279 285
Abscissa formula for centered system, plane refracting surface 97 191 269
Abscissa formula for centered system, spherical mirror 154 155 191 276 285
Abscissa formula for centered system, spherical refracting surface 191 193 274 285
Absorption of light 2
Absorption of light, absorption spectrum 725
Accommodation of eye 433—439
Accommodation of eye, amplitude 437—439
Accommodation of eye, diminishes with age 435 436
Accommodation of eye, effected by changes in crystalline lens 434
Accommodation of eye, range 438
Accommodation of eye, refracting power of eye in accommodation 436 437
Accommodation, Concomitant contraction of pupil 709
Achromatic (colorless) vision 721 743
Achromatic combinations, lenses 480 481 499—505
Achromatic combinations, Prisms 480 481 491—493
Achromatic optical system 488
Achromatic sensation 726 see "Blackness
Achromatic single reflection prism 582
Achromatic telescope 480 481 505
Achromatism 480 481 487
Achromatism of microscope-objective 675 676
Achromatism of microscope-ocular 680 681—683
Achromatism, optical and actinic or photographic 489—491 675
Adaptation of eye 721 743
Alhazen 564 565 570
Aligning power of eye 716 718 see "Resolving
Ametropia 439
Ametropia, axial, curvature and indicial ametropia 442
Ametropic eye 440
Ametropic eye, distance of correction-glass 445 446
Amici, G.B., compound microscope 651 677 678 679
Amici, G.B., Direct vision prism system 495 497 506
Amici, G.B., roof-angle prism 568
Ampere, A.M. 764
Amplitude of accommodation 437—439
Anaglyph 754
Anastigmatic (or stigmatic) lenses 314
Angle of deviation see also "Prism" "Thin "Prism-dioptry" "Prismatic "Double "Single
Angle of deviation in case of inclined mirrors 43 565
Angle of deviation in case of refraction 78
Angle of deviation in lens 293
Angle of deviation in prism 50 51 125
Angle, central 152 516
Angle, critical see "Critical angle of refraction" "Total
Angle, Slope 151 334 516
Angle, Visual see "Apparent size"
Angles of incidence, reflection and refraction 30 31 65
Angles, Measurement of, by mirror and scale 56
Angstrom unit of wave-length 10 see
Angular magnification (or convergence-ratio) 351
Anisotropic optical medium 687
Anopic eye 742 see
Anterior and posterior poles of eye 431 432
Anterior chamber of eye 425
Apertometer 667
Aperture angle 404 663 665 666
Aperture angle, microscope 656 665—667 678
Aperture of optical system Chap. XII
Aperture stop 399
Aperture stop of magnifying glass 641
Aperture stop of microscope objective 655 656 660
Aperture, compound microscope 652 660 663 see
Aperture, Magnifying effect of narrow 636—637
Aphakia 213 442 629
Aplanatic lens 618 621 622 629 679 see
Aplanatic points of optical system 524 665 676
Aplanatic points of spherical refracting surface (J, J') 512 513 554 596 617 618 624 628 677 679
Aplanatism 524 665 674 675 see
Apochromatism 489
Apochromatism, apochromats 679 680 682 684
Apochromatism, semiapochromats 680
Apparent place and direction of point-source 15—18 see
Apparent place of object viewed through plate of glass 102 103 105 106
Apparent size 20—22 446
Apparent size in optical instrument 449
Aqueous humor 213 371 425
Archimedes 559 563
Aristotle 559 560
Aspherical lenses 593 see
Assimilation and dissimilation 744 see
Associated movements of two eyes 431 749
Astigmatic bundle of rays 25 310—314 526—538 552 see "Sagittal "Image-points" "Image-lines" "Sturm’s "Astigmatism"
Astigmatic bundle of rays, image-lines 100 312 313 534—536 547
Astigmatic bundle of rays, image-points 312 526 527 529—534
Astigmatic bundle of rays, principal sections 311 528 704
Astigmatic difference 533 706
Astigmatic image-surfaces 536—538 547
Astigmatic lenses 300 314 Chap.
Astigmatism by incidence 527
Astigmatism of oblique bundles 527 547 597
Astigmatism, Measure of 533
Astigmatism, Ocular 697 698 699 706 see "Ophthalmometer"
Astigmatism, Ocular with and against the rule 698
Astigmatism, Ocular, irregular 705
Astigmatism, Ocular, lenticular 698
Astigmatism, Ocular, pathological and physiological 697 698
Astigmatism, Sturm’s theory 313 534
Astronomical telescope 411 456 572 606 655
Astronomical telescope, field of view 411 412
Astronomical telescope, magnifying power 454—460
Atmospheric refraction 4 570 685
Axial (or depth) magnification 351
Axial ametropia 442
Axial ametropia, static refraction and length of eye-ball 442 443
Axis see "Optic axis" "Optical
Axis of collineation 243
Axis of lens 217 see
Axis of lens, spherical refracting surface 149
Axis, Visual 433 776
Back focus of combination of two lenses 600
Back focus of single lens 365
Bacon, R., Lenses 592
Bacon, R., scientific achievements 564
Bacon, R., spherical mirror 632
Badal’s optometer 422 423
Baker, T.Y., Reflection prisms 592
Barlow’s achromatic object-glass 504 505
Barrel-shaped distortion 544
Barrow, I., Lectures on optics 595 629
Barrow, I., theory of astigmatism 597
Bartholinus, E., Double refraction 596 687
Base-line (binocular vision) 756 758—761
Bausch & Lomb Optical Company, Microscope 658 659 684
| Bending of lens 284 644
Biaxial crystals 689
Binocular depth-perception 751
Binocular depth-perception, limits of 757
Binocular double vision 749
Binocular field of view of various animals 750
Binocular fusion 749 751
Binocular microscope 683
Binocular telescope 51 606 759—760 see
Binocular vision 747 749—761 see "Stereoscopic
black 720 731 744
Black body 731
Black-white process in Hering’s color theory 744 745
Blackness sensation 731
Blind spot of retina 430 431
Blue-blindness see "Color blindness partial"
Blur circles 414—417 419 see
Brightness (or luminosity) 720 730—732
Brightness of point-source 23
Brightness of point-source, image in microscope 667—669 673
Brilliance 731 see
Brown color 720 731
Bruecke see "Chevalier-Bruecke microscope"
Bundle of rays see also "Astigmatic bundle of rays"
Bundle of rays, "direct" 514
Bundle of rays, Character of 24 25 508 509 525
Bundle of rays, homocentric (or monocentric) 25
Bundle of rays, limitation by means of stops 397—399
Bunsen burner 66 473
Burnett, S.M., Prism-dioptry 135
Calcite see "Iceland spar" "Double
Calculation of Gullstrand’s schematic eye 371—376
Calculation of path of ray, numerical examples for paraxial and edge rays 520—522 615—617
Calculation of path of ray, reflected at spherical mirror 518
Calculation of path of ray, Refracted at spherical surface 516—519 611—617
Calculation of path of ray, refracted through centered system 332 519—522
Calculation of path of ray, refracted through prism 124 125
Calculation of Purkinje reflex images 381—384
Calculation of refracting power and of positions of focal points of centered system 606—611
Camera see "Pinhole camera" "Camera
Camera obscura 561
Cardinal points of optical system 334—339
Cartesian optical surfaces 593 617—625
Cartesian optical surfaces, elliptic refracting surface 593 620
Cartesian optical surfaces, hyperbolic refracting surface 593 594 619 620
Cartesian optical surfaces, parabolic mirror 565 619
Cataract see "Aphakia"
Catoptrics 563
Catoptrics, catoptric (reflex) images in eye see "Purkinje J." "Scheiner C." "Ophthalmometer"
Caustic curve 514
Caustic surface, in general 526 592
Caustic surface, in general, by refraction at plane surface 98 99
Caustic surface, in general, by refraction at spherical surface 515
Cavaleri 594
Center of collineation 243
Center of curvature 260 526
Center of perspective (K) 532 554
Center of rotation of eye 432 434 448 452 748
Centered system of spherical refracting surfaces, calculation of path of paraxial ray 332 520—522 615—617
Centered system of spherical refracting surfaces, conjugate axial points (M, M') 346 347
Centered system of spherical refracting surfaces, construction of paraxial ray 330 331
Centered system of spherical refracting surfaces, extra-axial conjugate points (Q, Q') 339—342
Centered system of spherical refracting surfaces, focal planes 333—335
Centered system of spherical refracting surfaces, focal points 332—335
Centered system of spherical refracting surfaces, lateral magnification 333 349
Centered system of spherical refracting surfaces, Optical axis 329
Centered system of spherical refracting surfaces, ray of finite slope 519—522 611—617
Centered system of spherical refracting surfaces, Smith — Helmholtz formula 334
Centers of perspective of object-space and image-space 416 417
Centrad 134 294
Central (direct) vision 448 748 see "Cone
Central angle ( ) 152 516
Central collineation 242—247
Central ray 243
Ceva’s law (geometry) 736
Chevalier — Bruecke microscope 649 655
Chief rays 24 413 420 526
Choroid 425
Chroma (hue, color-tone) 720 726 744 see
chromatic aberration 487—489 509 674 675 677 678
Chromatic difference of spherical aberration and of magnification 676 682
Ciliary body 427
Ciliary body, mechanism of accommodation 434
Circle of aberration, Least 515
Circle of curvature 260
Circle of least confusion 314 537
Circles of diffusion see "Blur circles"
Classification of optical instruments (according to T. Smith) 602—606
Clausius, R., Sine-condition 523
Clinical ophthalmometer 698 699 703—706 see
Coddington, H., Curvature of image 540
Coddington, H., magnifying glass 644 647
Collimating mechanism of ophthalmometer 700 702 704
Collinear correspondence 242 508 see
Collineation, axis of 243
Collineation, center of 243
Collineation, central 242—247
Collineation, invariant of 246
Color and frequency of vibration 472—476
Color and refrangibility 726
Color and wave-length 475
Color blends 723 724 728—730
Color blindness, partial 721 741 742
Color blindness, total 721 743 746
Color chart 732
Color circle 729 732
Color cone (or pyramid) 731—732 733 741
Color coordinates 732 733 735 741
Color equations 723 724 732
Color fusions 723 724
Color manifold 731—732
Color match see "Color mixing"
Color mixing 722—725 732—735 740 741 743 746 see "Color "Color "Color "Pigments"
Color music 724
Color Names 720 731
Color of a body 2 720
Color sensations 720—747 see saturation
Color sense, Anomalies 721 746
Color sense, normal 721 744 746
Color theory, Hering tetrachromatic 743—747
Color theory, Young — Helmholtz trichromatic 738—743
Color tone see "Hue"
Color triangle 732 733 741
Color valences (Hering’s theory) 732 745 74
Color vision 720—722 see "Hue" "Saturation" "Luminosity" "Color
Color vision, anomalous 721 746
Color vision, normal 721 744 746
Color, quality of visual sensation 720
Colors of thin plates and films 597 762
Colors, dark 731 see "Complementary
Colors, dark, pale 731
Colors, dark, pure 726—727 729 730 744 746
Colors, dark, simple and compound 726 744
Colors, dark, spectral 466 469 472 598 724 725—727 728—730 730 731 732 733 734 735
Colors, dark, standard 732
Coma 542 547
Combination of three optical systems 374—376
Combination of two lenses 366—370 599—602
Combination of two lenses, achromatic 499
Combination of two optical systems 356—362
Combination of two optical systems, focal and principal points 358 361
Combination of two optical systems, focal lengths 359
Combination of two optical systems, refracting power 361
Compensation ocular 682 683
Complementary colors 724
Complementary spectral colors 725 727—728 729 734 735
Complete quadrilateral 162
Compound colors 726
Compound microscope 650—684 see "Ultramicroscope"
Compound microscope, achromatism of objective 675
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